How can I enter empty records into a postgres table - postgresql

I have a table in postgres that basically just serves to collect multiple object in a bag. Think like a shopping cart. It only has a uuid that is generated automatically.
How can I insert an empty record into such a table?
INSERT INTO cart() values();
Doesn't work

From the fine INSERT manual:
This section covers parameters that may be used when only inserting new rows. [...]
All columns will be filled with their default values, as if DEFAULT were explicitly specified for each column. (An OVERRIDING clause is not permitted in this form.)
The corresponding column will be filled with its default value. An identity column will be filled with a new value generated by the associated sequence. For a generated column, specifying this is permitted but merely specifies the normal behavior of computing the column from its generation expression.
So you can use DEFAULT as a value to explicitly use the column's default value:
INSERT INTO cart(your_uuid_column) values(default);
or you can say:
INSERT INTO cart default values;
to use defaults for all the columns.


How can generic functions can be used for computed fields in hasura?

I've a logs table, which is it contains all the actions (updated, created) taken by operators (admin users).
On this table 2 of these columns (indexed as hash) target_entity and target_id Which respectively stores
table name: table name of the action taken on.
record id added or updated record's id in the target table.
So, what I am trying to achieve;
I would like to add a computed field named eg:logs which depends on a function;
FUNCTION public."fetchLogs"(
referenceId integer,
referenceName TEXT
First parameter is the current table's primary key.
I'm not sure if I can automatically send primary key as first argument
So probably it should be something like table_row table
Second parameter is a static value which is table's name, planning to statically pass as argument.
This function returns a JSON object;
AS $function$
It should return log records related to this record.
At this point I have 2 things needs to be tackled with;
Since the first parameter is the reference (primary) key, I don't know If I can just use primary key as an argument. I'm guessing I need to use as table_row (anytable if that's a thing) then
In the Hasura console, Add Computed Field > Function Name selector does not list this function, guessing because it doesn't explicitly indicated in the function which table is this action for.
Answers I'm looking for if this is achievable or is there a better practice for this kind of things?
Maybe I need a encapsulating function for each table needs this computed column. But I'm not sure is it possible or how can be done.
P.S. In case if you are wondering all primary keys are same type and name yes. All tables (will be using this computed column) has a primary key named as id and type is integer.

cannot use column reference in DEFAULT expression in postgresql

CREATE temp TABLE demo1(
col_a int,
col_b int DEFAULT (col_a)
PostgreSQL have generated columns, triggers. But why cannot use column reference in DEFAULT expression.
since the manual ddl-default page mention:
The default value can be an expression, which will be evaluated
whenever the default value is inserted (not when the table is
created). A common example is for a timestamp column to have a default
of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, so that it gets set to the time of row
Obviously, column references is value expression.
A value expression is one of the following:
* A constant or literal value
The documentation states:
DEFAULT default_expr
The DEFAULT clause assigns a default data value for the column whose column definition it appears within. The value is any variable-free expression (in particular, cross-references to other columns in the current table are not allowed). Subqueries are not allowed either. The data type of the default expression must match the data type of the column.
So the restriction is clearly documented.
But it is fairly easy to see that it would pose problems to allow a column reference in a DEFAULT expression: For one, the value specified in the INSERT statement could be overridden by BEFORE INSERT triggers. In that case, should the value before or after the trigger execution be used? Also, what if the DEFAULT for column a references column b and vice versa? There may be other difficulties that I didn't think of.

What do "constant", "expression", and "sequence" represent in a DEFAULT clause?

Currently creating my PostgreSQL tables through Postico, and I came across this field for when creating new columns. It is called DEFAULT and its default value is no default. You can select constant, expression, and sequence as options, though.
What exactly do these mean?
The manual on CREATE TABLE:
DEFAULT default_expr
The DEFAULT clause assigns a default data value for the column whose column definition it appears within. The value is any
variable-free expression (subqueries and cross-references to other
columns in the current table are not allowed). The data type of the
default expression must match the data type of the column.
The default expression will be used in any insert operation that does
not specify a value for the column. If there is no default for a
column, then the default is null.
constant and expression should be clear now. sequence is a special feature to make it a serial column:
Creating a PostgreSQL sequence to a field (which is not the ID of the record)
More details on the page #mu provided:

oracle how to change the next autogenerated value of the identity column

I've created table projects like so:
CREATE TABLE projects (
project_name VARCHAR2(75 CHAR) NOT NULL
Then I've inserted ~150,000 rows while importing data from my old MySQL table. the MySQL had existing id numbers which i need to preserve so I added the id number to the SQL during the insert. Now when I insert new rows into the oracle table, the id is a very low number. Can you tell me how to reset my counter on the project_id column to start at 150,001 so not to mess up any of my existing id numbers? essentially i need the oracle version of:
Edit: Oracle 12c now supports the identity data type, allowing an auto number primary key that does not require us to create a sequence + insert trigger.
after some creative google search terms I was able to find this thread on the oracle docs site. here is the solution for changing the identity's nextval:
Here is the solution that i found on this oracle thread:. The concept is to alter your identity column rather than adjust the sequence. Actually, the sequences that are automatically created aren't editable or drop-able.
According to this source, you can do it like this:
ALTER TABLE projects MODIFY project_id
The START WITH LIMIT VALUE clause can only be specified with an ALTER TABLE statement (and by implication against an existing identity column). When this clause is specified, the table will be scanned for the highest value in the PROJECT_ID column and the sequence will commence at this value + 1.
The same is also stated in the oracle thread referenced in OP's own answer:
START WITH LIMIT VALUE, which is specific to identity_options, can only be used with ALTER TABLE MODIFY. If you specify START WITH LIMIT VALUE, then Oracle Database locks the table and finds the maximum identity column value in the table (for increasing sequences) or the minimum identity column value (for decreasing sequences) and assigns the value as the sequence generator's high water mark. The next value returned by the sequence generator will be the high water mark + INCREMENT BY integer for increasing sequences, or the high water mark - INCREMENT BY integer for decreasing sequences.
The following statement creates the sequence customers_seq in the sample schema oe. This sequence could be used to provide customer ID numbers when rows are added to the customers table.
CREATE SEQUENCE customers_seq
The first reference to customers_seq.nextval returns 1000. The second returns 1001. Each subsequent reference will return a value 1 greater than the previous reference.

DB2 column constraint for inserting values within restricted length

Is there a constraint available in DB2 such that when a column is restricted to a particular length, the values are trimmed to appropriate length before insertion. For Eg. if a column has been specified to be of length 5 , inserting a value 'overflow' will get inserted as 'overf'.
Can CHECK constraint be used here? My understanding of CHECK constraint is that it will allow insertions or not allow them but it can not modify values to satisfy the condition.
A constraint isn't going to be able to do this.
A before insert trigger is normally the mechanism you'd use to modify data during an insert before it is actually placed in the table.
However, I'm reasonably sure it won't work in this case. You'd get an SQLCODE -404 (SQLSTATE 22001) "The Sql Statement specified contains a String that is too long." thrown before the trigger gets fired.
I see two possible options
1) Create a view over the table where the column is cast to a larger size. Then create an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view to substring the data during write.
2) Create and use a stored procedure that accepts a larger size and substrings the data then inserts it.