Mongodb aggregation count by nested object key - mongodb

{ "_id" : 1, "achievements" : {"third_record":true, "second_record": true} },
{ "_id" : 3, "achievements" : {"sixth_record":true, "second_record": true} },
{ "_id" : 2, "achievements" : {"first_record":true, "fifth_record": true} },
{ "_id" : 4, "achievements" : {"first_record":true, "second_record": true} },
I would like to count how many first_record, second_record, etc achievements have been obtained, I don't know beforehand the names of the achievements. I just want it to count all the achievements matched in the first stage. How do I use aggregation to count this? I saw another question suggest using unwind but that seems to be for arrays only and not objects?

May be this:
$project: {
as: {
$objectToArray: "$achievements"
$unwind: "$as"
$group: {
_id: "$as.k",
number: {
$sum: {
"$cond": [
$eq: [
convert object to array
unwind to get them separate
group by id, adding 1 for true, 0 for false.


Count if a value exists inside the array of objects [ MongoDB ]

I am developing a simple chat application with MongoDB and got stuck into a situation.
My document in database is as
"_id" : ObjectId("605a217ed8168f4c262f4782"),
"message" : "Hi, This is a test message",
"created" : ISODate("2021-03-23T17:12:30.000Z"),
"user" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5977af7df1d8cc4623283b14"),
"name" : "Sender Of Message"
"recipients" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5977af7df1d8cc4623283b14"),
"time" : ISODate("2021-03-23T17:12:30.000Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101"),
"time" : ISODate("2021-03-23T17:12:35.000Z")
"target" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101"),
"name" : "Target Person"
"status" : 1
When I try to get the last message with the unread count of the user I am always getting 1
Here is the query that I tried on.
{ $match: { 'target._id': ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101'), status: 1 } },
{ $sort: { _id: -1 } },
$group: {
_id: '$user._id',
doc: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
unread: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: { $ne: [ ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101'), '$recipients._id' ] },
then: 1,
else: 0
If the collection contains even just the one document above, it is supposed to give 0 as the object inside the recipients array already contains the _id as ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101'), but I'm getting 1 for the unread count. Any help?
Here is the output that I get from the query
"_id" : ObjectId("5977af7df1d8cc4623283b14"),
"doc" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("605a217ed8168f4c262f4782"),
"message" : "Hi, This is a test message",
"created" : ISODate("2021-03-23T17:12:30.000Z"),
"user" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5977af7df1d8cc4623283b14"),
"name" : "Sender Of Message"
"recipients" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5977af7df1d8cc4623283b14"),
"time" : ISODate("2021-03-23T17:12:30.000Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101"),
"time" : ISODate("2021-03-23T17:12:35.000Z")
"target" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101"),
"name" : "Target Person"
"status" : 1
"unread" : 1.0
I know why its showing with the count as 1
The array recipients contains an object with _id as ObjectId("5977af7df1d8cc4623283b14") inside it, so its a non matching condition. Which is causing the if condition to be satisfied and produce a value 1.
But I need to figure out how to query it to get the actual value.
Please note that I cant use $push operator on recipients array as it might have greater amount of object ( maybe in future )
Thanks for the support, but I have found the answer by myself.
Here is my approch to get the data as per the requirement.
Instead of searching for the records within the array what I did is
Filtered the data array to the _id that I don't need, so the array will have exactly one document or else it will be empty.
When taking the negation of the condition. ie, when there is one value in the array I need the counter to be 0 or else it should be 1
So I used the $size to check the array's size and $filter to filter out the other _ids and then used $sum to increment the counter as required.
{ $match: { 'target._id': ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101'), status: 1 } },
{ $sort: { _id: -1 } },
$group: {
_id: '$user._id',
doc: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
unread: {
$sum: {
if: {
$size: {
$filter: {
input: '$recipients',
as: 'item',
cond: { $eq: [ ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101'), '$$item._id' ] }
then: 0,
else: 1
Try to Use like this:
{ $match: { 'target._id': ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101'), status: 1
} },
{ $sort: { _id: -1 } },
{ $unwind: { path: "$recipients", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
$group: {
_id: '$user._id',
doc: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
unread: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: { $ne: ['$recipients._id',
ObjectId('5df50a5eaa0e3c3104006101') ] },
then: 1,
else: 0

how to count the size of an array object and unwind it in MongoDB

I need to count the size of an array object and I also need to get the averages for each field in the array labeled raised_amount. However, MongoDB will not let me count the array size after unwinding it(duh). Mongo will not let me count the array size before unwinding either. This is for a class I am taking. Quite the challenge.
{"$group": {
"_id":{"name": "$name"},
"averageFunding" : {
"$avg" : "$funding_rounds.raised_amount"
{$project: { count: { $size:"$funding_rounds" }}},
{ $sort: { averageFunding: -1 } },
Take out {$project: { count: { $size:"$funding_rounds" }}} and it works! However, I wouldn't have funding_round count. Try to count the rounds by themselves, and it works.
Example of data:
"name": "Facebook",
"total_money_raised": "$39.8M",
"funding_round": [
"example": 123,
"round_code": "a",
"raised_amount": "1232"
"example": 123,
"round_code": "bat",
"raised_amount": "1232"
"example": 123,
"round_code": "cat",
"raised_amount": "1232"
Any ideas on how to count the array size in this aggregation?
$size expect an array, and you $unwind array to object before counting. That's why MongoDB restrict to count size.
Try Below code:
$project: {
_id: 1,
name: 1,
total_money_raised : 1,
funding_round :1,
size: { $size:"$funding_round" }
{ $unwind : "$funding_round"},
{ $group:{
_id: "$name",
avgFunding : {"$avg" : "$funding_round.raised_amount"},
size: {$first : "$size"},
totalCount : {$sum: 1}
{ $sort: { "avgFunding": -1 } },
{ "$limit":10 }
/* 1 */
"_id" : "Facebook",
"avgFunding" : 1232.0,
"size" : 3,
"totalCount" : 3.0
If NAME field is unique:
Another thing that I need to mention here is if your name field is unique and you just want to have the size of an array you can then unwind and then count total documents while $group as below:
{ $unwind : "$funding_round"},
{ $group:{
_id: "$name",
"avgFunding" : {"$avg" : "$funding_round.raised_amount"},
size : {$sum: 1}
{ $sort: { "avgFunding": -1 } },
{ "$limit":10 }
/* 1 */
"_id" : "Facebook",
"avgFunding" : 1232.0,
"size" : 3.0
Where size is the total count of documents that are unwound from an array.

mongodb aggregate multiple arrays

I am using MongoDB version v3.4. I have a documents collection and sample datas are like this:
"mlVoters" : [
{"email" : "", "isApproved" : false}
"egVoters" : [
{"email" : "", "isApproved" : false},
{"email" : "", "isApproved" : true}
"mlVoters" : [
{"email" : "", "isApproved" : false},
{"email" : "", "isApproved" : true}
"egVoters" : [
{"email" : "", "isApproved" : true}
Now if i want the count of distinct email addresses for mlVoters:
{$project: { mlVoters: 1 } },
{$unwind: "$mlVoters" },
{$group: { _id: "$", mlCount: { $sum: 1 } }},
{$project: { _id: 0, email: "$_id", mlCount: 1 } },
{$sort: { mlCount: -1 } }
Result of the query is:
{"mlCount" : 2.0,"email" : ""}
{"mlCount" : 1.0,"email" : ""}
And if i want the count of distinct email addresses for egVoters i do the same for egVoters field. And the result of that query would be:
{"egCount" : 1.0,"email" : ""}
{"egCount" : 1.0,"email" : ""}
{"egCount" : 1.0,"email" : ""}
So, I want to combine these two aggregation and get the result as following (sorted by totalCount):
{"email" : "", "mlCount" : 2, "egCount" : 1, "totalCount":3}
{"email" : "", "mlCount" : 1, "egCount" : 1, "totalCount":2}
{"email" : "", "mlCount" : 0, "egCount" : 1, "totalCount":1}
How can I do this? How should the query be like? Thanks.
First you add a field voteType in each vote. This field indicates its type. Having this field, you don't need to keep the votes in two separate arrays mlVoters and egVoters; you can instead concatenate those arrays into a single array per document, and unwind afterwards.
At this point you have one document per vote, with a field that indicates which type it is. Now you simply need to group by email and, in the group stage, perform two conditional sums to count how many votes of each type there are for every email.
Finally you add a field totalCount as the sum of the other two counts.
$addFields: {
mlVoters: {
$ifNull: [ "$mlVoters", []]
egVoters: {
$ifNull: [ "$egVoters", []]
$addFields: {
"mlVoters.voteType": "ml",
"egVoters.voteType": "eg"
$project: {
voters: { $concatArrays: ["$mlVoters", "$egVoters"] }
$unwind: "$voters"
$project: {
email: "$",
voteType: "$voters.voteType"
$group: {
_id: "$email",
mlCount: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
"if": { $eq: ["$voteType", "ml"] },
"then": 1,
"else": 0
egCount: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
"if": { $eq: ["$voteType", "eg"] },
"then": 1,
"else": 0
$addFields: {
totalCount: {
$sum: ["$mlCount", "$egCount"]

Count and apply condition to slice the mongodb array document

My document structure looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5aeeda07f3a664c55e830a08"),
"profileId" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a543"),
"list" : [
"content" : "answered your post",
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a540")
"content" : "answered your post",
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a540")
"content" : "answered your post",
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a540")
I want to count array of
list field. And apply condition before slicing that
if the list<=10 then slice all the elements of list
else 10 elements.
P.S I used this query but is returning null.
Your first $project stage effectively wipes out all result fields but the one(s) that it explicitly projects (only notifs in your case). That's why the second $project stage cannot $slice the list field anymore (it has been removed by the first $project stage).
Also, I think your $cond/$slice combination can be more elegantly expressed using the $min operator. So there's at least the following two fixes for your problem:
Using $addFields:
{ $match: { profileId: ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a543") } },
{ $addFields: { notifs: { $size: "$list" } } },
{ $project: {
notifications: {
$slice: [ "$list", { $min: [ "$notifs", 10 ] } ]
Using a calculation inside the $project - this avoids a stage so should be preferable.
{ $match: { profileId: ObjectId("5ad84c8c0e71892058b6a543") } },
{ $project: {
notifications: {
$slice: [ "$list", { $min: [ { $size: "$list" }, 10 ] } ]

Need to sum from array object value in mongodb

I am trying to calculate total value if that value exits. But query is not working 100%. So can somebody help me to solve this problem. Here my sample document. I have attached two documents. Please these documents & find out best solution
Document : 1
"_id" : 1"),
"message_count" : 4,
"messages" : {
"data" : [
"id" : "11",
"saleValue": 1000
"id" : "112",
"saleValue": 1400
"id" : "22",
"id" : "234",
"saleValue": 111
"createdTime" : ISODate("2018-03-18T10:18:48.000Z")
Document : 2
"_id" : 444,
"message_count" : 4,
"messages" : {
"data" : [
"id" : "444",
"saleValue" : 2060
"id" : "444",
"id" : 234,
"saleValue" : 260
"id" : "34534",
"createdTime" : ISODate("2018-03-18T03:11:50.000Z")
Needed Output:
total : 4831
My query :
"$group": {
"_id": "$Id",
"totalValue": {
$sum: {
$sum: "$"
So please if possible help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance
It's not working correctly because it is aggregating all the documents in the collection; you are grouping on a constant "_id": "tempId", you just need to reference the correct key by adding the $ as:
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$tempId",
"totalValue": {
"$sum": { "$sum": "$" }
} }
which in essence is a single stage pipeline version of an aggregate operation with an extra field that holds the sum expression before the group pipeline then calling that field as the $sum operator in the group.
The above works since $sum from MongoDB 3.2+ is available in both the $project and $group stages and when used in the $project stage, $sum returns the sum of the list of expressions. The expression "$" returns a list of numbers [120, 1200] which are then used as the $sum expression:
{ "$project": {
"values": { "$sum": "$" },
"tempId": 1,
} },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$tempId",
"totalValue": { "$sum": "$values" }
} }
You can add a $unwind before your $group, in that way you will deconstructs the data array, and then you can group properly:
"$unwind": "$"
"$group": {
"_id": "tempId",
"totalValue": {
$sum: {
$sum: "$"
{ "_id" : "tempId", "totalValue" : 1320 }
$unwind: "$",
$group: {
"_id": "tempId",
"totalValue": { $sum: "$" }
According to description as mentioned into above question, as a solution please try executing following aggregate query
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$unwind: {
path: '$'
// Stage 2
$group: {
_id: {
pageId: '$pageId'
total: {
$sum: '$'
// Stage 3
$project: {
pageId: '$_id.pageId',
total: 1,
_id: 0
You can do it without using $group. Grouping made other data to be managed and addressed. So, I prefer using $sum and $map as shown below:
$addFields: {
total: {
$sum: {
$map: {
input: "$",
as: "message",
in: "$$message.saleValue",