NetLogo: calculate distance to other turtles and make them dissatisfied if another turtle is too close - netlogo

I sprouted my turtles over the patches and in the 'go' I want each turtle to calculate if another turtle is too close (based on a certain threshold of X meters/patches). If another turtle is too close, i want the turtle to become 'dissatisfied'.
Movements of the turtles are not required.
What is the best way to do this? The only piece of code for the go procedure I have so far is as follows:
to go
ask n-of initial-number-tourists (patches with [ lagoon_proximity = 1])
sprout 1 [
set color black
set size 10
Kind regards!

Your code is creating more turtles and doesn't have anything about checking distances so it is not clear how it is related to the problem you are trying to solve. However, the following code measure the distance to the nearest turtle and prints a message if that is less than 5.
ask turtles
[ let nearest min-one-of turtles [distance myself]
if distance nearest < 5 [ show "I feel crowded" ]


Can't run Netlogo code - asking turtles to look around themselves and select the lowest patch variable

I am trying to get my turtles to look around themselves in netlogo and select a patch with the lowest slope variable in radius 2 - and if there isn't one to just select any patch.
I check my code, and it says everything is fine, but when I run it I keep getting this error: this code can't be run by a patch - error while patch X X running ifelse - called by procedure move - called by procedure go - called by button "go"
This is my move code:
to move
ask turtles [ask patches in-radius 2
[ifelse slope < 5
[fd 1]
[move-to one-of patches in-radius 2]
I have already tried downhill and downhill4 but my agents seemed to get stuck at the bottom of the slope and couldn't move anywhere.
Thank you for any help and advice!
Thank you - my code now works!
Because you are asking turtles to ask patches, the code inside the ask patches is run by the patch! A patch can’t use turtle variables, and doesn’t know that you mean to refer to the variables of the turtle that asked the patch.
This is what “of myself” is for. It lets an agent (self) talk to the agent that is telling it what to do. You’ll see stuff like “set heading [heading] of myself” But that’s not what you need here.
we could use an ask patches like you are doing here, but we really don’t want them to do anything, and it’s going to make the code much more complex looking. Anyway, We just want to find a patch that meets the turtle’s needs and move to it.
So instead. We can query the nearby patches using a WITH and store the set of patches found in a “patch set” variable.
If there are any, we can move to one of them.
Else, we can just move forward.
To move
Ask turtles
;; here the turtle tells patches to test the patch’s own slope
Let good-spots patches in-radius 2 with [ slope < 5 ]
;; are there some patches that pass the test?
If-else any? Good-spots
[ ;; Yes, pick one and go there
move-to one-of good-spots
[ ;; No, just move forward
Fd 1
Edit to add : Matteo’s answer correctly identifies the actual requirement, based on the question: move directly to the flattest patch, versus what the code above does, move to one of the flatter patches, if there is one.
Move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 [ slope ]
As you noted, This is similar but not identical to
Downhill slope
And neither of these may prevent turtles from getting stuck in a pit. You may need more code to detect pits and jump out of them.
The problem is not about variables but about commands: you are asking patches to run forward or to run move-to, while these are turtles' commands.
Now, for the purpose of the question, there is another issue: you said that you want
turtles to look around themselves in netlogo and select a patch with the lowest slope variable in radius 2 - and if there isn't one to just select any patch
However, even if we ignore the problem about asking patches to run forward or move-to, the structure of your code implies something very different. Your code seems to intend:
Turtles, check if there are any nearby patches with slope lower than a specific threshold;
If there are, move forward in whatever direction you are already facing;
If there are not, move to a random nearby patch.
The solution below is based on the assumption that what you want is what you said, and not what your code seems to imply.
The solution is very simple and only needs min-one-of (check it here):
to move
ask turtles [
move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 [slope]
As a demonstration, consider this full example:
patches-own [
to setup
ask patches [
set slope random 10 + 5
set pcolor scale-color green slope 5 14
create-turtles 10 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set color yellow
to go
ask turtles [
move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 [slope]
You will see that turtles tend to go to darker patches, that are those with lower slope.

NetLogo: how to let turtles return after one tick

hope you can help me out! I have a NetLogo question about the following code:
breed [tourists tourist]
turtles-own [satisfaction]
to setup
to go
ask n-of initial-number-tourists patches
sprout 1 [
set color white
set size 1
ask turtles
[ let nearest min-one-of turtles [distance myself]
if-else distance nearest < 0.0000001 [ set satisfaction 0 ]
[ set satisfaction 1 ]
ask turtles with [satisfaction = 0] [die]
The intention is to sprout "initial-number-tourists" at the start of each tick. Then, they calculate their 'satisfaction' based on the if there are turtles close and let the turtles that have a satisfaction of 0 die. Then, the turtles that remain (that are satisfied) will be sprouted again and their satisfaction will be calculated again.
The code is working, however, with unexpected outcomes. What happens is that the turtles are all sprouted, and they all die each tick. The next tick; they are sprouted again and all die again. Even if i set the distance threshold really low like i did in the code I provided.
Hopefully you can help me out!! Kind regards
The problem you are encountering is that the nearest turtle to each turtle is itself! Thus the distance to nearest is always zero and satisfaction will be set to zero for every turtle. What you want is the closest among the other turtles,
let nearest min-one-of other turtles [distance myself]
(Your distance threshold will mean that all turtles will have satisfaction of 1, but I assume that is what you wanted to accomplish in your testing. Since turtles are sprouted at the centers of the patches, a threshold of < 1.0 would accomplish the same thing.)
Minor point: the convention is to put tick at the end, not the beginning of the go procedure.

How to move turtles back to the patches that it come from

I have built the road shapefile which already intersected with patches. I want the turtle to move on the road that I had assigned.
to go
ask turtles
to-report coinflip?
report random 2 = 0
to avoid-wall
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 3 = black [set heading heading - 180]
to step
ifelse coinflip? [rt random 60] [lt random 60]
fd random 3
Actually, I intend to let the turtle move out of the assigned patches. But I still want them to come back in the next tick or just the few tick later. Some turtles come back and some do not (according to my code). How should I fix the code?
I have tried to use this code in Turtles moving in a pattern (Netlogo) but it does not work (I think that it does not work because my patches are a narrow road, not an area.)

Netlogo Reporter Not Reporting

I've made a animal behavior model involving "turtles" and "roads" and I want the model to report back to me when the turtle "crosses" a road. All I want is that it tells me when the turtle moves from a patch that is the grey color to the red color. I've included the code asking it to report this and the program has no issue with the code. To give me a visual representation of what I want it to report, I put a monitor on interface. But it always gives me a "0" for road crossings, even as I can see that my turtle has crossed roads. I would count it by hand, but it's impossible to tell for certain how many road crossings there are and this is for scientific publication. My code is as follows...
turtles-own [
to setup
;; create turtles on random patches.
ask patch 6 -15 [
sprout 1 [
set color one-of [green]
set size 1
set road-crossings 0
ask turtles [
if [pcolor] of patch-here = 14.9 [
set road-crossings road-crossings + 1
to go
ask turtles [
repeat 100 [
repeat 39 [
rt random-float 360
lt random-float 360
fd random-float 1.375
setxy 6 -15
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
There are several potential problems with this that I can see.
First, road-crossings is a turtle variable, which is the correct thing to do if you want each turtle to remember how many times it crosses a road. If so, however, the monitor must report sum [road-crossings] of turtles to get the road crossings of all turtles.
Second, which I think is actually your problem: you have the turtle checking whether it crosses the road in the setup procedure rather than the go procedure. The setup procedure is only run at the beginning.
Third, you don't actually have any roads in your example code, but I suspect that's just a failure to create a proper example. I assume that there are patches with pcolor of 14.9 in your real code. If not, though, that would also cause your error. You can make sure by going into the command center and asking count patches with [pcolor = 14.9]

How to limit number of turtles in a patch in NetLogo

I want to limit number of turtles per patch. I thought if I restrict movement of turtles as per the (1) and (2) conditions it will limit number of turtles per patch but whatever code I tried for this till now did not worked.
Let's suppose there are five turtles on patch Y and five is the limit.
1) to ask turtles standing at front on patch X (refer figure) to stop moving till there are five turtles on patch Y (refer figure).
2) to ask turtles standing at front on patch Y to move forward to patch z (refer figure) if patch z has less than five(5) turtles on it else stop.
At last I am using following simple code
let turtles-ahead other turtles in-cone speed 90
let turtle-ahead min-one-of turtles-ahead [distance myself]
ifelse turtle-ahead != nobody
set speed [speed] of turtle-ahead
This code simply ask turtles to move one-behind-another pattern or queue but it does not help me to limit number of turtles per patch whatever limit may be 4,5,6,7, 8... I have sprouted turtles within "go" procedures (1 turtle per patch, as per my need). The turtles are sprouted on a defined set of patches not in the whole world. So slowly number of turtles starts increasing and move around the world and after certain amount of ticks they are ask to exit out of the defined area and they die. Now at times it shows 10,11,.... 37 or above turtles on certain patches and this I want to stop actually.
I have checked one-turtles-per-patch, other code examples and many other helps from internet but no results.
For any other idea or help I would be obliged. Please help me.
I think you want to have turtles assess the count of turtles-here of the patch to which they are trying to move. Consider this simple example:
to setup
ask n-of 15 patches with [ pycor = 0 ] [
sprout 3 [
set heading 90
to go
ask turtles [
if ( count [turtles-here] of patch-ahead 1 ) < 5 and xcor < 16 [
fd 1
print [count turtles-here] of patches with [ any? turtles-here ]
On each tick, the turtles with an xcor of less than 16 (just to set a stop for this example) all check the patch-ahead 1 for the count of turtles on that patch. If the count is less than 5, the turtle moves to that patch. Otherwise, the turtle does nothing.