How can you change the colour of the R background for `exams2moodle` questions? - moodle

I'm writing some quizzes for Moodle using R/exams' exams2moodle. The XML file is created fine and I can import the quiz to Moodle ok, however, any question that has R code as part of either the question or the solution has the R code on a dark background making it almost impossible to read. Is there an option somewhere that controls this?
I am using this code to create the XML:
exams2moodle(c("q1.Rmd", "q2b.Rmd", "q3.Rmd", "q4.Rmd", "q5.Rmd", "q6.Rmd"),
name = "GLM_prac1",
iname = FALSE,
converter = "pandoc-mathjax",
cloze = list(cloze_schoice_display = "MULTICHOICE_V"))
And this is an example of the issue:

The color of the R code displayed is not controlled through exams2moodle(), at least not explicitly. What exams2moodle() does, is to put verbatim code input and output into standard HTML tags for this <pre><code> ... </code></pre>. This stands for pre-formatted text with markup for typewriter code. (Actually, this is not even produced by exams2moodle() directly but by pandoc.)
The rendering of these standard HTML tags is then controlled through the CSS styles employed in your Moodle installation. In a vanilla Moodle installation you currently simply get a black font on the same light blueish background as for regular text. In previous versions the background was light gray. Given that you have light orange background for text and dark background for code, I guess that this is a setting in your Moodle installation. Hence I would recommend to reach out to the Moodle team at your university and ask them about this. This seems to be a poor setting that would likely affect others as well.
If you cannot get in touch with the Moodle team or they are unwilling to change their CSS, you can insert your own custom CSS code into your exercises. The advantage is that you have full control over the color then. The disadvantage is that you yourself have to include that style code into every exercise where it is needed. It is not hard but tedious. For example, you can include the following R code chunk in the exercise directly at the beginning of the question section:
```{r, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"}
pre {
background: #FFFFFF00
This simply inserts a short HTML snippet with CSS into your Rmd exercise:
pre {
background: #FFFFFF00
This will instruct the browser to use the background color #FFFFFF00 (fully transparent white) for all <pre>-formatted chunks. Of course, you can also play around with this and use a different color, say #EEEEEE (light gray) or similar.


Can I select the layout to use for a page with Wyam?

I'm working on a theme for Wyam and I'm wondering if there's a way to set the layout that should be used in the markdown file for a particular page. As far as I have seen so far, it seems that each page created with markdown uses _Layout.cshtml
To be more specific. I'm creating an "" page, which has a different layout then then other (default) pages.
So what I would like to do is use metadata to select the layout. For example
Layout: _About.cshtml
Layout: _About
Is this possible with Wyam?
In A Razor File
Pages in the Wyam recipes (I'm assuming you're using either the blog or docs recipe) are processed by Razor. The use of a _Layout.cshtml is by convention in the recipe, but alternate layouts can be specified using standard Razor syntax. You can do so by placing the following at the top of the about page .cshtml file (under your front matter):
Layout = "_About.cshtml";
In A Markdown File
Markdown files are also processed by the Razor engine, so the technique above would work if it weren't for the Markdown processor escaping the # symbol. There's really no good way around that, and the simple answer to your question is you can't specify an alternate layout for a Markdown file.
However, one of the advantages of using a code-driven generator like Wyam is that you have a lot of control. In this case, you can replace the RenderPages pipeline with one that will do exactly what you want. Add the following to your wyam.config file:
int index = Pipelines.IndexOf(Blog.RenderPages);
Pipelines.Insert(index, Blog.RenderPages,
(IPipeline)new Wyam.Web.Pipelines.RenderPages(
new Wyam.Web.Pipelines.RenderPagesSettings
Pipelines = new string[] { "Pages" },
Layout = (doc, ctx) => doc.String("Layout", "/_Layout.cshtml")
Then you'll be able to add a "Layout" value as front matter exactly like you wrote in your question.
This was a good idea in general, so I've also opened an issue to add this behavior to the recipe by default.

VS Code Decorator Extension Above/Below specified Range

Is there currently any way I can create an extension that applies a text decorator above or below the specified range which I can use to supply any HTML/CSS visual I want?
I'm still working through the API and my guess is either no, or not directly via the extensions API.
It depends on what types of decorations you are talking about. Since you used the words "text decorator" then I'm going to assume you're talking about the decoration API described here.
As you can see, there are several css properties that they officially support, but none of them "arbitrary css".
What I've done, though, in my vscode dimmer extension, is apply an opacity style using this technique:
dimDecoration = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(<vscode.DecorationRenderOptions> {
textDecoration: `none; opacity: ${opacity / 100}`
When vscode sees this, it basically adds text-decoration: none; opacity: 1 to the stylesheet.This allows me to use arbitrary styling.
The above snippet creates a "Decoration" which can then be applied to ranges as shown below.
function dimEditor(editor: vscode.TextEditor) {
if (!dimDecoration) return;
let startPosition = new vscode.Position(0, 0)
let endPosition = new vscode.Position(editor.document.lineCount, Number.MAX_VALUE);
editor.setDecorations(dimDecoration, [new vscode.Range(startPosition, endPosition)]);
Disclaimer: Of course, this isn't officially supported and they could change the way they process the arguments to stop at the first ; and anybody using this workaround would have a broken extension.
If you're wanting to have a "hover" behavior, there is the HoverProvider api. It can take a "marked string" which is essentially markdown, and display it. This extension uses it to display img previews on hover.
If markdown will meet your needs you can try that, otherwise you can try with arbitrary HTML and see if it accepts that.

TinyMCE: paste_enable_default_filters retain colors, img and font-size

Using TinyMCE 4.4. i like to get rid of pasted MS-Word-stuff. "paste_enable_default_filters" is a pretty tool for this. But i also like to prevent img, colors, font-size and -docorations on pasting. Since paste_enable_default_filters = true is set, paste_data_images and paste_word_valid_elements seems to be suppressed.
Any idea is welcome!
The Paste plugin has many options to help you control what is pasted and what is removed:
In particular you may want to look at paste_word_valid_elements: this will allow you to control what tags are brought over during the paste.
You may also find value in paste_retain_style_properties: this will allow you to determine which styles should be retained during a paste.
If you want to have more control (beyond what the options on the Paste plugin perform) you can always use paste_postprocess to perform your own custom logic on the pasted content:

Selection problems after Bio Format Importer, czi and zvi Files, ImageJ

Hello I'm using ImageJ to analyse -czi and -zvi files. I'm using an automatic selection with "create selection" or "analyze particle"s. It's working well when openening/importing the files with ImageJ. But when I try to use the Bio-Format importer Plugin with the same pictures, it's not working. Not my intended ROIS are selected but the background or even nothing. With using the plugin something about the parameters of the picture changes and I don't know what it is or how to undo it. Does somebody has an idea?
One of the Solutions I realised is a Change of scale. My original files use pixels, whereas the BioFormat importer converts the scale into microns.
Analyze--> Set Scale... --> Click to remove scale or changing the scale solves one part of the problem.
For a macro following code restores the scale:
run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel");
Still somethng about the colour values changes, I can't find, create selection is still not working properly.

Save the annotation marks in flexpaper annotation document viewer

How to save the annotation marks in flexpaper annotation document viewer?
FlexPaper provides a JavaScript function called getMarkList:
marksArray = JSON.stringify($FlexPaper('documentViewer').getMarkList());
You can apply the annotations again using addMarks:
var initialMarks = JSON.parse(marksArray);
This works for the HTML5 version but I suspect it would also apply to the Flash and HTML versions.
Ok, so I think I've found a bug in Flexpaper that prevents this from being useful (bug is in the Flash version, have not tested HTML version). If anyone has actually got this to work on Flash, please let me know!
Basically, addMark() is performing an unnecessary coordinate transformation which makes it impossible to put back in a mark that you have extracted in the same spot (this only seems to be the case for notes, drawings don't seem to have this issue).
Here's how to reproduce:
Go to,html and open Chrome JS console. Enter these commands:
>> note = $FlexPaper('documentViewer').getMarkList()[2]
Object {width: 200, pageIndex: 1, height: 180, note: "The annotations plug-in allows both highlighting a…created↵↵Notes can be resized, moved and deleted.", id: "3AFE17A3-4977-3ECA-C468-70F2C40B81E8"…}
>> // Now try to add back in the same annotation
>> $FlexPaper('documentViewer').addMark(note)
>> // Notice that on the screen the note is in the wrong spot
>> // (not the same spot as the original one). Lets check the positioning
>> added_note = $FlexPaper('documentViewer').getMarkList()[6]
>> added_note.positionX
>> note.positionX
The normalize/denormalization of positions should work fine as long as you set 'displayFormat' to 'html' as part of your object creation. The normalisation process basically adjusts X/Y/Width/Height so that the document is considered to be 1000 in height. The viewer then adjusts the positions when the annotations are being displayed if the document is different in height for flash or html. It also of course considers the proportions of the width/height of the document as part of this process.
All the best
Erik on the FlexPaper Team