Flutter/Riverpod: UI not updating on state change within a StateNotifierProvider - flutter

The UI of my app is not updating when I know for a fact the state is changing. I am using the watch method from Riverpod to handle this, but the changes don't take effect unless I do a hot reload.
I have a class HabitListStateNotifier with methods to add/remove habits from the list:
class HabitListStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<List<Habit>> {
HabitListStateNotifier(state) : super(state ?? []);
void startAddNewHabit(BuildContext context) {
context: context,
builder: (_) {
return NewHabit();
void addNewHabit(String title) {
final newHabit = Habit(title: title);
void deleteHabit(String id) {
state.removeWhere((habit) => habit.id == id);
And here is the provider for this:
final habitsProvider = StateNotifierProvider(
(ref) => HabitListStateNotifier(
Habit(title: 'Example Habit'),
Here is how the HabitList (the part of the UI not updating) is implemented:
class HabitList extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
final habitList = watch(habitsProvider.state);
/////////////not updating/////////////
return ListView.builder(
shrinkWrap: true,
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return HabitCard(
habit: habitList[index],
itemCount: habitList.length,
/////////////not updating/////////////
And finally, the HabitCard (what the HabitList is comprised of):
class HabitCard extends StatelessWidget {
final Habit habit;
HabitCard({#required this.habit});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/////////////function in question/////////////
void deleteHabit() {
/////////////function in question/////////////
return Card(
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(devHeight * 0.03),
color: Colors.grey[350],
elevation: 3,
child: Column(
children: [
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
title: habit.title,
builder: (context, watch, child) => IconButton(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
icon: Icon(Icons.delete),
/////////////function in question/////////////
onPressed: deleteHabit,
/////////////function in question/////////////
When I press the delete icon in a HabitCard, I know the Habit is being removed from the list, but the change is not reflecting in the UI. However, when I do a hot reload, it disappears as expected. What am I doing wrong here?

Since StateNotifierProvider state is immutable, you need to replace the data on CRUD operations by using state = - which is what will trigger UI updates as per docs.
Then assign new data using state = <newData>
Add and Delete Rewrite
You need to write your add & delete like this:
void addNewHabit(String title) {
state = [ ...state, Habit(title: title)];
void deleteHabit(String id) {
state = state.where((Habit habit) => habit.id != id).toList();
You need to exchange your old list with a new one for Riverpod to fire up.
Update code (for others)
Whilst your query does not need to update data, here is an example of how an update could be done to retain the original sort order of the list;
void updateHabit(Habit newHabit) {
List<Habit> newState = [...state];
int index = newState.indexWhere((habit) => habit.id == newHabit.id);
newState[index] = newHabit;
state = newState;

I don't know if this is the right way to handle things, but I figured it out. In the HabitListStateNotifier, for addNewHabit and deleteHabit, I added this line of code: to the end: state = state; and it works exactly how I want it to.

I used to solve this Issue by putting state = state; at the end, but now for some reason maybe flutter or Riverpod update, It doesn't work anymore.
Anyway this is how I managed to solve it now.
void addNewHabit(String title) {
List<Habit> _habits = [...state];
final newHabit = Habit(title: title);
state = _habits ;
the explanation as I understand it. when state equals an object, in order to trigger the consumer to rebuild. state must equal a new value of that object, but updating variables of the state object itself will not work.
Hope this helps anyone.


How to listen to the changes and rebuild the widget in flutter using provider packge?

The problem i am facing is,
I am connecting my ui to backend with websocket using subscribe method(graphql client). That means there is a connection between my ui and backend. I am storing the data i got from backend in the local storage
From the local storage, i am getting that data,
Whenever i receive the data from backend it should be reflected in the ui automatically. For reflecting change in ui, i am using state management provider package.What should i do to make my widget rebuild on listening to the changes i had made using provider package;
class MyNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
bool _listenableValue = false;
bool get listenableValue => _listenableValue
void setValue(){
_listenableValue = !_listenableValue;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<MyNotifier>(
create: (context) => MyNotifier.instance(),
builder: (context, child){
return Column(
children: [
//This text widget will rebuild when value is changed
Selector<MyNotifier, bool>(
selector: (_, notifier) => notifier.listenableValue,
builder: (_, value, __) => Text('$value');
//Change value with button
icon: //icon
onPressed: (){
Don' t use Consumer. Consumer will rebuild all widgets when a data changed. This is the bad situation for performance.
Selector is the best in my opinion.
If you have your state in a ChangeNotifier like:
class MyState extends ChangeNotifier{
addStorage(Map<String, String> data) {...}
getAllDataFromStorage() {...}
Then you can make your UI rebuild by just wrapping the desired widgets in a Consumer.
Consumer<MyState>(builder: (context, state) {
return Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10),
child: LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) {
if (screenLayout >= 1024) {
return desktopWidget(context, visitsList);
} else if (screenLayout >= 768 && screenLayout <= 1023) {
return tabletWidget(context, visitsList);
} else {
return mobileWidget(context, visitingsList, screenLayout);
Note that somewhere above this snippet you should have a ChangeNotifierProvider injecting your MyState in the widget tree.
For a really thorough and complete guide take a look at Simple state management
**best way to listen changes in provider its to make getter and setter i will show you example below**
class ContactProvider with ChangeNotifier {
bool isBusy = true;
bool get IsBusy => isBusy;
set IsBusy(bool data) {
this.isBusy = data;
void maketru(){
and now you can use this context.read<ContactProvider>().Isbusy;

Flutter_bloc: Is there a cleaner way to access the state of a flutter Cubit than a redundant if/else statement?

I'm using flutter_bloc and have created a sessionState that gets triggered when a user has successfully authenticated and the state saves the user object (did).
I use a Cubit to change the state which then results in showing different screens in the ui. But whenever I want to access the did object of the Verified sessionState which holds the user information, I have to create an if else statement in every file to check if the sessionState is Verified and if that is true I can access the did object with state.did.
I would be interested to know if it's possible to provide this did object to all underlying widgets without passing it down manually every widget.
I would like to be able to just access the did object from the context so that I can access it everywhere below where it is provided.
My SessionState:
abstract class SessionState {}
class UnkownSessionState extends SessionState {}
class Unverified extends SessionState {}
class Verified extends SessionState {
Verified({required this.did});
final Did did;
The SessionCubit launches states that I use to define the global state of the app and show different screens as a result.
class SessionCubit extends Cubit<SessionState> {
SessionCubit(this.commonBackendRepo) : super(UnkownSessionState()) {
final CommonBackendRepo commonBackendRepo;
final SecureStorage secureStorage = SecureStorage();
Future<void> attemptGettingDid() async {
try {
//more logic
} catch (e) {
void showUnverified() => emit(Unverified());
void showSession(Did did) {
emit(Verified(did: did));
This is how I currently access the did object in every file:
BlocBuilder<SessionCubit, SessionState>(builder: (context, state) {
if (state is Verified) {
return CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
elevation: 0.0,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor,
title: Text(
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: CredentialDetailsView(),
} else {
return const Text("Unverified");
That's how I would imagine the optimal solution to my scenario:
Create if/else to check if state is verfied in one parent widget.
If state is verfied create a Provider as a child with the 'did' Object so that the children of this Provider don't have to access the SessionState but can just access the provided did object.
Response to Robert Sandberg's answer
I also have an AppNavigator that either start the authNavigator or sessionNavigator. So the sessionNavigator is the parent widget of all widgets that get shown only when the state is Verified. So I think this would be a great place to wrap the sessionNavigator with the Provider.value, as you explained it.
I wrapped my SessionNavigator with the Provider.value widget and provided the state object:
class AppNavigator extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<SessionCubit, SessionState>(
builder: (context, state) {
return Navigator(
pages: [
if (state is UnkownSessionState)
MaterialPage(child: StartupScreen()),
//show auth flow
if (state is Unverified)
child: BlocProvider(
create: (context) => AuthCubit(context.read<SessionCubit()),
child: AuthNavigator(),
//show session flow
if (state is Verified)
child: Provider.value(
// here I can access the state.did object
value: state,
child: SessionNavigator(),
onPopPage: (route, result) => route.didPop(result),
For testing I tried to watch the provided value inside of my Home screen which is a child of the SessionNavigator:
class _HomeState extends State<Home> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final sessionState = context.watch<SessionState>();
return CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
floating: true,
expandedHeight: 60.0,
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar(
title: Text(
// I can't access state.did because value is of type SessionState
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6,
const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 20, bottom: 16)),
But because the type of my value is SessionState I can't access the did object of the underlying Verified state. I though about providing the state.did object but I don't know how I would watch for that type.
I also got the error that my home screen couldn't find the Provider in the build context. Could that happen because my Home screen has a Navigator as parent?
This is a visualization of my app architecture:
I use this pattern sometimes, and it sounds like my solution very much fits your imagined optimal solution :)
In a parent:
BlocBuilder<MyBloc, MyBlocState>(
builder: (context, state) {
return state.when(
stateA: () => SomeWidgetA(),
stateB: () => SomeWidgetB(),
stateC: (myValue) {
return Provider.value(
value: myValue,
child: SomeWidgetC(),
... and then in SomeWidgetC() and all it's children I do the following to get hold of myValue (where it is of type MyValueType)
final myValue = context.watch<MyValueType>();
If you want, you could also use regular InheritedWidget instead of using the Provider package but you get a lot of nifty features with Provider.
Response to your further questions.
In your case, if you provide the entire state as you do in AppNavigator, then you should look for Verified state in SessionNavigator as such:
final sessionState = context.watch<Verified>();
Or, if you only need the Did object, then just provide that, so in AppNavigator:
if (state is Verified)
child: Provider.value(
value: state.did,
child: SessionNavigator(),
And then in SessionNavigator:
final did = context.watch<Did>();
Edit 3:
It might be that your problems arises with nested Navigators. Have a look at this SO answer for some guidance.
If you continue struggle, I suggest that you open new SO questions for the specific problems, as this is starting to get a bit wide :) I think that the original question is answered, even though you haven't reached a final solution.
You can use something like (state as Verified).did.username, but I would still recommend using the if/else pattern since you ensure that you are using the correct state.
In my personal projects, I use the Freezed package (https://pub.dev/packages/freezed) for such cases since there are some useful methods to cover this. For instance, by using freezed, your issue could be resolved as:
return state.maybeWhen(
verified: (did) => CustomScrollView(...),
orElse: () => const Text("Unverified"),

setState not causing UI to refresh

Using a stateful widget, I have this build function:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Row(
children: [
Text("Message Channel")
body: compileWidget(context),
bottomSheet: Row(
children: [
child: DefaultTextFormField(true, null, hintText: "Message ...", controller: messageField)
icon: Icon(Icons.send),
onPressed: onSendPressed
As you can see in the body, there is a compileWidget function defined as:
FutureBuilder<Widget> compileWidget(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: createWidget(context),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
print("DONE loading widget ");
return snapshot.data;
} else {
return Container(
child: Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator()
In turn, the createWidget function looks like this:
List<Widget> bubbles;
Future<Widget> createWidget(BuildContext context) async {
await updateChatList();
// when working, return listview w/ children of bubbles
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
child: ListView(
children: this.bubbles,
// update chat list below
Future<void> updateChatList({Message message}) async {
if (this.bubbles != null) {
if (message != null) {
print("Pushing new notification into chat ...");
} else {
print("Update called, but nothing to do");
} else {
var initMessages = await Message.getMessagesBetween(this.widget.implicatedCnac.implicatedCid, this.widget.peerNac.peerCid);
print("Loaded ${initMessages.length} messages between ${this.widget.implicatedCnac.implicatedCid} and ${this.widget.peerNac.peerCid}");
// create init bubble list
this.bubbles = initMessages.map((e) {
print("Adding bubble $e");
return bubbleFrom(e);
print("Done loading bubbles ...");
The chat bubbles populate the screen in good order. However, once a new message comes-in and is received by:
StreamSubscription<Message> listener;
void initState() {
this.listener = Utils.broadcaster.stream.stream.listen((message) async {
print("{${this.widget.implicatedCnac.implicatedCid} <=> ${this.widget.peerNac.peerCid} streamer received possible message ...");
if (this.widget.implicatedCnac.implicatedCid == message.implicatedCid && this.widget.peerNac.peerCid == message.peerCid) {
print("Message meant for this screen!");
await this.updateChatList(message: message);
setState(() {});
The "message meant for this screen!" prints, then within updateChatList, "Pushing new notification into chat ..." prints, implying that the bubble gets added to the array. Finally, setState is called, yet, the additional bubble doesn't get rendered. What might be going wrong here?
First of all, let me explain how setState works according to this link.
Whenever you change the internal state of a State object, make the change in a function that you pass to setState. Calling setState notifies the framework that the internal state of this object has changed in a way that might impact the user interface in this subtree, which causes the framework to schedule a build for this State object.
In your case, I would say it's just a convention. You can define a message object in your stateful class and update it inside the listener and your setstate like this:
setState(() { this.message = message; });
Before any changes, you need to check this question
Usage of FutureBuilder with setState
Because using setstete with FutureBuilder can make an infinite loop in StatefulWidget which reduces performance and flexibility. Probably, you should change your approach to design your screen because FutureBuilder automatically updates the state each time tries to fetch data.
There is a better solution for your problem. Because you are using a stream to read messages, you can use StreamBuilder instead of the listener and FutureBuilder. It brings less implementation and more reliability for services that provide a stream of data. Every time the StreamBuilder receives a message from the Stream, it will display whatever you want with the snapshot of data.
You need to ensure that the ListView has a UniqueKey:
ScrollController _scrollController = ScrollController();
Stream<Widget> messageStream;
void initState() {
// use RxDart to merge 2 streams into one stream
this.messageStream = Rx.merge<Message>([Utils.broadcaster.stream.stream.where((message) => this.widget.implicatedCnac.implicatedCid == message.implicatedCid && this.widget.peerNac.peerCid == message.peerCid), this.initStream()]).map((message) {
print("[MERGE] stream recv $message");
// this line below to ensure that, as new items get added, the listview scrolls to the bottom
this._scrollController = _scrollController.hasClients ? ScrollController(initialScrollOffset: _scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent) : ScrollController();
return ListView(
key: UniqueKey(),
controller: this._scrollController,
keyboardDismissBehavior: ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.onDrag,
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 50),
children: this.widget.bubbles,
Note: As per Erfan's directions, the context is best handled with a StreamBuilder. As such, I changed to a StreamBuilder, thus reducing the amount of code needed

Widgets with future builder not removing widget after provider was updated with async

I have been learning flutter for 2-3 months now and I feel I have a reached a fundamental roadblock with understanding state management. This post will be long unfortunately so please bare with me and I hope I put the right detail.
Problem Definition
I have a list of widgets in a shopping cart,im at the point where I click minus and it only has 1 left the widget must be removed.No matter what I try I cant get that widget to be removed. If I click back button and go back into cart the Item will not appear anymore.
I have considered other methods, like disposing the widget(that didn't seem to work) and I was busy implementing Visibility Show/hide widgets in Flutter programmatically
but that doesn't feel like the right way.If my understanding of providers,changeNotifiers,async and future builders,is correct the below method should work and I think its fundamental to my flutter journey to understand why it doesn't work.
Overview:The idea was to use the minus button on CartItemWidget to call a method that updates Json stored on the local device, then repopulate the List cartProdList in ProductProvider which calls
notifyListeners() and then should propagate everywhere the provider is used. Now I have used this pattern successfully 5 times now, the only different this time is it will be removing a widget which I haven't done before. But this should work dynamically if the future is based of the same provider right ?
function call order
calls >>>
ProductProvider.cartMinusOne(String id)
calls >>>
ProductProvider.Future<List<Product>> cartProducts()
well here goes the code.I also wouldn't mind comments on things I could be doing better in all areas.
class CartWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_CartWidgetState createState() => _CartWidgetState();
class _CartWidgetState extends State<CartWidget> {
var providerOfProd;
ProductProvider cartProdProvider = new ProductProvider();
void initState() {
_productsList = new ProductsList();
providerOfProd = Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context, listen: false).cartProducts();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Column(children: <Widget>[
future: providerOfProd,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return Container(
width: 0,
height: 0,
case ConnectionState.done:
return ListView.separated(
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return CartItemWidget(
product: cartProdProvider.cartProdList.elementAt(index),
heroTag: 'cart',
quantity: cartProdProvider.cartProdList.elementAt(index).cartqty,
key: UniqueKey(),
class CartItemWidget extends StatefulWidget {
CartItemWidget({Key key, this.product, this.heroTag, this.quantity = 1}) : super(key: key);
// ProductProvider cartProd = new ProductProvider();
String heroTag;
Product product;
int quantity;
_CartItemWidgetState createState() => _CartItemWidgetState();
class _CartItemWidgetState extends State<CartItemWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<ProductProvider>(
builder: (context, productProv, _) => InkWell(
child: Container(
child: Row(
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
widget.quantity = this.decrementQuantity(widget.quantity);
class ProductProvider with ChangeNotifier {
ProductProvider() {
List<Product> cartProdList;
cartMinusOne(String id) async {
//Code to minus item,then return as a string to save as local jason
var test = jsonEncode(cartList);
saveLocalJson(test, 'cart.json');
Future<List<Product>> cartProducts() async {
String jsonString = await JsonProvider().getProductJson();
String cartString = await getCartJson();
var filterProdList = (json.decode(jsonString) as List).map((i) => Product.fromJson(i)).toList();
//code to get match cart list to product list
cartProdList = filterProdList.where((element) => element.cartqty > 0).toList();
return cartProdList;

BlocBuilder partially update ListView

Hi, I'm trying to use a bloc pattern to create a list view that can be filtered by a TextField
Here is my code
class HomeBloc extends Bloc<HomeEvent, HomeState> {
List<Book> displayList = [];
HomeState get initialState => UnfilteredState();
Stream<HomeState> mapEventToState(
HomeEvent event,
) async* {
//handle filter by input
if(event is FilterListByTextEvent) {
displayList = displayList.where((book){
return book.title.toLowerCase().contains(event.filterString.toLowerCase());
yield FilteredState();
class BookList extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<HomeBloc, HomeState>(
builder: (context, state) {
final HomeBloc bloc = Provider.of<HomeBloc>(context);
return ListView.builder(
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: bloc.displayList.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Dismissible(
key: UniqueKey(),
background: Container(
color: selectedColor,
child: Container(
height: 120,
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20, 4, 20, 4),
child: BookCard(
book: bloc.displayList[index],
onDismissed: (DismissDirection direction) {
I've read some other discussion about bloc pattern and List view but the issue I'm facing here is different.
Every time my Filter event is called, bloc correctly generate a new displayList but, when BlocBuilder rebuild my UI, listview is not correctly updated.
The new filtered list is rendered but old results do not disappear. It seems like the new list is simply stacked on top of the old one.
In order to understand what was happening I tried printing the list that has to be rendered, inside the BlocBuilder before the build method is called.
The printed result was correct. In the console I see only the new filtered elements while in the UI I see both the new one and the old one, one below the other.
What am I missing here?
Keep an intermediate event, eg. a ListInit for which you will display a CircularProgressIndicator. BlocBuilder will be stuck on previous state unless you update it over again.
So in your bloc, first yield the ListInit state and then perform filtering operations, and then yield your FilteredState.
Make new state for loading and yield before displayList.
if(event is FilterListByTextEvent) {
yield LoadFilterList();
displayList = displayList.where((book)
yield FilteredState();