Number Of Parallel Task in Spark Streaming and Kafka Integration - scala

I am very new to Spark Streaming.I have some basic doubts..Can some one please help me to clarify this:
My message size is standard.1Kb each message.
Number of Topic partitions is 30 and using dstream approach to consume message from kafka.
Number of cores given to spark job as :
( spark.max.cores=6| spark.executor.cores=2)
As I understand that Number of Kafka Partitions=Number of RDD partitions:
In this case dstream approach:
**Question**:This loop forEachPartiton will execute 30 times??As there are 30 Kafka partitions
Also since I have given 6 cores,How many partitions will be consumed in parallel from kafka
Questions: Is it 6 partitions at a time
30/6 =5 partitions at a time?
Can some one please give little detail on it on how this exactly work in dstream approach.

"Is it 6 partitions at a time or
30/6 =5 partitions at a time?"
As you said already, the resulting RDDs within the Direct Stream will match the number of partitions of the Kafka topic.
On each micro-batch Spark will create 30 tasks to read each partition. As you have set the maximum number of cores to 6 the job is able to read 6 partitions in parallel. As soon as one of the tasks finishes a new partition can be consumed.
Remember, even if you have no new data in on of the partitions, the resulting RDD still get 30 partitions so, yes, the loop forEachPartiton will iterate 30 times within each micro-batch.


How to dynamically add consumers in consumer group kafka

How should I know when i have to scale the consumer in consumer group . What are the triggers for the consumers to scale when there is a fast producer ?
One straight forward approach would be to get the consumer lag(this can be computed as the difference between committed offset and beginning_offset) and if the lag computed in the last n times is increasing you can scale up and vice versa. You might've to consider some edge cases for example in case consumers have gone down and lag would be increasing and the auto-scaling function might spawn more threads/machines).
In Kafka while creating a topic, need to provide number of partitions and replication factor.
Let say there is one topic called TEST with 10 partitions, for parallel consumption of data need to create consumer group with 10 consumers, where each consumer will be consuming the data from the respective partition.
Here is the catch, if the topic is having 10 partitions and consumer group is having 12 consumers then two consumer remain idle until one of the consumer dies.
if the topic is having 10 partitions and consumer group has 8 consumers then 6 consumers will consume the data from 6 partitions (one consumer->one partition) whereas remaining two consumers will be responsible for consuming the data from two partitions (one consumer-> 2 partitions). its means last two-consumers consumes the data from four partitions.
Hence first thing is to decide number of partition for your kafka topic, more partitions means more parallelism.
whenever any new consumer is added or removed to the consumer group rebalacing is taken care by kafka.
Actually auto-scale is not a good idea because in Kafka message order is guaranteed in partition.
From Kafka docs:
Messages sent by a producer to a particular topic partition will be appended in the order they are sent. That is, if a record M1 is sent
by the same producer as a record M2, and M1 is sent first, then M1
will have a lower offset than M2 and appear earlier in the log.
A consumer instance sees records in the order they are stored in the log.
If you add more partitions and more consumers with respect to number of partitions, then you cannot satisfy ordering guarantee of messages.
Suppose that you have 10 partitions and your number of key is 102, then this message will be sent to partition: 102 % 10 = 2
But if you increase number of partitions to 15 for instance, then messages with same key (102) will be sent to a different partition: 102 % 15 = 12
As you see with this approach it is impossible to guarantee ordering of the messages with same keys.
Note: By the way Kafka uses murmur2(record.key())) % num partitions algorithm by default. The calculations above is just an example.

What is the ideal number of partitions in kafka topic?

I am learning Kafka and trying to create a topic for my recent search application. The data being pushed to kafka topics is assumed be a high number.
My kafka cluster have 3 brokers and there are already topics created for other requirements.
Now what should be the number of partitions which i should choose for my recent search topic? And what if i do not provide the partition number explicitly? What are things needs to be considered when choosing the partition number?
This will depend on the throughput of your consumers. If you are producing 100 messages a second and your consumers can process 10 messages a second then you'll want at least 10 partitions (produce / consume) with 10 instances of your consumer. If you want this topic to be able to handle future growth, then you'll want to increase the partition count even higher so that you can add more instances of your consumer to handle the new volume.
Another piece of advice would be to make your partition count a highly divisible number so that you can scale up/down consumers while keeping their load balanced. For example, if you choose 10 partitions then you would have to have 1, 2, 5, or 10 instances of your consumer to keep them each processing from the same number of partitions. If you choose 12 partitions instead then you could be balanced with either 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 instances of your consumer.
I would consider evaluating two main things before deciding on the no of partitions.
First point is, how the partitions, consumers of a consumer group act together. In simple words, One consumer can consume messages from more than one partitions but one partition can't be consumed by more than one consumer. That means, it makes sense to have no.of partitions >= no.of consumers in a consumer group. Otherwise you will end up having consumers without any partition is being assigned.
Second point is, what's your requirement from latency vs throughout point of view.
In simple words,
Latency is the time required to perform some action or to produce some result. Latency is measured in units of time -- hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds or clock periods.
Throughput is the number of such actions executed or results produced per unit of time
Now, coming back to the comparison from kafka stand point, In general, more partitions in a Kafka cluster leads to higher throughput. But, you should be careful with this number if you are really looking for low latency.

Kafka Consumer being Starved because of unbalance

I am new to Kafka and think I am missing something on how partition queues get balanced on a topic
We have 5 partitions and 2 consumers on a topic. The topic has a null key so I assume Kafka randomly picks a new partition to add the new record to in a round robin fashion.
This would mean one consumer would be reading from 3 partitions and the other 2. If my assumption is right (that the records get evenly distrusted across partitions) the consumer with 3 partitions would be doing more work (1.5x more). This could lead to one consumer doing nothing while the other keeps working hard.
I think you should have an even divisible number of partitions to consumers.
Am I missing something?
The unit of parallelism in consuming Kafka messages is the partition. The routine scenario for consuming Kafka messages is getting messages using a data stream processing engine like Apache Flink, Spark, and Storm that all of them distributed processing on CPU cores. The rule is the maximum level of parallelism for each consumer group can be the number of partitions. Each consumer instance of a consumer group (say CPU cores) can consume one or more partitions and on the other hand, each partition can be consumed by just one consumer instance of each consumer group.
If you have more CPU core than the number of partitions, some of them
will be idle.
If you have less CPU core than the number of partitions, some of
them will consume more than one partitions.
And the optimized case is when the number of CPU cores and
Kafka partitions are equal.
The image can describe all well:
If my assumption is right (that the records get evenly distributed across partitions) the consumer with 3 partitions would be doing more work (1.5x more). This could lead to one consumer doing nothing while the other keeps working hard.
Why would one consumer do nothing? It would still process records from those 2 partitions [assuming of course, that both the consumers are in same group]
I think you should have an even divisible number of partitions to consumers.
Yes, that's right. For maximum parallelism, you can have as many number of consumers, as the #partitions, e.g. in your case 5 consumers would give you max parallelism.
There is an assumption built into your understanding that each partition has exactly the same throughput. For most applications, though, that may or may not be true. If you set up your keying/partitioning right, then the partitions should hopefully be close to equal, especially with a large and diverse keyspace if you average them out over a large period of time. But in a more practical, realistic sense, you'll probably have some skew at any given time anyway, and your stream processing setup will need to tolerate that. So having one more partition assigned to a particular consumer is probably not going to make a big difference.
Your understanding is correct. May be there is data skew. You can check how many records are there in each partition by using offset checker or other tool.

Is there a way to further parallelize kstreams aside from partitions?

I understand that the fundamental approach to parallelization with kafka is to utilize partitioning. However, I have a special situation in that I have to leverage an existing infrastructure that only has 6 partitions, and I need to process millions and millions of records per second.
Is there a way to further optimize in a way that I could have each kstream consumer read and equally distribute load at the same time from a single partition?
The simplest way is to create a "helper" topic with the desired number of partitions. This topic can be configured with a very short retention time, because the original data is safely stored in the actual input topic. You use this helper topic to route all data through it and thus allow for more parallelism downstream:"input-topic")
... // actual processing
Partitions are the level of parallelization. With 6 partitions - you could maximum have 6 instances (of kstream) consuming data. If each instance is in a separate machine i.e. with 1 GBps network each, you could be reading in total with 600 Mbytes / sec
If that's not enough, you'd need to repartition data
Now for distributing your processing, you would need to run each kstream (with the same consumer group) on a different machine
Here's a short video that demonstrates how Kafka Streams (via Kafka SQL) are parallelized to 5 processes
It all depends on partitions & executors. With 6 partitions, I usually can achieve 500K+ messages / second, depending on the complexity of the processing of course

spark-streaming-kafka-0-10: How to limit number of Spark partitions

Is it possible to configure Spark with the spark-streaming-kafka-0-10 library to read multiple Kafka partitions or an entire Kafka topic with a single task instead of creating a different Spark task for every Kafka partition available?
Please excuse my rough understanding of these technologies; I think I'm still new to Spark and Kafka. The architecture and settings are mostly just messing around to explore and see how these technologies work together.
I have a four virtual hosts, one with a Spark master and each with a Spark worker. One of the hosts is also running a Kafka broker, based on Spotify's Docker image. Each host has four cores and about 8 GB of unused RAM.
The Kafka broker has 206 topics, and each topic has 10 partitions. So there are a total of 2,060 partitions for applications to read from.
I'm using the spark-streaming-kafka-0-10 library (currently experimental) to subscribe to topics in Kafka from a Spark Streaming job. I am using the SubscribePattern class to subscribe to all 206 topics from Spark:
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
SubscribePattern[String, String](Pattern.compile("(pid\\.)\\d+"),
When I submit this job to the Spark master, it looks like 16 executors are started, one for each core in the cluster. It also looks like each Kafka partition gets its own task, for a total of 2,060 tasks. I think my cluster of 16 executors is having trouble churning through so many tasks because the job keeps failing at different points between 1500 and 1800 tasks completed.
I found a tutorial by Michael Noll from 2014 which addresses using the spark-streaming-kafka-0-8 library to control the number of consumer threads for each topic:
val kafkaParams: Map[String, String] = Map("" -> "terran", ...)
val consumerThreadsPerInputDstream = 3
val topics = Map("zerg.hydra" -> consumerThreadsPerInputDstream)
val stream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, kafkaParams, topics, ...)
Is it possible to configure Spark with the spark-streaming-kafka-0-10 library to read multiple Kafka partitions or an entire Kafka topic with a single task instead of creating a different Spark task for every Kafka partition available?
You could alter the number of generated partitions by calling repartition on the stream, but then you lose the 1:1 correspondence between Kafka and RDD partition.
The number of tasks generated by Kafka partitions aren't related to the fact you have 16 executors. The number of executors depend on your settings and the resource manager you're using.
There is a 1:1 mapping between Kafka partitions and RDD partitions with the direct streaming API, each executor will get a subset of these partitions to consume from Kafka and process where each partition is independent and can be computed on it's own. This is unlike the receiver based API which creates a single receiver on an arbitrary executor and consumes the data itself via threads on the node.
If you have 206 topics and 10 partitions each, you better have a decent sized cluster which can handle the load of the generated tasks. You can control the max messages generated per partition, but you can alter the number of partitions unless you're will to call the shuffling effect of the repartition transformation.
The second approach will be the best for your requirements. Only you have to set consumerThreadsPerInputDstream = 1. So only one thread will be created per read operations, hence single machine will be involved per cluster.