We are using QuickFix/n source code to implement FIX Engine in .Net Core. QuickFix/n has a Web Interface to manage Sessions. Is there a way to view all the incoming and outgoing messages for the Sessions?
Thank You.
I ended up writing all the raw messages to a file for each session and displaying on web interface.
How to process the webservice XML message in Mirth Connect 3.x?
If I understand your question correct, you are asking for how to configure Mirth to become a Web server. It's actually easy and hard at the same time.
The easy way - create a new channel and configure the Source connector as Web Service Listener. Deploy the channel and you have a web server waiting for SOAP messages to be sent to a configured IP port. But the structure of these SOAP messages is governed by Mirth WSDL at localhost:8081/services/Mirth?wsdl.
If you want the SOAP message structure to be different then you are going to deep dive into creating your own Java class and overriding default web service methods. There is no a single answer for that, it is a completely separate topic.
I hope you are asking how to consume XML webservice message in Mirth?..
If you are receiving specifically SOAP you need to set webservice listener as your source channel listener. (as said previous answer, you will have the URL)
Go to your transformer and type the following code:
Once you do this you can see the data you received inside Mirth on the logger area.
I need to transfer files to a user connected to a XMPP Server.
The file transfer is supported by Spring Integration XMPP? (The current release version is 4.1.6-RELEASE, the snapshot is 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT).
I succesfully send text messages using the XMPP Message Outbound Gateway using a configuration like this:
<int-xmpp:outbound-channel-adapter id="outboundEventAdapter"
Using this Outbound Gateway I'm not able to send files (only String and org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message payloads are supported)
Thanks in advance.
The Spring Integration XMPP module is fully based on the Smack library, so I'd be glad to hear from you or from anybody else who confirm and show us how to do that with Smack first of all.
And only after that we will be able to come with some adaptation from our perspective.
Please, refer to Smack XMPP File Transfer for more information.
From other side if you are able to come up with some solution on the matter you always can wrap it to the standard <int:service-activator> to make your application working.
I am creating a gwt widget library for our internal use. I am asked to fire an event whenever any event occurs on any of the controls in my gwt widget which would then be listened to by the application or project that is using my widget. The concept seemed similar to the event bus that i previously used for my other gwt projects to communicate between different views displayed in different regions on the same page. That worked fine as i was using the same instance of event bus through out the application. But now I would be using a particular instance of the event bus in my project but the application consuming it will not be using the same instance. Do I go ahead and use it or is there an alternate way to fire events between different applications. Please help
First, what do you call "different applications" ? Will they be running in the same browser ? Will they be deployed on the same server ?
You can't use EventBus to communicate between your applications if they don't share a common EventBus.
If your applications are running in the same tab, you can store the EventBus in a static variable, and retrieve it from the other applications in the same tab.
If your applications are running in the same browser (on different tabs), you can use LocalStorage to communicate. You can have a look at :
Inter-tab communication using local storage
Using HTML5 Web Storage for Interprocess Communication
Sharing data across windows using localStorage.
GWT provides an implementation of LocalStorage (and SessionStorage) in com.google.gwt.storage.client.Storage.
If they aren't running in the same browser, you will have to do a round-trip to the server to communicate from one application to an other (using RPC to send the message, and RPC polling to check for new messages - or using server push techniques, see GWTEventService and ServerPushFAQ).
If they aren't deployed on the same server, you will have to do a round-trip to the server and to communicate between your servers (using sockets, RPC, webservices,...).
RabbitMQ to the rescue... it's the canonical solution for this type of problem.
It was created as a bus for software, much like a hardware bus is to a computer system.
I especially like the http://manning.com/videla/ book. It goes into detail about the approach, outlines source code and the architecture behind it. Very practical.
I'm researching methods to find ways for an event driven web application where a server can push data to the web page. Can I use APE ?? If so how can I use it and some resources please??
Thank You!!
People have been writing event driven servers since the dawn of the network. A simple google search will find your way.
However, since the client is a browser, your server must re-act upon keeping an HTTP connection open instead of simply doing socket work.
This is basically the only small difference than say an IRC server or a simple chat server.
I am builing a win application that has user access control against a sql db, all the data is stored in this db as well.
This project is to be installed in one site on 30-40 machines (I mean to say that it's not web, it's all in one place, maximum call it intranet).
I want that while the program is logged on, the logged-in user should be able to chat to the other logged in users.
Any recommended approaches in C# & VB?
I would appreciate any idea, link or tip.
Please share me with your experience
NOTE: The program is in Wpf if it does matter.
Architecturally, it seems like a publisher-subscriber message bus would be a good pattern for you. You would have a centralized server that each client would register with that will distribute notifications from publishers to subscribers.
Each client will register for notification of the client list upon starting. Each client can register interest in being notified when another client publishes a message. Each client would publish messages to the bus to be delivered to any subscribers for that client.
There is a good example of a pub-sub message bus written in WCF in MSDN: WCF ESSENTIALS What You Need To Know About One-Way Calls, Callbacks, And Events. You could get this up and running fairly quickly.