Please clarify values for STM32 SYSCFG_EXTICR registers - stm32

The following is an excerpt from the STM32F0x1 reference manual:
There are a lot of x's in play here. They all seem to be referring to the external interrupt number (i.e. EXTIx), but what is the x circled in red? It's a part of the binary number, so it is either 0 or 1, not the interrupt number or pin number. The documentation mentions nothing about what it means when it's 0 and when it's 1. If I dig through the header files, it seems this x is always zero.
Is the documentation just incomplete, or did I miss something or am I misunderstanding?

The documentation states that the meaning of the x-bit (the left-most bit) is reserved - i.e. it has no documented meaning for the time being.
As you indicate that the header-files always leave it as 0, this is what you want to use yourself.
It is usually documented this way because a new variant of the MCU might be offered later with a different configuration (i.e. other peripherals or similar) - and in those configurations the bit could then be documented to have a distinct meaning.


Programming in QuickBasic with

I'm trying to get a "retro-computing" class open and would like to give people the opportunity to finish projects at home (without carrying a 3kb monstrosity out of 1980 with them) I've heard that has every programming language, does it have QuickBasic and how do I use it online? Thanks for the help in advance!
You can do it (hint: search for QBasic; it shares syntax with QuickBASIC), but you should be aware that it has some limitations as it's running on an incomplete JavaScript implementation. For completeness, I'll reproduce the info from the original blog post:
What works
Only text mode is supported. The most common commands (enough to run
nibbles) are implemented. These include:
Subs and functions
User types
Shared variables
Input from screen
What doesn't work
Graphics modes are not supported
No statements are allowed on the same line as IF/THEN
Line numbers are not supported
Only the built-in functions used by NIBBLES.BAS are implemented
All subroutines and functions must be declared using DECLARE
This is far from being done. In the comments, AC0KG points out that
P=1-1 doesn't work.
In short, it would need another 50 or 100 hours of work and there is
no reason to do this.
One caveat that I haven't been able to determine is a statement like INPUT or LINE INPUT... They just don't seem to work for me on, and I don't know where else one might find qb.js hosted.
My recommendation: FreeBASIC
I would recommend FreeBASIC instead, if possible. It's essentially a modern reimplementation coded in C++ (last I knew) with additional functionality.
Old DOS stuff like the DEF SEG statement and VARSEG function are no longer applicable since it is a modern BASIC implementation operating on a 32-bit flat address space rather than 16-bit segmented memory. I'm not sure what the difference between the old SADD function and the new StrPtr function is, if there is any, but the idea is the same: return the address of the bytes that make up a string.
You could also disable some stuff and maintain QB compatibility using #lang "qb" as the first line of a program as there will be noticeable differences when using the default "fb" dialect, or you could embrace the new features and avoid the "qb" dialect, focusing primarily on the programming concepts instead; the choice is yours. Regardless of the dialect you choose, the basic stuff should work just fine:
DECLARE SUB collatz ()
INPUT "Enter a value for n: ", n
DO WHILE n <> 4
SUB collatz
IF n MOD 2 = 1 THEN
n = 3 * n + 1
n = n \ 2
A word about QB64
One might argue that there is a much more compatible transpiler known as QB64 (except for some things like DEF FN...), but I cannot recommend it if you want a tool for students to use. It's a large download for Windows users, and its syntax checking can be a bit poor at times, to the point that you might see the QB code compile only to see a cryptic message like "C++ compilation failed! See internals\temp\compile.txt for details". Simply put, it's usable and highly compatible, but it needs some work, like the qb.js script that uses.
An alternative: DOSBox and autorun
You could also find a way to run an actual copy of QB 4.5 in something like DOSBox and simply modify the autorun information in the default DOSBox.conf (or whatever it's called) to automatically launch QB. Then just repackage it with the modified DOSBox.conf in a nice installer for easy distribution (NSIS, Inno Setup, etc.) This will provide the most retro experience beyond something like a FreeDOS virtual machine as you'll be dealing with the 16-bit segmented memory, VGA, etc.—all emulated of course.

Was there ever a first parameter for the CLEAR statement?

In both GW-BASIC and QuickBASIC, statements are passed arguments, some of which are optional and can be omitted depending on the statement:
REM Move the text cursor to the specified column and row.
LOCATE row%, column%
REM Move the text cursor to the specified column without changing the row.
LOCATE , column%
In GW-BASIC, the CLEAR statement is rather unusual in that its first "argument" is always omitted:
CLEAR , basicMem
CLEAR , basicMem, basicStack
CLEAR , , basicStack
In QuickBASIC, the basicMem parameter became optional due to the interpreter/runtime managing its own memory:
CLEAR , , basicStack
What I'm wondering is whether that first "argument" ever used for anything prior to GW-BASIC, i.e. something like this was actually useful:
CLEAR missingArg, basicMem, basicStack
REM ^^^^^^^^^^
REM here
That is, was there ever an purposeful non-empty argument before the first comma?
If anybody has any idea, I'd love to know!
What I'm wondering is whether that first "argument" ever used for
anything prior to GW-BASIC, i.e. something like this was actually
CLEAR missingArg, basicMem, basicStack
REM ^^^^^^^^^^
REM here
That is, was there ever an purposeful non-empty argument before the
first comma?
Yes, there was a first argument, but there was never a 3-argument form that actually made use of it.
Microsoft (originally Micro-Soft) created Altair BASIC. It featured a CLEAR command with no arguments that set all program variables to zero. The 4K version had no strings, so it had no need for managing string space. However, the 8K, Extended, and Disk versions had a CLEAR command that also accepted a single argument of the form CLEAR x. The value x specified the maximum amount of string space available in bytes, with the default at load time of BASIC being 50 bytes in the 8K version and 200 bytes in the Extended and Disk versions until it was changed [source]. That's where the missing first argument came from and what it was used for originally. At the time, however, only that one argument was valid.
Microsoft went on to develop a derivative called "BASIC-80" for several systems, notably the Intel ISIS-II, CP/M, and TEKDOS operating systems. A "Standalone Disk BASIC" version of BASIC-80 was also created that could run on "almost any 8080 or Z80 based disk hardware without an operating system." There was no 4K version of BASIC-80, so it's reasonable to assume all versions of BASIC-80 had strings available as the 8K version of Altair BASIC did. As a result, that string space needed managed. However, it was in BASIC-80 that a second argument was added:
CLEAR [expression![,address]]
expression! was an expression that specified the amount of string space, like in 8K (Altair) BASIC, and address was the maximum address available to BASIC, i.e. the amount of memory available to BASIC, like the argument immediately after the first comma in GW-BASIC.
Eventually, BASIC-80, Release 5.0, was shipped into the world, and it featured the odd syntax instead:
CLEAR [,[expression1][,expression2]]
expression1 was the maximum memory available to BASIC, and expression2 was the amount of stack space. Appendix A: New Features in BASIC-80, Release 5.0 explains why the first argument was dropped:
String space is allocated dynamically, and the first argument in a two-argument CLEAR statement will be ignored.
In other words, CLEAR strSpace!,maxMem would ignore the strSpace! argument in BASIC-80, Release 5.0, so the syntax became CLEAR [,[maxMem][,maxStack]].
QuickBASIC eventually changed the syntax further to just CLEAR [,,stack].
Confusingly, the on-line help system of QuickBASIC 4.5 states the following:
Note: Two commas are used before stack to keep QuickBASIC compatible
with BASICA. BASICA included an additional argument that set the
size of the data segment. Because QuickBASIC automatically manages
the data segment, the first parameter is no longer required.
"The first parameter" mentioned is maxMem as BASICA (and GW-BASIC) used the syntax available with BASIC-80, Release 5.0, rather than the equally missing strSpace! parameter used by pre-5.0 releases of BASIC-80.

What does the "uw" mean at the beginning of variable names in STM32 examples?

As I read STM32 example code I see a fair number of variables that begin with uw. Ex:
static __IO uint32_t uwLsiFreq = 0;
__IO uint32_t uwCaptureNumber = 0;
__IO uint32_t uwPeriodValue = 0;
__IO uint32_t uwMeasurementDone = 0;
Everything has a meaning or a story behind it. What does uw mean here?
Example Source: STM32Cube_FW_F2_V1.7.0/Projects/STM32F207ZG-Nucleo/Examples/IWDG/IWDG_Example/Src/main.c.
Download link --> click "Get Software" button next to "STM32CubeF2".
Alright, I'd like to post my own, more complete answer. Thanks to #njuffa for pointing out in a comment below my questions that "Probably: uw stands for 'unsigned word' in some sort of Hungarian notation," thanks to #PeterJ_01 for pointing out that the CEO of Stack Overflow has some opinions on the matter, and thanks to #Sigve Kolbeinson for pointing out in a comment under PeterJ_01's answer that the CEO of Stack Overflow's name is Joel Spolsky (as found in the link), he actually doesn't hate Hungarian notation, but rather is just upset a limited and corrupted form of it [Systems Hungarian] got traction for a while, and for giving us the actual link to the article so we can learn more and read the article ourselves.
1. Here's my conclusion to answer my question:
uw at the beginning of many STM32 example variables certainly must logically mean "unsigned word," where a "word" is 32 bits in this case. Knowing this adds a lot of clarity as I read the code, and removes some confusion about the names, so I'm glad to know this.
In this case, this is a type of Systems Hungarian usage, which is frequently discouraged for languages which have explicit types, such as C and C++, since it's redundant and adds little value. Contrast this to Apps Hungarian, which I describe below, which Joel Spolsky (CEO of Stack Overflow) strongly promotes as a way to help make "wrong code look wrong."
2. Here's some additional insight (primarily about Hungarian Notation) I learned along the way from #Sigve and #njuffa via their comments and the links they provided:
You might just call this section "what exactly is Hungarian notation in computer programming?"
Hungarian notation exists (I didn't know about it before), and refers to the concept of adding a few extra characters at the beginning of each variable and/or function name to provide additional information about the variable or function, such as its purpose, its type, or its return type.
Inadvertently this answered my question about FreeRTOS naming conventions too. Now I know! They use [primarily Systems] Hungarian notation as well. Here's some links. Note that in the first link you'll see a list of all of the Hungarian notation usages in FreeRTOS. This notation is almost entirely Systems Hungarian notation, but arguably uses a little bit of Apps Hungarian notation too when they specify the name of the file in which functions and macros are defined right inside the function or macro name.
FreeRTOS Hungarian Notation
what is v and x means in freeRTOS task creating or used in it?
Hungarian notation has two main forms: Systems Hungarian and Apps Hungarian. See their differences here.
Systems Hungarian is essentially a corruption of the original intent of "Hungarian" notation that came about when it's creator, Charles Simonyi's, mistakenly used the word "type" instead of "kind" in his description of it (source). Charle's original intent was to encode additional information into variable names that isn't inherent in the programming language itself. However, Systems Hungarian notation says basically to store the variable's type into the variable name. Ex: unsigned long myVar now becomes unsigned long ulMyVar. Most people seem to argue this is either of limited use or completely worthless. Joel Spolksy is not a proponent of this form of Hungarian notation, as indicated in his article, but he is strongly for Apps Hungarian style. Other opinions can be found in the "Notable opinions" section of the Wikipedia article here.
Apps Hungarian describes the concept of storing additional information into the front of a variable name which can NOT otherwise be easily deduced, such as using us to mean "unsafe string" and s to mean "safe string". Many people either feel more neutral towards this method, or like it and promote it. Both Joel Spolsky (CEO of Stack Overflow) and Steve McConnel think it's a good idea and promote its usage.
Note, here's a useful excerpt from Joel's article:
Somebody, somewhere, read Simonyi’s paper, where he used the word “type,” and thought he meant type, like class, like in a type system, like the type checking that the compiler does. He did not. He explained very carefully exactly what he meant by the word “type,” but it didn’t help. The damage was done.
Apps Hungarian had very useful, meaningful prefixes like “ix” to mean an index into an array, “c” to mean a count, “d” to mean the difference between two numbers (for example “dx” meant “width”), and so forth.
Systems Hungarian had far less useful prefixes like “l” for long and “ul” for “unsigned long” and “dw” for double word, which is, actually, uh, an unsigned long. In Systems Hungarian, the only thing that the prefix told you was the actual data type of the variable.
This was a subtle but complete misunderstanding of Simonyi’s intention and practice...
(emphasis added)
It means unsigned word in this naming convention. Almost not used now. But some people love it as it shows them what type the variable is. Another ones hate arguing that it is one of the worst programming habits (including the creator of the Stack Overflow ).
IMO it does not matter

Difference between machine language, binary code and a binary file

I'm studying programming and in many sources I see the concepts: "machine language", "binary code" and "binary file". The distinction between these three is unclear to me, because according to my understanding machine language means the raw language that a computer can understand i.e. sequences of 0s and 1s.
Now if machine language is a sequence of 0s and 1s and binary code is also a sequence of 0s and 1s then does machine language = binary code?
What about binary file? What really is a binary file? To me the word "binary file" means a file, which consists of binary code. So for example, if my file was:
Would this be a binary file? If I google binary file and see Wikipedia I see this example picture of binary file which confuses me (it's not in binary?....)
Where is my confusion happening? Am I mixing file encoding here or what? If I were to ask one to SHOW me what is machine language, binary code and binary file, what would they be? =) I guess the distinction is too abstract to me.
Thnx for any help! =)
In Python for example, there is one phrase in a file I/O tutorial, which I don't understand: Opens a file for reading only in binary format. What does reading a file in binary format mean?
Machine code and binary are the same - a number system with base 2 - either a 1 or 0. But machine code can also be expressed in hex-format (hexadecimal) - a number system with base 16. The binary system and hex are very interrelated with each other, its easy to convert from binary to hex and convert back from hex to binary. And because hex is much more readable and useful than binary - it's often used and shown. For instance in the picture above in your question -uses hex-numbers!
Let say you have the binary sequence 1001111000001010 - it can easily be converted to hex by grouping in blocks - each block consisting of four bits.
1001 1110 0000 1010 => 9 14 0 10 which in hex becomes: 9E0A.
One can agree that 9E0A is much more readable than the binary - and hex is what you see in the image.
I'm honestly surprised to not see the information I was looking for, looking back though, I guess the title of this thread isn't fully appropriate to the question the OP was asking.
You guys all say "Machine Code is a bunch of numbers".
Sure, the "CODE" is a bunch of numbers, but what people are wondering (I'm guessing) is "what actually is happening physically?"
I'm quite a novice when it comes to programming, but I understand enough to feel confident in 'roughly' answering this question.
Machine code, to the actual circuitry, isn't numbers or values.
Machine code is a bunch of voltage gates that are either open or closed, and depending on what they're connected to, a certain light will flicker at a certain time etc.
I'm guessing that the "machine code" dictates the pathway and timing for specific electrical signals that will travel to reach their overall destination.
So for 010101, 3 voltage gates are closed (The 0's), 3 are open (The 1's)
I know I'm close to the right answer here, but I also know it's much more sophisticated - because I can imagine that which I don't know.
010101 would be easy instructions for a simple circuit, but what I can't begin to fathom is how a complex computer processes all of the information.
So I guess let's break it down?
x-Bit-processors tell how many bits the processor can process at once.
A bit is either 1 or 0, "On" or "Off", "Open" or "Closed"
so 32-bit processors process "10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010" - this many bits at once.
A processor is an "integrated circuit", which is like a compact circuit board, containing resistors/capacitors/transistors and some memory. I'm not sure if processors have resistors but I know you'll usually find a ton of them located around the actual processor on the circuit board
Anyways, a transistor is a switch so if it receives a 1, it sends current in one direction, or if it receives a 0, it'll send current in a different direction... (or something like that)
So I imagine that as machine code goes... the segment of code the processor receives changes the voltage channels in such a way that it sends a signal to another part of the computer (why do you think processors have so many pins?), probably another integrated circuit more specialized to a specific task.
That integrated circuit then receives a chunk of code, let's say 2 to 4 bits 01 or 1100 or something, which further defines where the final destination of the signal will end up, which might be straight back to the processor, or possibly to some output device.
Machine code is a very efficient way of taking a circuit and connecting it to a lightbulb, and then taking that lightbulb out of the circuit and switching the circuit over to a different lightbulb
Memory in a computer is highly necessary because otherwise to get your computer to do anything, you would need to type out everything (in machine code). Instead, all of the 1's and 0's are stored inside some storage device, either a spinning hard disk with a magnetic head pin that 'reads' 1's or 0's based on the charge of the disk, or a flash memory device that uses a series of transistors, where sending a voltage through elicits 1's and 0's (I'm not fully aware how flash memory works)
Fortunately, someone took the time to think up a different base number system for programming (hex), and a way to compile those numbers (translate them) back into binary. And then all software programs have branched out from there.
Each key on the keyboard creates a specific signal in binary that translates to
a bunch of switches being turned on or off using certain voltages, so that a current could be run through the specific individual pixels on your screen that create "1" or "0" or "F", or all the characters of this post.
So I wonder, how does a program 'program', or 'make' the computer 'do' something... Rather, how does a compiler compile a program of a code different from binary?
It's hard to think about now because I'm extremely tired (so I won't try) but also because EVERYTHING you do on a computer is because of some program.
There are actively running programs (processes) in task manager. These keep your computer screen looking the way you've become accustomed, and also allow for the screen to be manipulated as if to say the pictures on the screen were real-life objects. (They aren't, they're just pictures, even your mouse cursor)
(Ok I'm done. enough editing and elongating my thoughts, it's time for bed)
Also, what I don't really get is how 0's are 'read' by the computer.
It seems that a '0' must not be a 'lack of voltage', rather, it must be some other type of signal
Where perhaps something like 1 volt = 1, and 0.5 volts = 0. Some distinguishable difference between currents in a circuit that would still send a signal, but could be the difference between opening and closing a specific circuit.
If I'm close to right about any of this, serious props to the computer engineers of the world, the level of sophistication is mouthwatering. I hope to know everything about technology someday. For now I'm just trying to get through arduino.
Lastly... something I've wondered about... would it even be possible to program today's computers without the use of another computer?
Machine language is a low-level programming language that generally consists entirely of numbers. Because they are just numbers, they can be viewed in binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, or any other way. Dave4723 gave a more thorough explanation in his answer.
Binary code isn't a very well-defined technical term, but it could mean any information represented by a sequence of 1s and 0s, or it could mean code in a machine language, or it could mean something else depending on context.
Technically, all files are stored in binary, we just don't usually look at the binary when we view a file. However, the term binary file is usually used to refer to any non-text file; e.g. an .exe, a .png, etc.
You have to understand how a computer works in its basic principles and this will clear things up for you... Therefore I recommend on reading into stuff like Neumann Architecture
Basically in a very simple computer you only have one memory like an array
which has instructions for your processor, the data and everything is a binary numbers.
Your program starts at a certain place in your memory and reads the first number...
so here comes the twist: these numbers can be instructions or data.
Your processor reads these numbers and interprets them as instructions
Example: the start address is 0
in 0 is a instruction like "read value from address 120 into the ALU (Math-Unit)
then it steps to address 1
"read value from address 121 into ALU"
then it steps to address 2
"subtract numbers in ALU"
then it steps to address 3
"if ALU-Value is smaller than zero go to address 10"
it is not smaller than zero so it steps to address 4
"go to address 20"
you see that this is a basic if(a < b)
You can write these instructions as numbers and they can be run by your processor but because nobody wants to do this work (that was what they did with punchcards in the 60s)
assembler was invented...
that looks like:
add 10 ,11, 20 // load var from address 10 and 11; run addition and store into address 20
In Conclusion:
Assembler (processor instructions) can be called binary because it's stored in plain numbers
But everything else can be a Binary file, too.
In reality if you have a simple .exe file it is both... If you have variables in there like a = 10 and b = 20, these values can be stored some where between if clauses and for loops... It depends on the compiler where it put these
But if you have a complex 3D-model it can be stored in a separate file with no executable code in it...
I hope it helps to clear things up a little.

What does internal mean in function names in Emacs Lisp?

Some people use double dash to indicate that the function is subject to change:
What does the double minus (--) convention in function names mean in Emacs Lisp
Does including internal in function names mean similar things?
Two examples
The function where-is-internal has a detailed docstring and is mentioned in the manual as well. Is where-is-internal an exception?
Is there a difference between having -internal as suffix and having internal- as prefix?
Adding to confusion, there are also function names with internal-- (with double dash) as prefix.
The confusion is not just in the naming convention (variability due to history and perhaps sometimes whim). The confusion is in the very notion of "internal" in free software, where the source code is open to everyone to use or modify (even fork) as they please.
To answer your question from (what I think is) the point of view of Emacs Dev, and thus in terms of the underlying intention: "internal" means that someone using such a function is perhaps more likely to encounter future changes in the Emacs-Dev implementation and use of that function than might be the case for a non-"internal" function. IOW, you might not want to count on it remaining as it is now. That's all.
But there's a lot of "perhaps", "more likely", and "might" in there. In practice, some non-"internal" functions change more radically or more quickly than some "internal" functions. It might be the case that for the former there will be a deprecation grace period, during which the pre-change situation is tolerated, i.e., still works. That might not be the case for something "internal". But again, in practice there is some gray between the black of "internal" and the white of non-"internal".
Someone from Emacs Dev (e.g. #Stefan) will perhaps put this differently or correct my interpretation.
My own take: there have sometimes (often) been functions and variables that the author did not expect users to make use of directly, and thus naturally thought of as "internal", which users have nevertheless put to good use, or even "had" to use (modulo rewriting lots of code). Some such have had their "internal" status removed (no, I don't have examples memorized). Or sometimes a new, non-"internal" function has been added to make the behavior available - e.g., a wrapper or function-valued argument has been added (again, I have no offhand examples to give).
IOW, for Emacs Dev too it is not always clear what should be considered "internal". Just take the label as a flag that you might not want to count too much on that function or variable.
Wrt the various notations: My impression is that the -- convention seems recently to be used more (though there is also some old code that uses it); using internal is an older convention, for the most part.
The "internal" and the "--" conventions are similar. Basically "internal" is used when there's no prefix after which to put a double dash (which is usually the case for functions implemented in C).
And yes, as Drew explains, the intention behind the notion of something being "internal" is just to recommend people not use it directly. IOW if they need the corresponding functionality, they should report a bug requesting to promote its status to "non-internal".