Waves currently uses 3M or 3N as prefix for wallet addresses generation, is it posible to change it to AH instead of 3? - wavesplatform

I'm trying to fork waves. In doing so is it possible to change this ?
I have found this: Wallet.scala
Can somebody please guide me ? I'm new to this.
Thank you!


AnyLogic - Creating new Agent remove _value

I want to create a new Agent out of a database. The agent should have several parameters like material type, length, ect.
My Problem is, that i get a lot of errors, trying to define my agent with java code. I think the problem results out of line 868 and 869 in my main code. AnyLogic has a problem defining the VALUE of an agent trough a code block.
So how can I "delete" or remove the
Agent _value; _value = ?
Here's a picture: enter image description here
I have seen a program like mine in the past WITHOUT these two lines. So I know it's possible, but I don't know how. Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance.
Do not instantiate agents using MyAgent newAgent = new MyAgent(...)
Always instantiate agents into (empty) populations using add_MyAgentPopulation(...)

pytesseract doesn't use user-words

Im trying to use a created 'bazaar' config file with this format (I tryed setting T and F):
load_system_dawg F
load_freq_dawg F
user_words_suffix user-words
I'm using as Latin.traineddata language and created a Latin.user-words in same directory /tessdata
with some words, like:
Monotributista (with and without comma)
tesseract without config paramethers game me this, around other words, is a 5 pages text Nfonotributista,
So I tried with the user-words, maybe it can correct that, using this code:
import pytesseract
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd =r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract'
text=pytesseract.image_to_string(imagen, lang='Latin', config='bazaar')
No errors, but same result, I cannot find much documentation to know what's happening behind, is it using the config? is it trying the OCRed words against the dictionary?
Is there anything wrong on my code?
I appreciate any help
Thank you!
Edit: added some character with bad recognition:
First one detects LIL or LII
Seccond detects LI

How to send default replay in Hubot Wit

i have a requirement like sending default messageg to user if confidence is less than 90 .Please help
The hubot-wit.ai code doesn't look very complicated, You probably could just duplicate it in your own scripts/ dir and tweak the conditional for answer according to your need on https://github.com/tianweiliu/hubot-wit-ai/blob/master/src/wit-ai.coffee#L48

trouble while running for code in Product Market introduction

I 'm new here, and I am encountering a problem. I have taken an already existing code for 2 new products entering the market and I am trying to modify it to support 3 products. I have added all the extra variables and conditions needed but it shows an error on plotting. Could it be the excel or...? I could use some help on this...If any extra info is needed, I 'd be happy to provide you! Thanks for your time in advance!
the error is:
It appears that you added variables and conditions, but did not add an additional plot pen to the plot. You can add the pen by editing the plot itself.

Guessing the extract ratio in Tesseract-OCR

I'm trying to use Tesseract-OCR, and I need to know the % of text that's been extracted. Is there a way to know this?
Check out the API method: int Recognize(ETEXT_DESC* monitor); Tesseract updates monitor with the progress in some way.