Netbeans 12 and TestNG with parallel tests - netbeans

i'm using apache NB 12.2
I would like to use TestNG to do parallel tests, but NB it does not recognize the testng.xml file on which I indicated the tests to be done in parallel
this is the picture of NB:
here I uploaded the entire project folder NB:
I did several tests, but in fact, it does not find the testng.xml file

the solution is trivial .. to run suite test simply click on the testng.xml file with the right mouse button and choose "test" ..


Cucumber and Eclipse IDE; How to make jar for a test case

I'm a Cucumber and Eclipse beginner and have a few questions and hope you can help me to get through this: I created a sample cucumber test scenario, a sample test steps and a cucumber runner. The scenarios runs fine within eclipse IDE (Neon). I used Maven as the dependency manager. I also installed the Maven command line module. The step code is Java.
Here is the (basic) question: How do I create a jar file from my cucumber test scenario so that execute it via command line so that I can bring the test scenario to Jenkins CI? Is there anything I need to do with Maven BEFORE I can build the jar file?
Thanks a lot folks!
If you run Cucumber using the JUnit runner, then all you have to do to run from a command line is to execute Maven and make sure you invoke a life cycle phase that includes running the unit tests. One way would be
mvn test
An example that might get you up and running can be found at

My jar won't add my junit tests

The contents of my jar file does not contain my junit tests. I tried creating a main class that calls my tests with "Junit Core" but that too doesn't get added to my jar file. What am I missing?
Your production package (your jar) is not supposed to contain the test code (your unit tests).
Test code is supposed to be invoked only when the tests are been executed.
You shouldn't do it, but if you want the test code to be included in your package just put it in the same root folder of your production code. Ex: if you are using Maven, your folders structure might be something like this:
-> production code
-> test code
In that case, change it to:
-> production code
-> test code
Be aware that doing that you will have some problems, like the tests not executing during a normal build. We might help you better if you put a question asking how to accomplish your goal (what is your goal?).
Update based on the goal explained in the comments: Would be better if this tool (Silk Central) could run your tests using Maven or Ant, and I'm pretty sure it can.
I've been used different tools to run my Junit (or other XUnit frameworks) tests. What I do is to configure the tool to:
Get the source code from the version control.
Run the build/tests by calling Maven or Ant installed along the tool.
Read the Junit outputs.
Sometimes the tool has its own integration with Junit and you don't have even to use Maven or Ant.
I mean, your central build or tests tool should be able to run your tests just like you do in your own machine.
Take a look on this or search by "Silk Central junit" in the web:

Running JUnit through Eclipse

I run my JUnit tests through Eclipse (Helios, 1.3.0) through an ant build file and an external ant builder. I was wondering if it's possible to use Eclipes's JUnit UI when running them so that I can see the 'green' or 'red' bar in there instead of seeing success/failure messages in the console. Any pointers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If you must run your tests via ant, then there is no direct way to see the progress in the JUnit view. However, if you are using the JUnit ant task and set the output format of your test results to xml :
Then, you can open this file up in the JUnit window. Click on the button on the far right and select Import. Then navigate to the file you want to open:
If you have JUnit reference for a project, I think you can right click on a project and select Run As > JUnit Test and that will run all the tests in the Project. Check out this post
Eclipse: Writing and running JUnit tests

jUnit 4 DirectorySuiteBuilder Equivalent

I'd like to know if there is something similar to junit-addons DirectorySuiteBuilder (documentation) that works with jUnit 4. Simply stated, I want to load every file name * in a directory and build a suite out of them.
I realize that I can build a suite that runs every test in a directory using ant, but I would prefer to not go that route so that I can run the tests with eclipse's native jUnit plugin.
Sure enough, al nik. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

Is there a problem-free way to run Scala 2.7.7 unit tests in Eclipse integrated nicely?

I'm developing Scala code using Eclipse, often when I run tests I get this error:
No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'.
Eclipse for Java Developers, 3.5.1
Scala 2.7.7
JUnit 4.7
I'm currently writing my tests as JUnit3 tests, and invoking them by right clicking on a package in the project explorer, choosing Run As -> JUnit Test. (I was writing them as JUnit4 tests but ran into even more problems.)
If I fire up eclipse, the tests may not run unless I first open the source code file for the test. If I do open the source code file for the test, it will run. However, often then when I make any modification to the test file or any other source code file, Eclipse will refuse to run my tests, saying: "No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'."
I just repeated this just now:
Open eclipse
Open the .scala file with some tests
Invoke the tests by right clicking on the package for that file in the project explorer and choosing Run As -> JUnit Test
It ran the tests
One failed
I changed a string literal in the failing test to fix it
I then re-launced the test using the same method, and I get the dreaded "No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'."
I get this same method using other methods of launching the tests, e.g. JUnit buttons or menus to re-run all or some tests
To get the tests to run again I close and re-open Eclipse... So I end up relaunching Eclipse many many times a day.
Note: I do often use XML literals in my tests, I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
2nd Note: See my answer to this thread: What is the current state of the Scala Eclipse plugin? where I described some of the other problems I'm having with Scala+Eclipse. Most of the problems are just minor annoyances, but this test invocation problem is a real time waster, would love to find a way around it!
This Just works on trunk ... JUnit 3 and 4 unit test are detected and Run As => JUnit test does the right thing.
Oh, and BTW, the best way to get my attention on this sort of thing is to file a bug or enhancement ticket in Trac rather than posting messages to StackOverflow (even though it worked this time ;-)