Ag-grid does not support Date Time Filter - ag-grid

I want to implement a date-time filter on ag-grid column. But ag-grid does not support the date-time filter.
My date-time format is DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS
Is there any way I can modify the 'agDateColumnFilter' to support DateTime or I have to write a custom date-time filter

There is a way to modify the agDateColumnFilter using 3rd party components. You can see two examples in the documentation and a blog post.
A few things to note:
You'll still have to declare a custom framework component to replace the default filter. That component will render the 3rd party component.
You need to append the component to document.body. Otherwise, it will be contained in the filter <div> and it'll look funny.
You'll also have to set "ag-custom-component-popup" as one of it's classes, so that clicking on the date picker does not close the filter window.


Word Fillable Form with Time Field

Trying to make a fillable form
That has a time input
that is in a format like i.e 11:00 AM
and that's the only way you can put the time in
You can do that with a simple formfield (Developer|Controls|Legacy Tools>Text Form Field), then accessing its properties and setting the Type to 'Date' and the Date Format to 'h:mm am/pm'.
Do note that formfields only work with the 'Filling in forms' editing restrictions applied; they should also not be used in a document containing content controls, as the two weren't designed to work together and trying to use them that way can cause problems.

Drupal 8 contextual filter for date

does anybody know how to implement the view with contextual filter on date/time value? I have a content type Event with date field within it and need to somehow filter items within specific month. Not sure if it can even be done without special programming and if so, whether via that contextual filter (like node/) or maybe via exposed filter with list of months so user can filter items by himself??
There exists the contextual range filter module.
To the time I am writing no Drupal 8 version is shown on the module page, but there are some. Have a look in the release section "View all releases". There you can filter the API version "8.x".
You can have a look into the README.txt for all the possibilities to query.
A simpler solution could be to use the build in function in views
You can add special fields in the contextual filters section
They are called:
Created year
Created year + month
Created week
Created month
Created day
Created date

Set the latest date value to the Quick Filter in TABLEAU

There is a live worksheet called Person with columns - Names & Birthdays. Need to create a quick filter with a default value pointing to the latest birthday.
For example: If there are 3 Records as follows,
Names Birthdays
A 8/9/1993
S 6/5/1994
Z 8/15/2000
The filter should hold the default value 8/15/2000 in it with other values unchecked in the drop down list.
I believe I see what you are asking. When you add your filter click the little drop down arrow in the filter --> edit filter-->select the tab labeled "Top"--> by field radio button==>Top from the first drop down-->enter 1 in the next field which will say by after it-->select birthday from the next drop down--then maximum. This will change the view to show only the most recent birthdate. Hope this helps.
Tableau currently doesn't give you dynamic control over quick filter defaults. For dates. They generally start out with the settings that were published.
Here are a few easy suggestions that are similar to, but not exactly, what you want. At the end, there is a way to do exactly what you want at the cost of more effort.
For continuous date fields, you can set the filter to show Relative Dates and the filter allows the user to easily set a range of dates showing the last N days, weeks or months relative to an anchor date. The anchor date defaults to the current date.
For discrete date fields, you can display a top filter as tia97 recommended, and show an integer valued parameter control to allow the user to pick N to see the latest N birthdays. (i.e. the N youngest people)
You could try other variations using parameters, calculated fields and quick filters, but it might be simpler to just show the list of birthdates and let people choose.
Finally, if you are publishing this workbook to Tableau Server, you can use the Javascript API to control the filtering user experience yourself. You can embed the Tableau visualization in a web page, surrounded by custom HTML, CSS and Javascript that you define. Build whatever controls you want for user interaction, and then send JavaScript commands to Tableau to direct the filter actions. More effort, but you get a lot more control over the UX.
Generally, I'd use the builtin features in Tableau Desktop as far as they go to get most of your desired UX quickly and easily, and then save the JavaScript API work for final polish on only your most public visualizations that really need it.

Pikaday as multi date picker

I am using Pikaday for displaying calendar,i need multiple date selections from datepicker in one of my modules.Is pikaday calendar provides this functionality.
Yes. You can either attach a pickaday object to each element (easiest) or create one object and shuffle it around, set the date yourself etc (harder, and there's no real point....)

Talend How to Convert String to Date for SAP integration using tMap

1) I need to pass a date (billing) to the RFC, but I am not sure how to map using tmap. How to set it up (see screenshots).
2) I need to run this job daily (M-F) and I am not sure how to automate the date input
3) For the date input, I thought of using a joblet, but I can't find it in Talend. Most screenshots shows the Joblets in the same window as job designs and metadata, but I don't have it. Seen Joblet image.
As you might guessed, I am very new to Talend.
Use a tMap, and inside it use the function TalendDate.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", in the expression field where you want the output. Also, note that the output type must be Date. The Date Pattern in the type definition (on the bottom of the tmap) is irrelevant.
Something like that: