MongoDB Atlas throws error with $in operator - mongodb

I have developed an app with local version of community MongoDB (v4.4). Now I've connected to Mongo Atlas (it's running v 4.2).
I'm running a watch command to create a changestream.
While with my local setup everything works, with atlas I get an error
MongoError: Error validating $match value for change streams. err=ns field has bson.D value that is not string or valid MongoDb RegEx: Error parsing value [{$in [somestring1 somestring2 somestring3]}] to RegEx: Must specify $regex field
The query, resp. watch pipeline is[
I've changed it to $or alternative:[
This works correctly.
The Database is a connection from nodejs driver. And the error is an immediate response from atlas server after calling the watch.
The error has also this properties:
ok: 0,
code: 8000,
codeName: 'AtlasError'
What's the problem? What can/should I do about it?
While the workaround works, I guess it is less performant.


MongoServerError: featureFlagClusterWideConfig not enabled

I'm trying to setup the new fullDocumentBeforeChange feature introduced in MongoDB 6.0 , however I always get the following error:
MongoServerError: featureFlagClusterWideConfig not enabled
When trying to enable the feature from mongosh directly, I get the following error:
MongoServerError: Cannot set cluster parameter, gFeatureFlagClusterWideConfig is not enabled
I have followed these steps to enable this feature.
My NodeJS code looks like this:
setClusterParameter: { changeStreamOptions: { preAndPostImages: { expireAfterSeconds: 100 } } },
I'm running mongo in a replica set.

Getting error for query in mongo 3.6.22 which works fine in 4.4.3 enterprise

I'm getting an error for mongo query in mongo version 3.6.22 error as follows
MongoError: arguments to $lookup must be strings, let: { profileIds:
"$ProfileIDs" } is type object
But this same query works fine in mongo version 4.4.3 enterprise, and the ProfileIDs are String
3.6 does not support let in $lookup. You need to write your query differently.

Spring Data Embedded Mongo: 'unknown top level operator: $expr' on server

when I run any query containing $expr operation against Embedded Mongo I get the following error:
UncategorizedMongoDbException: Query failed with error code 2 and error message 'unknown top level operator: $expr' on server
The command runs fine against my local instance of mongo.
This is the version of embedded mongo I'm using: testCompile('de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo:2.1.1')
This is the query for reference:
Criteria.where("$expr").ne(Arrays.asList("$val.a", "$val.b"))
Found it.
flapdoodle was downloading a version of Mongodb that didn't have that feature by default.
You can override the default version by specifying the following in your

Aggregation not working with monger for mongodb version 3.6

Mongo aggregation framework has some changes in version 3.6 Earlier aggregation queries with monger are not working even when we pass :cursor {} as an option. Is there any workaround or do we have to wait for the next monger release?. The error we get is specified below
MongoCommandException Command failed with error 9: 'The 'cursor' option is required, except for aggregate with the explain argument' on server localhost:27017. The full response is { "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "The 'cursor' option is required, except for aggregate with the explain argument", "code" : 9, "codeName" : "FailedToParse" } com.mongodb.connection.ProtocolHelper.getCommandFailureException (
by OSt advice, I could run monger aggregation sample with codes below.
(mc/aggregate db coll
[{"$project" {:subtotal {"$multiply" ["$quantity", "$price"]}
:_id "$state"}}]
:cursor {:batch-size 0})
According to mongo db spec, cursor became a required field in some cases. So you should provide it through monger API. It is not a problem in monger, it is a breakable change in mongo db API.

mongodb 2.4.1 failing with 'process out of memory'

I have the following mongo versions
db version v2.4.1
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.1,
db version v2.2.1-rc1, pdfile version 4.5,
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.1-rc1
installed on 64-bit windows 7 machine.
I have a collection having 10001000 (10 million+) records, when I use V 2.4.1 to aggregate, it fails with the following
Fatal error in CALL_AND_RETRY_2
Allocation failed - process out of memory
However when I use V 2.2.1-rc1, to aggregate the same collection, it works fine and gives result in around 1 minute.
Sample document of the collection that is being aggregated:
"_id" : ObjectId("516bdd1c39b10c722792e007"),
"f1" : 10000010,
"f2" : 10000000,
"key" : 0
Aggregation Command:
{$group: {"_id": "$key", total: {$sum: "$f1"}}}
Command used to populate records:
for(var i = 10011000; i < 10041000; ++i)
db.testp.insert({"f1": i+10, "f2": i, "key": i%1000})
How much memory do you have? Could it be the $group is taking up more than 10% of available memory and causing the error? See the aggregation documentation on memory for cumulative operators.
edit 1:
Out of interest - does the aggregation work outside the shell? eg calling it from a driver.
I have seen similar v8 errors and as the shell was updated to v8 in 2.4 Theres a chance it could be that.
edit 2:
If the resulting array is too big in the shell then that can also trigger the error: see SERVER-8859. To work around you might need to run multiple aggregations, either by doing a $match early on to limit the working set or even a $skip and $limit to paginate through the result set.
I tried your aggregation with 10,070,999 docs on 2.4.1 on a mac and didn't get the error