Mongodb querying - How to specify index traversal order? - mongodb

I have a users collection with an array of key-value pairs like so:
name: 'David',
customFields: [
{ key: 'position', value: 'manager' },
{ key: 'department', value: 'HR' }
name: 'Allison',
customFields: [
{ key: 'position', value: 'employee' },
{ key: 'department', value: 'IT' }
The field names in customFields are configurable by the application users, so in order for it to be indexable I store them as an array of key-value pairs. Index { 'customFields.key': 1, 'customFields.value': 1} works quite well. Problem is when I want to retrieve the results in either order (ascending or descending). Say I want to sort all users having the custom field position in either order. The below query gives me ascending order:
db.users.find({ customFields: { $elemMatch: { key: 'position' } } })
However, I couldn't figure out how to get the opposite order. I'm pretty sure with the way the indexes are structured, if I could tell mongodb to traverse the index backwards I would get what I want. The other options is to have an other 2 indexes to cover both directions, however it's more costly.
Is there a way to specify the traversal direction? If not, what are some good alternatives? Much appreciated.
I'd like to further clarify my situation. I have tried:
db.users.find({ customFields: { $elemMatch: { key: 'position' } } })
.sort({ 'customFields.key': 1, 'customFields.value': 1 })
db.users.find({ customFields: { $elemMatch: { key: 'position' } } })
.sort({'customFields.value': 1 })
These two queries only sort the documents after they have been filtered, meaning the sorting is applied on all the custom fields they have, not on the field matching the query (position in this case). So it seems using the sort method won't be of any help.
Not using any sorting conveniently returns the documents in the correct order in the ascending case. As can be seen in the explain result:
"direction" : "forward",
"indexBounds" : {
"customFields.key" : [
"[\"position\", \"position\"]"
"customFields.value" : [
"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
I'm using exact match for customFields.key so I don't care about it's order. Within each value of customFields.key, the values of customFields.value are arranged in the order specified in the index, so I just take them out as it is and all is good. Now if I could do something like:
db.users.find({ customFields: { $elemMatch: { key: 'position' } } })
It would be the equivalent of using the index { 'customFields.key': -1, 'customFields.value': -1 }. Like I said I don't care about customFields.key order, and 'customFields.value': -1 gives me exactly what I want. I've searched mongodb documentation but I couldn't find anything similar to that.
I could retrieve all the documents matching customFields.key and do the sorting myself, but it's expensive as the number of documents could get very big. Ideally all the filtering and sorting is solved by the index.

Here is the compound index you created:
db.users.createIndex( { "customFields.key": 1, "customFields.value": 1 } )
This index will allow traversal either using both fields in ascending order:
db.users.sort( { "customFields.key": 1, "customFields.value": 1 } )
Or, it can also support traversal using both keys in descending order:
db.users.sort( { "customFields.key": -1, "customFields.value": -1 } )
If you need mixed behavior, i.e. ascending on one field but descending on the other, then you would need to add a second index:
db.users.createIndex( { "customFields.key": 1, "customFields.value": -1 } )
Note that after adding this second index, all four possible combinations are now supported.


Mongo filter documents by array of objects

I have to filter candidate documents by an array of objects.
In the documents I have the following fields:
skills = [
{ _id: 'blablabla', skill: 'Angular', level: 3 },
{ _id: 'blablabla', skill: 'React', level: 2 },
{ _id: 'blablabla', skill: 'Vue', level: 4 },
When I make the request I get other array of skills, for example:
skills = [
{ skill: 'React', level: 2 },
So I need to build a query to get the documents that contains this skill and a greater or equal level.
I try doing the following:
const conditions = {
$elemMatch: {
skill: { $in: => item.skill) },
level: { $gte: { $in: => item.level) } }
The first one seems like works but the second one doesn't work.
Any idea?
Thank you in advance!
There are so many problems with this query...
First of all - it had to be item.skill.
Next, $gte ... $in makes very little sense. $gte means >=, greater or equal than something. If you compare numbers, the "something" must be a number. Like 3 >= 5 resolves to false, and 3 >= 1 resolves to true. 3 >= [1,2,3,4,5] makes no sense since it resolves to true to the first 3 elements, and to false to the last 2.
Finally, $elemMatch doesn't work this way. It tests each element of the array for all conditions to match. What you was trying to write was like : find a document where skills array has a subdocument with skill matching at least one of [array of skills] and level is greater than ... something. Even if the $gte condition was correct, the combination of $elementMatch and $in inside doesen't do any better than regular $in:
skill: { $in: => },
level: { $gte: ??? }
If you want to find candidates with tech skills of particular level or higher, it should be $or condition for each skill-level pair:
const conditions = {$or:>(
{skill: { $elemMatch: {
level:{ $gte:s.level }
} } }

usage for MongoDB sort in array

I would like to ranked in descending order a list of documents in array names via their number value.
Here's the structure part of my collection :
_id: ObjectId("W")
var1: "X",
var2: "Y",
var3: "Z",
comments: {
names: [
number: 1;
number: 3;
number: 2;
field: Y;
but all my request with db.collection.find().sort( { "comments.names.number": -1 } ) doesn't work.
the desired output sort is :
{ "_id" : ObjectId("W"), "var1" : "X", "var3" : "Z", "comments" : { [ { "number" : 3 }, { "number" : 2 },{ "number" : 1 } ], "field": "Y" } }
Can you help me?
You need to aggregate the result, as below:
Unwind the names array.
Sort the records based on comments.names.number in descending
Group the records based on the _id field.
project the required structure.
If your collection is large, you might want to add a $match criteria in the beginning of the aggregation pipeline to filter records or use (allowDiskUse:true), to facilitate sorting large number of records.
What The below query does:
db.collection.find().sort( { "comments.names.number": -1 } )
is to find all the documents, then sort those documents based on the number field in descending order. What this actually does is for each document get the comments.names.number field value which is the largest, for each document. And then sort the parent documents based on this number. It doesn't manipulate the names array inside each parent document.
You need update document for sort an array.
{ _id: 1 },
$push: {
comments.names: {
$each: [ ],
$sort: { number: -1 }
check documentation here:
MongoDB queries sort the result documents based on the collection of fields specified in the sort. They do not sort arrays within a document. If you want the array sorted, you need to sort it yourself after you retrieve the document, or store the array in sorted order. See this old SO answer from Stennie.

With MongoDB, can I sort on the parent document, and then on a child array?

I'm reading a about aggregation in search of solving my issue, but I'm not sure if its best for my case, or perhaps I need to re-model how I'm storing the data.
Consider the following Document:
title: "ParentCategory",
sort: 1,
children: [
title: "ChildA",
sort: 1,
title: "ChildB",
sort: 2
And the following query:
sort: { sort: 1 }
I want to sort first by the parent categories... that's no problem. But I also want the child categories to obey the sort order.
I've read suggestions to order them in the array that I want them, not using the sort field, and also read about aggregation, but seemed complex for this. Perhaps I should be modeling the data differently. I want to easily be able to change a sort for a particular category or child category later for certain reasons.
Tried using:
sort: { "sort" : 1, "children.sort" : 1 }
That didn't work.
Sorry for the newbie question. New to Mongo... like really new.
It's probably more efficient to keep the arrays sorted in the collection instead of sorting them on every query. Do the sort on the array before inserting the document, and every time you push an element into the array make mongo re-sort the array for you, like this,
{...}, // query
"$push": {
"children": {
"$each": [ {
"title" : "ChildC",
"sort" : 3
}, ...
"$sort": {"sort" : 1}
see more info here.

MongoDB indexing multi-input search

I have a search function that looks like this:
The criteria from this search is passed through to MongoDB's find() method as a criteria object, e.g:
designer: "Designer1".
store: "Store1",
category: "Category1",
name: "Keyword",
gender: "Mens",
price: {$gte: 50}
I'm only just learning about indexes in MongoDB so please bear with me. I know I can create an index on each individual field, and I can also create a multi-index on several fields. For instance, for one index I could do:
db.products.ensureIndex({designer: 1, store: 1, category: 1, name: 1, gender: 1, price: 1})
The obvious issue arises if someone searches for, say, a category, but not a designer or store it won't be indexed.
I'm currently looking up these terms using an $and operator, so my question is:
How can I create an index that allows for this type of searching with flexibility? Do I have to create an index for each possible combination of these 6 terms? Or if I use $and in my search will it be enough to index each individual term and I'll get the best performance?
$and won't work as MongoDB can only use one index per query at the moment. So if you create an index on each field that you search on, MongoDB will select the best fitting index for that query pattern. You can try with explain() to see which one is selected.
Creating an index for each possible combination is probably not a good idea, as you'd need 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 indexes, which is 720 indexes... and you can only have 63 indexes. You could pick the most likely ones perhaps but that won't help a lot.
One solution could be to store your data differently, like:
properties: [
{ key: 'designer', value: "Designer1" },
{ key: 'store', value: "Store1" },
{ key: 'category', value: "Category1" },
{ key: 'name', value: "Keyword" },
{ key: 'gender', value: "Mens" },
{ key: 'price', value: 70 },
Then you can create one index on: { 'properties.key': 1, 'properties.value': 1 } );
And do searches like: { $and: [
{ properties: { $elemMatch: { key: 'designer', value: 'Designer1' } } },
{ properties: { $elemMatch: { key: 'price', value: { $gte: 30 } } } }
] } ) { $and: [
{ properties: { $elemMatch: { key: 'price', value: { $gte: 45 } } } }
] } )
In both cases, the index is used, but only for the first part of the $and element right now. So do check which key type has the most values, and order your $and elements accordingly in the query.

MongoDB sorting documents by nested data

Considering the following design for posts:
title: string,
body: string,
comments: [
{name: string, comment: string, ...},
{name: string, comment: string, ...},
1) I would like to select all posts in my collection and have them sorted by the posts that have the most comments. I'm assuming since the .length variable is always set via javascript that it is possible to use this to sort by but I don't know how or if it's actually more efficient to store the comment count in a field in the post document?
1.1) Or does it make more sense to store the comment count in a separate document and continiously update that?
2) When selecting posts, is it possible to limit the result to only return back the last 3 comments of a post document as opposed to the whole array?
You need to use the aggregate command
This should give you a list of post _id with the number of comments sorted by the count in reverse order.
You can use the $limit operators to return the x top rows. e.g. { $limit : 5 }
{ $unwind : "$comments" },
{ $group : { _id : "$_id" , number : { $sum : 1 } } },
{ $sort : { number : -1 } }
Take a look