With requests I can make a request through a proxy:
import requests
proxies = {
"http": "http://proxy.yourorg.com:80",
"https": "http://proxy.yourorg.com:80"
url = 'http://myorg.com/example'
response = requests.post(url, proxies=proxies)
Does Authlib provide a mechanism to use proxies for requests?
token = oauth.discord.authorize_access_token()
resp = oauth.discord.get('/users/#me')
Since Authlib is using requests, while requests support proxy through HTTP_PROXY environment variables, you can set:
export HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy.yourorg.com:80"
export HTTPS_PROXY="http://proxy.yourorg.com:80"
While Authlib also support passing proxies into the parameters, try:
token = oauth.discord.authorize_access_token(proxies=proxies)
I configured an HTTPS website on AWS, which allows visiting from a white list of IPs.
My local machine runs with a VPN connection, which is in the white list.
I could visit the website from web browser or by the java.net.http package with the below code:
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.GET() // GET is default
HttpResponse<Void> response = client.send(request,
But if I replaced the code with a Vertx implementation from io.vertx.ext.web.client package, I got a 403 forbidden response from the same website.
WebClientOptions options = new WebClientOptions().setTryUseCompression(true).setTrustAll(true);
HttpRequest<Buffer> request = WebClient.create(vertx, options)
request.send(asyncResult -> {
if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {
HttpResponse response = asyncResult.result();
Does anyone have an idea why the Vertx implementation is rejected?
Finally got the root cause. I started a local server that accepts the testing request and forwards it to the server on AWS. The testing client sent the request to localhost and thus "Host=localhost:8080/..." is in the request header. In the Vert.X implementation, a new header entry "Host=localhost:443/..." is wrongly put into the request headers. I haven't debug the Vert.X implementation so I have no idea why it behaviors as this. But then the AWS firewall rejected the request with a rule that a request could not come from localhost.
I've used zeep against a SOAP-service, and it works perfectly. However, when this service is placed behind Gravitee API Manager, I'm unable to get it to work any longer, just get a 404 response.
Here's my code :
from zeep import Client, Settings
import base64,sys, logging, traceback
from requests import Session
from zeep.transports import Transport
import requests
from lxml import etree
wsdl= 'https://link_to_service_on_gravitee'
session = Session()
session.verify = False
session.headers['Api-Key']= 'xxxxx'
transport = Transport(session=session)
settings = Settings(raw_response=True, strict=False, xml_huge_tree=True)
client = Client(wsdl, transport=transport, settings=settings)
data = []
{'ServerProcessId': 'GL07',
'OrderNumber': 1}
cdata = []
{'Username': 'xxx',
'Client': 'yyy',
'Password': 'zzz'}
node = client.create_message(client.service, 'GetResult',input=data, credentials=cdata)
print('*** SOAP Message')
print('*** End SOAP Message')
response = requests.Response()
response = client.service.GetResult(input=data, credentials=cdata)
except Exception as e:
When I test the message generated by Python (etree.tostring(node)) in SOAPUI, it works correctly. Also, if I alter the api-key, I get an error about authentication problems, so Gravitee seems to accept the key from my code.
But the response I get, with correct api-key, is always [404].
Got it to work when I downloaded the wsdl to a local file, but don't want to do this for every wsdl.
Any ideas ?
There are multiple reasons for getting a 404 from Gravitee:
* Did you create an API
* Did you create a simple plan for this API
* Did you deploy the API to the gateway.
Once all those steps are done, you should be able to consume your API.
Hope it helps,
I started to work with keycloak, and here is a setup I want to test.
I want to test this scenario:
It works, but I want to implement role-based access to apps behind Nginx proxy and I can't understand how exactly payload of jwt token generates.
Here is my JWT tokens payload:
"jti": "f5f07b6f-ccae-4f57-a8ea-ae02ebb3cb12",
"exp": 1569263630,
"nbf": 0,
"iat": 1569227630,
"iss": "https://keycloak.domain.local/auth/realms/LDAP_test",
"sub": "fedc6baf-4ba4-4fa6-924c-9501edf070f7",
"typ": "Serialized-ID",
"auth_time": 0,
"session_state": "aa0052ee-b5e1-45cc-bee4-e7bccdfa4a59",
"state_checker": "sC_nvlDXfjUDHhC15ZDpPauX5JkxhvVtYUOn62PhtV8"
I want my token to contain roles, username and email and i run out of ideas how to put it there. Is client somehow related to the content of the token or keycloak always gives everything he have into it?
Here are my Nginx client settings:
server {
server_name demo-a.domain.local;
location / {
access_by_lua '
local opts = {
redirect_uri_path = "/redirect_uri",
accept_none_alg = true,
discovery = "https:/keycloak.domain.local/auth/realms/LDAP_test/.well-known/openid-configuration",
client_id = "nginx-gateway",
client_secret = "19fe43bc-4167-4433-816a-eb96da33f9a3",
redirect_uri_scheme = "https",
logout_path = "/logout",
redirect_after_logout_uri = "https://keycloak.domain.local/auth/realms/LDAP_test/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=https://www.nginx-gateway.domain.local/",
redirect_after_logout_with_id_token_hint = false,
session_contents = {id_token=true}
-- call introspect for OAuth 2.0 Bearer Access Token validation
local res, err = require("resty.openidc").authenticate(opts)
if err then
ngx.status = 403
Thanks in advance!
Did you configure the client to be openid client? Is it UI or machine client?
To cause your JWT to have roles, one follows usual below flow:
Create client in Keycloak admin-console and configure it to support
Add users to Keycloak.
Assign roles to users.
Configure your client to have the client id of Keycloak client.
Exercise browser or machine flow which involves passing of JWT to the
client. JWT will contain the roles as claims.
Still debugging it, but here are a few pointers you will definitely need....
You need to be Authenticating Reverse Proxy with KeyCloak while using the keycloak behind an nginx proxy
Ok, completely forget about this question, but still here is a solution.
Just use a proper oidc proxy like gatekeeper (louketo now) or oauth2-proxy.
Please help!
I need my asp application to request remote systems with credentials of impersonated user. But always get 401 Unauthorized errors.
I made all configurations from here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/810572/how-to-configure-an-asp-net-application-for-a-delegation-scenario
Kerberos is configured and working in my app and my test remote app(i see kerberos tickets in fiddler). Delegation, spns and everything is configured.
Thats my code usnig System.Net.Http.httpclient:
HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler()
UseDefaultCredentials = true,
PreAuthenticate = true
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler))
var method = new HttpMethod("GET");
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, "http://testdelegationapp.avp.ru/");
var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;
In fact http request is made by Apppool account (I get 401 error when restricting access to Apppool account in remote app IIS)
Here: How to get HttpClient to pass credentials along with the request?
is claimed that HttpClient cant pass security token to another thread, and its better to use synchronous methods of System.Net.WebClient
Code using webclient:
var wi = (WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.User.Identity;
var wic = wi.Impersonate();
string URI = "http://testdelegationapp.avp.ru/";
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
wc.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
string response = wc.DownloadString(URI);
Result is even worse, the same 401 error, but in fiddler i can see that webclient using NTLM ticket to get to remote app!
Configuring of flowing tokens throw threads from here :Unable to authenticate to ASP.NET Web Api service with HttpClient
doesnt help either. SecurityContext.IsWindowsIdentityFlowSuppressed() is false.
WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name and Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name shows impersonated user as it should be.
All that time problem was in chrome browser, by default it prohobits kerberos delegation. You shoud add the following to registry:
Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome ;
string: AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist ;
value: *.avp.ru
So, now my working configuration is
HttpClient for web requests.
ASP impersonation ON in IIS if you want to execute all your app under
delegated credentials. If you want method specific delegation, then use:
var wi = (WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.User.Identity;
var wic = wi.Impersonate();
HttpClient executes request in another thread , so in aspnet_config.config we need following changes:
<legacyImpersonationPolicy enabled="false"/>
<alwaysFlowImpersonationPolicy enabled="true"/>
You can find aspnet_config.config in:
I'd like to use socket library to connect to a server (not necessary a webserver) through an http proxy. Is it possible?
For example (with requests library):
import requests
r = requests.get("http://www.google.com", #but not necessary to http port.
proxies={"http": "http://ipproxy:portproxy"})
import urllib.request
pr = "ipproxy:portproxy"
while True:
proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': pr})
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy)
url = "ftp://ip" # or ssh:// or some other port
data = None
headers = {}
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers)
print ("Request sent")
print ("An error occurred")
It is possible for most types of connections (HTTP and FTP etc., possibly HTTPS, although this is a bit more tricky) using the urllib module with a ProxyHandler object.