I am working on a Python project and recently started using poetry. I was originally working on the project using macOS 11.0, but as I near completion, I wanted to test it on a Linux workstation. I use Github for my repository, and so, I am able to clone the repo easily. However, that is where the simple part ends. I have used both pyenv and conda for the virtual environment on macOS, but when I clone the repo onto the workstation, I set up an environment and then try the following command:
poetry shell
poetry install
I receive the following error after poetry install:
Unable to parse "at20RC5+54.g5702a232fe.dirty".
at ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/poetry/core/semver/version.py:211 in parse
207│ except TypeError:
208│ match = None
210│ if match is None:
→ 211│ raise ParseVersionError('Unable to parse "{}".'.format(text))
213│ text = text.rstrip(".")
215│ major = int(match.group(1))
I have tried poetry lock with the same result, and I have even deleted poetry.lock and attempted poetry lock with no success.
I intend to build and publish it when all is said and done, but because I eventually want to add features that my Mac does not have (e.g., CUDA), I want to code on the workstation as well.
Any help will be appreciated.
Update -- 03/27/21
name = "qaa"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Quasi-Anharmonic Analysis"
authors = ["Timothy H. Click <tclick#okstate.edu>"]
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
readme = "README.rst"
homepage = "https://github.com/tclick/qaa"
repository = "https://github.com/tclick/qaa"
documentation = "https://qaa.readthedocs.io"
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
Changelog = "https://github.com/tclick/qaa/releases"
python = "^3.8"
click = "^7.0"
numpy = "^1.20.1"
scipy = "^1.6.1"
matplotlib = "^3.3.4"
seaborn = "^0.11.1"
scikit-learn = "^0.24.1"
pandas = "^1.2.3"
netCDF4 = "^1.5.6"
mdtraj = "^1.9.5"
pytest = "^6.2.2"
pytest-cache = "^1.0"
pytest-click = "^1.0.2"
pytest-console-scripts = "^1.1.0"
pytest-cov = "^2.11.1"
pytest-flake8 = "^1.0.7"
pytest-mock = "^3.5.1"
pytest-pep8 = "^1.0.6"
pytest-randomly = "^3.5.0"
coverage = {extras = ["toml"], version = "^5.3"}
safety = "^1.9.0"
mypy = "^0.812"
typeguard = "^2.9.1"
xdoctest = {extras = ["colors"], version = "^0.15.0"}
sphinx = "^3.3.1"
sphinx-autobuild = "^2020.9.1"
pre-commit = "^2.8.2"
flake8 = "^3.8.4"
black = "^20.8b1"
flake8-bandit = "^2.1.2"
flake8-bugbear = "^21.3.2"
flake8-docstrings = "^1.5.0"
flake8-rst-docstrings = "^0.0.14"
pep8-naming = "^0.11.1"
darglint = "^1.5.5"
reorder-python-imports = "^2.3.6"
pre-commit-hooks = "^3.3.0"
sphinx-rtd-theme = "^0.5.0"
sphinx-click = "^2.5.0"
Pygments = "^2.7.2"
ipython = "^7.21.0"
isort = "^5.7.0"
towncrier = "^19.2.0"
nox = "^2020.12.31"
pytest-coverage = "^0.0"
nox-poetry = "^0.8.4"
numpydoc = "^1.1.0"
codecov = "^2.1.11"
flake8-black = "^0.2.1"
flake8-import-order = "^0.18.1"
qaa = "qaa.__main__:main"
update -- 03/29/21
This is the error received when running poetry lock -vvv
Using virtualenv: /home/tclick/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/qaa-VNW0yB_S-py3.8
Stack trace:
10 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/console_application.py:131 in run
129│ parsed_args = resolved_command.args
→ 131│ status_code = command.handle(parsed_args, io)
132│ except KeyboardInterrupt:
133│ status_code = 1
9 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/command/command.py:120 in handle
118│ def handle(self, args, io): # type: (Args, IO) -> int
119│ try:
→ 120│ status_code = self._do_handle(args, io)
121│ except KeyboardInterrupt:
122│ if io.is_debug():
8 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/command/command.py:163 in _do_handle
161│ if self._dispatcher and self._dispatcher.has_listeners(PRE_HANDLE):
162│ event = PreHandleEvent(args, io, self)
→ 163│ self._dispatcher.dispatch(PRE_HANDLE, event)
165│ if event.is_handled():
7 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/event/event_dispatcher.py:22 in dispatch
21│ if listeners:
→ 22│ self._do_dispatch(listeners, event_name, event)
24│ return event
6 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/event/event_dispatcher.py:89 in _do_dispatch
87│ break
→ 89│ listener(event, event_name, self)
91│ def _sort_listeners(self, event_name): # type: (str) -> None
5 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/config/application_config.py:141 in set_installer
140│ poetry = command.poetry
→ 141│ installer = Installer(
142│ event.io,
143│ command.env,
4 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/installer.py:65 in __init__
63│ self._installer = self._get_installer()
64│ if installed is None:
→ 65│ installed = self._get_installed()
67│ self._installed_repository = installed
3 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/installer.py:561 in _get_installed
560│ def _get_installed(self): # type: () -> InstalledRepository
→ 561│ return InstalledRepository.load(self._env)
2 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/repositories/installed_repository.py:118 in load
116│ path = Path(str(distribution._path))
117│ version = distribution.metadata["version"]
→ 118│ package = Package(name, version, version)
119│ package.description = distribution.metadata.get("summary", "")
1 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/poetry/core/packages/package.py:61 in __init__
60│ if not isinstance(version, Version):
→ 61│ self._version = Version.parse(version)
62│ self._pretty_version = pretty_version or version
63│ else:
Unable to parse "at20RC5+54.g5702a232fe.dirty".
at ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/poetry/core/semver/version.py:206 in parse
202│ except TypeError:
203│ match = None
205│ if match is None:
→ 206│ raise ParseVersionError('Unable to parse "{}".'.format(text))
208│ text = text.rstrip(".")
210│ major = int(match.group(1))
I think you should NOT run poetry shell first. It's used only when poetry project and its dependencies are installed.
poetry install should work nice in the project directory with pyproject.toml
Possible help:
ensure that poetry installed and path to poetry executable in PATH
environment variable;
check that python 3.8+ is installed (from your dependencies). If
you use pyenv check that path to this version is available for
Ive just moved my projects code from java.net to BitBucket. But my jira issue tracking is still hosted on java.net, although BitBucket does have some options for linking to an external issue tracker I don't think I can use it for java.net, not least because I do not have the admin priviledges need to install the DVCS connector.
So I thought an alternative option would be to export and then import the issues into BitBucket issue tracker, is that possible ?
Progress so far
So I tried following the steps in both informative answers using OSX below but I hit a problem - I'm rather confused about what the script would actually be called because in the answers it talks about export.py but no such script exists with that name so I renamed the one I downloaded.
sudo easy_install pip (OSX)
pip install jira
pip install configparser
easy_install -U setuptools
Go to https://bitbucket.org/reece/rcore, select downloads tab, download zip and unzip, and rename to reece ( for some reason git clone https://bitbucket.org/reece/rcore fails with error)
cd reece/rcore
Save script as export.py in rcore subfolder
Replace iteritems with items in import.py
Replace iteritems with types/immutabledict.py
Create .config in rcore folder
Create .config/jira-issues-move-to-bitbucket.conf containing
Run python export.py --jira-project jaudiotagger
macbook:rcore paul$ python export.py --jira-project jaudiotagger
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "export.py", line 24, in <module>
import configparser
ImportError: No module named configparser
- Run python export.py --jira-project jaudiotagger
I need to run pip insdtall as root so did
sudo pip install configparser
and that worked
but now
python export.py --jira.project jaudiotagger
File "export.py" line 35, in <module?
from jira.client import JIRA
ImportError: No module named jira.client
You can import issues into BitBucket, they just need to be in the appropriate format. Fortunately, Reece Hart has already written a Python script to connect to a Jira instance and export the issues.
To get the script to run I had to install the Jira Python package as well as the latest version of rcore (if you use pip you get an incompatible previous version, so you have to get the source). I also had to replace all instances of iteritems with items in the script and in rcore/types/immutabledict.py to make it work with Python 3. You will also need to fill in the dictionaries (priority_map, person_map, etc) with the values your project uses. Finally, you need a config file to exist with the connection info (see comments at the top of the script).
The basic command line usage is export.py --jira-project <project>
Once you've got the data exported, see the instructions for importing issues to BitBucket
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""extract issues from JIRA and export to a bitbucket archive
2014-04-12 08:26 Reece Hart <reecehart#gmail.com>
Requires a file ~/.config/jira-issues-move-to-bitbucket.conf
with content like
import argparse
import collections
import configparser
import glob
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import sys
import zipfile
from jira.client import JIRA
from rcore.types.immutabledict import ImmutableDict
priority_map = {
'Critical (P1)': 'critical',
'Major (P2)': 'major',
'Minor (P3)': 'minor',
'Nice (P4)': 'trivial',
person_map = {
'reece.hart': 'reece',
# etc
issuetype_map = {
'Improvement': 'enhancement',
'New Feature': 'enhancement',
'Bug': 'bug',
'Technical task': 'task',
'Task': 'task',
status_map = {
'Closed': 'resolved',
'Duplicate': 'duplicate',
'In Progress': 'open',
'Open': 'new',
'Reopened': 'open',
'Resolved': 'resolved',
def parse_args(argv):
def sep_and_flatten(l):
# split comma-sep elements and flatten list
# e.g., ['a','b','c,d'] -> set('a','b','c','d')
return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(e.split(',') for e in l) )
cf = configparser.ConfigParser()
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description = __doc__
'--jira-hostname', '-H',
default = cf.get('default','jira-hostname',fallback=None),
help = 'host name of Jira instances (used for url like https://hostname/, e.g., "instancename.jira.com")',
'--jira-username', '-u',
default = cf.get('default','jira-username',fallback=None),
'--jira-password', '-p',
default = cf.get('default','jira-password',fallback=None),
'--jira-project', '-j',
required = True,
help = 'project key (e.g., JRA)',
'--jira-issues', '-i',
action = 'append',
default = [],
help = 'issue id (e.g., JRA-9); multiple and comma-separated okay; default = all in project',
'--jira-issues-file', '-I',
help = 'file containing issue ids (e.g., JRA-9)'
'--jira-components', '-c',
action = 'append',
default = [],
help = 'components criterion; multiple and comma-separated okay; default = all in project',
'--existing', '-e',
action = 'store_true',
default = False,
help = 'read existing archive (from export) and merge new issues'
opts = ap.parse_args(argv)
opts.jira_components = sep_and_flatten(opts.jira_components)
opts.jira_issues = sep_and_flatten(opts.jira_issues)
return opts
def link(url,text=None):
return "[{text}]({url})".format(url=url,text=url if text is None else text)
def reformat_to_markdown(desc):
def _indent4(mo):
i = " "
return i + mo.group(1).replace("\n",i)
def _repl_mention(mo):
return "#" + person_map[mo.group(1)]
#desc = desc.replace("\r","")
desc = re.sub("{noformat}(.+?){noformat}",_indent4,desc,flags=re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE)
desc = re.sub(opts.jira_project+r"-(\d+)",r"issue #\1",desc)
desc = re.sub(r"\[~([^]]+)\]",_repl_mention,desc)
return desc
def fetch_issues(opts,jcl):
jql = [ 'project = ' + opts.jira_project ]
if opts.jira_components:
jql += [ ' OR '.join([ 'component = '+c for c in opts.jira_components ]) ]
if opts.jira_issues:
jql += [ ' OR '.join([ 'issue = '+i for i in opts.jira_issues ]) ]
jql_str = ' AND '.join(["("+q+")" for q in jql])
logging.info('executing query ' + jql_str)
return jcl.search_issues(jql_str,maxResults=500)
def jira_issue_to_bb_issue(opts,jcl,ji):
"""convert a jira issue to a dictionary with values appropriate for
POSTing as a bitbucket issue"""
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
content = reformat_to_markdown(ji.fields.description) if ji.fields.description else ''
if ji.fields.assignee is None:
resp = None
resp = person_map[ji.fields.assignee.name]
reporter = person_map[ji.fields.reporter.name]
jiw = jcl.watchers(ji.key)
watchers = [ person_map[u.name] for u in jiw.watchers ] if jiw else []
milestone = None
if ji.fields.fixVersions:
vnames = [ v.name for v in ji.fields.fixVersions ]
milestone = vnames[0]
if len(vnames) > 1:
logger.warn("{ji.key}: bitbucket issues may have only 1 milestone (JIRA fixVersion); using only first ({f}) and ignoring rest ({r})".format(
ji=ji, f=milestone, r=",".join(vnames[1:])))
issue_id = extract_issue_number(ji.key)
bbi = {
'status': status_map[ji.fields.status.name],
'priority': priority_map[ji.fields.priority.name],
'kind': issuetype_map[ji.fields.issuetype.name],
'content_updated_on': ji.fields.created,
'voters': [],
'title': ji.fields.summary,
'reporter': reporter,
'component': None,
'watchers': watchers,
'content': content,
'assignee': resp,
'created_on': ji.fields.created,
'version': None, # ?
'edited_on': None,
'milestone': milestone,
'updated_on': ji.fields.updated,
'id': issue_id,
return bbi
def jira_comment_to_bb_comment(opts,jcl,jc):
bbc = {
'content': reformat_to_markdown(jc.body),
'created_on': jc.created,
'id': int(jc.id),
'updated_on': jc.updated,
'user': person_map[jc.author.name],
return bbc
def extract_issue_number(jira_issue_key):
return int(jira_issue_key.split('-')[-1])
def jira_key_to_bb_issue_tag(jira_issue_key):
return 'issue #' + str(extract_issue_number(jira_issue_key))
def jira_link_text(jk):
return link("https://invitae.jira.com/browse/"+jk,jk) + " (Invitae access required)"
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
opts = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
dir_name = opts.jira_project
if opts.jira_components:
dir_name += '-' + ','.join(opts.jira_components)
if opts.jira_issues_file:
issues = [i.strip() for i in open(opts.jira_issues_file,'r')]
logger.info("added {n} issues from {opts.jira_issues_file} to issues list".format(n=len(issues),opts=opts))
opts.jira_issues += issues
opts.dir = os.path.join('/','tmp',dir_name)
opts.att_rel_dir = 'attachments'
opts.att_abs_dir = os.path.join(opts.dir,opts.att_rel_dir)
opts.json_fn = os.path.join(opts.dir,'db-1.0.json')
if not os.path.isdir(opts.att_abs_dir):
opts.jira_issues = list(set(opts.jira_issues)) # distinctify
jcl = JIRA({'server': 'https://{opts.jira_hostname}/'.format(opts=opts)},
if opts.existing:
issues_db = json.load(open(opts.json_fn,'r'))
existing_ids = [ i['id'] for i in issues_db['issues'] ]
logger.info("read {n} issues from {fn}".format(n=len(existing_ids),fn=opts.json_fn))
issues_db = dict()
issues_db['meta'] = {
'default_milestone': None,
'default_assignee': None,
'default_kind': "bug",
'default_component': None,
'default_version': None,
issues_db['attachments'] = []
issues_db['comments'] = []
issues_db['issues'] = []
issues_db['logs'] = []
issues_db['components'] = [ {'name':v.name} for v in jcl.project_components(opts.jira_project) ]
issues_db['milestones'] = [ {'name':v.name} for v in jcl.project_versions(opts.jira_project) ]
issues_db['versions'] = issues_db['milestones']
# bb_issue_map: bb issue # -> bitbucket issue
bb_issue_map = ImmutableDict( (i['id'],i) for i in issues_db['issues'] )
# jk_issue_map: jira key -> bitbucket issue
# contains only items migrated from JIRA (i.e., not preexisting issues with --existing)
jk_issue_map = ImmutableDict()
# issue_links is a dict of dicts of lists, using JIRA keys
# e.g., links['CORE-135']['depends on'] = ['CORE-137']
issue_links = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: []))
issues = fetch_issues(opts,jcl)
logger.info("fetch {n} issues from JIRA".format(n=len(issues)))
for ji in issues:
# Pfft. Need to fetch the issue again due to bug in JIRA.
# See https://bitbucket.org/bspeakmon/jira-python/issue/47/, comment on 2013-10-01 by ssonic
ji = jcl.issue(ji.key,expand="attachments,comments")
# create the issue
bbi = jira_issue_to_bb_issue(opts,jcl,ji)
issues_db['issues'] += [bbi]
bb_issue_map[bbi['id']] = bbi
jk_issue_map[ji.key] = bbi
issue_links[ji.key]['imported from'] = [jira_link_text(ji.key)]
# add comments
for jc in ji.fields.comment.comments:
bbc = jira_comment_to_bb_comment(opts,jcl,jc)
bbc['issue'] = bbi['id']
issues_db['comments'] += [bbc]
# add attachments
for ja in ji.fields.attachment:
att_rel_path = os.path.join(opts.att_rel_dir,ja.id)
att_abs_path = os.path.join(opts.att_abs_dir,ja.id)
if not os.path.exists(att_abs_path):
logger.info("Wrote {att_abs_path}".format(att_abs_path=att_abs_path))
bba = {
"path": att_rel_path,
"issue": bbi['id'],
"user": person_map[ja.author.name],
"filename": ja.filename,
issues_db['attachments'] += [bba]
# parent-child is task-subtask
if hasattr(ji.fields,'parent'):
issue_links[ji.key]['parent task'].append(jira_key_to_bb_issue_tag(ji.fields.parent.key))
# add links
for il in ji.fields.issuelinks:
if hasattr(il,'outwardIssue'):
elif hasattr(il,'inwardIssue'):
logger.info("migrated issue {ji.key}: {ji.fields.summary} ({components})".format(
ji=ji,components=','.join(c.name for c in ji.fields.components)))
# append links section to content
# this section shows both task-subtask and "issue link" relationships
for src,dstlinks in issue_links.iteritems():
if src not in jk_issue_map:
logger.warn("issue {src}, with issue_links, not in jk_issue_map; skipping".format(src=src))
links_block = "Links\n=====\n"
for desc,dsts in sorted(dstlinks.iteritems()):
links_block += "* **{desc}**: {links} \n".format(desc=desc,links=", ".join(dsts))
if jk_issue_map[src]['content']:
jk_issue_map[src]['content'] += "\n\n" + links_block
jk_issue_map[src]['content'] = links_block
id_counts = collections.Counter(i['id'] for i in issues_db['issues'])
dupes = [ k for k,cnt in id_counts.iteritems() if cnt>1 ]
if dupes:
raise RuntimeError("{n} issue ids appear more than once from existing {opts.json_fn}".format(
logger.info("wrote {n} issues to {opts.json_fn}".format(n=len(id_counts),opts=opts))
# write zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(opts.dir + '.zip','w') as zf:
for fn in ['db-1.0.json']+glob.glob('attachments/*'):
logger.info("added {fn} to archive".format(fn=fn))
NOTE: I'm writing a new answer because writing this in a comment would be horrible, but most of the credit goes to #Turch's answer.
My steps (in OSX and Debian machines, both worked fine):
apt-get install python-pip (Debian) or sudo easy_install pip (OSX)
pip install jira
pip install configparser
easy_install -U setuptools (not sure if really needed)
Download or clone the source code from https://bitbucket.org/reece/rcore/ in your home folder, for example. Note: don't download using pip, it will get the 0.0.2 version and you need the 0.0.3.
Download the Python script created by Reece, mentioned by #Turch, and place it inside of the rcore folder.
Follow the instructions by #Turch: I also had to replace all instances of iteritems with items in the script and in rcore/types/immutabledict.py to make it work with Python 3. You will also need to fill in the dictionaries (priority_map, person_map, etc) with the values your project uses. Finally, you need a config file to exist with the connection info (see comments at the top of the script). Note: I used hostname like jira.domain.com (no http or https).
(This change did the trick for me) I had to change part of the line 250 from 'https://{opts.jira_hostname}/' to 'http://{opts.jira_hostname}/'
To finish, run the script like #Turch mentioned: The basic command line usage is export.py --jira-project <project>
The file was placed in /tmp/.zip for me.
The file was perfectly accepted in the BitBucket importer today.
Hooray for Reece and Turch! Thanks guys!
I know how to work with cocoapods in a new swift project?
But how can i create my own cocoapod using swift?
pod lib lint produces this error:
- NOTE | [xcodebuild] warning: no rule to process file '/Pod/Classes/SomeClass.swift' of type text for architecture armv7
Just found this swift branch:
Cocoapods now supports swift : Pod-Authors-Guide-to-CocoaPods-Frameworks
Although Swift is officially supported, there are no official templates available for Swift and documentation is still slim. Here's a step-by-step tutorial for creating CocoaPods in Swift that may help though.
Essentially the steps are:
Create a git repo
Create your Xcode workspace
Add an iOS/OSX example project
Add Swift framework and make it as a dependency to your example project
Create your pod spec file, here's an example for a Swift pod:
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "MySwiftPod"
s.version = "0.1"
s.summary = "This is my amazing Swift CocoaPod!"
s.description = <<-DESC
This is my long description here... yada, yada.
s.homepage = "http://basememara.com/how-to-create-a-cocoapod-with-swift/"
s.screenshots = "www.example.com/screenshots_1.gif", "www.example.com/screenshots_2.gif"
s.license = { :type => "MIT", :file => "LICENSE" }
s.author = { "Basem Emara" => "some#example.com" }
s.social_media_url = "https://twitter.com/basememara"
s.platform = :ios, "8.0"
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/basememara/cocoapods-swift-sample.git", :tag => s.version }
s.source_files = "MySwiftPod/MySwiftPod/*.swift"