The method `add_template_helper` does not seem to work in Rails 6.1 - actionmailer

After updating my project to Rails 6.1 I get this error:
undefined method `add_template_helper' for ApplicationMailer:Class
In the documentation does not seem to be deprecated.

So, apparently, this method was deleted without deprecation warning in this commit:
So, the fix for this issue is to replace:
class MyMailer < ApplicationMailer
add_template_helper MyHelper
class MyMailer < ApplicationMailer
helper MyHelper


The method 'FocusTrapArea' isn't defined for the class '_PinputState?

I have tried repairing the cache using flutter pub cache repairand also cleaned the project cache using flutter clean.It still doesn't work.
/C:/Users/Phili/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/ Error: The method 'FocusTrapArea' isn't defined for the class '_PinputState'.
'_PinputState' is from 'package:pinput/src/pinput.dart' ('/C:/Users/Phili/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'FocusTrapArea'.
child: FocusTrapArea(
Failed to compile application.
anyone answer please
sorry this is coming late! I experienced mine when I updated my Flutter version to 3.7 so what I did was to update the Piput package version to the latest version and that solved mine for me. I hope it helps. I could not fully figure out what happen why it broke my app the first time but it was intuitive for me to upgrade the pinput package.

Having this stripe issue after updating Xcode ^

I updated my MacBook and now I get this issue from Xcode about my project and can run it :
error: 'new' is unavailable: You cannot directly instantiate an STPIssuingCardPin
deserializer:[STPIssuingCardPin new]
In file included from
1: note: 'init' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("You cannot directly instantiate an STPIssuingCardPin")));
error: 'new' is unavailable: You cannot directly instantiate an STPIssuingCardPin
deserializer:[STPIssuingCardPin new]
In file included from
1: note: 'init' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("You cannot directly instantiate an STPIssuingCardPin")));
Yeah it's actually a problem caused by updating the XCode.
There are some workarounds in here. One of them is the XCode downgrade :/
Same thing happened with me, I changed my macbook and now xcode is giving this weird issue. I followed this link and updated my 'Stripe' version.
'new' is unavailable: You cannot directly instantiate an STPIssuingCardPin
This is what i followed:
comment out pod 'stripe' line
run pod install
uncomment line
run pod install

Call to undefined method Laravel\Lumen\Application::configurationIsCached()

I Just install lumen-passport using
composer require dusterio/lumen-passport
then after just running php artisan
I got this In PassportServiceProvider.php line 81:
Call to undefined method Laravel\Lumen\Application::configurationIsCached()
have you encounter the same?
What did you do to solve it?
The problem is related to this Passport 7.3.2 issue.
The solution is to downgrade to laravel/passport to version 7.3.1
Not a good idea but i think the issue is related to new release so for the main time for me to be able to execute php artisan command I just comment this lines
if (! $this->app->configurationIsCached()) {
$this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/passport.php', 'passport');
then good to go.. after that uncomment again
Another way to solve this is by using a laravel/lumen version above 5.8.11. Where the configurationIsCached method has been added.

Issues with updating iron-router to work with blaze

I have just updated meteor to blaze and followed the instructions to update iron-router to 0.7.0.
I'm getting this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'path' of undefined router.js:160
Any ideas on what may have gone wrong?
I think this was related to the event-hooks package I was using. Removed that and all seems fine.

Eclipse problem when i tried to run a GAE project

When i want to run the GAE app, eclipse throw the following warnings:
26/01/2011 18:14:07
Warning: Extension
not registered, but plugin
"org.eclipse.jdt.core" defined in
refers to it.
26/01/2011 18:14:07
registerExtensions Warning: Extension
not registered, but plugin
"org.eclipse.jdt.core" defined in
refers to it.
26/01/2011 18:14:07
registerExtensions Warning: Extension
not registered, but plugin
"org.eclipse.jdt.core" defined in
refers to it.
26/01/2011 18:14:07
registerExtensions Warning: Extension
not registered, but plugin
"org.eclipse.jdt.core" defined in
refers to it.
any idea?
Are you using version 2.0.0.m3? Check this.
I solved this error, using Objectify instead of JPA. More info: