Static Website, File Upload and recaptcha - forms

I am just thinking what the best approach is to implement a simple form with file upload on a static website without any backend.
I have static website (NuxtJS) where a form can be filled and files can be uploaded.
To protect this form I wanted to use recaptcha by Google but as I read a little further in their documentation it seems that I need a backend which is a overkill for a static website.
Furthermore I wanted to support file upload... quite complicated without a backend.
What I thought of:
Maybe an existing product which does exactly what I am looking for? Or should I build a AWS Lambda Pipeline (of course with an S3 Bucket) to function as my "backend" for recaptcha and file upload.
Is there any approach which makes this scenario simpler, or am I thinking to complicated at the moment.
Use Case / Flow Chart:
Users enters Website.
Fills out form.
(optional) uploads files
Checks recaptcha
Clicks Send - Sends "Message" in our companies slack channel / or email.

However I solved this "common" task with a custom "backend" hosted on AWS Lambda which makes the whole stuff "serverless".
For those who are interested in "how to setup a server less backend" here's the current flow-chart which I made use of.
As you can see after the recaptcha is validated on client side and a token is generated, it is sent to the AWS API Gateway which triggers a Lambda Function (NodeJS Implementation of a Backend) where the token is validated and for file uploads pre-signed Uris are generated.
Notice: The API Gateway and the S3 Bucket need a valid CORS Configuration to communicate with each other and the world.



I'm working with a service that will forward data to a URL of your choosing via HTTP POST requests.
Is there a simple way to publish to a Pubsub topic with a POST? The service I'm using ('s Advanced Webhook Builder) can't store any files, so I can't upload a Google Cloud service account JSON key file.
You have 2 challenges in your use cases:
You need to customize the webhook to comply with the PubSub format. Some webhoock are enough customizable for that but it's not the case of all. If you can't customize the webhook call as PubSub expect, you need to use an intermediary layer (Cloud Functions or Cloud Run for example)
Directly to PubSub or with an intermediary layer, the situation is the same: the requester (the webhook) needs to be authenticated and authorized to access to the Google Cloud service.
One of the bad, and possible, practice, is to set allUsers authorized to access your resources. Here an example with a PubSub topic
Don't do that. Even if you increase "your" process security by defining a schema (and thus to reject all the messages that aren't compliant with this schema), letting a resource publicly, and without authentication, accessible on the wild internet is criminal!
In the webhook context (I had this case previously in my company) I recommend you to use a static authentication (a long lived authentication header; not a short lived (1h) as a Google OAuth2 token); an API Key for example. It's not perfect, because in case of API Key leak, the bad actors will be able to use this breach for a long time (rotate as soon as you can your API Keys!), but it's safer than nothing!
I wrote a pretty old article on this use case (with ESPv2 and Cloud Run), but the principle, and the configuration, is almost the same on API Gateway, a Google Cloud manage services. In the article, I create a proxy for Cloud Run, Cloud Functions and App Engine, but you can do the same thing with PubSub by setting the correct target URL.

How to call Salesforce REST API from external web forms

I am a bit confused. The requirement is that we need to create a REST API in Salesforce(Apex class) that has one POST method. Right now, I have been testing it with POSTMAN tool in 2 steps:
Making a POST request first with username, password, client_id, client_secret(that are coming from connected app in Salesforce), grant_type to receive access token.
Then I make another POST request in POSTMAN to create a lead in Salesforce, using the access token I received before and the body.
However, the REST API that I have in Salesforce would be called from various different web forms. So once someone fills out the webform, on the backend it would call this REST API in Salesforce and submits lead request.
I am wondering how would that happen since we can't use POSTMAN for that.
These "various different web forms" would have to send requests to Salesforce just like Postman does. You'd need two POST calls (one for login, one to call the service you've created). It'll be bit out of your control, you provided the SF code and proven it works, now it's for these website developers to pick it up.
What's exactly your question? There are tons of libraries to connect to SF from Java, Python, .NET, PHP... Or they could hand-craft these HTTP messages, just Google for "PHP HTTP POST" or something... /
Depending how much time they'll have they can:
cache the session id (so they don't call login every time), try to reuse it, call login again only if session id is blank / got "session expired or invalid" error back
try to batch it somehow (do they need to save these Leads to SF asap or in say hourly intervals is OK? How did YOU write the service, accepts 1 lead or list of records?
be smart about storing the credentials to SF (some secure way, not hardcoded). Ideally in a way that it's easy to use the integration against sandbox or production changing just 1 config file or environment variables or something like that

Pushing MailGun webhook onto AWS SQS

I need to process MailGun webhooks. I did implement a solution directly on our web servers to process the webhooks, but MailGun generates so many calls from a large campaign that it effectively becomes a DOS attack.
One solution I've been looking at is using AWS API Gateway to a Lambda function to then push onto an SQS queue. We can then poll the queue at a rate we can manage. Unfortunately we can't get this to work as AWS API Gateway does not support multipart/form-data content types (which some of the webhooks are). This means that our SQS messages are not well formatted / structured. The best we can do is use the $util.escapeJavaScript($input.body) function in the mapping template to create an SQS message that contains the raw string of the webhook content (with escaped javascript chars) that is effectively unparsable i.e. we can't get data out of it.
I've had a go at using Zapier to process the webhook and push directly on the SQS queue. This can parse the various content types effectively and create a nicely structured message for us, but the cost of the service is not viable.
Has anybody managed this problem in another way? Are there solutions to API Gateway not parsing the content properly? I've deliberately stayed away from MailGuns event polling API as it involves significant delays before the polled data can be 'trusted' (according to MailGun).
Basically, is there another way of getting a nicely parsed message from content types multipart/form-data and application/x-www-form-urlencoded onto the queue?
Any ideas would be much appreciated!
To add, this link higlights issues with APS Gateway and multipart\form-data content:
API Gateway - Post multipart\form-data
As you've mentioned you can base64 encode in api gateway and call base64decode in the lambda function to retrieve the original payload (There are standard libraries in every language).
Also, note you can that you can use multipart form data for non file bodies.
Get non file body from multipart/form-data using AWS API Gateway and Lambda
I had the same challenge when building Suet. I ended up switching to Google Cloud functions which I really recommend. Don't waste time on Amazon API Gateway. Use Google Cloud Functions and use a middleware like multer. (You can see the source of Suet's webhook handler here).
Not sure if you ever came to a solution, but I have this working with the following settings.
Setup your API Gateway method to use "Use Lambda Proxy integration"
In your lambda (I use node.js) use busboy to work through the multi-part submission from the mailgun webhook. (use this post for help with busboy Busboy help)
Make sure that any code you are going to execute after all busboy is complete is executed in the 'finish' portion of the busboy code.

Secure a REST interface without login

I recently succeeded in building a page that loads data via an ajax get call to a REST interface (that runs on my server) and then uses the data to construct a map overlay for Google maps via JS.
I managed to do this but now I have concerns about the security of my data. Obviously everybody could just use curl to load the overlay data from my REST interface. However, I do not want to make my data so easily available, since they are kind of the business value of my page...
Is saw many solutions on the web that all require a login of the user.
However, this should not be required on my page.
Is there an easy solution to this problem, without the user having to use a log in or something? Basically I only want to allow my web application to query data from my REST interface, but not anyone else.
One solution that came to my head is to pass the data directly from php into JS, when the page is loaded. However this looks like a real ugly solution to me...
On a RESTful interface, I suppose you want to avoid login into a session. You have basically 2 more ways :
use IP address filtering if the web application run on a private network with known IP addresses
pass an identification token in the request headers or as a request parameter. The token has to be passed along in all the requests.

How to upload Files to Cloud Storage?

I have a Google Cloud Endpoints wich is using Cloud SQL to store data. I want to provide a file upload for Clients and the files should be stored in Cloud Storage but I also want to store file meta data and the file storage url in Cloud SQL.
What's the best was to do this?
Can I upload files through cloud endpoints or do I need an extra upload Servlet?
How can I update my database entities which needs a reference to the uploaded files.
Any examples on how to combine those 3 technologies?
Assuming your clients are not added to your google cloud project (which is typically the case), your users don't have write access to your GCS bucket. You can either submit files to your application and move to GCS from there (not recommended as consumes more network and CPU) or a better way is to submit to GCS directly.
To let the client write to your GCS bucket directly, you will need to either:
1. put your access key on client for write access (not recommended), if the client is used by limited trusted people.
2. generate a time-bound token and put it on the client as signed URL to upload directly.
Endpoints APIs themselves cannot do this, but you can generate the signed GCS URL at the server and get it using endpoints on client. then set it as form action (on web client, other clients have similar ways for signed upload) and submit the form to upload the file.
<form action="SIGNED_URL_FROM_ENDPOINTS" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
I don't see an open-source code out there doing exactly this, but closest is this project that does generate the signed URL with a time-out (the only unintuitive part).
Best way to update the metadata in your database is to watch GCS bucket using 'Object Change Notifications'. Another way is to send the metadata to your server from client itself, which can be an endpoints call. You can also use a mix of both where the metadata goes to server using endpoints even before the the file is uploaded and the notification updates the record with confirmation that it is available to serve.