Good Julia code for a bifurcation diagram - matlab

I am in the process of migrating all my Matlab code into Julia. I have an old Matlab script that produces the standard bifurcation diagram for the logistic map, quite fast: ≈0.09s for the loop, ≈0.11s for the plot to come out (Matlab 2019a). The logistic map is well known and I will be brief here: x(t+1) = r*x(t)*(1-x(t)), 0 ≤ r ≤ 4. For accuracy, I choose maxiter = 1000 and r = LinRange(0.0,4.0, 6001).
I have tried to rewrite my Matlab code into Julia, but I am still a clumsy Julia programmer. The best I could come up with was to get 1.341015 seconds (44.79 M allocations: 820.892 MiB, 4.60% gc time) for the loop to run, and Plots.jl takes 2.266 s (6503764 allocations: 283.60 MiB) to save a pdf file of the plot (not bad), while it takes around 17s to get the plot to be seen in the Atom plots pane (that's OK with Plots). This was done with Julia 1.5.3 (both in Atom and VS Code).
I would be grateful if someone could provide some help with my Julia code below. It runs, but it looks a bit primitive and slow. I tried to change the style and looked for performance tips (#inbounds, #simd, #avx), but always got stuck in one problem or another. It simply does not make sense to have the same loop 15 times faster in Matlab than in Julia, and I know that. Actually, there is a piece of Matlab code that I particularly like (by Steve Brunton), which is extremely simple and elegant, and (apparently) easy to be re-written in Julia; but I stumbled here as well. Brunton's loops run in just ≈0.04s, and can be found below.
Help will be appreciated. Thanks. The plot is the usual one:
enter image description here
My Matlab code:
hold on % required for plotting all points
maxiter = 1000;
r1 = 0;
r4 = 4;
Tot = 6001;
r = linspace(r1, r4, Tot); % Number of r values (6001 points)
np = length(r);
y = zeros(maxiter+1, Tot); % Pre-allocation
y(1,1:np) = 0.5; % Generic initial condition
for n = 1 : maxiter
y(n+1,:) = r.*y(n,:) .* (1-y(n,:)); % Iterates all the r values at once
for n = maxiter-100 : maxiter+1 % eliminates transients
grid on
yticks([0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1])
hold off
My Julia code:
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools
#using LoopVectorization
#using SIMD
#time begin
rs = LinRange(0.0,4.0, 6001)
#rs = collect(rs)
x1 = 0.5
maxiter = 1000 # maximum iterations
x = zeros(length(rs), maxiter) # for each starting condition (across rows)
#for k = 1:length(rs)
for k in eachindex(rs)
x[k,1] = x1 # initial condition
for j = 1 : maxiter-1
x[k, j+1] = rs[k] * x[k, j] * (1 - x[k,j])
#btime begin
plot(rs, x[:,end-50:end], #avoiding transients
seriestype = :scatter,
markersize = 1,
markerstrokewidth = 0,
legend = false,
markeralpha = 0.3)
#xticks! = 0:1:4
Steve Brunton's Matlab code:
for beta = linspace(0,4,6001)
xold = 0.5;
for i = 1:500
xnew = (beta*(xold-xold^2));
xold = xnew;
%xnew = xold;
xss = xnew;
for i = 1:1000;
xnew = ((xold-xold^2)*beta);
xold = xnew;
xvals(1,length(xvals)+1) = beta; % saving beta values
xvals(2,length(xvals)) = xnew; % saving xnew values
if (abs(xnew-xss) < .001)
plot (xvals(1,:),xvals(2,:),'b.', 'Linewidth', 0.1, 'Markersize', 1)
grid on
%xlim([2.5 4])

#time begin
rs = LinRange(0.0,4.0, 6001)
x1 = 0.5
maxiter = 1000 # maximum iterations
x = zeros(length(rs), maxiter)
for k in eachindex(rs)
x[k,1] = x1 # initial condition
for j = 1 : maxiter-1
x[k, j+1] = rs[k] * x[k, j] * (1 - x[k,j])
1.490238 seconds (44.79 M allocations: 820.892 MiB, 5.81% gc time)
#time begin
rs = LinRange(0.0,4.0, 6001)
x1 = 0.5
maxiter = 1000 # maximum iterations
x = zeros(length(rs), maxiter)
for k in eachindex(rs)
x[k,1] = x1 # initial condition
for j = 1 : maxiter-1
x[k, j+1] = rs[k] * x[k, j] * (1 - x[k,j])
0.044452 seconds (2 allocations: 45.784 MiB, 29.09% gc time)
let introduces a new scope, so your problem is that you're running in global scope.
The compiler finds it difficult to optimise code in global scope, because any variables can be accessed from any location in your (possibly 1000s of lines of) source code. As described in the manual, this is the number 1 reason why code can run slower than it should.

I do not know, why you were flagged, maybe this way of communication is not very suitable for StackOverflow, I can recommend to use which is more suitable for long discussions.
Regarding your code, there couple of things that can be improved.
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools
using LoopVectorization
function bifur(rs, xs, maxiter)
x = zeros(length(rs), maxiter) # for each starting condition (across rows)
bifur!(x, rs, xs, maxiter)
function bifur!(x, rs, xs, maxiter)
# #avx - LoopVectorization is broken on julia nightly, so I had to switch to other options
#inbounds #simd for k = 1 : length(rs) # macro to vectorize the loop
x[k,1] = xs # initial condition
for j = 1 : maxiter-1
x[k, j+1] = rs[k] * x[k, j] * (1 - x[k,j])
return x
As you can see, I split bifur in two functions: mutating, which was denoted with exclamation mark and non mutating, which is just named bifur. This pattern is common in Julia and helps to properly benchmark and use code. If you want faster version which do not allocate, you use mutating version. If you want slower version with guaranteed result (i.e. it does not change between different runs) you use non mutating version.
Here you can see benchmark results
julia> #benchmark bifur($rs, $xs, $maxiter)
memory estimate: 45.78 MiB
allocs estimate: 2
minimum time: 38.556 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 41.440 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 45.371 ms (10.08% GC)
maximum time: 170.765 ms (77.25% GC)
samples: 111
evals/sample: 1
This looks reasonable - best runtime is 38 ms and 2 allocations apparently coming from allocating x. Note also that variables xs and others were interpolated with $ symbol. It helps to benchmark properly, more can be read in BenchmarkTools.jl manual.
We can compare it with mutation version
julia> #benchmark bifur!(x, $rs, $xs, $maxiter) setup=(x = zeros(length($rs), $maxiter))
evals = 1
memory estimate: 0 bytes
allocs estimate: 0
minimum time: 25.574 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 27.556 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 27.717 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 35.223 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 98
evals/sample: 1
I had to add setup phase and now you can see that there are no allocation, as it can be expected and it runs slightly faster, 13 ms difference is x initialization.
Here is a note: your benchmark results are wrong, since you do not reset x between runs (no setup phase), so x was properly initialized on the first run, but on all other runs no additional calculations were performed. So you get something like 100 runs with first run equals to 30 ms and all other runs equals to 4ms, so on average you get 4 ms.
Now, you can use this function straightforwardly
x = bifur(rs, xs, maxiter)
#btime begin
plot($rs, #view($x[:, end-50:end]), #avoid transients
seriestype = :scatter,
markersize = 1.1,
markerstrokewidth = 0,
legend = false,
markeralpha = 0.3)
#xticks! = 0:1:4
Note that here I use interpolation again, and also #view for proper array slicing. Thing is, expressions like x[:, end-50:end] create new copy of the array, which can slow down calculations sometimes. Of course it is of little importance in the case of the Plots.jl, but can be useful in other calculations.

I was frustrated by the Julia code's poor style and performance for the bifurcation diagram of the logistic map I presented above. I am a kind of a newbie to Julia and expected some help for a problem that is not that difficult for an experienced Julia programmer. Well, looking for help, I just got knocked on my head with flags, telling me that I was deviating from my question or something else. I was not.
I feel better now. The code below runs two loops (inside a function), filling in a 6001×1000 Array{Float64,2} in just 3.276 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes), and the plot comes out in 17.660 ms (83656 allocations: 11.32 MiB) right on the Atom's plots pane. I think it can still be improved, but (for me) it's OK as it stands. Julia rocks.
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools
using LoopVectorization
function bifur(rs, x, xs, maxiter)
#avx for k = 1 : length(rs) # macro to vectorize the loop
x[k,1] = xs # initial condition
for j = 1 : maxiter-1
x[k, j+1] = rs[k] * x[k, j] * (1 - x[k,j])
#return x
rs = LinRange(0.0, 4.0, 6001) #rs = collect(rs)
xs = 0.5
maxiter = 1000 # maximum iterations
x = zeros(length(rs), maxiter) # for each starting condition (across rows)
#btime begin
bifur(rs, x, xs, maxiter)
#benchmark bifur(rs, x, xs, maxiter)
#btime begin
plot(rs, x[:, end-50:end], #avoid transients
seriestype = :scatter,
markersize = 1.1,
markerstrokewidth = 0,
legend = false,
markeralpha = 0.3)
#xticks! = 0:1:4
The plot should look like this:
Does anyone have an idea of how to adapt Brunton's above Matlab code to Julia? I kind of like his style. It looks beautiful for teaching.

In the meantime, I learned that the #avx macro from LoopVectorization.jl should not be applied to two loops that are not independent (which is the case with these two loops), and if I change the order of the loops, performance will be enhanced 5x. So, a better piece of code to produce a bifurcation diagram for the logistic map will be something like this:
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools
#using LoopVectorization
using SIMD
function bifur!(rs, x, xs, maxiter)
x[:,1] .= xs
for j in 1:maxiter-1 #the j loop needs to be sequential, so should be the outer loop
#inbounds #simd for k in 1:length(rs) # the k loop should be the innermost since it is first on x.
x[k, j+1] = rs[k] * x[k, j] * (1 - x[k,j])
return x
rs = LinRange(0.0, 4.0, 6001) #rs = collect(rs)
xs = 0.5
maxiter = 1000 # maximum iterations
x = zeros(length(rs), maxiter)
bifur!(rs, x, xs, maxiter)
#benchmark bifur!($rs, x, $xs, $maxiter) setup=(x = zeros(length($rs), $maxiter)) evals=1
#btime begin
plot(rs, x[:, end-50:end], #avoid transients
#plot($rs, #view($x[:, end-50:end]),
seriestype = :scatter,
markersize = 1.1,
markerstrokewidth = 0,
legend = false,
markeralpha = 0.3)
#xticks! = 0:1:4


MATLAB code for adding two signals for different time intervals

I have got two sine waves shifted 180 degrees from each other. I would like to create another signal from these two, but for that I have to add separate intervals separately and the resultant should be continuous as well.
Here are two sine waves:
t = 0:0.00001:0.02;
w= 2*pi*50;
ma = 0.8*sin(w*t);
mb = 0.8*sin(w*t-pi);
Now I want to create another signal mcm. For an interval "0 to 0.005 (quarter cycle)" I want mcm = 1 + ma. For interval "0.005 to 0.01" I want mcm = 1 + mb.
And likewise for the other two quarters.
How do we go about doing it?
Edit after the question was changed in the comment below
Given the need to generalise this to multiple cycles (note the addition of the user defined input n = number of cycles), here is what I would suggest.
Firstly, each function has to be explicitly defined. Secondly, for each point along the length of t, the function that needs to be used at that data point needs to be (explicitly) defined.
Thus in the code below, functions and functionOrder are used to set the functions to be used, and the order/frequency in which they are to be used.
In the Calculate mcm section, a variable ind is used to iterate over the output, and select the function to be used at each point.
% User inputs
f = 50;
n = 3; % number of cycles
inc = 0.00001; % increment
% Preliminaries
t_interval = 1/f;
t = 0:inc:t_interval*n;
t = t(1:end-1);
w = 2*pi*f;
ma = 0.8*sin(w*t);
mb = 0.8*sin(w*t-pi);
% Define mcm
f1 = #(ii) -1 - mb(ii);
f2 = #(ii) 1 - ma(ii);
f3 = #(ii) -1 + mb(ii);
f4 = #(ii) 1 - mb(ii);
functions = {f1, f2, f3, f4};
functionOrder = [1 2 3 4];
% Calculate mcm
ind = repmat(functionOrder, round(t_interval/inc)/length(functionOrder), 1);
ind = reshape(ind, numel(ind), 1);
ind = repmat(ind, n, 1);
mcm = zeros(size(ind));
for ii = 1:length(ind)
mcm(ii) = functions{ind(ii)}(ii);
% Plot
figure; plot(t,ma);
hold on; plot(t,mb);
plot(t, mcm);
Previous answer to the simpler question, without the need for generalisability
The way I would approach this would be a compromise between ease of use in the current situation and ease of replication/dynamism as the example changes.
First create a variable that is in indicator of where ma should be used and mb should be used. Note that using 0 and 1 makes future steps easier: if you had more functions to utilise in this piecewise operation, the construction of this indicator would have to be different.
ind = zeros(size(t)); %indicator
ind(t >= 0.000 && t < 0.005) = 1;
ind(t >= 0.010 && t <=0.015) = 1;
Then, the addition of ma and mb is relatively straightforward.
mcm = 1 + ind.*ma + (1-ind).*mb;
[Note that this follows the mathematical formulation described in the text, but the resulting curve is not continuous. I do not see a way to do this so that ma and mb alternate every quarter cycle and the curve is also continuous.]

Serious performance issue with iterating simulations

I recently stumbled upon a performance problem while implementing a simulation algorithm. I managed to find the bottleneck function (signally, it's the internal call to arrayfun that slows everything down):
function sim = simulate_frequency(the_f,k,n)
r = rand(1,n); %
x = arrayfun(#(x) find(x <= the_f,1,'first'),r);
sim = (histcounts(x,[1:k Inf]) ./ n).';
It is being used in other parts of code as follows:
h0 = zeros(1,sims);
for i = 1:sims
p = simulate_frequency(the_f,k,n);
h0(i) = max(abs(p - the_p));
Here are some possible values:
% Test Case 1
sims = 10000;
the_f = [0.3010; 0.4771; 0.6021; 0.6990; 0.7782; 0.8451; 0.9031; 0.9542; 1.0000];
k = 9;
n = 95;
% Test Case 2
sims = 10000;
the_f = [0.0413; 0.0791; 0.1139; 0.1461; 0.1760; 0.2041; 0.2304; 0.2552; 0.2787; 0.3010; 0.3222; 0.3424; 0.3617; 0.3802; 0.3979; 0.4149; 0.4313; 0.4471; 0.4623; 0.4771; 0.4913; 0.5051; 0.5185; 0.5314; 0.5440; 0.5563; 0.5682; 0.5797; 0.5910; 0.6020; 0.6127; 0.6232; 0.6334; 0.6434; 0.6532; 0.6627; 0.6720; 0.6812; 0.6901; 0.6989; 0.7075; 0.7160; 0.7242; 0.7323; 0.7403; 0.7481; 0.7558; 0.7634; 0.7708; 0.7781; 0.7853; 0.7923; 0.7993; 0.8061; 0.8129; 0.8195; 0.8260; 0.8325; 0.8388; 0.8450; 0.8512; 0.8573; 0.8633; 0.8692; 0.8750; 0.8808; 0.8864; 0.8920; 0.8976; 0.9030; 0.9084; 0.9138; 0.9190; 0.9242; 0.9294; 0.9344; 0.9395; 0.9444; 0.9493; 0.9542; 0.9590; 0.9637; 0.9684; 0.9731; 0.9777; 0.9822; 0.9867; 0.9912; 0.9956; 1.000];
k = 90;
n = 95;
The scalar sims must be in the range 1000 1000000. The vector of cumulated frequencies the_f never contains more than 100 elements. The scalar k represents the number of elements in the_f. Finally, the scalar n represents the number of elements in the empirical sample vector, and can even be very large (up to 10000 elements, as far as I can tell).
Any clue about how to improve the computation time of this process?
This seems to be slightly faster for me in the second test case, not the first. The time differences might be larger for longer the_f and larger values of n.
function sim = simulate_frequency(the_f,k,n)
r = rand(1,n); %
[row,col] = find(r <= the_f); % Implicit singleton expansion going on here!
[~,ind] = unique(col,'first');
x = row(ind);
sim = (histcounts(x,[1:k Inf]) ./ n).';
I'm using implicit singleton expansion in r <= the_f, use bsxfun if you have an older version of MATLAB (but you know the drill).
Find then returns row and column to all the locations where r is larger than the_f. unique finds the indices into the result for the first element of each column.
Credit: Andrei Bobrov over on MATLAB Answers
Another option (derived from this other answer) is a bit shorter but also a bit more obscure IMO:
mask = r <= the_f;
[x,~] = find(mask & (cumsum(mask,1)==1));
If I want performance, I would avoid arrayfun. Even this for loop is faster:
function sim = simulate_frequency(the_f,k,n)
r = rand(1,n); %
for i = 1:numel(r)
x(i) = find(r(i)<the_f,1,'first');
sim = (histcounts(x,[1:k Inf]) ./ n).';
Running 10000 sims with the first set of the sample data gives the following timing.
Your arrayfun function:
>Elapsed time is 2.848206 seconds.
The for loop function:
>Elapsed time is 0.938479 seconds.
Inspired by Cris Luengo's answer, I suggest below:
function sim = simulate_frequency(the_f,k,n)
r = rand(1,n); %
x = sum(r > the_f)+1;
sim = (histcounts(x,[1:k Inf]) ./ n)';
>Elapsed time is 0.264146 seconds.
You can use histcounts with r as its input:
r = rand(1,n);
sim = (histcounts(r,[-inf ;the_f]) ./ n).';
If histc is used instead of histcounts the whole simulation can be vectorized:
r = rand(n,sims);
p = histc(r, [-inf; the_f],1);
p = [p(1:end-2,:) ;sum(p(end-1:end,:))]./n;
h0 = max(abs(p-the_p(:))); %h0 = max(abs(bsxfun(#minus,p,the_p(:))));

Matlab : Confusion regarding unit of entropy to use in an example

Figure 1. Hypothesis plot. y axis: Mean entropy. x axis: Bits.
This Question is in continuation to a previous one asked Matlab : Plot of entropy vs digitized code length
I want to calculate the entropy of a random variable that is discretized version (0/1) of a continuous random variable x. The random variable denotes the state of a nonlinear dynamical system called as the Tent Map. Iterations of the Tent Map yields a time series of length N.
The code should exit as soon as the entropy of the discretized time series becomes equal to the entropy of the dynamical system. It is known theoretically that the entropy of the system, H is log_e(2) or ln(2) = 0.69 approx. The objective of the code is to find number of iterations, j needed to produce the same entropy as the entropy of the system, H.
Problem 1: My problem in when I calculate the entropy of the binary time series which is the information message, then should I be doing it in the same base as H? OR Should I convert the value of H to bits because the information message is in 0/1 ? Both give different results i.e., different values of j.
Problem 2: It can happen that the probality of 0's or 1's can become zero so entropy correspondng to it can become infinity. To prevent this, I thought of putting a check using if-else. But, the loop
if entropy(:,j)==NaN
does not seem to be working. Shall be greateful for ideas and help to solve this problem. Thank you
UPDATE : I implemented the suggestions and answers to correct the code. However, my logic of solving was not proper earlier. In the revised code, I want to calculate the entropy for length of time series having bits 2,8,16,32. For each code length, entropy is calculated. Entropy calculation for each code length is repeated N times starting for each different initial condition of the dynamical system. This appraoch is adopted to check at which code length the entropy becomes 1. The nature of the plot of entropy vs bits should be increasing from zero and gradually reaching close to 1 after which it saturates - remains constant for all the remaining bits. I am unable to get this curve (Figure 1). Shall appreciate help in correcting where I am going wrong.
clear all
H = 1 %in bits
Bits = [2,8,16,32,64];
threshold = 0.5;
N=100; %Number of runs of the experiment
for r = 1:length(Bits)
t = Bits(r)
for Runs = 1:N
x(1) = rand;
for j = 2:t
% Iterating over the Tent Map
if x(j - 1) < 0.5
x(j) = 2 * x(j - 1);
x(j) = 2 * (1 - x(j - 1));
end % if
%Binarizing the output of the Tent Map
s = (x >=threshold);
p1 = sum(s == 1 ) / length(s); %calculating probaility of number of 1's
p0 = 1 - p1; % calculating probability of number of 0'1
entropy(t) = -p1 * log2(p1) - (1 - p1) * log2(1 - p1); %calculating entropy in bits
if isnan(entropy(t))
entropy(t) = 0;
Entropy_Run(Runs) = entropy(t)
Entropy_Bits(r) = mean(Entropy_Run)
For problem 1, H and entropy can be in either nats or bits units, so long as they are both computed using the same units. In other words, you should use either log for both or log2 for both. With the code sample you provided, H and entropy are correctly calculated using consistant nats units. If you prefer to work in units of bits, the conversion of H should give you H = log(2)/log(2) = 1 (or using the conversion factor 1/log(2) ~ 1.443, H ~ 0.69 * 1.443 ~ 1).
For problem 2, as #noumenal already pointed out you can check for NaN using isnan. Alternatively you could check if p1 is within (0,1) (excluding 0 and 1) with:
if (p1 > 0 && p1 < 1)
entropy(:,j) = -p1 * log(p1) - (1 - p1) * log(1 - p1); %calculating entropy in natural base e
entropy(:, j) = 0;
First you just
function [mean_entropy, bits] = compute_entropy(bits, blocks, threshold, replicate)
if replicate
disp('Replication is ON');
disp('Replication is OFF');
% Populate random vector
if replicate
seed = 849;
rs = rand(blocks);
% Get random
trial_entropy = zeros(length(bits));
for r = 1:length(rs)
bit_entropy = zeros(length(bits), 1); % H
% Traverse bit trials
for b = 1:(length(bits)) % N
tent_map = zeros(b, 1); %Preallocate for memory management
tent_map(1) = rs(r);
for j = 2:b % j is the iterator, b is the current bit
if tent_map(j - 1) < threshold
tent_map(j) = 2 * tent_map(j - 1);
tent_map(j) = 2 * (1 - tent_map(j - 1));
end % if
%Binarize the output of the Tent Map
s = find(tent_map >= threshold);
p1 = sum(s == 1) / length(s); %calculate probaility of number of 1's
%p0 = 1 - p1; % calculate probability of number of 0'1
bit_entropy(b) = -p1 * log2(p1) - (1 - p1) * log2(1 - p1); %calculate entropy in bits
if isnan(bit_entropy(b))
bit_entropy(b) = 0;
trial_entropy(:, r) = bit_entropy;
disp('Trial Statistics')
data = get_summary(bit_entropy);
% TO DO Compute the mean for each BIT index in trial_entropy
mean_entropy = 0;
disp('Overall Statistics')
data = get_summary(trial_entropy);
%This is the wrong mean...
mean_entropy = data.mean;
function summary = get_summary(entropy)
summary = struct('mean', mean(entropy), 'sd', std(entropy));
and then you just have to
% Entropy Script
clear all
%% Settings
replicate = false; % = false % Use true for debugging only.
%H = 1; %in bits
Bits = 2.^(1:6);
Threshold = 0.5;
%Tolerance = 0.001;
Blocks = 100; %Number of runs of the experiment
%% Run
[mean_entropy, bits] = compute_entropy(Bits, Blocks, Threshold, replicate);
%What we want
%plot(bits, mean_entropy);
%What we have
plot(1:length(mean_entropy), mean_entropy);

Summing scalars and vectors [MATLAB]

First off; I'm not very well taught in programming, but i tend to learn exactly what I need to learn in order to do what I want when programming, I have moderate experience with python, html/css C and matlab. I've now enrolled in a physics-simulation course where I use matlab to compute the trajectory of 500 particles under the influence of 5 force-fields of different magnitude.
So now to my thing; I need to write the following for all i=1...500 particles
f_i = m*g - sum{(f_k/r_k^2)*exp((||vec(x)_i - vec(p)_k||^2)/2*r_k^2)(vec(x)_i - vec(p)_k)}
I hope its not too cluttered
And here is my code so far;
clear all
close all
echo off
%Simulation Parameters-------------------------------------------
h = 0.01; %Time-step h (s)
t_0 = 0; %initial time (s)
t_f = 3; %final time (s)
m = 1; %Particle mass (kg)
L = 5; %Charateristic length (m)
NT = t_f/h; %Number of time steps
g = [0,-9.81];
f = [32 40 28 16 20]; %the force f_k (N)
r = [0.3*L 0.2*L 0.4*L 0.5*L 0.3*L]; %the radii r_k
p = [-0.2*L 0.8*L; -0.3*L -0.8*L; -0.6*L 0.1*L;
0.4*L 0.7*L; 0.8*L -0.3*L];
%Forcefield origin position
%stepper = 'forward_euler'; % use forward Euler time-integration
fprintf('Simulation Parameters set');
for i = 1:500 %Gives inital value to each of the 500 particles
particle{i,1}.x = [-L -L];
particle{i,1}.v = [5,10];
particle{i,1}.m = m;
for k = 1:5
C = particle{i}.x - p(k,:);
F = rdivide(f(1,k),r(1,k)^2).*C
%clear C; %Creates elements for array F
particle{i}.fi = m*g - sum(F); %Compute attractive force on particle
%clear F; %Clear F for next use
What this code seems to do is that it goes into the first loop with index i, then goes through the 'k'-loop and exits it with a value for F then uses that last value for F(k) to compute f_i.
What I want it to do is to put all the values of F(k) from 1-5 and put into a matrix which columns I can sum for f_i. I'd prefer to sum the columns as the first column should represent all F-components in the x-axis and the second column all F-components in the y-axis.
Note that the expression for F in the k-loop is not done.
I fixed it by defining the index for F(k,:)

Matlab/CUDA: ocean wave simulation

I've studied "Simulating Ocean Water" article by Jerry Tessendorf and tried to program the Statistical Wave Model but I didn't get correct result and I don't understand why.
In my program I tried only to create a wave height field at time t = 0 without any further changes in time. After execution of my program I got not what I was expecting:
Here's my source code:
clear all; close all; clc;
rng(11); % setting seed for random numbers
meshSize = 64; % field size
windDir = [1, 0]; % ||windDir|| = 1
patchSize = 64;
A = 1e+4;
g = 9.81; % gravitational constant
windSpeed = 1e+2;
x1 = linspace(-10, 10, meshSize+1); x = x1(1:meshSize);
y1 = linspace(-10, 10, meshSize+1); y = y1(1:meshSize);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
H0 = zeros(size(X)); % height field at time t = 0
for i = 1:meshSize
for j = 1:meshSize
kx = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + x(i)); % = 2*pi*n / Lx
ky = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + y(j)); % = 2*pi*m / Ly
P = phillips(kx, ky, windDir, windSpeed, A, g); % phillips spectrum
H0(i,j) = 1/sqrt(2) * (randn(1) + 1i * randn(1)) * sqrt(P);
H0 = H0 + conj(H0);
axis([-10 10 -10 10 -10 10]);
And the phillips function:
function P = phillips(kx, ky, windDir, windSpeed, A, g)
k_sq = kx^2 + ky^2;
L = windSpeed^2 / g;
k = [kx, ky] / sqrt(k_sq);
wk = k(1) * windDir(1) + k(2) * windDir(2);
P = A / k_sq^2 * exp(-1.0 / (k_sq * L^2)) * wk^2;
Is there any matlab ocean simulation source code which could help me to understand my mistakes? Fast google search didn't get any results.
Here's a "correct" result I got from "CUDA FFT Ocean Simulation". I didn't achieve this behavior in Matlab yet but I've ploted "surf" in matlab using data from "CUDA FFT Ocean Simulation". Here's what it looks like:
I've made an experiment and got an interesting result:
I've taken generated h0 from "CUDA FFT Ocean Simulation". So I have to do ifft to transform from frequency domain to spatial domain to plot the graph. I've done it for the same h0 using matlab ifft and using cufftExecC2C from CUDA library. Here's the result:
CUDA ifft:
Matlab ifft:
Either I don't understand some aspects of realization of cufftExecC2C or cufftExecC2C and matlab ifft are different algorithms with different results.
By the way parameters for generating such surface are:
meshSize = 32
A = 1e-7
patchSize = 80
windSpeed = 10
Well that was definitely a funny exercise. This is a completely rewritten answer since you found the issues you were asking about by yourself.
Instead of deleting my answer, there is still merit in posting to help you vectorize and/or explain a few bits of code.
I completely rewrote the GUI I gave in my former answer in order to incorporate your changes and add a couple of options. It started to grew arms and legs so I won't put the listing here but you can find the full file there:
This is completely self contained and it includes all the calculating functions I vectorized and list separately below.
The GUI will allow you to play with the parameters, animate the waves, export GIF file (and a few other options like the "preset", but they are not too ironed out yet). A few examples of what you can achieve:
This is what you get with the quick default settings, and a couple of rendering options. This uses a small grid size and a fast time step, so it runs pretty quickly on any machine.
I am quite limited at home (Pentium E2200 32bit), so I could only practice with limited settings. The gui will run even with the settings maxed but it will become to slow to really enjoy.
However, with a quick run of ocean_simulator at work (I7 64 bit, 8 cores, 16GB ram, 2xSSD in Raid), it makes it much more fun! Here are a few examples:
Although done on a much better machine, I didn't use any parallel functionality nor any GPU calculations, so Matlab was only using a portion of these specs, which means it could probably run just as good on any 64bit system with decent RAM
Windy lake
This is a rather flat water surface like a lake. Even high winds do not produce high amplitude waves (but still a lot of mini wavelets). If you're a wind surfer looking at that from your window on top of the hill, your heart is going to skip a beat and your next move is to call Dave "Man! gear up. Meet you in five on the water!"
This is you looking from the bridge of your boat on the morning, after having battled with the storm all night. The storm has dissipated and the long large waves are the last witness of what was definitely a shaky night (people with sailing experience will know ...).
And this was what you were up to the night before...
second gif done at home, hence the lack of detail ... sorry
To the bottom:
Finally, the gui will let you add a patch around the water domain. In the gui it is transparent so you could add objects underwater or a nice ocean bottom. Unfortunately, the GIF format cannot include an alpha channel so no transparency here (but if you export in a video then you should be ok).
Moreover, the export to GIF degrade the image, the joint between the domain border and the water surface is flawless if you run that in Matlab. In some case it also make Matlab degrade the rendering of the lighting, so this is definitely not the best option for export, but it allows more things to play within matlab.
Now onto the code:
Instead of listing the full GUI, which would be super long (this post is long enough already), I will just list here the re-written version of your code, and explain the changes.
You should notice a massive increase of speed execution (orders of magnitude), thanks to the remaining vectorization, but mostly for two reasons:
(i) A lot of calculations were repeated. Caching values and reusing them is much faster than recalculating full matrices in loops (during the animation part).
(ii) Note how I defined the surface graphic object. It is defined only once (empty even), then all the further calls (in the loop) only update the underlying ZData of the surface object (instead of re-creating a surface object at each iteration.
Here goes:
%% // clear workspace
clear all; close all; clc;
%% // Default parameters
param.meshsize = 128 ; %// main grid size
param.patchsize = 200 ;
param.windSpeed = 100 ; %// what unit ? [m/s] ??
param.winddir = 90 ; %// Azimuth
param.rng = 13 ; %// setting seed for random numbers
param.A = 1e-7 ; %// Scaling factor
param.g = 9.81 ; %// gravitational constant
param.xLim = [-10 10] ; %// domain limits X
param.yLim = [-10 10] ; %// domain limits Y
param.zLim = [-1e-4 1e-4]*2 ;
gridSize = param.meshsize * [1 1] ;
%% // Define the grid X-Y domain
x = linspace( param.xLim(1) , param.xLim(2) , param.meshsize ) ;
y = linspace( param.yLim(1) , param.yLim(2) , param.meshsize ) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
%% // get the grid parameters which remain constants (not time dependent)
[H0, W, Grid_Sign] = initialize_wave( param ) ;
%% // calculate wave at t0
t0 = 0 ;
Z = calc_wave( H0 , W , t0 , Grid_Sign ) ;
%% // populate the display panel
h.fig = figure('Color','w') ; = handle(axes) ; %// create an empty axes that fills the figure = handle( surf( NaN(2) ) ) ; %// create an empty "surface" object
%% // Display the initial wave surface
set( , 'XData',X , 'YData',Y , 'ZData',Z )
set( , 'XLim',param.xLim , 'YLim',param.yLim , 'ZLim',param.zLim )
%% // Change some rendering options
axis off %// make the axis grid and border invisible
shading interp %// improve shading (remove "faceted" effect)
blue = linspace(0.4, 1.0, 25).' ; cmap = [blue*0, blue*0, blue]; %'// create blue colormap
%// configure lighting
h.light_handle = lightangle(-45,30) ; %// add a light source
%% // Animate
view(75,55) %// no need to reset the view inside the loop ;)
timeStep = 1./25 ;
nSteps = 2000 ;
for time = (1:nSteps)*timeStep
%// update wave surface
Z = calc_wave( H0,W,time,Grid_Sign ) ; = Z ;
%% // This block of code is only if you want to generate a GIF file
%// be carefull on how many frames you put there, the size of the GIF can
%// quickly grow out of proportion ;)
nFrame = 55 ;
gifFileName = 'MyDancingWaves.gif' ;
clear im
f = getframe;
[im,map] = rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither');
im(1,1,1,20) = 0;
iframe = 0 ;
for time = (1:nFrame)*.5
%// update wave surface
Z = calc_wave( H0,W,time,Grid_Sign ) ; = Z ;
f = getframe;
iframe= iframe+1 ;
im(:,:,1,iframe) = rgb2ind(f.cdata,map,'nodither');
disp([num2str(nFrame) ' frames written in file: ' gifFileName])
You'll notice that I changed a few things, but I can assure you the calculations are exactly the same. This code calls a few subfunctions but they are all vectorized so if you want you can just copy/paste them here and run everything inline.
The first function called is initialize_wave.m
Everything calculated here will be constant later (it does not vary with time when you later animate the waves), so it made sense to put that into a block on it's own.
function [H0, W, Grid_Sign] = initialize_wave( param )
% function [H0, W, Grid_Sign] = initialize_wave( param )
% This function return the wave height coefficients H0 and W for the
% parameters given in input. These coefficients are constants for a given
% set of input parameters.
% Third output parameter is optional (easy to recalculate anyway)
rng(param.rng); %// setting seed for random numbers
gridSize = param.meshsize * [1 1] ;
meshLim = pi * param.meshsize / param.patchsize ;
N = linspace(-meshLim , meshLim , param.meshsize ) ;
M = linspace(-meshLim , meshLim , param.meshsize ) ;
[Kx,Ky] = meshgrid(N,M) ;
K = sqrt(Kx.^2 + Ky.^2); %// ||K||
W = sqrt(K .* param.g); %// deep water frequencies (empirical parameter)
[windx , windy] = pol2cart( deg2rad(param.winddir) , 1) ;
P = phillips(Kx, Ky, [windx , windy], param.windSpeed, param.A, param.g) ;
H0 = 1/sqrt(2) .* (randn(gridSize) + 1i .* randn(gridSize)) .* sqrt(P); % height field at time t = 0
if nargout == 3
Grid_Sign = signGrid( param.meshsize ) ;
Note that the initial winDir parameter is now expressed with a single scalar value representing the "azimuth" (in degrees) of the wind (anything from 0 to 360). It is later translated to its X and Y components thanks to the function pol2cart.
[windx , windy] = pol2cart( deg2rad(param.winddir) , 1) ;
This insure that the norm is always 1.
The function calls your problematic phillips.m separately, but as said before it works even fully vectorized so you can copy it back inline if you like. (don't worry I checked the results against your versions => strictly identical). Note that this function does not output complex numbers so there was no need to compare the imaginary parts.
function P = phillips(Kx, Ky, windDir, windSpeed, A, g)
%// The function now accept scalar, vector or full 2D grid matrix as input
K_sq = Kx.^2 + Ky.^2;
L = windSpeed.^2 ./ g;
k_norm = sqrt(K_sq) ;
WK = Kx./k_norm * windDir(1) + Ky./k_norm * windDir(2);
P = A ./ K_sq.^2 .* exp(-1.0 ./ (K_sq * L^2)) .* WK.^2 ;
P( K_sq==0 | WK<0 ) = 0 ;
The next function called by the main program is calc_wave.m. This function finishes the calculations of the wave field for a given time. It is definitely worth having that on its own because this is the mimimun set of calculations which will have to be repeated for each given time when you want to animate the waves.
function Z = calc_wave( H0,W,time,Grid_Sign )
% Z = calc_wave( H0,W,time,Grid_Sign )
% This function calculate the wave height based on the wave coefficients H0
% and W, for a given "time". Default time=0 if not supplied.
% Fourth output parameter is optional (easy to recalculate anyway)
% recalculate the grid sign if not supplied in input
if nargin < 4
Grid_Sign = signGrid( param.meshsize ) ;
% Assign time=0 if not specified in input
if nargin < 3 ; time = 0 ; end
wt = exp(1i .* W .* time ) ;
Ht = H0 .* wt + conj(rot90(H0,2)) .* conj(wt) ;
Z = real( ifft2(Ht) .* Grid_Sign ) ;
The last 3 lines of calculations require a bit of explanation as they received the biggest changes (all for the same result but a much better speed).
Your original line:
Ht = H0 .* exp(1i .* W .* (t * timeStep)) + conj(flip(flip(H0,1),2)) .* exp(-1i .* W .* (t * timeStep));
recalculate the same thing too many times to be efficient:
(t * timeStep) is calculated twice on the line, at each loop, while it is easy to get the proper time value for each line when time is initialised at the beginning of the loop for time = (1:nSteps)*timeStep.
Also note that exp(-1i .* W .* time) is the same than conj(exp(1i .* W .* time)). Instead of doing 2*m*n multiplications to calculate them each, it is faster to calculate one once, then use the conj() operation which is much faster.
So your single line would become:
wt = exp(1i .* W .* time ) ;
Ht = H0 .* wt + conj(flip(flip(H0,1),2)) .* conj(wt) ;
Last minor touch, flip(flip(H0,1),2)) can be replaced by rot90(H0,2) (also marginally faster).
Note that because the function calc_wave is going to be repeated extensively, it is definitely worth reducing the number of calculations (as we did above), but also by sending it the Grid_Sign parameter (instead of letting the function recalculate it every iteration). This is why:
Your mysterious function signCor(ifft2(Ht),meshSize)), simply reverse the sign of every other element of Ht. There is a faster way of achieving that: simply multiply Ht by a matrix the same size (Grid_Sign) which is a matrix of alternated +1 -1 ... and so on.
so signCor(ifft2(Ht),meshSize) becomes ifft2(Ht) .* Grid_Sign.
Since Grid_Sign is only dependent on the matrix size, it does not change for each time in the loop, you only calculate it once (before the loop) then use it as it is for every other iteration. It is calculated as follow (vectorized, so you can also put it inline in your code):
function sgn = signGrid(n)
% return a matrix the size of n with alternate sign for every indice
% ex: sgn = signGrid(3) ;
% sgn =
% -1 1 -1
% 1 -1 1
% -1 1 -1
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:n) ;
sgn = ones( n ) ;
sgn(mod(x+y,2)==0) = -1 ;
Lastly, you will notice a difference in how the grids [Kx,Ky] are defined between your version and this one. They do produce slightly different result, it's just a matter of choice.
To explain with a simple example, let's consider a small meshsize=5. Your way of doing things will split that into 5 values, equally spaced, like so:
Kx(first line)=[-1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5] * 2 * pi / patchSize
while my way of producing the grid will produce equally spaced values, but also centered on the domain limits, like so:
Kx(first line)=[-2.50 -1.25 0.0 1.25 2.50] * 2 * pi / patchSize
It seems to respect more your comment % = 2*pi*n / Lx, -N/2 <= n < N/2 on the line where you define it.
I tend to prefer symmetric solutions (plus it is also slightly faster but it is only calculated once so it is not a big deal), so I used my vectorized way, but it is purely a matter of choice, you can definitely keep your way, it only ever so slightly "offset" the whole result matrix, but it doesn't perturbate the calculations per se.
last remains of the first answer
Side programming notes:
I detect you come from the C/C++ world or family. In Matlab you do not need to define decimal number with a coma (like 2.0, you used that for most of your numbers). Unless specifically defined otherwise, Matlab by default cast any number to double, which is a 64 bit floating point type. So writing 2 * pi is enough to get the maximum precision (Matlab won't cast pi as an integer ;-)), you do not need to write 2.0 * pi. Although it will still work if you don't want to change your habits.
Also, (one of the great benefit of Matlab), adding . before an operator usually mean "element-wise" operation. You can add (.+), substract (.-), multiply (.*), divide (./) full matrix element wise this way. This is how I got rid of all the loops in your code. This also work for the power operator: A.^2 will return a matrix the same size as A with every element squared.
Here's the working program.
First of all - source code:
clear all; close all; clc;
rng(13); % setting seed for random numbers
meshSize = 128; % field size
windDir = [0.1,1];
patchSize = 200;
A = 1e-7;
g = 9.81; % gravitational constant
windSpeed = 100;
timeStep = 1/25;
x1 = linspace(-10, 10, meshSize+1); x = x1(1:meshSize);
y1 = linspace(-10, 10, meshSize+1); y = y1(1:meshSize);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % wave field
i = 1:meshSize; j = 1:meshSize; % indecies
[I,J] = meshgrid(i,j); % field of indecies
Kx = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + I); % = 2*pi*n / Lx, -N/2 <= n < N/2
Ky = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + J); % = 2*pi*m / Ly, -M/2 <= m < M/2
K = sqrt(Kx.^2 + Ky.^2); % ||K||
W = sqrt(K .* g); % deep water frequencies (empirical parameter)
P = zeros(size(X)); % Cant compute P without loops
for i = 1:meshSize
for j = 1:meshSize
P(i,j) = phillips(Kx(i,j), Ky(i,j), windDir, windSpeed, A, g); % phillips spectrum
H0 = 1/sqrt(2) .* (randn(size(X)) + 1i .* randn(size(X))) .* sqrt(P); % height field at time t = 0
rotate3d on;
for t = 1:10000 % 10000 * timeStep (sec)
Ht = H0 .* exp(1i .* W .* (t * timeStep)) + ...
conj(flip(flip(H0,1),2)) .* exp(-1i .* W .* (t * timeStep));
[az,el] = view;
axis([-10 10 -10 10 -1e-4 1e-4]); view(az,el);
blue = linspace(0.4, 1.0, 25)'; map = [blue*0, blue*0, blue];
%shading interp; % improve shading (remove "faceted" effect)
phillips.m: (I've tried to vectorize the computation of Phillips spectrum but I faced with a difficulty which I'll show further)
function P = phillips(kx, ky, windDir, windSpeed, A, g)
k_sq = kx^2 + ky^2;
if k_sq == 0
P = 0;
L = windSpeed^2 / g;
k = [kx, ky] / sqrt(k_sq);
wk = k(1) * windDir(1) + k(2) * windDir(2);
P = A / k_sq^2 * exp(-1.0 / (k_sq * L^2)) * wk^2;
if wk < 0
P = 0;
signCor.m: (This function is an absolutely mystery for me... I've copied it from "CUDA FFT Ocean Simulation" realization. Simulation works much worse without it. And again I don't know how to vectorize this function.)
function H = signCor(H1, meshSize)
H = H1;
for i = 1:meshSize
for j = 1:meshSize
if mod(i+j,2) == 0
sign = -1; % works fine if we change signs vice versa
sign = 1;
H(i,j) = H1(i,j) * sign;
The biggest mistake that I've done is that I used ifft instead of using ifft2, that's why CUDA ifft and Matlab ifft didn't match.
My second mistake was in this lines of code:
kx = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + x(i)); % = 2*pi*n / Lx
ky = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + y(j)); % = 2*pi*m / Ly
I should've write:
kx = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + i); % = 2*pi*n / Lx
ky = 2.0 * pi / patchSize * (-meshSize / 2.0 + j); % = 2*pi*m / Ly
I've played a bit with parameters A, meshSize, patchSize and I came to the conclusion that:
Somehow plausible parameter of wave amplitude is A * (patchSize / meshSize), where A is nothing but a scaling factor.
For 'calm' patchSize / meshSize <= 0.5.
For 'tsunami' patchSize / meshSize >= 3.0.
Difficulty with a vectorization of Phillips spectrum:
I have 2 functions:
% non-vectorized spectrum
function P = phillips1(kx, ky, windDir, windSpeed, A, g)
k_sq = kx^2 + ky^2;
if k_sq == 0
P = 0;
L = windSpeed^2 / g;
k = [kx, ky] / sqrt(k_sq);
wk = k(1) * windDir(1) + k(2) * windDir(2);
P = A / k_sq^2 * exp(-1.0 / (k_sq * L^2)) * wk^2;
if wk < 0
P = 0;
% vectorized spectrum
function P = phillips2(Kx, Ky, windDir, windSpeed, A, g)
K_sq = Kx .^ 2 + Ky .^ 2;
L = -g^2 / windSpeed^4;
WK = (Kx ./ K_sq) .* windDir(1) + (Ky ./ K_sq) .* windDir(2);
P = (A ./ (K_sq .^ 2)) .* ( exp(L ./ K_sq) .* (WK .^ 2) );
P(K_sq == 0) = 0;
P(WK < 0) = 0;
P(isinf(P)) = 0;
After I compute P1 using phillips1 and P2 using phillips2 I plot their difference:
subplot(2,1,1); surf(X,Y,real(P2-P1)); title('Difference in real part');
subplot(2,1,2); surf(X,Y,imag(P2-P1)); title('Difference in imaginary part');
It perfectly illustrates that there's a huge difference between this 2 spectrums in real part.