LabDaq - sending attachment - mirth

I would like to attach a PDF file as the "result" for a LabDaq test and have it sent out through all the HL7 interfaces. The PDF file is not generated by LabDaq but rather added as an attachment. We see a way to select to have all attachments forwarded. However, we don't want to make a universal change for all attachments but rather a specific change for select attachments. For reference, the attachments are reference lab results.

You'll need to use the Mirth (Nextgen) Connect's Attachment Handler.
There's an overview on how to use it on the User Guide or on this blog post
The blog post should explain how you can read a file and use the base64 string on an HL7 message.


How I can send a email with attachments in Camunda?

I am new here and also using the Camunda application, my question is that when I try to send an email with Camunda's own extension ( camunda-bpm-mail ) I don't see that I have the option to send attachments along with the email and I would like to know if there is a way to do it. Thank you.
The camunda-bpm-mail component supports attachments. See:
and includes an example;

How do I forward a mail message as an attachment in MS Graph?

I'm retrieving all the messages from a given mailbox, and if one of them contains problematic attachments, I want to send an email to the sender of that message, explaining the problem, and including the original email as an attachment.
I need to either put the message into a stream, or save it to the filesystem. I imagine the former would be better, but I can't see any methods that can do that.
How big are the attachments that you want to forward? With the Graph there is a 4MB limit that you will hit with some of the endpoints that will restrict the methods you can use to do this. Eg if all the Messages are under 4MB then you could either attachment them as an Item attachment but for your purposes you'll loose fidelity on things like Internet Message headers which won't help with working out what's gone wrong with the message. Probably what you want to do is download the message first as MIME save it as an Eml file and then attach that file. If you need to deal with 4MB+ emails you need to check the size and use when necessary.

Delphi - Using resource in Email rather than image

In Delphi, I create emails in HTML using the following code to display a signature in the message:
cMsg:= cMsg + ' <img src="BarrysSignature.jpg" '>
Which means I need to have the .jpg available in the current directory (and distribute it with the executable).
I also use these same signature .jpg files elsewhere in my program, but I've loaded them as resources. What would be better in the emails is if I used the resource for the signature in the email, rather than the external .jpg picture.
I've tried a few ways of doing this but can't get it working. Any thoughts, please?
Similar to #Dmitry's answer, in Indy you would also need to attach the image data to an email (the TIdMessage component), assign the attachment's Content-ID header (the TIdMessagePart.ContentID property), and then refer to that ID in the HTML using a cid: URL where needed.
Refer to these blog articles on Indy's website for how to do this:
HTML Messages
New HTML Message Builder class
I do want to mention one thing, though. Where the articles talk about using TIdAttachmentFile for attachments, you actually don't need to save your image resource to a temporary file at all in this situation. You can alternatively derive your own class from TIdAttachment (let's call it TIdAttachmentResource), and have it override the virtual OpenLoadStream() and CloseLoadStream() methods to return/free a TResourceStream to your resource data, respectively (see the source codes for TIdAttachmentFile and TIdAttachmentMemory for examples). Then you can simply add TIdAttachmentResource objects to the TIdMessage.MessageParts collection as needed, and Indy will be able to encode the email using the image resource directly, no file needed.
In Outlook, you will need to extract the resource to a temporary file, add the image as an attachment, set its PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID MAPI property, delete the file. Your HTML body would need to reference the image by its content-id, e.g. <img src="cid:xyz">, where "xyz" is the value of the PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID property.
See Including Pictures in an Outlook Email

Content-type issue for email attachments mule

I'm using Mule's IMAP connector to read email attachments. I pretty much follow this. It all works fine, but my problem is that there are couple of end users who now tend to send the emails with attachments to us, but with Content-type as 'text/csv' or 'application/octet-stream' in which case Mule is unable to recognise/parse the attachments. The email client like outlook has no problems downloading the files. But does not work with Mule code - probably, the content-type to be blamed but is there a way I can get over this without demanding a change from the end user?
Here is the code that reads the attachments:
<expression-transformer doc:name="Read Attachments and set them as payload"
<return-argument evaluator="attachments-list"
expression="*" />
<imaps:inbound-endpoint host="${}"
port="${email.port}" responseTimeout="10000"
doc:name="IMAP" connector-ref="IMAPS" password="${email.pwd}"
transformer-refs="returnAttachments" user="${email.user}"
disableTransportTransformer="true" />
<!-- The code below does not work when the emails arrived have content type other the "multipart/mixed"-->
<set-variable variableName="fileName" value="#[]"
doc:name="fileName" />
As mentioned this one recognises the email and attachments when the content type(header) of the email is "mutipart/mixed". Does not work otherwise. Should I be asking the client to set the content type ?
Your question does not explain what exactly you're trying to do. You can send anything through e-mail. Each attachment is marked with a corresponding MIME type to indicate what sort of data format it contains -- is that an image, or a ZIP file, or perhaps a PDF document?
What is your application doing, and what reaction do you expect when I send, say, a holiday picture as an attachment? What should it do if I attach my bank's statement?
These questoins are about the business logic, about the real purpose of your project. This question does not contain any data about that, unfortunately.

How to retrieve the .xml extension attachments from mail by using MailCore to Sample iPhone app

How to retrieve the .xml extension attachments from mail by using MailCore for iphone?
I used MailCore to download the attachments from my mail to my sample iPhone app. I getting Inbox subjects from my mail that subjects I sort to get particular mail subject and mail attachments.
The problem is I got particular mail subject but not attachments. I used below code to get attachments from mail but it's not working.
NSArray *Array=[msg attachments];
CTBareAttachment *ctbaratt=[Array objectAtIndex:0];
CTCoreAttachment *ctcoreatt=[ctbaratt fetchFullAttachment];
but I'm getting :
Array count is zero
Please share your ideas.
This could be for a few reasons:
1)It is possible that you're not downloading enough information about the CTCoreMessage. When making a request to download the CTCoreMessages you must specify what information you want by specifying the correct fetch attributes.
For example:
[core_folder messagesFromSequenceNumber:from to:to withFetchAttributes: CTFetchAttrEnvelope | CTFetchAttrBodyStructure]
should populate the information about the attachments.
When fetching a message from IMAP, the command will specify exactly what information it wants.
you can see what is being fetched by enabling MailCore Logging as follows:
[core_folder messagesFromSequenceNumber:from to:to withFetchAttributes: CTFetchAttrEnvelope | CTFetchAttrBodyStructure];
You will see commands of the format
<command number> <UID> <Command> (<requested structure>)
I imagine you will see something like this:
You should ensure that inside the () either BODY or BODY[2] or RFC822 as these will contain information about attachments.
When you see what is actually being fetched you can read the RFC, if you are dealing with mailcore and IMAP then it is well worth the investment in time.
2)Failing that, perhaps your CTCoreAccount and/or CTCoreFolder are not connected, thus preventing the CTCoreMessage from having a valid mailimapsession and being unable to download the attachment information. If an attribute inside a CTCoreMessage is not available then libetpan should download it on request. The fact that is it not suggests that your account or folder may be not valid or connected.