Making soap bubble input selection (like in apple music) - flutter

The goal is to develop a widget where I can pass an array of strings and it generates the soap bubbles like in the video, including the physics effect when you drag them around. Does anyone know how to implement a widget like this, are there any libraries that provide the physics for the bubbles?
Here is the video I am talking about:

I had the same issue - ended up going with React Native and then embedding it into the flutter app
Here is an example project I found on GitHub that I used as foundation: react-native-bubble-select


Recognition of small barcode on playing cards

I'm trying to use zxing to detect small barcodes on playing cards for the purpose of scanning all hands after a game of bridge for easy analysis of the game.
I have looked at the GenericMultipleBarcodeReader class which seems to do exactly what I want. However, there already seems to be a problem in recognizing even one barcode. I believe that they are too small for easy recognition: even calling the detect method on an instance of MonochromeRectangleDetector class results in a NotFoundException.
I have attached an example image to give an idea of what the cards look like. Does anyone have suggestions on how to approach this problem, or are the barcodes just too small for zxing to recognize them? The official zxing Android app also does not detect any barcode if I use it on the playing card.
I don't recognize that as any known barcode format. Are you sure it is not just some marking, or some custom format? certainly this is why it is not read.

Display "custom" view (various images, various text). Should I use UIWebView?

First: No, none of the content should be loaded from the web. All content parts are shipped with the main bundle.
I have n images and mass of text (including lists). Instead of building all view parts programmatically in objective-c if was thinking of using an UIWebView and build "only" the HTML dynamically.
Does anything speaks against it?
How does UIWebView work with local content?
Links and resources welcome.
I would not recommend using the WebView for building application UIs. It introduces many elements that may cripple the user experience. Well, it basically depends on the complexity of the UI.
I created an App UI in WebView myself, using JavaScript and all that advanced CSS animations/transforms that WebKit has to offer, but in the end it was not good for the consumer. My goal was to make the app skinnable, but if something goes wrong - for example in JS - the WebView is stuck, except you spend the time into building a WebView wrapper for your app that deals with this.
That said I, i don't know how complex your UI is going to be, but I would say using IB or building the UI in code with cocoa is still more efficient.
Regards, Erik
I've thought about using web views in these situations sometimes, but then decided against it. 99% of the time, it's better to design the screen in Interface Builder. That will be as fast as or faster than creating an HTML page, and will give you all the benefits of elements functioning as expected (text input for example) and the possibility of customizing things programmatically. But of course, in many scenarios a web view might be the way to go (in fact, several standard UI elements have underlying web views).

Android equivalent to iphone indexed UITableView

I am porting an iPhone app over to the Android platform. One of the views has a very large list of data and on the iPhone app, there's a scrollbar of sorts on the right hand side that displays the letters of the alphabet and allows the user to quickly scroll through the list this way. I am having trouble finding such functionality in Android. Is there a simple way to implement this?
I think this is implemented through AlphabetIndexer, though I have not tried it personally.
The Android way to do this is to make the list filterable using the keyboard, like a Blackberry. You should do it this way to fit in with the platform experience.
To implement this, you call the setTextFilterEnabled(boolean textFilterEnabled) method on your list view. See example below:
For a complete example, see Hello, ListView.
If you can't use that, then you can use the fast scrolling like seen in the Contacts application. This is not a public API yet, but you can implement it from the Contacts source code at
Right side Alphabet indexer with working sources

How can we use CSS for developing native iPhone app?

I am not developing any web app.
I am trying to use CSS in developing iPhone native app.
I am confused about where to include it and use it .
Whether to use it in the viewDidLoad or applicationDidFinishLaunching .
I am really getting tired of using the same UI look.
Can any body help me?
Thank You All.
The question you seem to be asking is "How can I make my UI skinnable" which is completely independent of any kind of technology for representing those choices.
If you want to built an HTML based application, then you can either have a UIWebView or develop a web-based application, both of which can be skinned with CSS.
If you want to make a UIKit application customisable (by changing background colours etc. and the like) then you'll have to roll your own way of doing that. CSS would be overkill for this purpose, and in any case, there is no 'standard' support for themeing applications. You might as well just write into the user defaults (probably via a settings bundle) what the user would prefer as a background colour etc. and then write a method to traverse your UIKit hierarchy to change the background colour as appropriate.
What are you trying to apply the CSS to? CSS is only going to be applicable to a UIWebView in general. For that, you'll load it in the HTML as you would for a website.
If this is still something that interests you there is a very early beta stage of CSSApply on github
Extremely lightweight skinning system for iOS. It allows you to load a
CSS file and skin UIView elements. The system also allows you to do
simple searches for subviews like jQuery with CSS selectors.

Is there a high-level gestures library for iPhone development?

The iPhone platform has a number of common gesture idioms. For example, there are taps, pinches, and swipes, each with varying number of fingers. But when you're developing an app, it's up to you to implement these things based on low-level information about the number and locations of touches. It seems like this is a prime candidate for a library. You would register a delegate, set some parameters like multi-tap interval and swipe threshold, and get calls like swipeStarted/Ended, pinchStarted/Ended, multiTap, etc. Does such a library exist?
I've set up just such a project. It's not a library, but it is full of sample code for pinch/stretch, tap and hold, etc.
Here is one for detecting the circle gesture, with the source code provided. Might be useful for adapting it to detect other geatures.
UIGestureRecognizer. Don’t roll your own.
I forked Kailoa's very nice example and attempted to create a library.
I intend to add a combination "pinch-zoom and drag" gesture like the one in the maps app. Once I get it working, I'll post on github.