Changing the default displayAction and playAction labels in tvOS in Top Shelf - swift

On tvOS if you look at the native Music or Arcade app's top shelf area their "play" action has the label of "Watch Playlist" and "Get" respectively. However I don't see a way to edit these values in my own app as the TVTopShelfAction is an NSObject with a single value: URL so I would assume this is just for directing the user based on where the button goes and there's no labelling props available for the container class as well (TVTopShelfCarouselItem).
The docs say:
"When configuring items for a carousel interface, you can specify a custom title and image for the buttons in that interface. If you do not specify a custom title and image, the system chooses default values based on whether you assigned the action object to the playAction or displayAction property of your item."
But it's unclear if that is referring to the TVTopShelfCarouselItem which the action becomes a part of and what value I should be changing to customize it. So is this something that's hidden in the TVTopShelfCarouselItem's namedAttributes prop? And if so...which one?

I've had this same problem. I've asked Apple about it and they responded that the documentation is wrong. There is currently no way to change the button titles.
There is also no way, that I'm aware of, to display the item's title without the user having to tap for details.
Hopefully in the future this ability is added.
I'd love to know if you find a way.


OpenText Content Server SmartView customization

We have a requirement to customize the add document screen. We need to disable the '+' sign on the screen which is used to add categories or classifications. Please let me know if it is possible. Also is it possible to create the "Add Categories" to the screen as one of the field.
Metadata properties View might be the clue

MS Access Form Development: Hide Objects when an Option Button is Pressed without coding for each Object that needs to be hidden

MS Access Development Question:
I have 3 options and I need each one associated with a different set of objects. Therefore, if you click option 1, a set of objects will appear in a box I'm referring to as "Report Parameters". If I click option 2, the objects in the "Report Parameters" box will disappear and a new set of objects will appear.
I didn't want to write code to switch each object from visible = true to visible = false. I thought that would take too long, especially if the number of option buttons or the objects related to it grow.
So I'm trying several things...
I tried putting all objects, that relate to a particular option, in a Subform. Therefore, I would have three subforms and that would sit in the same position on my main form. When you click on an option, the subform for that option is made visible any anything else is hidden. But I have a background picture that needs to be visible on the main form and you can't make the subform background transparent.
I used Tab Controls; however, I didn't want to use the tabs to control the switch between objects. I can hide the tabs but you can still switch between them if you click the space where the tab should be. It can be made transparent though so that helps a lot.
I need something in-between a Subform and Tab Control but I've hit a dead end. Does anyone have any other suggestions or recommendations? Or am I stuck coding for each object?
I'm an experienced VBA developer. My last option was to run a query against the form and pull all object names and save it to a table. Since the syntax of the name for each object connects it to a button, I can always run a loop that makes all objects visible/invisible if the object's name corresponds with a specific option... but... I guess I'm trying to find a shortcut. Let me know what you think! Thanks.
I was able to resolve my issue. I just needed to do some thinking... so writing up this question was a bit premature. I'll write down what I did in the event that someone has the same issue I have.
First, I used the Tab Control object to resolve my issue. I made the control transparent and named each page to reflect the Option Button I was selecting.
I then mapped each option to a button in the VBA code of the button. Therefore, when the button is selected it does several things.
First, it makes the default value of any of the other options equal to false. I also set the visibility of their corresponding pages to false.
Second, I select the page I need visible and set the visibility to true. I also make it my active page.
Lastly, as a safety measure, if the option button is already selected, and you select it again, by setting the value of that option to true. This is to prevent it from changing to false. One option should always be selected.
Hope that all made sense!

How would I go about detecting links in TTTAttributedLabel?

I have a table view and in some of the cells there are links, I want to be allow the user to click on these links and view them in a webView (which I have already made). I don't want to use the row selection event because there may be more than one link in the cell. I came across TTTAttributedLabel and think it will be ideal. I don't need to add any style to the text in the cell, I only need to detect the links and capture the click event to open up my webview.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like you can assign a TTTAttributedLabelDelegate to a TTTAttributedLabel that will get call backs for when a user selects different link types, but no opportunity for you to capture them and open your own web view (which I think is what you're trying to accomplish).
Instead, you might wanna check out OHAttributedLabel. It's similar in functionality, but when a user clicks on one of the links in the label, it calls -(BOOL)attributedLabel:(OHAttributedLabel*)attributedLabel shouldFollowLink:(NSTextCheckingResult*)linkInfo on it's OHAttributedLabelDelegate, which gives you the opportunity to handle the link tap yourself if you return NO.

UITextField Keep the placeholder text on while focused

I want to keep the place holder text shown while it is focused (that is, while it is the first responder). It should stay that way only until something is typed and the field no longer blank.
Address Book app's Search bar behaves like this, as do the new contact entry fields.
Is there any way to do that?
I don't think this comes "built in" for you to activate it, but you can build it rather easily on your own: Create a UILabel you want to display and when the focus is set onto the TextField place the UILabel at the right spot (slightly after the cursor).
As soon as the user enters a character you hide the UILabel. You can see when the user starts the edit and starts to type by adding your class as delegate to the UISearchBar (see callbacks "searchBar:textDidChange:" and "searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:"):

iphone app UI design for add to favorites?

After the right '+' button is pressed the item in that view is added to favorites and an UIAlertView is shown on screen saying "Added to Favorites". After it is added to favorites I make the '+' button disappear so the same item doesn't get added again to favorites. I am not sure if this ok with Apple's Human Interface Guidelines instead should the '+' remain there and if pressed again say "This item is already in favorites"?
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks
I wouldn't use the AlertView for this. By showing the alert, you force the user to confirm reading some confirmation message and taking action (by pressing the OK button). It is a good idea to provide feedback that the favorite was successfully added, but this should not be an intrusive alert. Perhaps you can use other design patterns for favorites, such as a star that lights up when pressed to indicate that the item is listed as a favorite, or perhaps an animation effect that 'moves' the selected item to a visible 'favorites' category.
The Human Interface Guidelines have this to say about the Alert view (in relation to your question):
Avoid creating unnecessary alerts.
These alerts are usually unnecessary
if they:
Merely increase the visibility of some
information, especially information
that is related to the standard
functioning of your application.
Instead, you should design an
eye-catching way to display the
information that harmonizes with your
app’s style.
Why not have two states for the button ? A "selected" state (for example negative contrast) showing the item is in favorites, and a "normal" state indicating it can be taped.
This way you can add/remove from favorite using the same button, and in a less obstructive way than with a UIAlertView.
I also suggest you use a ★ instead of a +