I am trying to query cheapest flights from Miami to Saint Lucia and I got 401
If I do the same from New York to London, I got 200 OK
There are daily flights from Miami to Saint Lucia
Not every city pair for flights is supported in CERT so you may need to find a new city pair to use for testing. I do not know of a way to determine which pairs are supported and which are not, your Sabre contact may know more about that.
I got the data by sending a POST request to https://api-crt.cert.havail.sabre.com/v2/offers/shop
Applying for a DUNS Number is required to set up an Apple developer account. I was applying for it and need help with two questions in the DUNS application form:
Apple Tracking Number
Purpose - "Please mention your Purpose"
What should I enter for these fields?
Instead of getting a DUNS number through the dnb.co.in website, you can get Apple to make this request for you. Simply submit the form to "look up" your DUNS number on Look up your D-U-N-S Number even if you don't have it. If the website is unable to find it, it will allow you to submit the form to acquire it.
A few days after submitting this form, I got an email from dnb.com, which warned me that I don't have a company, and therefore can't get a DUNS number:
Case # 2489474 has been resolved.
Tracking Id: REDACTED
Case Number: REDACTED
Resolution Date/Time: December 20, 2021, 05:55 PM (UTC)
Location: London Greater London GB
Requester's Own Request Key: REDACTED
Concern category: Add business - Mini Inquiry - Identity Data Only
Resolution: D-U-N-S Number already exists
Sub-Resolution: Verified through national registry
Resolution comment: Please note a search of our database revealed
no listing for ORGANISATION NAME at the address provided. Attempts
to contact the business was unsuccessful to verify the business.
Please note based on the request returning the best partial name
Updated Information:
Resolution Duns: REDACTED
Your milleage may vary, as I did this in the UK.
Unfortunately, this email from dnb confirmed that I need to be a registered company to get a DUNS number and create an Organization account.
I already asked the same thing to Mapbox support and it's been a week and no response, so here I am.
Here at my company we are developing a system that uses a delivery service to deliver products to our customers. This delivery service uses Mapbox to get the latitude and longitude of the customer's address so they can tell the exact spot where to deliver the order to their workers.
So we started using mapbox to get these required data but we are facing a problem here.
You see, for addresses here in the city of Natal, in Brazil, everything works fine, not a problem at all. But when there's a delivery to Parnamirim, a nearby city, mapbox service simply can't find the correct address. We filled everything correctly and still the results are not the ones we asked. Can anyone help-me with that?
For example, we want to find the coordinates of the following address: "Rua dos Pinheiros, 10, Encanto Verde. Parnamirim - RN" The zip code is "59149-594".
Street name: Rua dos Pinheiros
Number: 10
Neighborhood: Encanto Verde
City: Parnamirim
State: RN (Rio Grande do Norte)
ZIP Code: 59149-594
Country: Brazil
With this data, we send you the following query: https://api.mapbox.com/geocoding/v5/mapbox.places/rua%20dos%20pinheiros%2010%20encanto%20verde%20Parnamirim%2059149-594%20BR-RN.json (I've hidden the access_token here, but it is present on the URL).
I've tried to add the country=BR&language=BR to the, but still facing the same problem.
If you search for this address on Google, it returns the correct one. But with Mapbox, it simply can't find the correct. This is happening with all addresses from Parnamirim. We don't know about other ones, but this is a big problem for us.
What can we do to fix it? Mapbox doesn't have addresses from Parnamirim in the db? Another crazy thing is that the coordinates are weird. In the first result from the above request, the coordinates takes us to the middle of the sea. Are those in the correct order?
You are tasked with an open-ended problem statement to develop a data product that can measure the affluence in localities of metro cities in India.
Choose the city that you are most comfortable with.
How would go about solving this problem?
Which data sources would you use?
You would be looking for a data source which is:
official (possible from the government of India)
in a public format, or with a public API allowing you to query data,
The censusindia "Population Enumeration Data" (Final Population) of 2011 is promising.
It has a Population Finder 2011 page, but also a data.gov.in API page, especially the Town Amenities, Census 2011, which you can use/script.
I am creating an App which needs data for countries, states and cities which is available at lots of places but here for some reason I need to know the latitude and longitude of each country including its state and city. From which one source can I find all these? I need to store this data in mongoDb.
I tried downloading allCountries.zip file from here GeoNames but I found that data is not in proper tsv format and it's very complicated to get the expected output data from here.
Is there anything else from which I can get the desired result?
Please help if anyone knows
Thanks a lot in advance :)
There is a webservice provided by geoNames which gives all the information about countries, states and cities.
this is an API which gives children i.e if you provide countries geonameId then it will give its states. If you provide states geonameId it will give its cities.
So in that way we can have all the information about countries states and cities. To get all geonameId of countries for that they have provided another API
There is just one thing we should keep in mind that for username we have to create an account and whose credit limit is approx 2000 per day. So if we want to hit the API more than 2000 a day we have to create another account :)
Pretty good thing and very useful thing provided by geoNames
I am able to read the barocode but i am confused about how to get the food product value from the barcode value .
Do we need to call a webservice or create a database locally ...
help me out
thanks in advance
Have a look at OpenFoodFacts. It's a database that does just that, with ingredients, calories, etc. It's based on the barcode.
Product bar-codes contain almost no product related information - they are mere unique identifiers. The system used in Europe - EAN13 - consists of a country code, a manufacturer code, a product code, and a check digit. To translate any of this data into usable information you need a database or web-service.
I know this was asked a long time ago but I figured I would give an update for anyone looking now... We use an API called upcFood (www.upcfood.com) They offer a simple API that allows lookup of food products directly from the barcode. upcFood includes nutrition data, Products Data, allergy data, ingredients etc. from a single search.
In case anyone else is looking for this info in 2021, you can get this data directly from the USDA's Food Data Central API, which is public domain. One of their endpoints has a query param, which supports keywords and, as a little tinkering revealed, UPCs! For instance, here's a query for a snack I had laying around:
API keys can be had with an email address. Hope this is useful to someone!
Free database here:
and here:
Otherwise just Google for "upc database" and you'll find people offering to sell you one.
I doubt that the databases will include prices since those are for the individual retailers to set.
I am not sure if you still need the information since it is dated a year..
A french startup has created an application that can find most of the correspondant of ean-code to food product. It provides as well an API for developper to integrate in their application.
You can check it at : http://prixing.fr/api
Since it is based in France, it is in French language .. if it is useful, I hope it can help