kubernetes service account secrets is not listed - kubernetes

I created a secret of type service-account using the below code. The secret got created but when I run the kubectl get secrets the service-account secret is not listed. Where am I going wrong
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: secret-sa-sample
kubernetes.io/service-account.name: "sa-name"
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
# You can include additional key value pairs as you do with Opaque Secrets
extra: YmFyCg==
kubectl create -f sa-secret.yaml
secret/secret-sa-sample created```

it might have been created in default namespace.
Specify namespace explicitly using -n $NS argument to kubectl


How to edit a sealed secret in kubernetes?

I've a kubernetes sealed secret with encrypted data in it. How can I edit the sealed secret like editing a deployment using command "kubectl edit deployment".
I know kubectl edit secret works on normal secrets not on sealed secrets.
apiVersion: bitnami.com/v1alpha1
kind: SealedSecret
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-secret
namespace: test-ns
password: AgCEP9MHaeVGelL3jSbnfUF47m+eR0Vv4ufzPyPXBvEjYcJluI0peLgilSqWUMnDLjp00UJq186nRYufEf7Bi1Jxm39t3nDbW13+wTSbblVzb9A2iKJI2VbxgTG/IDodNFxFWdKefZdZgVct2hTsuwlivIxpdxDZtcND4h+Cx8YFQMUpT5oO26oqISzRTh5Ewa6ehWtv6krfeFmbMQCF70eg0yioe6Op0YaQKloiFVInc1JK5KTR5iQYCeKb2R0ovKVa/lipbqjHCYSRhLR/3q5wz/ZuWz7g7ng6G9Q7o1pVv3udQYUvp2B6XvK1Nezc85wbhGgmuz5kcZUa36uF+eKMes6UdPcD7q58ndaj/0KWozdTAuk1OblV7mrUaK8Q45GIf+JqaBfzVt52INMT07P4MId/KB31sZDeE+OwEXhCDVTBAlxSRM0U9NjxDDb+mwUzxHNZHL1sY8M1YCoX+rr6n1+yW1HG42VHLCRzeBa2V31OFuQTNjoNxDEfUq+CSTRNDCmt8UvercSkgyM3mBa6JpHdkySllpqyEJDYKM1YvVRrjVvg1qGTF5dOCx6x3ROXnZtA3NBIafTu0+pHovVo+X7nUkl7hyupd0KKzBG+afgNpYQOxeuei5A+o++o92G5lexxk2v4bQt6ANYBxMlvT0LdBUW9e/L2y+TuNAHL23Xa/aTq1lagNBi9JTowX0lx0br2CqDbKg==
username: 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
data: null
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-secret
namespace: test-ns
You can update the existing SealedSecret by using --merge-into option in SealedSecret service. You can simply copy & paste the encrypted data into a json and merge this to the existing SealedSecret like this
$ echo -n bar | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=foo=/dev/stdin -o json \
| kubeseal > mysealedsecret.json
$ echo -n baz | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=bar=/dev/stdin -o json \
| kubeseal --merge-into mysealedsecret.json
When the sealedsecret needs to decrypt and work the same as normal secrets in kubernetes then both sealedsecrets and secrets need to be in the same namespace.
For more detailed information refer this official sealedsecrets github page
To know more about the usage of SealedSecret refer to this document

Service account secret is not listed. How to fix it?

I have used kubectl create serviceaccount sa1 to create service account. Then I used kubectl get serviceaccount sa1 -oyaml command to get service account info. But it returns as below.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
creationTimestamp: "2022-05-16T08:03:50Z"
name: sa1
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "19651"
uid: fdddacba-be9d-4e77-a849-95ca243781cc
I need to get,
- name: <secret>
part. but it doesn't return secrets. How to fix it?
In Kubernetes 1.24, ServiceAccount token secrets are no longer automatically generated. See "Urgent Upgrade Notes" in the 1.24 changelog file:
The LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration feature gate is beta, and enabled by default. When enabled, Secret API objects containing service account tokens are no longer auto-generated for every ServiceAccount. Use the TokenRequest API to acquire service account tokens, or if a non-expiring token is required, create a Secret API object for the token controller to populate with a service account token by following this guide. (#108309, #zshihang)
This means, in Kubernetes 1.24, you need to manually create the Secret; the token key in the data field will be automatically set for you.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: sa1-token
kubernetes.io/service-account.name: sa1
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
Since you're manually creating the Secret, you know its name: and don't need to look it up in the ServiceAccount object.
This approach should work fine in earlier versions of Kubernetes too.

Whats difference between "kubectl auth reconcile" and "kubectl apply" for working with RBAC?

I have some average yaml file defining some average role resource, all yaml should reflect my resource's desired state.
To get new average role into cluster I usually run kubectl apply -f my-new-role.yaml
but now I see this (recommended!?) alternative kubectl auth reconcile -f my-new-role.yaml
Ok, there may be RBAC relationships, ie Bindings, but shouldn't an apply do same thing?
Is there ever a case where one would update (cluster) roles but not want their related (cluster) bindings updated?
The kubectl auth reconcile command-line utility has been added in Kubernetes v1.8.
Properly applying RBAC permissions is a complex task because you need to compute logical covers operations between rule sets.
As you can see in the CHANGELOG-1.8.md:
Added RBAC reconcile commands with kubectl auth reconcile -f FILE. When passed a file which contains RBAC roles, rolebindings, clusterroles, or clusterrolebindings, this command computes covers and adds the missing rules. The logic required to properly apply RBAC permissions is more complicated than a JSON merge because you have to compute logical covers operations between rule sets. This means that we cannot use kubectl apply to update RBAC roles without risking breaking old clients, such as controllers.
The kubectl auth reconcile command will ignore any resources that are not Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole, and ClusterRoleBinding objects, so you can safely run reconcile on the full set of manifests (see: Use 'kubectl auth reconcile' before 'kubectl apply')
I've created an example to demonstrate how useful the kubectl auth reconcile command is.
I have a simple secret-reader RoleBinding and I want to change a binding's roleRef (I want to change the Role that this binding refers to):
NOTE: A binding to a different role is a fundamentally different binding (see: A binding to a different role is a fundamentally different binding).
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
name: secret-admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: Role
name: secret-reader
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: service-account-1
namespace: default
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
name: secret-admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: Role
name: secret-creator
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: service-account-1
namespace: default
As we know, roleRef is immutable, so it is not possible to update this secret-admin RoleBinding using kubectl apply:
$ kubectl apply -f secret-admin.yml
The RoleBinding "secret-admin" is invalid: roleRef: Invalid value: rbac.RoleRef{APIGroup:"rbac.authorization.k8s.io", Kind:"Role", Name:"secret-creator"}: cannot change roleRef
Instead, we can use kubectl auth reconcile. If a RoleBinding is updated to a new roleRef, the kubectl auth reconcile command handles a delete/recreate related objects for us.
$ kubectl auth reconcile -f secret-admin.yml
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/secret-admin reconciled
reconciliation required recreate
Additionally, you can use the --remove-extra-permissions and --remove-extra-subjects options.
Finally, we can check if everything has been successfully updated:
$ kubectl describe rolebinding secret-admin
Name: secret-admin
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Kind: Role
Name: secret-creator
Kind Name Namespace
---- ---- ---------
ServiceAccount service-account-1 default

kubectl doesnt show username/password of secret?

So, I set up a few secrets in my cluster, but when I want to see them, I get no data response:
a#b:~/ kubectl create secret generic test-sc --username=test --password='tested'
secret/test-sc created
a#b:~/ kubectl describe secrets/test-sc
Name: test-sc
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Type: Opaque
Your secret is not correct.
You are specifying text so you should use --from-literal.
In your example
kubectl create secret generic test-sc --from-literal=username=test --from-literal=password='tested'
This is explained in the docs.

How to authenticate and access Kubernetes cluster for devops pipeline?

Normally you'd do ibmcloud login ⇒ ibmcloud ks cluster-config mycluster ⇒ copy and paste the export KUBECONFIG= and then you can run your kubectl commands.
But if this were being done for some automated devops pipeline outside of IBM Cloud, what is the method for getting authenticating and getting access to the cluster?
You should not copy your kubeconfig to the pipeline. Instead you can create a service account with permissions to a particular namespace and then use its credentials to access the cluster.
What I do is create a service account and role binding like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: gitlab-tez-dev # account name
namespace: tez-dev #namespace
kind: Role
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
name: tez-dev-full-access #role
namespace: tez-dev
- apiGroups: ["", "extensions", "apps"]
resources: ["deployments", "replicasets", "pods", "services"] #resources to which permissions are granted
verbs: ["*"] # what actions are allowed
kind: RoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
name: tez-dev-view
namespace: tez-dev
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: gitlab-tez-dev
namespace: tez-dev
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: Role
name: tez-dev-full-access
Then you can get the token for the service account using:
kubectl describe secrets -n <namespace> gitlab-tez-dev-token-<value>
The output:
Name: gitlab-tez-dev-token-lmlwj
Namespace: tez-dev
Labels: <none>
Annotations: kubernetes.io/service-account.name: gitlab-tez-dev
kubernetes.io/service-account.uid: 5f0dae02-7b9c-11e9-a222-0a92bd3a916a
Type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
ca.crt: 1042 bytes
namespace: 7 bytes
token: <TOKEN>
In the above command, namespace is the namespace in which you created the account and the value is the unique value which you will see when you do
kubectl get secret -n <namespace>
Copy the token to your pipeline environment variables or configuration and then you can access it in the pipeline. For example, in gitlab I do (only the part that is relevant here):
stage: deploy
image: lwolf/kubectl_deployer:latest
- docker:dind
- dev
######## CREATE THE KUBECFG ##########
- kubectl config set-cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --server=${K8S_URL}
- kubectl config set-credentials gitlab-tez-dev --token=${TOKEN}
- kubectl config set-context tez-dev-context --cluster=${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --user=gitlab-tez-dev --namespace=tez-dev
- kubectl config use-context tez-dev-context
- kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
- kubectl apply -f service.yml
- kubectl rollout status -f deployment.yml
The KUBECONFIG environment variable is a list of paths to Kubernetes configuration files that define one or more (switchable) contexts for kubectl (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-access-multiple-clusters/).
Copy your Kubernetes configuration file to your pipeline agent (~/.kube/config by default) and optionally set the KUBECONFIG environment variable. If you got different contexts in your config file, you may want to remove the ones you don't need in your pipeline before copying it or switch contexts using kubectl config use-context.
Everything you need to connect to your kube api server is inside that config, certs, tokens etc.
If you don't want to copy a token into a file or want to use the API to automate the retrieval of the token, you can also execute some POST commands in order to programmatically retrieve your user token.
The full docs for this are here: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_install#kube_api
The key piece is retrieving your id token with the POST https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token call.
The body will return an id_token that you can use in your Kubernetes API calls.