Bad video quality while using custom video source in Unity - unity3d

I try to use SetExternalVideoSource and PushVideoFrame to send custom video frames to the RTC engine with methods described here. However, the video quality is not as good as using the default video streaming options despite that I am pushing video frames with the same resolution. Does anyone notice this difference before? I wonder if this is expected? Or maybe there is a way to set the custom video quality, but I overlooked?

Hope the slack channel answer helped you on this. For others reading this, please see what the discussion was:
"You should give a resolution configuration. Here is the config I use in my advanced demo app:"
mRtcEngine.SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(new VideoEncoderConfiguration()
bitrate = 1130,
dimensions = new VideoDimensions() { width = Screen.width, height = Screen.height },
// Note if your remote user video surface to set to flip Horizontal, then we should flip it before sending


Unity Agora screenshare blurry video quality

How to improve the image quality while sharing the screen using agora sdk with unity. I've used below
settings for VideoProfile as
mRtcEngine.SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(new VideoEncoderConfiguration()
// Sets the video encoding bitrate (Kbps).
minBitrate = 100,
bitrate = 1130,
// Sets the video frame rate.
minFrameRate = 10,
// Sets the video resolution.
dimensions = new VideoDimensions() { width = EncodeWidth, height = EncodeHeight },
// Sets the video encoding degradation preference under limited bandwidth. MIANTAIN_QUALITY means to degrade the frame rate to maintain the video quality.
// Note if your remote user video surface to set to flip Horizontal, then we should flip it before sending
// Sets the video orientation mode of the video
the Output from Editor to Device looks like below:
And Ouput from Device to Editor or another Deivce looks blurry as below:
Ive tested with WIFI on both device and ensure with good quality and also with forced settings as Image Quality than Frame Rate.
Do i missed anything else to improve the image quality?
How to share a Rect part of the screen and this rect can be draggable by user at part of the screen
Blurry videos may be caused by low bitrates and resolution ratios. Check the following:
Check videoProfile. If possible, set videoProfile to a higher level
to see whether the video is clearer.
Check the stream type of the receiver. If the stream type is low, call the setRemoteVideoStreamType method to switch from a low stream to high stream. (You did this)
Switch to another WiFi network to ensure that the blurry video is not caused by poor Internet connections.
Turn off all pre-processing options.
If this issue persists, contact Agora customer support (via ticket system) with the following information:
The uid of the user who sees the blurry video.
The time frame during which the blurry video appears.
SDK logs and screen recording files of the user.
You can check the statistics of every call in Agora Analytics in Dashboard.

Overlay text and images to YouTube live stream from Flutter app

I am looking into creating a Flutter mobile app that live streams to YouTube using the YouTube Live Streaming API. I have checked the API and found that it does not offer a way to overlay text and images onto the livestream. How would I achieve this using Flutter?
I imagine this involves using the Stack widget to overlay content on top of the user's video feed. However this would somehow need to be encoded into the video stream to be sent to YouTube.
this type of work is usually done with FFmpeg
See this discussion for more info:
FFmpeg for mobile devices is made available by this project:
And then, as always, we have a flutter package called flutter_ffmpeg to allow us these features on flutter
TLDR: You can use CameraController (Camera package) and Canvas in Flutter for drawing the text. Unfortunately CameraController.startImageStream is not documented in the API docs, and is a 1 year+ GitHub issue.
Everytime the camera plugin gives you a video frame controller.startImageStream((CameraImage img) { /* your code */}, you can draw the image onto the canvas, draw the text, capture the video and call the YouTube API. You can see an example of using the video buffer in Tensorflow Lite package here or read more info at this issue.
On this same canvas, you can draw whatever you want, like drawArc, drawParagraph, drawPoints. It gives you ultimate flexibility.
A simple example of capturing the canvas contents is here, where I have previously saved the strokes in state. (You should use details about the text instead, and just pull the latest frame from the camera.):
Future<img.Image> getDrawnImage() async {
ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder();
Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
canvas.drawColor(Colors.white, BlendMode.src);
StrokesPainter painter = StrokesPainter(
strokes: InheritedStrokesHistory.of(context).strokes);
painter.paint(canvas, deviceData.size);
ui.Image screenImage = await (recorder.endRecording().toImage(
deviceData.size.width.floor(), deviceData.size.height.floor()));
ByteData imgBytes =
await screenImage.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.rawRgba);
return img.Image.fromBytes(deviceData.size.width.floor(),
deviceData.size.height.floor(), imgBytes.buffer.asUint8List());
I was going to add a link to an app I made which allows you to draw and screenshot the drawing into your phone gallery (but also uses Tensorflow Lite), but the code is a little complicated. Its probably best to clone it and see what it does if you are struggling with capturing the canvas.
I initially could not find the documentation on startImageStream and forgotten I have used it for Tensorflow Lite, and suggested using MethodChannel.invokeMethod and writing iOS/ Android specific code. Keep that in mind if you find any limitations in Flutter, although I don't think Flutter will limit you in this problem.

How to make video captured by front camera not being inverse Android?

I recording video using MediaRecorder.When using back-camera,it working fine,but when using front camera,the video captured is being flipped/inverse.Means that the item in right,will appear on the left.The camera preview is working fine,just final captured video flipped.
Here is the camera preview looks like
But the final video appear like this(all the item in left hand side,appear on right hand side)
What I tried so far:
I tried to apply the matrix when prepare recorder,but it seems does change anything.
private boolean prepareRecorder(int cameraId){
//# Create a new instance of MediaRecorder
mRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
int angle = getVideoOrientationAngle(this,cameraId);
if(cameraId == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT){
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
//all other code to prepare recorder here
I already read for all this question below,but all this seems didnt solve my problem.For information,I using SurfaceView for the camera preview,so this question here doesn't help.
1) Android flip front camera mirror flipped video
2) How to keep android from inverting the image from the front facing camera?
3) Prevent flipping of the front facing camera
So my question is :
1) How to capture a video by front camera which the video not being inverse(exactly the same with camera preview)?
2) How to achieve this when the Camera preview is using SurfaceView but not TextureView ? (cause all the question I mention above,tell about using TextureView)
All possible solution is mostly welcome..Tq
I made 2 short video clip to clarify the problem,please download and take a look
1) The video during camera preview of recording
2) The video of the final product of recording
So, if the system camera app produces video similar to your app, you didn't do something wrong. Now it's time to understand what happens to front-facing camera video recording.
The front facing camera is not different from the rear facing camera in the way it captures still pictures or video. There is a difference how the phone displays camera preview on the screen. To make it look more natural to the user, Android (and all other systems) mirrors the preview, so that you can see yourself as if in a mirror.
It is important to understand that this only applies to the way the preview is presented to you. If you pick up any video conferencing app, connect two devices that you hold in two hands, and look at yourself, you will see to your surprise that the two instances of yourself are flipped.
This is not a bug, this is the natural way to present the video to the other party.
See the sketch:
This is how you see the scene:
This is how your peer sees the same scene
Normally, recording of a video is done from the point if view of your peer, as in the second picture. This is the natural setup for, e.g., video conferencing.
But Snapchat and some other social apps choose to store the front-facing video clip as if you record it from the mirror (as if the recorder is in your hand on the first picture). Some people like this feature, others hate it (see and
You cannot use MediaRecorder for that. You can use the lower-level API of MediaCodec to record processed frames. You need to flip each frame 'manually', and this may be a significant performance hit, because normally the MediaRecorder 'connects' the camera to hardware encoder in a very efficient way, without need even to copy the pixels to user memory. This answer shows how you can manipulate the way camera is rendered to texture.
You can achieve this by recording video manually from surface view.
In such case preview and recording will match exactly.
I've been using this library for this purpose:
Here is the guide how to use it (not with camera but with OpenGL drawing):

How to repeat video track using AVMutableComposition

I want to repeat 1s video to 10 seconds. I used AVMutableComposition and attached the code below.
When I try with a video recorded by apple default camera app, it works as well.
But I need to have specified video so that I made a customized camera. I made 1s video(frame rate : 5fps, H264 codec).
I am getting black frames with this video.
I am not sure whats the problem. Please help.
I solved it by myself so I did not translate target view's coordinator when apply transform to video track so that it doesn't show up properly.

getting ios 4 camera exposure data during live capture

Ive searched everywhere and havnt managed to find an answer to this question so I thought Id ask it here.
Im currently using the AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to and CaptureOutput to get frames from the camera in real time at 30fps. I have left the default settings of autoexposure and auto focus etc.
I want to be able to query the camera per frame WITHOUT RESORTING TO THE STILL CAPTURE OPTION and ask what the cameras current frame exposure, aperture and focal length are.
Anyone have any ideas?
Take a look at the results of:
CFDictionaryRef metadataDictionary = (CFDictionaryRef)CMGetAttachment(sampleBuffer, CFSTR("MetadataDictionary"), NULL);