How can I choose the right edition of extension for vscode? - visual-studio-code

I am trying to install the ssh vscode extension offline by Install from VSIX. However, there is an error saying Unable to install extension 'ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.39.2'. Is there a table in which I can get the correct match between my vscode and extensions?

There does not appear to be a table listing all of the versions for the Remote - SSH extension. The package does not include a changelog file, and the github page is just a placeholder for filing issues (so there's no useful history information there either).
However, the marketplace page has a "Version History" tab. That tab only lists the past five versions (0.55.0 to 0.62.0 at time of writing), but hovering the mouse on a link shows the URL pattern, so if you know or can guess the names of past versions then you can download them. For example, I guessed that 0.45.0 probably existed, and indeed it does: link to version 0.45.0.
Having downloaded the vsix file, you can unpack it by renaming the extension to zip and using any tool that understands the zip format (since that is what vsix is). Then check the package.json inside it to see which version it requires. In the case of 0.45.0, I see:
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.36.0"
meaning that version works with VSCode 1.36.0 and (in theory) greater.
You could keep doing that, using binary search, to find the best match for your version of VSCode.
If you need to do this for another extension(s), and that extension does have a changelog file, it should be linked on the Version History tab as well as contained in the latest vsix package, and reading that may be easier than binary searching among downloads, depending on how it is written.


custom vscode extension not working over ssh

I created a vscode extension for the first time..I used LSP(language server protocol) and having both client and server bundled as one extension.
The extension has highlighting and autocomplete features for a custom file type. I packaged it using vsce I got a VSIX file. I installed the extension in my vscode using the .vsix file.
The extension works when i am working on local files.
However, i connected to a remote VM using the ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh extension such that I can view the remote files in vscode, but here my created extension is not working. I can't even see the file type i created.
Any help is appreciated. Is there some specific setting I need to put in my package.json
For your extension to properly work remotely, either installed on host or on the remote, you have to follow a few guidelines, and yes, there are some settings that you may take care of on package.json.
The first and more complete source of information is Supporting Remote Development and GitHub Codespaces API documentation. It describes the architecture, settings, how to debug, common problems and so on. There is also the Extension Host page, where it describes the Preferred extension location topic, which tells you how to configure your extension to work on the correct location.
Based on your description (a LSP related extension) I understand your extension should be a Workspace Extension. This means that you should have this on your package.json:
"extensionKind": [
The Commons Problem section describes how you can evaluate and fix Incorrect execution location. To debug using SSH follow these instructions.
Also, remember that while working with remotes, you rely on local paths anymore. Instead you must always deal with Uri, whenever possible.
I guess after reviewing your settings, based on the docs related above, you should be able to detect what is happening on your extension and fix it. Give debug a try, it will be much easier to detect issues than installing the vsix and look for erros in Console.
Hope this helps

VSCode Download Older version of an Extension

I'm looking to install an older version of the VSCode jupyter extension. (The reason is that I'm using a VSCode build from Code Server which is as of VSCode v1.57.1 - released this summer - and I'd like to install extensions for it). It looks like the Jupyter Extension version 2021.6.9999 is the newest version of the Jupyterhub plugin that supports VSCode version v1.57.1.
However, the marketplace only displays the last 5 extension versions under the "Version History" section of the landing page. These versions listed are all too new.
I'm able to find the source code for Jupyter version 2021.6.9999 on Github, but the vsix binaries are not there. I'm not sure how to compile it; seems like it'd be a pretty involved process.
Is there an archive of the vsix plugin files going back further than just 5 releases? Those versions were available earlier this year, so it seems like there should be a way to access the older vsix extensions somewhere. Any thoughts is much appreciated.
Marketplace not showing the older versions, but you can download .vsix files from marketplace anyway.
Copy below link and paste your browser, it will download jupyter
version 2021.6.999662501, you can download any vsix binary with this method, just change version name from URL.
Also, there is a site to download older vsix files:
How can find the version number?
I research the source code and see version number format <year>.<month>.<build_number> from here:
GitHub Actions create releases and upload to marketplace when triggered. There is no human interaction. If you research Github Actions pipelines you can find version numbers. For an example:
A newer VSCode feature makes it easier.
Right click on the extension in the Extension tab. It will display an option "Install another version". From this menu you can install the desired version.
You can try
Go to
Search for the package using original marketplace URL
Click on a date
Right click on download button and copy the URL
Remove everything before HTTPS://
Open remaining URL in browser
Cheers :)
search for respective date

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) - how to update the standalone (.zip) version?

There is no "check for updates" when using the standalone/no install version.
What is best way to update a standalone version without losing settings etc.?
According to my experience (VSCode in a standalone .zip file uncompressed in D:\ using Win7 OS) you just need to download and uncompress the archive containing the new version (v 1.41.1).
When you run Code.exe in the new folder, your settings file is used and everithing is OK. (then, when you are really really sure that it is everithing OK, you could delete the old version).
If you changed the default settings file location, take a look at
From the official doc it says when downloaded through zip file, one has download the release manually for each update and place the unzip version inside the Program files (Windows).
According to the special portable page all the settings, plugins, etc. of the standalone version
are stored in the data-folder. So assuming you called your vscode-folder vscode:
download the new version
unpack to vscode2 folder adjacent to current vscode
move data folder from vscode to vscode2
delete old vscode-folder
rename vscode2 to vscode
P.S.: Current portable versions notify about new version, but clicking on it leads to download, so above list still applies.
Edit 2020/08/04: To make a "normal" install portable one just needs to create the data folder inside the installation/unpack directory of VSC.
To download the old archive, replace user|system with archive in the URL.

Visual Studio Code includePath subdirectories

I'm struggling with the includePath setting on a bigger project source.
Let's say I have a folder structure like:
I tried to do a configuration like this:
"includePath": [
But this didn't appear to work out. Is there a way to have just all header inside the workspaceRoot used? Something like "include all subfolder"?
OR another way to define a path which is project in dependend?
I believe this is what you are looking for:
Assuming all the dirs are inside your working space folder.
That is not yet possible/supported, as mentioned in Microsoft/vscode-cpptools issue 849.
Example of a context illustrating that issue:
The includePath doesn't seem to work with NuGet packages since the directory name includes the version.
For example, if we use package rapidjson 1.0.2 and later upgrade, we'd have to update references to "packages/rapidjson.1.0.2/build/native/include" in this file - in additional to any packages.config files.
It would be nice if we could use wildcards in directory specifiers or some other means of not having to maintain the same information in two different places.
So the alternative is to version a script able to generate the configuration file by updating the IncludePath section with all include folders found.
Note: issue 849 is actually a duplicate of issue 723, which states (Bob Brown, from Microsoft):
A middle wildcard is not currently supported.
I started a branch that would support this a while ago, but I forget what state it was in and now the branch is out of date.
If anyone wants to get it back in sync with master and finish it, we can consider taking it.
I'll reopen this issue since the original request was not actually addressed.

How to combine all the packages of the eclipse?

As I need to develop java, php, c++, I use several eclipse packages.
so I try to simple to copy several packages into one, and then I use these option to start the eclipse:
1. -clean
2. osgi.checkConfiguration=true
but it doesn't work, I only find the last copied packages after the IDE start.
Get one of the packages from their site and use the Install new software... feature under the help menu.
I think the most straightforward way to get the modules for all of the languages to play nicely together, though I admire your DIY spirit.
Try to use Yoxos for building your custom Eclipse distribution.
From luxsie:
How to merge several setup packages of Eclipse?
Whom this is for?
The ones that can not hold back their temper any longer when trying to install another Eclipse function package. Right the installation speed from some countries is too slow to bear, also the Equinox P2 always try to connect the Much to damn.. when your Internet connection closed or reset all of a sudden and got all downloaded files broken. Also OSGi based Eclipse plugins is chaos -- always have some conflict errors.
Oh that is another problem..
Do the following steps:
1 Download the Install Packages that you need from Also please remember verify to see if that is correct package. I choosed J2EE with C/C++.
2 Unpack one package with uncompress softwares, such as 7-zip and WinRAR. unzip all the files to a directory you wanna install to. for example "D:\Eclipse\".
3 open Configurations. Files "\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.source\" and "\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\" in the installation directory is the ones that need to be merged. also you need "\configuration\org.eclipse.update\platform.xml".
4 open the other packages and fetch their configuration files, and merge files.
Open the with any Functional Text Editor, copy all text begin from the line after "#version={Number}" and paste it to another. [{Number} means any Integer number.]
Similiar with what you did with the If not modified, that line should be the 3rd line in the text file.
to Platform.xml:
Open the file, then find where "feature id=" starts just after the "site" node. Find the "/site" tag and copy all the text between them, paste to another file just before the "/site" tag.
[You can do the similiar also marked feature tags with artifacts.xml]
5 when merging i suggest you to make a new directory and when finished please remember copy the merged file to the one where should it be and overwrite. [I mean where it comes from]
Although not merge "platform.xml" will not cause any functional errors, it will make the About dialog with no button -- to ugly yeah?
[= =|||]Ugly is caused by the artifacts.xml in the installation directory...
6 Open all the package, find "plugins" and "features" extract!
first extract the one you want most. I extracted JEE package.
then extract the other ones. I don't see any problem whether Overwrite the ones or not.
7 do open a console window, and locale in the installation directory, and then execute "eclipse.exe".
Well, somebody ask me why i paid no attention to the Artifacts.xml in the installation directory. That's because Eclipse will never check the file. It seems to be when you want to update using zip files -- however this way is blocked for lacking site.xml file now.
Then guys, wait a several minutes for eclipse to do some sorting and cleaning job for the merged configurations.. and install your plugins!
INFO: if you face some problems after install a new plugin and restart.. that is because you haven't finish a complete artifacts.xml merging.
You may delete all the artifacts.xml 's header [document start to the "artifacts size = '{Number}'"] and its bottom [from "/artifacts" to document end]. just merge the left content. and make one file just contains the header and bottom, paste the merged one in.
Eh..maybe you can calculate the {Number}s' sum and correct the one in the final document.