How to Add Git Bash to VsCode - visual-studio-code

It is not showing Git Bash Option in while selecting terminal in VsCode

Make sure you have already installed Git for Windows
In VS Code, go to Command Palette (โ‡งโŒ˜P) with Terminal: Select Default Profile or Terminal: Select Default Shell in older versions, then select available shell in this case, Git Bash, in the dropdown list.
Click on + sign next to terminal list as shown below:
At this point, the Git Bash should be successfully added.
PS. The list might disappear if the VS Code is closed. Only the default shell will show up. You have to do the steps above again.


Git bash is installed and integrated but I don't see it in the terminal list of vs code

All other terminals are visible enter image description herein the list like command prompt, etc. But, Git bash is not showing up. I am worried If I have installed and integrated Git properly. I am sharing the settings.json. Please, let me know where I am wrong or I can share more info
Open you settings.json file and add the following at last.
"":{"GIT BASH ADDED ":{"path":"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe"}, },
"": "Git Bash"
Remember to add the path of your git-bash.exe correctly (wherever you have installed it).
see the screenshot for you reference.

VS Code integrated terminal, how to choose git bash as a default?

My VS Code used to show default intagrated terminal as a git bash (I chose it in settings). But after last update August 2021, when I open VS Code I see windows Powershell, but when you click plus it adds git bash. Earlier in both cases there was git bash
Can you give any advise how to choose git bash to be shown when vs code starts?
"": "Git Bash",
At first open command palette by pressing below command
ctrl + shift + p
and search for
open setting (json)
click here
then change your setting.json file as below
click here
at last reopen visual studio code.

Redefine Terminal does not work when starting VS Code

I can live with it, but...
I have changed the terminal from PowerShell to git bash in the settings:
"": "Git Bash"
This does its job. When I create a new terminal, it is git bash by default.
However, when I start Visual Studio Code, it opens with a PowerShell terminal. (All new terminals are git bash terminals.)
To set the default terminal in VS Codem , you should follow this steps:
Open VS Code
Press CTRL+Shift+P / โ‡งโŒ˜P and search for terminal select default shell
Make your selection and press enter (In my case I chose Git Bash)
All of your new terminals will now default to your choice ๐ŸŽ‰
I hoped this helped you.

Looking for help on setting up wsl in vscode terminal

If I'm in my terminal and open a file with the code command, vscode will launch and the terminal inside code will show my full zsh setup that I have configured in hyper terminal. But if I open up code through windows, and select wsl as my default shell, it's pretty much useless. Anything I try, like sudo, git, apt, etc will return a command not found message.
So if I want to commit any changes in the terminal inside code then I have to use the git bash shell. Is it possible to get my zsh working without first launching from my terminal emulator so I'm using wsl instead of git bash?
running wslconfig.exe /list in powershell showed me that WSL was set to docker as the default shell, so then running wslconfig.exe /setdefault "Ubuntu" in powershell fixed my problem.

Git Bash terminal in Eclipse on MS Windows

I have two different laptops running MS Windows and noticed on one laptop there was a Git Bash option for a new terminal window in the Terminal view in Eclipse, while it was not available on the other laptop.
After a little trial and error, I was able to determine the Git Bash option is only available if the git cli client from is installed.
I like to be able to run git from the command line in Eclipse without having to switch windows. Hope this helps someone trying to do the same thing.
You can use the Open A Terminal icon to open up Git Bash if Git Bash is already installed on your Windows machine.
Add Gitbash terminal to Eclipse:
Install this plugin on Eclipse Marketplace:
TM Terminal
After that, go to Window -> Preferences -> Terminal -> Local Terminal and add a entry with full path where Git Bash executable (bash.exe) was installed.
Then you can open Git Bash pressing CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T.