How do I know why my SonarQube helm chart is getting auto-killed by Kubernetes - kubernetes

This question is about logging/monitoring.
I'm running a 3 node cluster on AKS, with 3 orgs, Dev, Test and Prod. The chart worked fine in Dev, but the same chart keeps getting killed by Kubernetes in Test, and it keeps getting recreated, and re-killed. Is there a way to extract details on why this is happening? All I see when I describe the pod is Reason: Killed
Please tell me more details on this or can give some suggestions. Thanks!

List Events sorted by timestamp
kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

There might be various reasons for it to be killed, e.g. not sufficient resources or failed liveness probe.
For SonarQube there is a liveness and readiness probe configured so it might fail. Also as described in helm's chart values:
If an ingress path other than the root (/) is defined, it should be reflected here
A trailing "/" must be included
You can also check if there are sufficient resources on node:
check what node are pods running on: kubectl get pods -test and
then run kubectl describe node <node-name> to check if there is no
disk/ memory pressure.
You can also run kubectl logs <pod-name> and kubectl describe pod <pod-name> that might give you some insight of kill reason.


Kubernetes on GCP - Getting message "Does not have minimum availability"

I deployed the images of microservices currency-conversion and currency-exchange on Google cloud but in the Kubernetes Engine, I see that the pods/replica sets are not available.
When I check under Workload tab, I see that the service shows a message "Does not have minimum availability"
I added additional availability zone to increase the resources but that did not help.
How do I fix this ?
Many reasons could be there behind failure:
Low Resources so POD are not starting or pending
Liveness or Readiness failing for PODs
Configmap or secret which POD require to start is not available
You can describe the POD or check the logs of POD to debug more issue
kubectl describe pod <POD name> -n <Namespace name>
The pod is crashing hence why you're getting "Does not mean minimum availability"
You should look at the logs of the container first and see why its crashing
kubectl logs -n default {name of pod}

Reasons of Pod Status Failed

If Pod's status is Failed, Kubernetes will try to create new Pods until it reaches terminated-pod-gc-threshold in kube-controller-manager. This will leave many Failed Pods in a cluster and need to be cleaned up.
Are there other reasons except Evicted that will cause Pod Failed?
There can be many causes for the POD status to be FAILED. You just need to check for problems(if there exists any) by running the command
kubectl -n <namespace> describe pod <pod-name>
Carefully check the EVENTS section where all the events those occurred during POD creation are listed. Hopefully you can pinpoint the cause of failure from there.
However there are several reasons for POD failure, some of them are the following:
Wrong image used for POD.
Wrong command/arguments are passed to the POD.
Kubelet failed to check POD liveliness(i.e., liveliness probe failed).
POD failed health check.
Problem in network CNI plugin (misconfiguration of CNI plugin used for networking).
For example:
In the above example, the image "not-so-busybox" couldn't be pulled as it doesn't exist, so the pod FAILED to run. The pod status and events clearly describe the problem.
Simply do this:
kubectl get pods <pod_name> -o yaml
And in the output, towards the end, you can see something like this:
This will give you a good idea of where exactly did the pod fail and what happened.
PODs will not survive scheduling failures, node failures, or other evictions, such as lack of resources, or in the case of node maintenance.
Pods should not be created manually but almost always via controllers like Deployments (self-healing, replication etc).
Reason why pod failed or was terminated can be obtain by
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
Others situation I have encountered when pod Failed:
Issues with image (not existing anymore)
When pod is attempting to access i.e ConfigMap or Secrets but it is not found in namespace.
Liveness Probe Failure
Persistent Volume fails to mount
Validation Error
In addition, eviction is based on resources - EvictionPolicy
It can be also caused by DRAINing the Node/Pod. You can read about DRAIN here.

Kubernetes pods in pending state for indfinite time..?

I'm using digital ocean kubernetes cluster service and have deployed 9 nodes in cluster but when i'm trying to deploy kafka zookeeper pods few pods get deployed other remain in pending state. i've tried doing
kubectl describe pods podname -n namespace
it shows
its not getting assigned to any nodes
check if your deployment/statefulset might have some node Selectors and/or node/pod affinity that might prevent it from running .
also it would be helpful to see more parts of the pod decribe since it might give more details.
there is a message on your print screen about the PersistentVolume Claims so I would also check the status of the pvc objects to check if they are bound or not.
good luck

Automatic restart of a Kubernetes pod

I have a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform. The Kubernetes cluster contains a deployment which has one pod. The pod has two containers. I have observed that the pod has been replaced by a new pod and the entire data is wiped out. I am not able to identify the reason behind it.
I have tried the below two commands:
kubectl logs [podname] -c [containername] --previous
**Result: ** previous terminated container [containername] in pod [podname] not found
kubectl get pods
Result: I see that the number of restarts for my pod equals 0.
Is there anything I could do to get the logs from my old pod?
Try below command to see the pod info
kubectl describe po
Not many chances you will retrieve this information, but try next:
1) If you know your failed container id - try to find old logs here
/var/lib/docker/containers/<container id>/<container id>-json.log
2) look at kubelet's logs:
journalctl -u kubelet

Error while creating pods in Kubernetes

I have installed Kubernetes in Ubuntu server using instructions here. I am trying to create pods using kubectl run hello-minikube --hostport=8000 --port=8080 as listed in the example. However, when I do kubectl get pod I get the status of the container as pending. I further did kubectl describe pod for debugging and I see the message:
FailedScheduling pod (hello-minikube-3383150820-1r4f7) failed to fit in any node fit failure on node (minikubevm): PodFitsHostPorts.
I am further trying to delete this pod by kubectl delete pod hello-minikube-3383150820-1r4f7 but when I further do kubectl get pod I see another pod with prefix "hello-minikube-3383150820-" that I havent created. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thank you in advance.
The PodFitsHostPorts predicate is failing because you have something else on your nodes using port 8000. You might be able to find what it is by running kubectl describe svc.
kubectl run creates a deployment object (you can see it with kubectl describe deployments) which makes sure that you always keep the intended number of replicas of the pod running (in this case 1). When you delete the pod, the deployment controller automatically creates another for you. If you want to delete the deployment and the pods it keeps creating, you can run kubectl delete deployments hello-minikube.