Unicode value for right arrow with two strokes - unicode

I want to use the → character with two // strokes through the arrow but cannot find the unicode value for it anywhere. Does this exist in unicode? If not, is there a way to recreate it?

There are six Unicode characters whose name matches a right arrow with a double stroke, making use of the regular expression: /right.*arrow.*double.*stroke/.
Only two characters appear to be relevant candidates:
The official Unicode name of U+2B7C was initially wrong, but a corrected name has been added later as an alias.
U+2B7C appears to be quite uncommon, no suitable font was available in the OS used for the screenshot. Still, it is possible to see what it should look like in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows - Range: 2B00–2BFF PDF document:

I was not successful in finding what you were looking for (negative result). U+0219B is a "Rightwards Arrow with Stroke" and U+021FB "Rightwards Arrow with Double Vertical Stroke". If it exist, it would probably be called "Rightwards Arrow with Double Stroke". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow_(symbol)

The following Unicode sequences should describe your character, but unfortunately fonts are not helping.
→⃫ : \u2192\u20EB
⟶⃫ : \u27F6\u20EB
They are normal and long arrow, with the combining U+20EB: COMBINING LONG DOUBLE SOLIDUS OVERLAY (long double slash overlay). You may find a technical font which can display both in the expected way.
You may get something acceptable also with:
⎯⎯⎯⃫⟶ \u23AF\u23AF\u23AF\u20EB\u27F6 (using arrow extension line)
⎯⎯⃫⟶ \u23AF\u23AF\u20EB\u27F6
Depending on the environment, one of the two seem much better (on my computers).
So: you can express it (semantically) with Unicode, but standards fonts are not helping us. You should experiment with many symbols/mathematical fonts, to get an acceptable solution.
As alternative, you can build such image easily with SVG (and use a SVG as character image).


Are they unicode code points that enable geometric transformation such as rotation and mirroring?

Playing with Unicode to create symbols with the already large set of combiners and other modifiers allows to already go far.
Although, there are times where some arrows are only given in a single direction, or a diacritic is available only placed above, but not for example bellow on the left side.
So are they modifiers/combiners that allow to instruct such a composition?
For example, the combining rectangle allows to make something like a̻. At least on the current terminal, it's rendered with a rectangle on the above right position compared to the a glyph to which it's combined, having it's longest side oriented horizontally. Now, what if :
the goal is to place the rectangle at the top left, top middle, etc.?
the goal is to rotate the rectangle before it's combined with the main glyph?
the goal is to mirror the rectangle before it's combined with the main glyph?
Obviously the last point don't make much difference for a rectangle, but for asymmetric glyphs it would.
No, there is no such mechanism in Unicode. Different positional variants of the same diacritic are encoded as separate characters. For example, U+0307 COMBINING DOT ABOVE, U+0358 COMBINING DOT ABOVE RIGHT, and U+1DF8 COMBINING DOT ABOVE LEFT are all different codepoints. There is currently no way to represent, say, a generic combining dot below right in Unicode.
Similarly, arbitrary Unicode characters cannot be mirrored or rotated. Where such transformations make a meaningful distinction (for example the pair “E” and “Ǝ”), they have once again been encoded atomicly.
There are some very specific circumstances where such modifiers can be applied. In Sutton SignWriting, rotation is a productive feature. Rotating glyphs is necessary to display text correctly, so a number of rotation modifiers have been defined. For example, U+1D800 SIGNWRITING HAND-FIST INDEX points upwards in its base orientation (𝠀), but by appending U+1DAA1 SIGNWRITING ROTATION MODIFIER-2 you can make it point north-west instead (𝠀𝪡).
For emoji only, Unicode also specifies a mechanism for defining whether a given glyph is supposed to face left or right. For example, “🚗‍⬅️” would be an automobile going to the left and “🚗‍➡️” would be an automobile going to the right. No commercially available fonts presently support this mechanism, however.

Are there Unicode characters like these?

Are these findable? I've turned them myself because I could only find left and right. I want it to be the text of my buttons.
The closest match is probably:
Technically, these are punctuation characters from the CJK compatibility block used for vertical writing systems. What you're really looking for is an arrow-like symbol.
Try using a special font, like FontAwesome. Check out chevron-up and chevron-down.
I have to agree with some other responder, though, that SVG or even a sprite image would be better. You can set the text to be the unicode characters and style the element to show the image, so that selecting it and copying would give you the text.

Is there a downwards double arrow with stroke unicode character?

I want the character ⇓ with stroke, just like ⇏ but downwards, but I can't find it. Does it exist?
If you don't see the arrows (e.g. you use IE),
I want the character [downwards double arrow] with stroke, just like [rightwards double arrow with stroke] but downwards, but I can't find it. Does it exist?
There is no such character as a precomposed character (i.e., as a single encoded character, a code point assigned to a character), but you can in principle represent it using an arrow character followed by a combining overlay character.
The character “⇏” U+21CF RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE has been defined as having the canonical decomposition RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW (U+21D2) COMBINING LONG SOLIDUS OVERLAY (U+0338). In principle, a character should be expected to be rendered the same way as its canonical decomposition. In practice, things don’t always go that way.
Along the same lines, a downwards double arrow with stroke could be written as the two-character sequence DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW (U+21D3) COMBINING LONG SOLIDUS OVERLAY (U+0338) or, in HTML, as ⇓̸. In practice, few fonts contain these characters, and browsers may fail to implement the combination properly. Moreover, in many fonts, the result is awkward. In Arial Unicode MS and in DejaVu Serif, the result might be acceptable, but only the latter is free (can be legally used as a downloadable font via #font-face). Here’s the combination as rendered by your browser with the SO stylesheets in effect: ⇓̸.
It doesn't seem to exist, according to this page (compared to this).

font with graphic "blackspace" character

I'm looking for a font which contains a graphic character which is (essentially), the space character, inverted. I'm looking for a graphic character equivalent to the largest-possible solid-black box. The closest I have been able to find is Wingings 2 character 162, but that doesn't fill the entire available character space. When I insert two consecutive Wingdings 2 162 characters, there is still appreciable whitespace between them when displayed or printed. Does anyone know of a black-box font/character which would fill all available character space?
All characters are going to have whitespace between them, or they would be unreadable. This is called "kerning". You can adjust the kerning and line-height in whatever program you are using to send the malicious fax, if you want to be sure to use the maximum amount of toner per page.
Have you considered creating your own font using a software package like this or like this? You could edit the space character to be a solid black square. But as Chris McCall mentioned, you may still have space between characters of any size due to kerning applied by the layout engine that draws the fonts.
You other option is to owner draw your own text and programmatically replacing spaces with black boxes. You would have complete control over kerning and everything else.
I don't know if this is exactly what you were looking for, but...
I was looking for the same thing, since I wanted to create a "textbox" when I wanted to write text using the spritefont, but I never knew how long the total string was going to be, so I wanted something that I could "write" in the same location right before the string with a contrasting color which could be expected to be as long as the string it needed to encompass. That being the case, try:
Webdings - character 103.
I tried lining them up and there wasn't even any space in between. Perfect.

Unicode character that lines up with ⎮ but is as long as ⎢

Sorry if this isn't the right overflow for this question. I need a unicode character that is as long as ⎢ (23A2, LEFT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENSION) but lines up horizontally with ⎮ (23AE, INTEGRAL EXTENSION). Is there such a character?
Take a look at shapecatcher. If you draw a straight line, it shows plenty of different codepoints resembling |.
As already pointed out, exact placement and size may depend on the font, but if you know that the font is going to be a specific one (because you supply it), you could still find the character you're looking for.
It turns out this does depend on the font. If I use DejaVu Sans Mono, INTEGRAL EXTENSION is as long as I want it to be. This font appears to be almost exactly the same as the font I was using, Menlo, except for some small differences with some characters (including this one).