generate list of case class with int field without repeat - scala

I want to generate a List of some class which contains several fields. One of them is Int type and it doesn’t have to repeat. Could you help me to write the code?
I tried next:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
implicit val genPerson: Gen[Person] =
for {
name <- arbitrary[String]
age <- Gen.posNum[Int]
} yield Person(name, age)
implicit val genListOfPerson: Gen[scala.List[Person]] = Gen.listOfN(3, genPerson)
The problem is that I got an instance of a person with equal age.

If you're requiring that no two Persons in the generated list have the same age, you can
implicit def IntsArb: Arbitrary[Int] = Arbitrary(Gen.choose[Int](0, Int.MaxValue))
implicit val StringArb: Arbitrary[String] = Arbitrary(Gen.listOfN(5, Gen.alphaChar).map(_.mkString))
implicit val PersonGen = Arbitrary(Gen.resultOf(Person.apply _))
implicit val PersonsGen: Arbitrary[List[Person]] =
Arbitrary(Gen.listOfN(3, PersonGen.arbitrary).map { persons =>
val grouped: Map[Int, List[Person]] = persons.groupBy(_.age) // safe because groupBy
Note that this will return a List with no duplicate ages but there's no guarantee that the list will have size 3 (it is guaranteed that the list will be nonempty, with size at most 3).
If having a list of size 3 is important, at the risk of generation failing if the "dice are against you", you can have something like:
def uniqueAges(persons: List[Person], target: Int): Gen[List[Person]] = {
val grouped: Map[Int, List[Person]] = persons.groupBy(_.age)
val uniquelyAged =
val n = uniquelyAged.size
if (n == target) Gen.const(uniquelyAged)
else {
val existingAges = grouped.keySet
val genPerson = PersonGen.arbitrary.retryUntil { p => !existingAges(p.age) }
Gen.listOf(target - n, genPerson)
.flatMap(l => uniqueAges(l, target - n))
.map(_ ++ uniquelyAged)
implicit val PersonsGen: Arbitrary[List[Person]] =
Arbitrary(Gen.listOfN(3, PersonGen.arbitrary).flatMap(l => uniqueAges(l, 3)))

You can do it as follows:
implicit def IntsArb: Arbitrary[Int] = Arbitrary(Gen.choose[Int](0, Int.MaxValue))
implicit val StringArb: Arbitrary[String] = Arbitrary(Gen.listOfN(5, Gen.alphaChar).map(_.mkString))
implicit val PersonGen = Arbitrary(Gen.resultOf(Person.apply _))
implicit val PersonsGen: Arbitrary[List[Person]] = Arbitrary(Gen.listOfN(3, PersonGen.arbitrary))


scala Map with Option/Some gives match error

The following code is producing run time error as below. Could reason why the following error. Please explain.
Exception in thread "main" scala.MatchError: Some(Some(List(17))) (of class scala.Some)
at com.discrete.CountingSupp$.$anonfun$tuplesWithRestrictions1$1(CountingSupp.scala:43)
def tuplesWithRestrictions1(): (Int, Map[Int, Option[List[Int]]]) = {
val df = new DecimalFormat("#")
val result = ((0 until 1000) foldLeft[(Int, Map[Int, Option[List[Int]]])] ((0, Map.empty[Int, Option[List[Int]]]))) {
(r: (Int, Map[Int, Option[List[Int]]]), x: Int) => {
val str = df.format(x).toCharArray
if (str.contains('7')) {
import scala.math._
val v = floor(log10(x)) - 1
val v1 = (pow(10, v)).toInt
val m: Map[Int, Option[List[Int]]] = (r._2).get(v1) match {
case None => r._2 + (v1 -> Some(List(x)))
case Some(xs: List[Int]) => r._2 updated(x, Some(x::xs))
val f = (r._1 + 1, m)
} else r
Return type of .get on map is
get(k: K): Option[V]
Scala doc
/** Optionally returns the value associated with a key.
* #param key the key value
* #return an option value containing the value associated with `key` in this map,
* or `None` if none exists.
def get(key: K): Option[V]
r._2.get(v1) returns an option of Value. So the final return type would be Option[Option[List[Int]]].
You are trying to pattern match for Option[T] but the real value type is Option[Option[Int]] which is not captured in the match.
Use r._2(v1) to extract the value and match. Throws exception when v1 is not found in map.
Match inside map providing default value.
r._2.get(k1).map {
case None => r._2 + (v1 -> Some(List(x)))
case Some(value) => r._2 updated(x, Some(x::xs))
def tuplesWithRestrictions1(): (Int, Map[Int, List[Int]]) = {
val df = new DecimalFormat("#")
val result = ((0 until 1000) foldLeft[(Int, Map[Int, List[Int]])] ((0, Map.empty[Int, List[Int]]))) {
(r: (Int, Map[Int, List[Int]]), x: Int) => {
val str = df.format(x).toCharArray
if (str.contains('7')) {
import scala.math._
val v = floor(log10(x))
val v1 = (pow(10, v)).toInt
val m: Map[Int, List[Int]] = (r._2).get(v1) match {
case Some(xs: List[Int]) => r._2 updated(v1, x :: xs)
case None => r._2 + (v1 -> List(x))
val f = (r._1 + 1, m)
} else r

how to display value of case class in scala

case class Keyword(id: Int = 0, words: String)
val my= Keyword(123, "hello")
val fields: Array[Field] = my.getClass.getDeclaredFields
for (i <- fields.indices) {
println(fields(i).getName +":"+ my.productElement(i))
title:keyword's title
it's ok.
def outputCaseClass[A](obj:A){
val fields: Array[Field] = obj.getClass.getDeclaredFields
for (i <- fields.indices) {
println(fields(i).getName +":"+ obj.productElement(i))
it's wrong
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
def printCaseClassParams[C: scala.reflect.ClassTag](instance: C):Unit = {
val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(instance.getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirror = runtimeMirror.reflect(instance)
val tpe = instanceMirror.symbol.toType
.filter(member => member.asTerm.isCaseAccessor && member.asTerm.isMethod)
.map(member => {
val term = member.asTerm
val termName =
val termValue = instanceMirror.reflectField(term).get
termName + ":" + termValue
.foreach(s => println(s))
// Now you can use it with any case classes,
case class Keyword(id: Int = 0, words: String)
val my = Keyword(123, "hello")
// id:123
// words:hello
productElement is a Method of the Product Base trait.
Try to use a method signature like this:
def outputCaseClass[A <: Product](obj:A){ .. }
However it still won't work for inner case classes (fields also reports the $outer-Field, which productElement won't return and so it crashes with IndexOutOfBoundsException).

Proper way to guard function operations using Option[] arguments

I have code where a class can provide modified copies of itself, like so:
case class A(i: Int, s: String) {
def foo(ii: Int): A = copy(i = ii)
def bar(ss: String): A = copy(s = ss)
I want to create a function that takes some optional arguments and creates these modified copies using these arguments if they are defined:
def subA(a: A, oi: Option[Int] = None, os: Option[String] = None): A = {
if (oi.isDefined && os.isDefined)
else if (oi.isDefined && !os.isDefined)
else if (!oi.isDefined && os.isDefined)
This is clearly not sustainable, as I add new optional arguments, I have to create cases for every combination of arguments...
I also cannot do:
Because in my actual code, if oi or os is not provided, I should NOT run their associated foo and bar functions. In other words, I have no default arguments for oi and os, rather their existence defines whether I should run certain functions at all.
Current solution, extend the class:
implicit class A_extended(a: A) {
def fooOption(oi: Option[Int]): A = if (oi.isDefined) else a
def barOption(os: Option[String]): A = if (os.isDefined) else a
def subA(a: A, oi: Option[Int] = None, os: Option[String] = None): A = {
But this problem comes up often and it's a bit tedious to do this constantly, is there something like:
// oi: Option[Int], foo: Int => A
oi.ifDefinedThen(, a) // returns if oi is not None, else just a
Or should I just extend Option to provide this functionality?
Use fold on option final def fold[B](ifEmpty: => B)(f: A => B): B
def subA(a: A, oi: Option[Int] = None, os: Option[String] = None): A = {
val oia = oi.fold(a)(
Scala REPL
scala> def subA(a: A, oi: Option[Int] = None, os: Option[String] = None): A = {
val oia = oi.fold(a)(
defined function subA
scala> subA(A(1, "bow"), Some(2), Some("cow"))
res10: A = A(2, "cow")
Use pattern matching to deal with options elegantly. Create a tuple of options and then use pattern matching to extract the inner values
val a = Some(1)
val b = Some("some string")
(a, b) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) =>
case (Some(x), _) =>
case (_, Some(y)) =>
case (_, _) =>
Well... You can use reflection to create arbitrary copiers and even updaters for your case classes.
The difference is that an updater updates the case class instance and the copier create a new copy with updated fields.
An implementation of an updater can be done as below,
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
def copyInstance[C: scala.reflect.ClassTag](instance: C, mapOfUpdates: Map[String, T forSome {type T}]): C = {
val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(instance.getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirror = runtimeMirror.reflect(instance)
val tpe = instanceMirror.symbol.toType
val copyMethod = tpe.decl(ru.TermName("copy")).asMethod
val copyMethodInstance = instanceMirror.reflectMethod(copyMethod)
val updates = tpe.members
.filter(member => member.asTerm.isCaseAccessor && member.asTerm.isMethod)
.map(member => {
val term = member.asTerm
//check if we need to update it or use the instance value
val updatedValue = mapOfUpdates.getOrElse(
key =,
default = instanceMirror.reflectField(term).get
val copyOfInstance = copyMethodInstance(updates: _*).asInstanceOf[C]
def updateInstance[C: scala.reflect.ClassTag](instance: C, mapOfUpdates: Map[String, T forSome {type T}]): C = {
val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(instance.getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirror = runtimeMirror.reflect(instance)
val tpe = instanceMirror.symbol.toType
tpe.members.foreach(member => {
val term = member.asTerm
term.isCaseAccessor && term.isMethod match {
case true =>
// it is a case class accessor, check if we need to update it
mapOfUpdates.get( => {
val fieldMirror = instanceMirror.reflectField(term.accessed.asTerm)
// filed mirrors can even update immutable fields !!
case false => // Not a case class accessor, do nothing
And since you wanted to use Options to copy, here is your define once and use with all case classes copyUsingOptions
def copyUsingOptions[C: scala.reflect.ClassTag](instance: C, listOfUpdateOptions: List[Option[T forSome {type T}]]): C = {
val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(instance.getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirror = runtimeMirror.reflect(instance)
val tpe = instanceMirror.symbol.toType
val copyMethod = tpe.decl(ru.TermName("copy")).asMethod
val copyMethodInstance = instanceMirror.reflectMethod(copyMethod)
val updates = tpe.members.toSeq
.filter(member => member.asTerm.isCaseAccessor && member.asTerm.isMethod)
.map({ case (member, index) =>
val copyOfInstance = copyMethodInstance(updates: _*).asInstanceOf[C]
Now you can use these updateInstance or copyInstance to update or copy instances of any case classes,
case class Demo(id: Int, name: String, alliance: Option[String], power: Double, lat: Double, long: Double)
// defined class Demo
val d1 = Demo(1, "player_1", None, 15.5, 78.404, 71.404)
// d1: Demo = Demo(1,player_1,None,15.5,78.404,71.404)
val d1WithAlliance = copyInstance(d1, Map("alliance" -> Some("Empires")))
// d1WithAlliance: Demo = Demo(1,player_1,Some(Empires),15.5,78.404,71.404)
val d2 = copyInstance(d1, Map("id" -> 2, "name" -> "player_2"))
d2: Demo = Demo(2,player_2,None,15.5,78.404,71.404)
val d3 = copyWithOptions(
d1, List(Some(3),
Some("player_3"), Some(Some("Vikings")), None, None, None)
// d3: Demo = Demo(3,player_3,Some(Vikings),15.5,78.404,71.404)
// Or you can update instance using updateInstance
val d4 = updateInstance(d1, Map("id" -> 4, "name" -> "player_4"))
// d4: Demo = Demo(4,player_4,None,15.5,78.404,71.404)
// d1: Demo = Demo(4,player_4,None,15.5,78.404,71.404)
Another option (no pun intended, heh) would be to have foo and bar themselves take and fold over Options:
case class A(i: Int, s: String) {
def foo(optI: Option[Int]): A =
optI.fold(this)(ii => copy(i = ii))
def bar(optS: Option[String]): A =
optS.fold(this)(ss => copy(s = ss))
Then, subA can be minimal:
object A {
def subA(
a: A,
optI: Option[Int] = None,
optS: Option[String] = None): A =
a foo optI bar optS
You can also overload foo and bar to take plain Int and String as well if you have to maintain the API; in that case make the Option-taking methods call out to their corresponding non-Option-taking ones.

Min/max with Option[T] for possibly empty Seq?

I'm doing a bit of Scala gymnastics where I have Seq[T] in which I try to find the "smallest" element. This is what I do right now:
val leastOrNone = seq.reduceOption { (best, current) =>
if (current.something < best.something) current
else best
It works fine, but I'm not quite satisfied - it's a bit long for such a simple thing, and I don't care much for "if"s. Using minBy would be much more elegant:
val least = seq.minBy(_.something)
... but min and minBy throw exceptions when the sequence is empty. Is there an idiomatic, more elegant way of finding the smallest element of a possibly empty list as an Option?
seq.reduceOption(_ min _)
does what you want?
Edit: Here's an example incorporating your _.something:
case class Foo(a: Int, b: Int)
val seq = Seq(Foo(1,1),Foo(2,0),Foo(0,3))
val ord = Foo).b)
seq.reduceOption(ord.min) //Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(2,0))
or, as generic method:
def minOptionBy[A, B: Ordering](seq: Seq[A])(f: A => B) =
seq reduceOption
which you could invoke with minOptionBy(seq)(_.something)
Starting Scala 2.13, minByOption/maxByOption is now part of the standard library and returns None if the sequence is empty:
List((3, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (5, 'c')).minByOption(_._1) // Option[(Int, Char)] = Some((1,b))
List[(Int, Char)]().minByOption(_._1) // Option[(Int, Char)] = None
A safe, compact and O(n) version with Scalaz:
xs.nonEmpty option xs.minBy(
Hardly an option for any larger list due to O(nlogn) complexity:
Also, it is available to do like that
How about this?
import util.control.Exception._
allCatch opt seq.minBy(_.something)
Or, more verbose, if you don't want to swallow other exceptions:
catching(classOf[UnsupportedOperationException]) opt seq.minBy(_.something)
Alternatively, you can pimp all collections with something like this:
import collection._
class TraversableOnceExt[CC, A](coll: CC, asTraversable: CC => TraversableOnce[A]) {
def minOption(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Option[A] = {
val trav = asTraversable(coll)
if (trav.isEmpty) None
else Some(trav.min)
def minOptionBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Option[A] = {
val trav = asTraversable(coll)
if (trav.isEmpty) None
else Some(trav.minBy(f))
implicit def extendTraversable[A, C[A] <: TraversableOnce[A]](coll: C[A]): TraversableOnceExt[C[A], A] =
new TraversableOnceExt[C[A], A](coll, identity)
implicit def extendStringTraversable(string: String): TraversableOnceExt[String, Char] =
new TraversableOnceExt[String, Char](string, implicitly)
implicit def extendArrayTraversable[A](array: Array[A]): TraversableOnceExt[Array[A], A] =
new TraversableOnceExt[Array[A], A](array, implicitly)
And then just write seq.minOptionBy(_.something).
I have the same problem before, so I extends Ordered and implement the compare function.
here is example:
case class Point(longitude0: String, latitude0: String) extends Ordered [Point]{
def this(point: Point) = this(point.original_longitude,point.original_latitude)
val original_longitude = longitude0
val original_latitude = latitude0
val longitude = parseDouble(longitude0).get
val latitude = parseDouble(latitude0).get
override def toString: String = "longitude: " +original_longitude +", latitude: "+ original_latitude
def parseDouble(s: String): Option[Double] = try { Some(s.toDouble) } catch { case _ => None }
def distance(other: Point): Double =
sqrt(pow(longitude - other.longitude, 2) + pow(latitude - other.latitude, 2))
override def compare(that: Point): Int = {
if (longitude < that.longitude)
return -1
else if (longitude == that.longitude && latitude < that.latitude)
return -1
return 1
so if I have a seq of Point
I can ask for max or min method
var points = Seq[Point]()
val maxPoint = points.max
val minPoint = points.min
You could always do something like:
case class Foo(num: Int)
val foos: Seq[Foo] = Seq(Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(3))
val noFoos: Seq[Foo] = Seq.empty
def minByOpt(foos: Seq[Foo]): Option[Foo] =
foos.foldLeft(None: Option[Foo]) { (acc, elem) =>
Option((elem +: acc.toSeq).minBy(_.num))
Then use like:
scala> minByOpt(foos)
res0: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(1))
scala> minByOpt(noFoos)
res1: Option[Foo] = None
For scala < 2.13
For scala 2.13
In Haskell you'd wrap the minimumBy call as
least f x | Seq.null x = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Seq.minimumBy f x)

Extending collection classes with extra fields in Scala

I'm looking to create a class that is basically a collection with an extra field. However, I keep running into problems and am wondering what the best way of implementing this is. I've tried to follow the pattern given in the Scala book. E.g.
import scala.collection.IndexedSeqLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class FieldSequence[FT,ST](val field: FT, seq: IndexedSeq[ST] = Vector())
extends IndexedSeq[ST] with IndexedSeqLike[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]] {
def apply(index: Int): ST = return seq(index)
def length = seq.length
override def newBuilder: Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= FieldSequence.newBuilder[FT,ST](field)
object FieldSequence {
def fromSeq[FT,ST](field: FT)(buf: IndexedSeq[ST])
= new FieldSequence(field, buf)
def newBuilder[FT,ST](field: FT): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= new ArrayBuffer mapResult(fromSeq(field))
implicit def canBuildFrom[FT,ST]:
CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] =
new CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] {
def apply(): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= newBuilder[FT,ST]( _ ) // What goes here?
def apply(from: FieldSequence[FT,ST]): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= from.newBuilder
The problem is the CanBuildFrom that is implicitly defined needs an apply method with no arguments. But in these circumstances this method is meaningless, as a field (of type FT) is needed to construct a FieldSequence. In fact, it should be impossible to construct a FieldSequence, simply from a sequence of type ST. Is the best I can do to throw an exception here?
Then your class doesn't fulfill the requirements to be a Seq, and methods like flatMap (and hence for-comprehensions) can't work for it.
I'm not sure I agree with Landei about flatMap and map. If you replace with throwing an exception like this, most of the operations should work.
def apply(): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]] = sys.error("unsupported")
From what I can see in TraversableLike, map and flatMap and most other ones use the apply(repr) version. So for comprehensions seemingly work. It also feels like it should follow the Monad laws (the field is just carried accross).
Given the code you have, you can do this:
scala> val fs = FieldSequence.fromSeq("str")(Vector(1,2))
fs: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(1, 2)
scala> + _)
res3: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(2, 3)
scala> val fs2 = FieldSequence.fromSeq("str1")(Vector(10,20))
fs2: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(10, 20)
scala> for (x <- fs if x > 0; y <- fs2) yield (x + y)
res5: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(11, 21, 12, 22)
What doesn't work is the following:
scala> + "!")
// does not return a FieldSequence
scala> List(1,2).map(1 + _)(collection.breakOut): FieldSequence[String, Int]
java.lang.RuntimeException: unsupported
// this is where the apply() is used
For breakOut to work you would need to implement the apply() method. I suspect you could generate a builder with some default value for field: def apply() = newBuilder[FT, ST](getDefault) with some implementation of getDefault that makes sense for your use case.
For the fact that + "!") does not preserve the type, you need to modify your signature and implementation, so that the compiler can find a CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[String, Int], String, FieldSequence[String, String]]
implicit def canBuildFrom[FT,ST_FROM,ST]:
CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST_FROM], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] =
new CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST_FROM], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] {
def apply(): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= sys.error("unsupported")
def apply(from: FieldSequence[FT,ST_FROM]): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= newBuilder[FT, ST](from.field)
In the end, my answer was very similar to that in a previous question. The difference with that question and my original and the answer are slight but basically allow anything that has a sequence to be a sequence.
import scala.collection.SeqLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
trait SeqAdapter[+A, Repr[+X] <: SeqAdapter[X,Repr]]
extends Seq[A] with SeqLike[A,Repr[A]] {
val underlyingSeq: Seq[A]
def create[B](seq: Seq[B]): Repr[B]
def apply(index: Int) = underlyingSeq(index)
def length = underlyingSeq.length
def iterator = underlyingSeq.iterator
override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[A,Repr[A]] = {
val sac = new SeqAdapterCompanion[Repr] {
def createDefault[B](seq: Seq[B]) = create(seq)
trait SeqAdapterCompanion[Repr[+X] <: SeqAdapter[X,Repr]] {
def createDefault[A](seq: Seq[A]): Repr[A]
def fromSeq[A](creator: (Seq[A]) => Repr[A])(seq: Seq[A]) = creator(seq)
def newBuilder[A](creator: (Seq[A]) => Repr[A]): Builder[A,Repr[A]] =
new ArrayBuffer mapResult fromSeq(creator)
implicit def canBuildFrom[A,B]: CanBuildFrom[Repr[A],B,Repr[B]] =
new CanBuildFrom[Repr[A],B,Repr[B]] {
def apply(): Builder[B,Repr[B]] = newBuilder(createDefault)
def apply(from: Repr[A]) = newBuilder(from.create)
This fixes all the problems huynhjl brought up. For my original problem, to have a field and a sequence treated as a sequence, a simple class will now do.
trait Field[FT] {
val defaultValue: FT
class FieldSeq[+ST](val field: FT, val underlyingSeq: Seq[ST] = Vector())
extends SeqAdapter[ST,FieldSeq] {
def create[B](seq: Seq[B]) = new FieldSeq[B](field, seq)
object FieldSeq extends SeqAdapterCompanion[FieldSeq] {
def createDefault[A](seq: Seq[A]): FieldSeq[A] =
new FieldSeq[A](defaultValue, seq)
override implicit def canBuildFrom[A,B] = super.canBuildFrom[A,B]
This can be tested as so:
val StringField = new Field[String] { val defaultValue = "Default Value" }
StringField: java.lang.Object with Field[String] = $anon$1#57f5de73
val fs = new StringField.FieldSeq[Int]("str", Vector(1,2))
val fsfield = fs.field
fs: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (1, 2)
fsfield: String = str
val fm = + _)
val fmfield = fm.field
fm: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (2, 3)
fmfield: String = str
val fs2 = new StringField.FieldSeq[Int]("str1", Vector(10, 20))
val fs2field = fs2.field
fs2: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (10, 20)
fs2field: String = str1
val ffor = for (x <- fs if x > 0; y <- fs2) yield (x + y)
val fforfield = ffor.field
ffor: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (11, 21, 12, 22)
fforfield: String = str
val smap = + "!")
val smapfield = smap.field
smap: StringField.FieldSeq[String] = (1!, 2!)
smapfield: String = str
val break = List(1,2).map(1 + _)(collection.breakOut): StringField.FieldSeq[Int]
val breakfield = break.field
break: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (2, 3)
breakfield: String = Default Value
val x: StringField.FieldSeq[Any] = fs
val xfield = x.field
x: StringField.FieldSeq[Any] = (1, 2)
xfield: String = str