Histogram rebinning in Matlab 2020a, when I don't have a Matlab histogram object - matlab

I have two vectors that describe a histogram: bin values/labels and bin count.
I'd like to import those into a Matlab histogram object so that I can change parameters more easily, such as the number of bins.
Here is a simplification what I have:
Center bin values:
BinValues(1:21) = [-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
and count values per bin
CountValues(1:21) = [ 16 12 3 21 7 8 2 6 0 3 4 6 1 8 3 25 16 5 7 10 16];
My actual histogram has 800000 bins, and I want to vary the number of bins.
In my simplified example above, it would be something like reducing the bins from 21 to 15 or 21 to 11.
What I have can be graphed as a simple bar graph.
But, if I want to experiment with different numbers of bins, I think it would be best to use the histogram function/object in Matlab, but I'm not sure how I do this from what I have.
OK Update:
I tried this:
h=histogram('BinEdges',[-10.5:10.5] , 'BinCounts', CountValues);
Now I have a nice histogram, but if I use fewerbins(h), I get an error saying I can't do that while BinCountsMode is in "manual". If I modify it to be in "auto" mode, then my original histogram disappears.
The brute force solution would be to generate a huge array with repeated values as dictated by binCount values, but that seems like a dumb way to solve this problem.


Vector with specific number of equally spaced values

I am familiar with the command:
which creates a vector of values, equally spaced by 0.1, from -5 to 5.
However, is there a way to produce a vector of values, equally spaced from -5 to 5 such that there are, say, 100 values in the vector.
(-5:0.1:5) gives a vector with 101 values, however, is there a way to get a vector of 100 values without manually calculating the step size?
Yes there is. Use function linspace. See documentation here
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
also the question is a duplicate of this question

How to draw a Histogram in Matlab

I have a set of around 35000 data. These data are the signal strengths received only from a single location for different time interval of time. I want to plot a Histogram using these data. My X-axis will give the information about "Signal Strengths" and my Y-axis will give the information about "Probability". My histogram will consists of different bars which will give information about the signal strength and probabilities.
For example, suppose I have the following data
a= [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6]
How can I plot the graph using data at X-axis and Probability at Y-axis? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
This should work just fine if you don't want to use some predefined functions:
figure, stairs(una,normhist)
Una has only the unique values of a, normhist is now between 0 and 1 and it's the probability of occurring of the individual signal because you divide it by the number of elements included in the data.

Draw lines between coordinates of a matrix in MATLAB

I would like to draw lines between the coordinates of the matrix below and then plot it, it should become an F.
F = ([0 2 2 7 7 2 2 8 8 0 0;0 0 8 8 10 10 14 14 16 16 0])
How can I do this?
You should simply be able to do this with
the style that you are plotting the data with has many options that you can refer to here http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/matlab/ref/plot.html
Have you tried this?
I dont have matlab here, but this must work!

MATLAB: Step through iterations of a vector

I have a 15 element array = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15];.
I was wondering if there was a command such that it would step through iterations of the array without repeating itself. In other words, since there is a chance that randperm() will create the same matrix twice, I want to step through each permutation only once and perform a calculation.
I concede that there are factorial(15) permutations, but for my purposes, these two vectors (and similar) are identical and don't need to be counted twice:
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
[15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]
Thus, is there any way to step through this?
I think what you are looking for is perms. randperm returns a single random permutation, you want all the permutations.
So use
my_permuations = perms([1:15]);
If forward-backward is the same as backward-foward then you can use the top half of the list only...
my_permutation_to_use = my_permutations(1:length(my_permutations)/2, :);
You may compare all permutations, but this would require to store all past permutations. Instead a local decision is better. I recommend this simple rule:
A permutation is valid, if the first element is smaller than the last element.
A permutation is redundant, if the first element is larger than the last element.
For small sizes, this could simply be done with this code:
%generate all permutations
%select only the valid lines, remove all redundant lines
Remains the problem, that generating x for 1:15 breaks all memory limits and would require about 100h.

Set x-axis to non-monotonic values and avoid scaling

I use matlab to plot a graph where instead of having x-axis increase monotonically, I have my own values. eg 5 14 8 9 12 7 etc.I use set (gca,'XTickLabel',num2str(mydata)) which generally works. However, when mydata is more than four or five digits, Matlab scales the graph and thus x-axis values no longer correspond to their intended points. Any ideas on how to prevent this scaling? To clarify, when I make the figure larger, it shows the plot as it should.
The problem is in your num2str() conversion:
mydata = 1:10;
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This means, that each tick will be labelled with this long 1 by n char array. The axes will then be resized to fit the labels inside the figure.
A solution is to create one label per row of a char array:
ans =
Sort of solution is to write set(gca,'xtick',1:myDataVectorLength) before set (gca,'XTickLabel',num2str(mydata))