How to extract information about a PV attached to a pod from an app running in another pod? - kubernetes

Among a big stack of orchestrated k8s pods, I have following two pods of interest:
Elasticsearch pod attached to a PV
A tomcat based application pod that serves as administrator for all other pods
I want to be able to query and display very minimal/basic disk availability and usage statistics of the PV (attached to pod #1) on the app running in pod #2
Can this be achieved without having to run a web-server inside my ES pod? Since ES might be very loaded, I prefer not to add a web-server to it.
The PV attached to ES pod also holds the logs. So I want to avoid any log-extraction-based solution to achieve getting this information over to pod #2.

You need get the PV details from kubernetes cluster API, where ever you are.
Accessing the Kubernetes cluster API from within a Pod
When accessing the API from within a Pod, locating and authenticating to the API server are slightly different to the external client case described above.
The easiest way to use the Kubernetes API from a Pod is to use one of the official client libraries. These libraries can automatically discover the API server and authenticate.
Using Official Client Libraries
From within a Pod, the recommended ways to connect to the Kubernetes API are:
For a Go client, use the official Go client library. The rest.InClusterConfig() function handles API host discovery and authentication automatically. See an example here.
For a Python client, use the official Python client library. The config.load_incluster_config() function handles API host discovery and authentication automatically. See an example here.
There are a number of other libraries available, please refer to the Client Libraries page.
In each case, the service account credentials of the Pod are used to communicate securely with the API server.


Flink native kubernetes deployment

I have some limitations with the rights required by Flink native deployment.
The prerequisites say
KubeConfig, which has access to list, create, delete pods and **services**, configurable
Specifically, my issue is I cannot have a service account with the rights to create/remove services. create/remove pods is not an issue. but services by policy only can be created within an internal tool.
could it be any workaround for this?
Flink creates two service in native Kubernetes integration.
Internal service, which is used for internal communication between JobManager and TaskManager. It is only created when the HA is not enabled. Since the HA service will be used for the leader retrieval when HA enabled.
Rest service, which is used for accessing the webUI or rest endpoint. If you have other ways to expose the rest endpoint, or you are using the application mode, then it is also optional. However, it is always be created currently. I think you need to change some codes to work around.

Start Kubernetes job from within service

I'm kinda new to Kubernets and I think I understand the basics of the whole system but most of the stuff I have read was about how to use kubectl to start a service and deployment and stuff.
But in my use case I have this web API running (built in core) that takes a request, does some processing and depending on the input data has to start a secondary process.
A Kubernetes job with restart policy OnFailure seemed to be the way to implement those secondary processes but I can't find any resources on how the web server can be used to start this job.
You can use Kubernetes API to create a Job(or any kubernetes resource) from your application running inside the cluster. You can either install kubectl inside your applications's container and call it from your application code or use a kubernetes client library( to talk to kubernetes API server.
See the following answer for more details:
Kubernetes - Finding out how many replicas there are in a service?

Usage of custom resource definition (CRD) vs Service Catalog in k8s

I recently started to explore k8s extensions and got introduced to two concepts:
Service catalogs.
They look pretty similar to me. The only difference to my understanding is, CRDs are deployed inside same cluster to be consumed; whereas, catalogs are deployed to be exposed outside the cluster for example as database service (client can order cluster of mysql which will be accessible from his cluster).
My query here is:
Is my understanding correct? if yes, can there be any other scenario where I would like to create catalog and not CRD.
Yes, your understanding is correct. Taken from official documentation:
Example use case
An application developer wants to use message queuing as part of their application running in a Kubernetes cluster.
However, they do not want to deal with the overhead of setting such a
service up and administering it themselves. Fortunately, there is a
cloud provider that offers message queuing as a managed service
through its service broker.
A cluster operator can setup Service Catalog and use it to communicate
with the cloud provider’s service broker to provision an instance of
the message queuing service and make it available to the application
within the Kubernetes cluster. The application developer therefore
does not need to be concerned with the implementation details or
management of the message queue. The application can simply use it as
a service.
With CRD you are responsible for provisioning resources, running backend logic and so on.
More info can be found in this KubeCon 2018 presentation.

React when a pod is created (hook)

I'd like to know if it's possible to get information from a pod when it's just created.
I'm spending time in developing a kubernetes controller process that reacts itself when a pod is created in cluster.
When a pod is just created, the service has to be able to get some basic information from pod. For example, ip, annotations...
I'd like to use a java service.
Any ideas?
You can use kubernetes
to get information regarding
endpoints (service)
. Kubernetes expose its API via REST so, you can use anything to communicate. Also, verify the results using 'kubectl' tool while development. For example, if you want to monitor pods related to service say, myservice.
kubectl get endpoints <myservice_pod> --watch
This will notify you with any activity with pods related to myservice. IMO, in java you have to use polling mechanism to mimic --watch functionality.
well, if you use kubernetes API client you can just watch on changes for all pods and then get their details (assuming you have granted RBAC auth)

How do I find out the external IP of a Load Balancer service?

I am using Kubernetes Engine on the Google Cloud Platform. I have a pod running a process in a Docker scratch container. I also have a load balancer service that gives me access to the pod from the outside world.
The process running in the pod needs to know what its external IP address is. How can I get this?
Prior to using Kubernetes Engine I was using Compute Engine and could find the external IP address by the following:
curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip
Are there any internal tools I can use that would be available to my process? Or would I need the process to call an external site that can mirror back the IP address?
Every Pod (unless configured not to do so) has valid kubernetes credentials in /var/run/secrets/ as described here so the answer is to use the kubernetes API to ask the Service in front of the Pod(s) for its status:loadBalancer:ingress:ip: as described here which I have every reason to believe GKE will keep up-to-date with any changes to the load balancer. The kubernetes API is always(?) located at https://kubernetes (that's normally enough, or https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local is its full name), so there should be very little configuration the Pod would need in order to carry out the lookup.
The asterisk to that response is that one must provide the name of the Service to the Pod(s) of the Service sitting in front of it, because (for the most part) there is no way for the Pod to know how many Services point to it.