I have developed a script which does a lot of processing for a front end tool, now I am attempting to have the script run with multiple threads. It interacts a lot with SQL databases, this should not be a problem for multithreading as the database transactions are very short lived, and the queries well optimised.
what is the issue ?
#.\tester.ps1 -servers (1,'Server1',3,1),(2,'Server2',3,1) -output_folder 'C:\temp'
param ([array[]]$servers),$output_folder
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $servers.Count; $i++)
$myserverid = $servers[$i][0]
$myservername = $servers[$i][1]
$mylocationid = $servers[$i][2]
$myappid = $servers[$i][3]
write-output " $myserverid and $myservername and $mylocationid and $myappid"
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$myservername" -query "select top 10 name from sysobjects" -Database "master"
The script file above will gets passed an array of servers and currently it will loop through the array one by one. A way for me to make the process faster is to run the script in parallel /run the script with multiple threads.
I have looked at a technet script on https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Run-a-PowerShell-script-991c8a42
Its not quite the same as my array is not just a list of servers, there will be other parameters sent with it.
What am I after
A way or pointer to make the script be able to run in parallel or an example using the provided script above.
Thanks in advance.
Extending my comment. In PowerShell v5, use Jobs and Workflows for Parallel use cases.
# Example using parallel jobs
$start = Get-Date
# get all hotfixes
$task1 = { Get-Hotfix }
# get all scripts in your profile
$task2 = { Get-Service | Where-Object Status -eq Running }
# parse log file
$task3 = { Get-Content -Path $env:windir\windowsupdate.log | Where-Object { $_ -like '*successfully installed*' } }
# run 2 tasks in the background, and 1 in the foreground task
$job1 = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $task1
$job2 = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $task2
$result3 = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $task3
# wait for the remaining tasks to complete (if not done yet)
$null = Wait-Job -Job $job1, $job2
# now they are done, get the results
$result1 = Receive-Job -Job $job1
$result2 = Receive-Job -Job $job2
# discard the jobs
Remove-Job -Job $job1, $job2
$end = Get-Date
# Example, using WorkFlow
workflow Test-WFConnection
foreach -parallel ($computer in $computers)
Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
This lambda function executes as expected:
$WriteServerName = {
Write-Host $server
$server = "servername"
However, using the same syntax, the following script prompts for credentials and then exits to the command line (running like this: .\ScriptName.ps1 -ConfigFile Chef.config), implying that the lambda functions aren't executing properly (for testing, each should just output the server name).
Why does the former lambda function return the server name, but the ones in the script don't?
Function Main {
#Pre-reqs: get credential, load config from file, and define lambda functions.
$jobs = #()
$Credential = Get-Credential
$Username = $Credential.username
$ConvertedPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Credential.password)
$Password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($ConvertedPassword)
$Config = Get-Content $ConfigFile -Raw | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
#Define lambda functions
$BootStrap = {
write-host $server
$RunChefClient = {
write-host $server
$SetEnvironment = {
write-host $server
#Create bootstrap job for each server and pass lambda functions to Scriptblock for execution.
if(($Username -ne $null) -and ($Password -ne $null))
ForEach($HashTable in $Config)
$Server = $HashTable.Server
$Roles = $HashTable.Roles
$Tags = $HashTable.Tags
$Environment = $HashTable.Environment
$ScriptBlock = {
param ($Server,$BootStrap,$RunChefClient,$SetEnvironment)
$Jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList #($Server,$BootStrap,$RunChefClient,$SetEnvironment)
else {Write-Host "Username or password is missing, exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red; exit}
Without testing, I am going to go ahead and say it's because you are putting your scriptblock executions in PowerShell Jobs and then not doing anything with them. When you start a job, it starts a new PowerShell instance and executes the code you give it along with the parameters you give it. Once it completes, the completed PSRemotingJob object sits there and does nothing until you actually do something with it.
In your code, all the jobs you start are assigned to the $Jobs variable. You can also get all your running jobs with Get-Job:
Get-Job -State Running
If you want to get any of the data returned from your jobs, you'll have to use Receive-Job
# Either
$Jobs | Receive-Job
# Or
Get-Job -State Running | Receive-Job
I need to generate some load on about 100 Windows 2012 R2 servers. The idea I have is to use PowerShell remoting to kick off my script the generate the CPU load. I am also trying to control the load by checking the current load and if it is over X% don't spawn a new job. It's not the most elegant script, but the script works if I execute it locally. When I run it remotely things go wrong.
it seems as if the foreach loop does nothing. So I just have an idle process
it will start about 15 jobs with no issues then the rest all report as having failed.
I have tried various methods of calling the function. I have modified the function so that it contains a server variable but still not getting the desired result. I have replaced Start-Job with Invoke-Command. PSRemoting is working I can do basic tasks on the remote servers.
Any guidance would be appreciated
Below is my code
function Invoke-CPUStress
param (
$start = (get-date).AddMinutes(1)
$end = $start.AddMinutes($duration)
while ((Get-Date) -lt $start)
sleep -Seconds 10
while ((get-date) -lt $end)
$Load = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Measure-Object -Property LoadPercentage -Average).Average
If ($Load -lt 60)
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
$result = 1;
foreach ($number in 1..2147483647)
$result = $result * $number
sleep -Milliseconds 1
Get-Job | Stop-Job
Get-Job | Remove-Job
Invoke-CPUStress -duration 5
Looking to call a Powershell script that takes in an argument, runs each job in the background, and shows me the verbose output.
Problem I am running into
The script appears to run, but I want to verify this for sure by streaming the results of the background jobs as they are running.
###StartServerUpdates.ps1 Script###
#get list of servers to update from text file and store in array
$servers=get-content c:\serverstoupdate.txt
#run all jobs, using multi-threading, in background
ForEach($server in $servers){
Start-Job -FilePath c:\cefcu_it\psscripts\PSPatch.ps1 -ArgumentList $server
#Wait for all jobs
Get-Job | Wait-Job
#Get all job results
Get-Job | Receive-Job
What I am currently seeing:
Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
-- ---- ----- ----------- -------- -------
23 Job23 Running True localhost #patch server ...
25 Job25 Running True localhost #patch server ...
What I want to see:
Searching for approved updates ...
Update Found: Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB2807986)
Update Found: Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - March 2013 (KB890830)
Download complete. Installing updates ...
The system must be rebooted to complete installation.
cscript exited on "myServer" with error code 3.
Reboot required...
Waiting for server to reboot (35)
Searching for approved updates ...
There are no updates to install.
cscript exited on "myServer" with error code 2.
Servername "myServer" is fully patched after 2 loops
I want to be able to see the output or store that somewhere so I can refer back to be sure the script ran and see which servers rebooted, etc.
In the past, I ran the script and it went through updating the servers one at a time and gave me the output I wanted, but when I started doing more servers - this task took too long, which is why I am trying to use background jobs with "Start-Job".
Can anyone help me figure this out, please?
You may take a look at the module SplitPipeline.
It it specifically designed for such tasks. The working demo code is:
# import the module (not necessary in PS V3)
Import-Module SplitPipeline
# some servers (from 1 to 10 for the test)
$servers = 1..10
# process servers by parallel pipelines and output results immediately
$servers | Split-Pipeline {process{"processing server $_"; sleep 1}} -Load 1, 1
For your task replace "processing server $_"; sleep 1 (simulates a slow job) with a call to your script and use the variable $_ as input, the current server.
If each job is not processor intensive then increase the parameter Count (the default is processor count) in order to improve performance.
Not a new question but I feel it is missing an answer including Powershell using workflows and its parallel possibilities, from powershell version 3. Which is less code and maybe more understandable than starting and waiting for jobs, which of course works good as well.
I have two files: TheScript.ps1 which coordinates the servers and BackgroundJob.ps1 which does some kind of check. They need to be in the same directory.
The Write-Output in the background job file writes to the same stream you see when starting TheScript.ps1.
workflow parallelCheckServer {
param ($Servers)
foreach -parallel($Server in $Servers)
Invoke-Expression -Command ".\BackgroundJob.ps1 -Server $Server"
parallelCheckServer -Servers #("host1.com", "host2.com", "host3.com")
Write-Output "Done with all servers."
BackgroundJob.ps1 (for example):
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $server
Write-Host "[$server]`t Processing server $server"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
So when starting the TheScript.ps1 it will write "Processing server" 3 times but it will not wait for 15 seconds but instead 5 because they are run in parallel.
[host3.com] Processing server host3.com
[host2.com] Processing server host2.com
[host1.com] Processing server host1.com
Done with all servers.
In your ForEach loop you'll want to grab the output generated by the Jobs already running.
Example Not Tested
$sb = {
"Starting Job on $($args[0])"
#Do something
"$($args[0]) => Do something completed successfully"
"$($args[0]) => Now for something completely different"
"Ending Job on $($args[0])"
Foreach($computer in $computers){
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -Args $computer | Out-Null
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Now if you do this all your results will be mixed. You might want to put a stamp on your verbose output to tell which output came from.
Foreach($computer in $computers){
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -Args $computer | Out-Null
Get-Job | ? {$_.State -eq 'Complete' -and $_.HasMoreData} | % {Receive-Job $_}
while((Get-Job -State Running).count){
Get-Job | ? {$_.State -eq 'Complete' -and $_.HasMoreData} | % {Receive-Job $_}
start-sleep -seconds 1
It will show all the output as soon as a job is finished. Without being mixed up.
If you're wanting to multiple jobs in-progress, you'll probably want to massage the output to help keep what output goes with which job straight on the console.
$BGList = 'Black','Green','DarkBlue','DarkCyan','Red','DarkGreen'
$JobHash = #{};$ColorHash = #{};$i=0
ForEach($server in $servers)
Start-Job -FilePath c:\cefcu_it\psscripts\PSPatch.ps1 -ArgumentList $server |
foreach {
$ColorHash[$_.ID] = $BGList[$i++]
$JobHash[$_.ID] = $Server
While ((Get-Job).State -match 'Running')
foreach ($Job in Get-Job | where {$_.HasMoreData})
[System.Console]::BackgroundColor = $ColorHash[$Job.ID]
Write-Host $JobHash[$Job.ID] -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
Receive-Job $Job
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
[System.Console]::BackgroundColor = 'Black'
You can get the results by doing something like this after all the jobs have been received:
Get-Job -Name * | where{$array+=$_.ChildJobs.output}
.ChildJobs.output will have anything that was returned in each job.
function OutputJoblogs {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[System.Management.Automation.Job] $job,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
[string] $logFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
[string] $logTimeStamp
#Output All logs
while ($job.sate -eq "Running" -or $job.HasMoreData){
start-sleep -Seconds 1
foreach($remotejob in $job.ChildJobs){
$output=(Receive-Job $remotejob)
if($output -gt 0){
$remotejob.location +": "+ (($output) | Tee-Object -Append -file ("$logFolder\$logTimeStamp."+$remotejob.Location+".txt"))
#Output Errors
foreach($remotejob in $job.ChildJobs){
if($remotejob.Error.Count -gt0){$remotejob.location +": "}
foreach($myerr in $remotejob.Error){
$myerr 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Append -file ("$logFolder\$logTimeStamp."+$remotejob.Location+".ERROR.txt")
if($remotejob.JobStateInfo.Reason.ErrorRecord.Count -gt 0){$remotejob.location +": "}
foreach($myerr in $remotejob.JobStateInfo.Reason.ErrorRecord){
$myerr 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Append -file ("$logFolder\$logTimeStamp."+$remotejob.Location+".ERROR.txt")
#example of usage
$job = Invoke-Command -ComputerName "servername1","servername2" -ScriptBlock {
for ($i=1; $i -le 5; $i++) {
if($i -gt 2){
write-error "Bad thing happened"};
if($i -eq 4){
throw "Super Bad thing happened"
start-sleep -Seconds 1
} -asjob
OutputJoblogs -Job $job -logFolder "$PSScriptRoot\logs" -logTimeStamp $logfileDate
Run a job for each server in a list. I only want 5 jobs running at a time. When a job completes, it should start a new job on the next server on the list. Here's what I have so far, but I can't get it to start a new job after the first 5 jobs have ran:
$MaxJobs = 5
$list = Get-Content ".\list.csv"
$Queue = New-Object System.Collections.Queue
$CurrentJobQueue = Get-Job -State Running
$JobQueueCount = $CurrentJobQueue.count
ForEach($Item in $list)
Write-Host "Adding $Item to queue"
Function Global:Remote-Install
$Server = $queue.Dequeue()
$j = Start-Job -Name $Server -ScriptBlock{
If($JobQueueCount -gt 0)
Test-Connection $Server -Count 15
For($i = 0 ;$i -lt $MaxJobs; $i++)
PowerShell will do this for you if you use Invoke-Command e.g.:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $serverArray -ScriptBlock { .. script here ..} -ThrottleLimit 5 -AsJob
BTW I don't think your use of a .NET Queue is going to work because Start-Job fires up another PowerShell process to execute the job.
You may take a look at the cmdlet Split-Pipeline of the module SplitPipeline.
The code will look like:
Import-Module SplitPipeline
$MaxJobs = 5
$list = Get-Content ".\list.csv"
$list | Split-Pipeline -Count $MaxJobs -Load 1,1 {process{
# process an item from $list represented by $_
-Count $MaxJobs limits the number of parallel jobs. -Load 1,1 tells to pipe
exactly 1 item to each job.
The advantage of this approach is that the code itself is invoked synchronously
and it outputs results from jobs as if all was invoked sequentially (even
output order can be preserved with the switch Order).
But this approach does not use remoting. The code works in the current PowerShell session in several runspaces.
I have a collection of jobs that are running. When they complete I use receive-job and it writes the output to the screen. I'd like to take that output and log it to a file. I don't want to tee the output produced while the jobs are running because with multiple jobs running at once the logging would be interspersed. Get-Job | Receive-Job prints the output in a nice organized manner.
I have tried all of the following and no output is written to the file or stored in a variable, it just goes to the screen:
#Wait for last job to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
Log "Running..." -v $info
Start-Sleep 10
Log ("Jobs Completed. Output:") -v $info
# Getting the information back from the jobs
foreach($job in Get-Job){
Receive-Job -Job $job | Out-File c:\Test.log -Append
$output = Receive-Job -Job $job
Log ("OUTPUT: "+$output)
Receive-Job -Job $job -OutVariable $foo
Log ("FOO: "+$foo)
I have removed the extra Receive-Job calls in the foreach to the following after seeing Keith's comment:
# Getting the information back from the jobs
foreach($job in Get-Job){
Receive-Job -Job $job -OutVariable temp
Write-Host ("Temp: "+$temp)
$temp | Out-File -FilePath c:\Test.log -Append
I also verified I'm not using Receive-Job anywhere else in the script. The write-host $temp and the out-file still produce no output though.
If the job uses Write-Host to produce output, Receive-Job returns $null, but the results get written to the host. However, if the job uses Write-Output to produce output in lieu of Write-Host, Receive-Job returns a string array [string[]] of the job output.
To demonstrate, enter this innocuous code at the PowerShell prompt:
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
[int] $counter = 0
while ($counter -lt 10) {
Write-Output "Counter = $counter."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Wait about 20-30 seconds for the job to produce some output, then enter this code:
$result = Receive-Job -Job $job
$result | Get-Member
The $result object contains the strings produced by the job.
NOTE: After some experimentation I have found that using write-output or just outputting a variable directly is not a good solution either. If you have a function that uses either of those methods and also returns a value the output will be concatenated with the return value!
The best way I have found to log output from jobs is to use write-host in combination with the Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript cmdlets. There are some disadvantages such as the ISE does not support Transcript cmdlets. Also I haven't found a way to output to the transcript without it going to the host (I wanted a robust log with a less verbose user experience), but it seems to be the best solution available currently. It is the only way I've been able to log concurrent jobs without interspersing the output without having to right multiple temporary log files for each job and then combining them.
Below was my previous answer that I left just for documentation reasons:
The issue here was not getting output from Receive-Job. The output from the jobs I was expecting to see is being written in the job by write-host. When receive-job was called I saw all my output on the screen, but nothing was available to pipe elsewhere. It seems when I call receive-job all those write-host cmdlets execute, but there's nothing for me to pick up and pipe to out-file. The following script demonstrates this. You'll notice "Sleepy Time" appears in both the log file and the host, while "Slept" only appears in the host. So, rather than trying to pipe Receive-Job to write-host, I need to modify my Log function to not use write-host or to split the output as shown below.
rm c:\jobs.log
$foo = #(1,2,3)
$jobs = #()
foreach($num in $foo){
$s = { get-process -name "explorer"
Start-Sleep $args[0]
$x = ("Sleepy Time: "+$args[0])
write-host $x
write-host ("Slept: "+$args[0])
$id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
$jobs += $id
Start-Job -Name $id -ScriptBlock $s -args $num
While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
Start-Sleep 1
write-host "Jobs completed, getting output"
foreach($job in $jobs){
Receive-Job -Name $job | out-file c:/jobs.log -append
Remove-Job *
notepad c:\jobs.log
Below is a sample that will run concurrent jobs and then log them sequentially as per mbourgon's request. You'll notice the timestamps indicate the work was interspersed, but the logging is displayed sequentially by job.
#This is an example of logging concurrent jobs sequentially
#It must be run from the powershell prompt as ISE does not support transcripts
$logPath = "c:\jobs.log"
rm $logPath
Start-Transcript -Path $logPath -Append
#Define some stuff
$foo = #(0,1,2)
$bar = #(#(1,"AAA"),#(2,"BBB"),#(3,"CCC"))
$func = {
function DoWork1 {
Log "This is DoWork1"
return 0
function DoWork2 {
Log "This is DoWork2"
return 0
function Log {
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine.Chars(0)
$time = Get-Date -Format {HH:mm:ss}
Write-Host ($time+">"+$InputObject+$nl)
#Start here
foreach($num in $foo){
$s = { $num = $args[0]
$bar = $args[1]
$logPath = $args[2]
Log ("Num: "+$num)
for($i=0; $i -lt 5; $i++){
$out = ([string]::$i+$bar[$num][1])
Log $out
start-sleep 1
Start-Sleep $num
$x = DoWork1
Log ("The value of x is: "+$x)
$y = DoWork2
Log ("The value of y is: "+$y)
Start-Job -InitializationScript $func -ScriptBlock $s -args $num, $bar, $logPath
While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
Start-Sleep 1
write-host "Jobs completed, getting output"
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Remove-Job *
notepad $logPath
I found soulution how to receive Write-Host results to variable with Receive-Job CMDlet, it's working on Powershell 5.1:
$var = Receive-Job $job 6>&1
I know this is old. I don't use jobs very often so I was obviously having the same problem when I stumbled on this thread. Anyway, I arrived at a different solution so I thought I'd throw it out there.
Also in PowerShell 5.1 I simply referenced the properties on the Job Object(s) In my case this looked like:
$Jobs.ChildJobs.Output | Out-File <LogFile> -Append
It looks like all the streams are recorded in this way. Simple echoes go to the Output, presumable the success stream. Write-Host commands go to Information Stream.
Output : {}
Error : {}
Progress : {}
Verbose : {}
Debug : {}
Warning : {}
Information : {}
When you receive the results of a job those results are deleted such that further calls to Receive-Job will have nothing to retrieve (assuming the job is completed). If you don't want Receive-Job to delete the results use the -Keep switch. Now this doesn't explain why your first call to Receive-Job isn't outputting anything to the log file ... unless there is a part of the script you're not showing that is doing a Receive-Job before this.
BTW when you use -OutVariable supply it what a variable name and not a variable e.g. -ov temp. Then you later access that info with $temp.
You could pipe your Get-Process to Format-Table, so you can see all of the output.
Get-Process -Name "explorer" | format-Table -hidetableheaders -AutoSize
And you could use something like this at the end of the script...
Get-job | Receive-Job 2>&1 >> c:\path\to\your\log\file.log
The "2>&1 >>" with grab all output from Get-Job | Receive-Job
A simple solution to the problem. Write-Verbose "blabla" -Verbose
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName "Computer"
$j = Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock { Write-Verbose "Message" -Verbose } -AsJob
Wait-Job $j
$Child = $j.ChildJobs[0]
$Child.Verbose | out-file d:/job.log -append
What I have done is to not call Receive-Job at all. But create a wrapper scriptblock that starts and stops a transcripts. Then in that wrapper script block I call the jobs script block like
&$ScriptBlock < Parameters >
So the transcript will capture all the output to a file.