Getting Unexpected DMA error in Flutter when using video_player, better_player, and chewie - flutter

Im trying to play a video. Im getting the following error:
E/gralloc_ranchu( 2305): updateHostColorBuffer: Unexpected DMA
E/ ( 2305): lockAndWriteDma: ERROR: No DMA context bound!
Im just using the sample code from and the video player just shows a green screen and doesnt do anything. Any ideas?
EDIT: Some more comments that may help?
I/ExoPlayerImpl(10386): Release 3310ed3 [ExoPlayerLib/2.12.1] [generic_x86_arm, AOSP on IA Emulator, Google, 28] [goog.exo.core]
D/SurfaceUtils(10386): disconnecting from surface 0xd36c1008, reason disconnectFromSurface
I/ExoPlayerImpl(10386): Release d52c17 [ExoPlayerLib/2.12.1] [generic_x86_arm, AOSP on IA Emulator, Google, 28] [goog.exo.core]
D/SurfaceUtils(10386): disconnecting from surface 0xd2c83808, reason disconnectFromSurface
I/ExoPlayerImpl(10386): Init d3251ff [ExoPlayerLib/2.12.1] [generic_x86_arm, AOSP on IA Emulator, Google, 28]
I/OMXClient(10386): IOmx service obtained
D/SurfaceUtils(10386): connecting to surface 0xd1be1008, reason connectToSurface
I/MediaCodec(10386): [] setting surface generation to 10635268
D/SurfaceUtils(10386): disconnecting from surface 0xd1be1008, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
D/SurfaceUtils(10386): connecting to surface 0xd1be1008, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
E/ACodec (10386): [] setPortMode on output to DynamicANWBuffer failed w/ err -1010
I/ACodec (10386): codec does not support config priority (err -1010)
I/OMXClient(10386): IOmx service obtained
I/ACodec (10386): codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
I/ACodec (10386): codec does not support config operating rate (err -2147483648)
D/MediaCodec(10386): [] setting dataspace on output surface to #104
I/om.example.kli(10386): Background concurrent copying GC freed 11055(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 769(50MB) LOS objects, 50% free, 5MB/10MB, paused 529us total 209.709ms
W/MapperHal(10386): buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000

This is an open issue with no known workarounds at present. It might be helpful if you could also provide the video that you're trying to load for easier replication of the issue.


What causes my IMX519 Camera to produce errors when used?

My IMX519 Camera Sensor work on a preview through libcamera-still -t 0 but get these erros when initialized with libcamera-still -t 0 --viewfinder-width 2328 --viewfinder-height 1748 --autofocus
It worked just fine on my previous interaction with the camera.
Made X/EGL preview window
[0:02:01.198729637] [1994] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3897-c3c878a9
[0:02:01.206417698] [1996] WARN CameraSensorProperties camera_sensor_properties.cpp:174 No static properties available for 'imx519'
[0:02:01.206492559] [1996] WARN CameraSensorProperties camera_sensor_properties.cpp:176 Please consider updating the camera sensor properties database
[0:02:01.236208388] [1996] WARN RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1280 Mismatch between Unicam and CamHelper for embedded data usage!
[0:02:01.237247694] [1996] ERROR DelayedControls delayed_controls.cpp:87 Delay request for control id 0x009a090a but control is not exposed by device /dev/v4l-subdev0
[0:02:01.237511562] [1996] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1404 Registered camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c#1/imx519#1a to Unicam device /dev/media3 and ISP device /dev/media4
[0:02:01.238618960] [1994] INFO Camera camera.cpp:1035 configuring streams: (0) 2328x1748-YUV420
[0:02:01.239157063] [1996] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:765 Sensor: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c#1/imx519#1a - Selected sensor format: 2328x1748-SRGGB10_1X10 - Selected unicam format: 2328x1748-pRAA
Segmentation fault

ERROR IPAProxy ipa_proxy.cpp:149 Configuration file 'ov5640.json' not found for IPA module 'raspberrypi'?

I'm trying to interface ov5640 with raspberry Pi 4 model B, kernel version 5.15.61, till now I had loaded driver successfully and Bound driver with ov5640 successfully, and video nodes were created successfully.
I tried to stream video using gstreamer
gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! clockoverlay time-format="%D %H:%M:%S" ! autovideosink
and it thrown error
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
[0:02:06.704696651] [1320] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3866-0c55e522
[0:02:06.726785010] [1324] WARN CameraSensor camera_sensor.cpp:212 'ov5640 10-003c': Recommended V4L2 control 0x009a0922 not supported
[0:02:06.726879464] [1324] WARN CameraSensor camera_sensor.cpp:264 'ov5640 10-003c': The sensor kernel driver needs to be fixed
[0:02:06.726907245] [1324] WARN CameraSensor camera_sensor.cpp:266 'ov5640 10-003c': See Documentation/sensor_driver_requirements.rst in the libcamera sources for more information
[0:02:06.728038265] [1324] WARN CameraSensor camera_sensor.cpp:411 'ov5640 10-003c': Failed to retrieve the camera location
[0:02:06.746434072] [1324] ERROR IPAProxy ipa_proxy.cpp:149 Configuration file 'ov5640.json' not found for IPA module 'raspberrypi'
[0:02:06.746582013] [1324] ERROR IPARPI raspberrypi.cpp:213 Could not create camera helper for ov5640
[0:02:06.746635055] [1324] ERROR RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1253 Failed to load a suitable IPA library
[0:02:06.746922788] [1324] ERROR RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1184 Failed to register camera ov5640 10-003c: -22
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstLibcameraSrc:libcamerasrc0: Could not find any supported camera on this system.
Additional debug info:
../src/gstreamer/gstlibcamerasrc.cpp(354): gst_libcamera_src_open (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstLibcameraSrc:libcamerasrc0:
libcamera::CameraMananger::cameras() is empty
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Failed to set pipeline to PAUSED.
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...
can anyone give me a direction how to solve this?

ESP32-CAM - A fatal error occurred: Packet content transfer stopped (received 8 bytes)

I was trying to program my ESP32_CAM module, but every time I got this error:
Serial port COM4
Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision 3)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 30:c6:f7:51:82:d4
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Flash will be erased from 0x00001000 to 0x00005fff...
Flash will be erased from 0x00008000 to 0x00008fff...
Flash will be erased from 0x0000e000 to 0x0000ffff...
Flash will be erased from 0x00010000 to 0x0016efff...
Compressed 18528 bytes to 12759...
A fatal error occurred: Packet content transfer stopped (received 8 bytes)
A fatal error occurred: Packet content transfer stopped (received 8 bytes)
Has anyone had a similar problem?
This link says it means there is something wrong with the esp file system rendering it "broken"... Not sure if there is a way to fix the issue though.
I found that if I disconnected some of my peripherals from esp32, the error went away. Perhaps too much power was being drawn.

Metal Validation Fails with Xcode

I'm learning how to use the Metal API. I've been following this tutorial: Audio Visualization in Swift using Metal and Acceleration
Building the project in Xcode succeeds but the program does not function and I get these errors in Xcode console:
2021-10-19 21:09:46.224427-0400 AudioVisualizer[12507:279963] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2021-10-19 21:09:46.236923-0400 AudioVisualizer[12507:279963] MTLIOAccelDevice bad MetalPluginClassName property (null)
2021-10-19 21:09:46.931271-0400 AudioVisualizer[12507:279963] +[MTLIOAccelDevice registerDevices]: Zero Metal services found
2021-10-19 21:09:46.962145-0400 AudioVisualizer[12507:279963] [CAMetalLayer nextDrawable] returning nil because allocation failed.
2021-10-19 21:09:46.980649-0400 AudioVisualizer[12507:279963] [plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x600001098100> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46
<AVAudioFormat 0x600003350140: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, Float32, non-inter>
I'm using a MacBook Pro with an integrated GPU. Intel and AMD Radeon with automatic graphic switching. If anyone has any advice to fix or a work around, that'd be great.

alsa cannot read control invalid argument - raspberry pi

I am trying to record audio with the PS Eye on a raspberry pi model b plus (I have tried with older b models and the same issue occurs as below).
I am able to record, and playback the recording with arecord/aplay so the mic is working. However, I want to increase the mic volume as the recording is very low.
When I attempt this in alsamixer, it exits with the following error when I use F6 to change to the PS Eye soundcard:
cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument
I also notice that the alsa-utils service will fail when the PS Eye is plugged in (fine otherwise):
sudo service alsa-utils restart
[FAIL] Shutting down ALSA...warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: get_control:259: Cannot read control '2,0,0,Mic Capture Volume,0': Invalid argument'...failed.
[....] Setting up ALSA...warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'No state is present for card CameraB409241
Found hardware: "USB-Audio" "USB Mixer" "USB1415:2000" "" ""
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
No state is present for card CameraB409241'...amixer: Mixer hw:1 load error: Invalid argument
amixer: Mixer hw:1 load error: Invalid argument
amixer: Mixer hw:1 load error: Invalid argument
amixer: Mixer hw:1 load error: Invalid argument
amixer: Mixer hw:1 load error: Invalid argument
The problem seems to be the controls definition of the PS Eye. I would like to know the following:
Where does alsamixer load the controls for a particular device from? Are they in the driver?
Is there a way to increase the mic volume another way?
I am not using Pulseaudio yet but will try it if I can't fix this in alsa.
Sytem logs:
Without pulseaudio installed, neither restarting alsa or trying to open the controls in alsamixer produce anything in the system log. If pulse audio is installed however, trying to open the controls in alsamixer gives:
Oct 30 10:21:26 signaler pulseaudio[19000]: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Unable to load mixer: Invalid argument
Oct 30 10:21:27 signaler pulseaudio[19000]: [pulseaudio] server-lookup.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
Oct 30 10:21:27 signaler pulseaudio[19000]: [pulseaudio] main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11