I want to move multiple users from input file to multiple OU's. But the code below keeps giving me error:
$tempOUsArray = #{}
$tempOUsArray = Import-CSV -path "c:\temp\OUs.txt" #this file contains Full DN of OUs
$UsersToBeMoved = Import-CSV -path "c:\temp\Users.txt #this file contain SamAccountName field of users
$UsersToBeMoved | ForEach-Object{
$tempUsers = (get-aduser -identity $_.Name).distinguishedName
#assign each OU to temp holder
$TempOU = $tempOUsArray[$i]
Move-ADObject -Identity $tempUsers -TargetPath $TempOU
$i++ #inclement position of array
(See edits for previous answer attempts, clearing to reduce answer size)
See the below. I've tested this on a setup I have and this successfully moved the objects without an issue.
Users.txt (CSV format, matching what I believe yours is)
# (From OP: My users input file is)
# john.doe
# ann.bill
# jose.love
OUs.txt (no quotation marks in txt file, though may need if there's any spaces in the DN)
PS script
$i = 0
$OUs = #()
$OUs = Get-Content -Path C:\temp\OUs.txt
$Users = Import-Csv -Path C:\temp\Users.txt
$users | ForEach-Object {
$tempUser = (Get-ADUser -Identity $($_.samaccountname)).DistinguishedName
$tempOU = $OUs[$i]
Write-Host "Moving User: [$tempUser]"
Write-Host " to OU: [$tempOU]"
Move-ADObject -Identity $tempUser -TargetPath $tempOU
Moving User: [CN=user1,OU=source,OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
to OU: [OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
Moving User: [CN=user2,OU=source,OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
to OU: [OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
Moving User: [CN=user3,OU=source,OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
to OU: [OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
Moving User: [CN=user4,OU=source,OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
to OU: [OU=test,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=int]
And all worked properly, no errors. Can you try the above code, and ensure your source files are in a similar format?
Final edit
With the provided edit / update to the "users.txt" file, the below script should work as expected.
New users.txt file (note: no column header)
PS script
$i = 0
$OUs = #() # May as well clear, in case old data exists
$Users = #() # May as well clear, in case old data exists
$OUs = Get-Content -Path C:\temp\OUs.txt
$Users = Get-Content -Path C:\temp\Users.txt
$users | ForEach-Object {
$tempUser = (Get-ADUser -Identity $($_)).DistinguishedName
$tempOU = $OUs[$i]
Write-Host "Moving User: [$tempUser]"
Write-Host " to OU: [$tempOU]"
Move-ADObject -Identity $tempUser -TargetPath $tempOU
It is with the Move-ADObject. This function will NOT work with moving parts like multiple OUs assignment. My revised code is as below:
$tempOUsArray = #{}
$tempOUsArray = get-content -path "c:\temp\OUs.txt" #this file contains Full DN of
$UsersToBeMoved = get-content -path "c:\temp\Users.txt" #this file contain
SamAccountName field of users
ForEach ($tuser in $UsersToBeMoved){
$tempUser = dsquery user -samid $tuser
#assign each OU to temp holder
$TempOU = $tempOUsArray[$i]
dsmove $tempUser -newparent $TempOU
$i++ #inclement position of array
Note: Remove All Header from input files. OUs.txt with full DN in double-quotes. Users.txt file contains only the SamAccountName without quotes.
I have a fairly simple script that needs to check around 20,000 AD Groups for their membership count. That all works fine, I can take the list of groups run it through the script and for the most entries it works fine. However I was getting some errors that I couldn't figure out and hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction.
I am using the DN of the object to query AD and for around 10% it fails, but when I copy the DN from the file, paste it into a command window and run the command manually it works fine. Some more checking and it seems that when I read an offending line into my variable there is a line break in the middle for some reason.
When looking at the value of the variable I get the following:
Working Example - "CN=ABC, OU=Location, OU=Distribution Lists, DC=Domain, DC=COM"
Error Example - "CN=ABC, OU=Location, OU=Distribution
Lists, DC=Domain, DC=COM"
It seems to insert a return in-between Distribution and Lists on certain entries in the file. I have tried deleting the character in-between and replacing it with a space but I get the same result.
Could it be the length? I am still looking for a common factor but any suggestions would be great.
Updated with requested content.
$Groups = Import-Csv C:\Temp\DLName.csv
write-host ($Groups).Count
foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$GroupInfo = Get-ADGroupMembersRecursive -Groups $Group.Name
$MembersCount = ($GroupInfo | Measure-Object).Count
$MembersList = $GroupInfo | Select Name -ExcludeProperty Name
$FriendlyName = Get-ADGroup -Identity $Group.Name
$Export = $FriendlyName.Name + ", " + $MembersCount
$Export | Out-File C:\Temp\DLMembers.csv -Append
Write-host $FriendlyName "," $MembersCount
Entry 1 and 3 work 2 doesn't, but the formatting here seems to have wrapped the entries.
"CN=Company - DL Name1,OU=Country1 Distribution Lists,OU=Europe,OU=Acc,DC=Domain,DC=Domain,DC=com"
"CN=Company - DL Name2,OU=Country2 Distribution Lists,OU=Europe,OU=Acc,DC=Domain,DC=Domain,DC=com"
"CN=Company - DL Name3,OU=Country3 Distribution Lists,OU=America,OU=Acc,DC=Domain,DC=Domain,DC=com"
Top pic is the failure second pic works.
List Creation:
$SearchScope = "OU=OUName,DC=Domain,DC=Domain,DC=com"
$SearchFilter = {GroupCategory -eq 'Distribution'}
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $SearchScope -Filter
$SearchFilter | Sort-Object Name
foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$Group.DistinguishedName | Select Name -ExpandProperty Name
$Group.DistinguishedName | Out-File C:\Temp\DLName.csv -Append
Do not use a self-combined comma separated string and Out-File to create CSV files, because that will get you into trouble when fields happen to contain the delimiter character like in this case the comma (which will lead to mis-aligned data).
Your List Creation code should be like this:
$SearchBase = "OU=OUName,DC=Domain,DC=Domain,DC=com"
$SearchFilter = "GroupCategory -eq 'Distribution'"
Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $SearchBase -Filter $SearchFilter |
Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name, DistinguishedName |
Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\DLName.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Then you can use that csv later to do:
$Groups = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\DLName.csv'
Write-Host $Groups.Count
$result = foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
$GroupInfo = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group.DistinguishedName -Recursive
# unnecessary.. $MembersCount = ($GroupInfo | Measure-Object).Count
# unused.. $MembersList = $GroupInfo.Name
# unnecessary.. $FriendlyName = Get-ADGroup -Identity $Group.Name
# output an object with the wanted properties
GroupName = $Group.Name
MemberCount = #($GroupInfo).Count # #() in case there is only one member in the group
# show on screen
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\DLMembers.csv' -NoTypeInformation
As you can see, I'm not using your custom function Get-ADGroupMembersRecursive because I have no idea what that outputs.. Also, there is no need for that because you can use the Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet with the -Recursive switch added
im trying to pull out all the information regarding my domain admin adminsitrators
#set domains we are going to query
$domains = 'mydomainname.com'
#first here i bring the sam accounts names
Foreach ($domain in $domains)
$OUTPUT =Get-AdGroupMember -identity “Domain Admins” -recursive -server $domain |
Select-Object -Property samAccountName|
Select samAccountName;
$Outputs +=$OUTPUT;
$OUTPUT |Export-CSV "C:\File\$($domain).csv" -NoTypeInformation ;
$OUTPUT #this print the sam accounts
#here is the problem
Foreach ($user in $OUTPUT)
$Users2 =Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -like '$OUTPUT'" -Properties *
$USER3 +=$Users2;
$Users2 |Export-CSV "C:\File\$($domain)Userpop.csv" -NoTypeInformation ;
I think this is a problem with your filter. Try changing that line as follows:
Get-ADUser -Filter " SamAccountName -like `"$($user.samaccountname)`" " -Properties *
It can't be $OUTPUT as that's an array. Your loop variable is $user which is an object so you need the .samaccountname property. The filter needs a string with the -like matching a quoted string, so you need `" to pass the quote through to the final string.
Your CSV output of $user2 may not be what you expect either as each object is output to the same file. Perhaps you mean to have a -Append or write them to different files?
You'll probably want to reset $user3 as well. Perhaps add $user3 = #() before that loop.
You should always try to avoid adding to arrays with $array += $something, because that means the entire array gets rebuild in memory, costing time and resources.
Also, I would advise using more descriptive variable names, so the code will still be understandable after some time.
Then, because you are getting info from different domains, it is important to store the domain name in the first loop together with the samaccount names, so you can use these as -Server parameter in the second loop on Get-ADUser
#set domains we are going to query
$domains = #('mydomainname.com') # since there is only one domain listed, use #() to force it into an array
$domainsAndAdmins = foreach ($domain in $domains) {
# store the SamAccountNames for this domain as objects in an array
$admins = Get-AdGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Recursive -Server $domain |
Select-Object -Property SamAccountName
# export this to csv file
$outFile = 'C:\File\{0}.csv' -f $domain
$admins | Export-Csv $outFile -NoTypeInformation
# output an object with both the domain and the array of SamAccountNames
# this will be captured in variable $domainsAndAdmins
[PsCustomObject]#{Domain = $domain; Admins = $admins.SamAccountName }
# output on screen
$domainsAndAdmins | Format-Table -AutoSize
# will result in something like
# Domain Admins
# ------ ------
# mydomainname.com {jdoe, jbloggs, mpimentel}
# myseconddomainname.com {jdoe, mpimentel}
# next get ALL (?) properties from the users we found
$domainsAndAdmins | ForEach-Object {
$domain = $_.Domain
$result = foreach ($user in $_.Admins) {
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -like '$user'" -Server $domain -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$outFile = 'C:\File\{0}_Userpop.csv' -f $domain
$result | Export-Csv $outFile -NoTypeInformation
I'm trying to Get the Name, Manufacturer, and model of computers so i can distinguish what computers are out of warranty in AD.
I'm trying to do this by getting the computer names and putting there info into the corresponding .csv file but this fails and puts 1 ou to multiple .csv files and then moves to the second ou and does the same thing?
$myMultiArray = #(("OU=Domain Controllers,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM"),
$myFileArray = #(("D:\VS-Code\Powershell\AD_Computer_Management\OUs\Domain
foreach ($MultiOU in $myMultiArray) {
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $MultiOU -SearchScope 2 | Select-object Name | Out-File -FilePath "D:\VS-Code\Powershell\AD_Computer_Management\OUs\garbage.csv"
For ($i = 0; $i – $myFileArray.Length - 1; $i++) {
Write-Host $myMultiArray[$i]
[string[]]$cnArray = Get-Content -Path 'D:\VS-Code\Powershell\AD_Computer_Management\OUs\garbage.csv'
Write-Host $OU
if ($i -eq $i) {
foreach($CN in $cnArray){
Get-WmiObject -Class:Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $OU | Format-List -Property Name, Manufacturer, Model | Out-File -FilePath $myFileArray[$1]
I've tried multiple variations of different loops and if statements.
I think there are two things:
Out-File -FilePath $myFileArray[$1]
Should be:
Out-File -FilePath $myFileArray[$i]
And also you might need to append:
Out-File -FilePath $myFileArray[$i] -Append
There are a couple of things wrong in your code, like $i – $myFileArray.Length, which should be $i –lt $myFileArray.Length.
Then there is Out-File -FilePath $myFileArray[$1] as Bernard Moeskops already mentioned.
Also your code seems to want to create both the Domain Controllers.csv aswell as the Computers.csv files regardless of the OU you are currently in.
Lastly, you are using Out-File to create the CSV files where for proper CSV output, you should use the Export-Csv cmdlet.
The following code should do what you want:
$myOUArray = "OU=Domain Controllers,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM", "OU=Computers,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM"
$myFilePath = "D:\VS-Code\Powershell\AD_Computer_Management\OUs" # just the path for the output files is needed
foreach ($OU in $myOUArray) {
# determine the file name from the OU we're in
$fileName = if ($OU -match 'OU=Domain Controllers') { 'Domain Controllers.csv' } else { 'Computers.csv'}
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $myFilePath -ChildPath $fileName
Write-Host "Getting computer info from OU '$OU'"
# get a string array of the computernames found in the OU
$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $OU -SearchScope Subtree | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# loop through this array to get the properties you want for
# each computer and store that as objects in the $result variable
$result = foreach($machine in $computers){
Get-WmiObject -Class:Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $machine | Select-Object -Property Name, Manufacturer, Model
Write-Host "Creating file '$filePath'"
# save the CSV file to disk
$result | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -Force
I new in Powershell world and trying to write a script which perform following:
Get List of Computers from a text file
Get list of Users from a text file
Control if the computer name is added in LogonWorkstations field in each user account
Here is the script I have written as of yet.
$Computers = Get-Content Computers.txt
$Users = Get-Content -Path Users.txt | Sort-Object -Unique
$ADUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties LogonWorkstations -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase "OU=ck,OU=users-com,DC=domain,DC=com" |
Where-Object {$Users -contains $_.Name} | Format-List Name,LogonWorkstations
As the script shows I read and retrieve property for Users and have list of computers in text file.
There are 50+ computers and users my question is how can I compare this line wise example check if computer from line 1 of Computers.txt exist in LogonWorkstations property of user from line 1 of Users.txt?
If each line of both files are corresponding, you can use a simple for loop to iterate through both lists simultaneously. $ADUsers will contain the output of ADUser objects matching the conditions.
$ADUsers = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Users.Count; $i++) {
Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq '$($Users[$i])'" -Properties LogonWorkstations |
Where-Object { ($_.LogonWorkstations -split ',') -contains $Computers[$i] }
Since LogonWorkstations contains a comma-separated string, you will have to do some string manipulation. Using the -split operator on the , character will result in an array of strings. The -contains operator works nicely when comparing an item or collection of items to a single item.
If you want to compare the LogonWorkstations value of a user to any computer in the list, you can do something like the following:
$ADUsers = foreach ($User in $Users) {
Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq '$User'" -Properties LogonWorkstations | Where-Object {
Compare-Object -Ref ($_.LogonWorkstations -split ',') -Dif $Computers -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
Compare-Object here will only return a value if there is an exact match.
Note: I believe the LogonWorkstations attribute has been replaced with UserWorkstations attribute. Both may work now but may not be guaranteed in the future.
I haven't tried the below code but hopefully, you will be able to work out any little issues:
$computers = Get-Content -Path #PATHTOCOMPUTERS.TXT
$users = Get-Content -Path #PATHTOUSERS.TXT | Sort-Object -Unique
#Set a counter to zero
$counter = 0
foreach ($user in $users){
#Get the current user from AD
$adUser = Get-ADUser -Filter { Name -eq $user} -Properties LogonWorkStations -ErrorAction Stop
#Uses the current index using $counter to get the correct computer from computers.txt and
#checks if the user has it setup as a LogonWorkStation
if ($adUser.LogonWorkstations -eq $computers[$counter]){
Write-Host "$user has $computer as a logon workstation"
Write-Host "$user doesn't have $computer as a logon workstation"
Write-Host "Failed to get the AD user"
#Increment the $counter
I've got a list of valid users provided by HR. The formatting was not cool, so I managed to get a new file like I wanted: one column, on each line the samaccountname (1st letter of firstname and name).
My file looks like this:
I'd like to disable users who are NOT in this list. I guess I have to deal with some if stuff, but I don't know how to.
#HariHaran, i have tried this:
#this part works fine
$list = Import-Csv .\listadnames2.csv -Delimiter ";"
$lol =
ForEach ($user in $list)
$user.prenom[0] + $user.nom
$lol | Out-File .\samaccountnames.csv
$validusers = Import-Csv .\samaccountnames.csv
$fullusers = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=USERS,DC=domain,DC=com" -ResultPageSize 0 -Prop samaccountname | Select samaccountname
foreach ($u in $validusers)
if ($u -match $fullusers) {continue} else
Set-ADUser -Identity $($._) -Enabled $false -whatif
The users list (samaccountnames.csv) you create in $lol is not a CSV file, but simply a text file with all constructed usernames each on a separate line.
Therefore you should read the file using
$validusers = Get-Content .\samaccountnames.csv instead of $validusers = Import-Csv .\samaccountnames.csv.
Then you'll have an array of samaccountnames to work with.
Next, I wonder why you use -ResultPageSize 0.. The default setting is 256 objects per page, so I can only imaging you could need this value to be higher than this default, not less.
(see the docs)
Taken from the part where you read the samaccountnames file, I think this will do the job:
$validusers = Get-Content .\samaccountnames.csv
# property 'SamAccountName' is returned by default as are
# 'DistinguishedName', 'Enabled', 'GivenName', 'Name', 'ObjectClass', 'ObjectGUID', 'SID', 'Surname' and 'UserPrincipalName'
# get the user objects from AD and loop through them to see if they need to be set disabled
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=USERS,DC=domain,DC=com" | ForEach-Object {
# the $_ automatic variable now holds an AD user object
# or use if($_.SamAccountName -notin $validusers). Only for PowerShell version 3.0 and up
if ($validusers -notcontains $_.SamAccountName) {
$_ | Set-ADUser -Enabled $false -WhatIf