Kubernetes Pod will restart after deleting - kubernetes

I created a pod that I want to delete but it does not seem te work.
I did all ready tried a lot of different things.
I do not have deployments or replica sets, as a lot of people suggest to delete those.
When i type:
kubectl get all
Only the pod and the service is visible, both of which will return upon deleting them.
When i type:
kubectl delete pods <pod-name> --grace-period=0 --force
The pod will come back again.
Is there something else I can do?

If pod not part of the deployment, rs, sts, ds, then it must be part of the static pod. Static pod name combines with node (i.e staticpod-node01). By default location of the static path is /etc/Kubernetes/manifest/.
Doc: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/static-pod/

Apparently, it was some sort of invisible job that started the pod.
It was not showing when entering kubectl get jobs
So when finding this job and deleting it the pod disappeared!


Auto delete CrashBackoffLoop pods in a deployment

In my kubernetes cluster, there are multiple deployments in a namespace.
For a specific deployment, there is a need to not allow "CrashLoopBackoff" pods to exist.
So basically, when any pod gets to this state, I would want it to be deleted and later a new pod to be created which is already handled by the ReplicaSet.
I tried with custom controllers, with the thought that the SharedInformer would alert about the state of Pod and then I would delete it from that loop.
However, this brings dependency on the pod on which the custom controller would run.
I also tried searching for any option to be configured in the manifest itself, but could not find any.
I am pretty new to Kuberenetes, so need help in the implementation of this behaviour.
Firstly, you should address the reason why the pod has entered the CrashLoopBackOff state rather than just delete it. If you do this, you'll potentially just recreate the problem again and you'll be deleting pods repeatedly. For example, if your pod is trying to access an external DB and that DB is down, it'll CrashLoop, and deleting and restarting the pod won't help fix that.
Secondly, if you want to do this deleting in an automated manner, an easy way would be to run a CronJob resource that goes through your deployment and deletes the CrashLooped pods. You could set the cronjob to run once an hour or whatever schedule you wish.
Deleting the POD and waiting for the New one is like restarting the deployment or POD.
Kubernetes will auto restart your CrashLoopBackoff POD if failing, you can check the Restart count.
te-pod-1 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 2 1m44s
This restarts will be similar to what you have mentioned
when any pod gets to this state, I would want it to be deleted and
later a new pod to be created which is already handled by the
If you want to remove Crashing the POD fully and not look for new POD to come up, you have to rollback the deployment.
If there is any issue with your Replicaset and your POD is crashing it would be useless, any number of times you delete and restart the POD it will crash all time, unless you check logs & debug to solve the real issue in replicaset(Deployment).

What happens when you drain nodes in a Kubernetes cluster?

I'd like to get some clarification for preparation for maintenance when you drain nodes in a Kubernetes cluster:
Here's what I know when you run kubectl drain MY_NODE:
Node is cordoned
Pods are gracefully shut down
You can opt to ignore Daemonset pods because if they are shut down, they'll just be re-spawned right away again.
I'm confused as to what happens when a node is drained though.
What happens to the pods? As far as I know, there's no 'live migration' of pods in Kubernetes.
Will the pod be shut down and then automatically started on another node? Or does this depend on my configuration? (i.e. could a pod be shut down via drain and not start up on another node)
I would appreciate some clarification on this and any best practices or advice as well. Thanks in advance.
By default kubectl drain is non-destructive, you have to override to change that behaviour. It runs with the following defaults:
Each of these safeguard deals with a different category of potential destruction (local data, bare pods, graceful termination, daemonsets). It also respects pod disruption budgets to adhere to workload availability. Any non-bare pod will be recreated on a new node by its respective controller (e.g. daemonset controller, replication controller).
It's up to you whether you want to override that behaviour (for example you might have a bare pod if running jenkins job. If you override by setting --force=true it will delete that pod and it won't be recreated). If you don't override it, the node will be in drain mode indefinitely (--timeout=0s)).
I just want to add a few things to eamon1234's answer:
You may find this useful as well:
Link to official docummentation (in case default flags change etc.). According to it:
The 'drain' evicts or deletes all pods except mirror pods (which
cannot be deleted through the API server). If there are
DaemonSet-managed pods, drain will not proceed without
--ignore-daemonsets, and regardless it will not delete any DaemonSet-managed pods, because those pods would be immediately
replaced by the DaemonSet controller, which ignores unschedulable
markings. If there are any pods that are neither mirror pods nor
managed by ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, StatefulSet
or Job, then drain will not delete any pods unless you use --force.
--force will also allow deletion to proceed if the managing resource of one or more pods is missing.
Simple chart illustrating what actually happens when using kubectl drain.
Using kubectl drain with --dry-run option may be also a good idea so you can see its outcome before any actual changes are applied e.g.:
kubectl drain foo --force --dry-run
however it will not show any errors about existing local data or daemonsets which you can see whithout using --dry-run flag:
... error: cannot delete DaemonSet-managed Pods (use --ignore-daemonsets to ignore) ...
We can use kubectl drain to safely evict all of our pods from a node before we perform maintenance on the node.
If you want to update or patch or any kind of maintenance on Hardware/Node you should first drain all the pods(Migrate pods one node to another) kubectl drain
When kubectl drain returns successfully, that indicates that all of the pods have been safely evicted. It is then safe to bring down the node
After maintenance work we can use kubectl uncordon to tell Kubernetes that it can resume scheduling new pods onto the node.

pods keep creating themselves even I deleted all deployments

I am running k8s on aws, and I updated the deployment of nginx - which normally, it works fine-, but after this time, the nginx deployment won't show up in "kubectl get deployments".
I want to kill all the pods related to nginx, but they keep reproduce themselves. I deleted all deployments "kubectl delete --all deployments", other pods just got terminated, but not nginx.
I have no idea where I can stop the pods recreating.
any idea where to start ?
check the deployment, replication controller and replica set and remove them.
kubectl get deploy,rc,rs
In modern kubernetes, there is also an annotation kubernetes.io/created-by on the Pod showing its "owner", as seen here, but I can't lay my hands on the documentation link right now. However, I found a pastebin containing a concrete example of the contents of the annotation

How to clear CrashLoopBackOff

When a Kubernetes pod goes into CrashLoopBackOff state, you will fix the underlying issue. How do you force it to be rescheduled?
For apply new configuration the new pod should be created (the old one will be removed).
If your pod was created automatically by Deployment or DaemonSet resource, this action will run automaticaly each time after you update resource's yaml.
It is not going to happen if your resource have spec.updateStrategy.type=OnDelete.
If problem was connected with error inside docker image, that you solved, you should update pods manually, you can use rolling-update feature for this purpose, In case when new image have same tag, you can just remove broken pod. (see below)
In case of node failure, the pod will recreated on new node after few time, the old pod will be removed after full recovery of broken node. worth noting it is not going to happen if your pod was created by DaemonSet or StatefulSet.
Any way you can manual remove crashed pod:
kubectl delete pod <pod_name>
Or all pods with CrashLoopBackOff state:
kubectl delete pod `kubectl get pods | awk '$3 == "CrashLoopBackOff" {print $1}'`
If you have completely dead node you can add --grace-period=0 --force options for remove just information about this pod from kubernetes.
Generally a fix requires you to change something about the configuration of the pod (the docker image, an environment variable, a command line flag, etc), in which case you should remove the old pod and start a new pod. If your pod is running under a replication controller (which it should be), then you can do a rolling update to the new version.
5 Years later, unfortunately, this scenario seems to still be the case.
#kvaps answer above suggested an alternative (rolling updates), that essentially updates(overwrites) instead of deleting a pod -- the current working link of rolling updates
The alternative to being able to delete a pod, was NOT to create a pod but instead create a deployment, and delete the deployment that contains the pod, subject to deletion.
$ kubectl get deployments -A
$ kubectl delete -n <NAMESPACE> deployment <DEPLOYMENT>
# When on minikube or using docker for development + testing
$ docker system prune -a
The first command displays all deployments, alongside their respective namespaces. This helped me reduce the error of deleting deployments that share the same name(name collision) but from two different namespaces.
The second command deletes a deployment that is exactly located underneath a namespace.
The last command helps when working in development mode. Essentially, removing all unused images, which is not required but helps clean up and save some disk-space.
Another great tip, is to try to understand the reasons why a Pod is failing. The problem may be relying completely somewhere else, and k8s does a good deal of documenting. For that one of the following may help:
$ kubectl logs -f <POD NAME>
$ kubectl get events
Other reference here on StackOveflow:
For anyone interested I wrote a simple helm chart and python script which watches the current namespace and deletes any pod that enters CrashLoopBackOff.
The chart is at https://github.com/timothyclarke/helm-charts/tree/master/charts/dr-abc.
This is a sticking plaster. Fixing the problem is always the best option. In my specific case getting the historic apps into K8s so the development teams have a common place to work and strangle the old applications with new ones is preferable to fixing all the bugs in the old apps. Having this in the namespace to keep the illusion of everything running buys that time.
This command will delete all pods that are in any of (CrashLoopBackOff, Init:CrashLoopBackOff, etc.) states. You can use grep -i <keyword> to match different states and then delete the pods that match the state. In your case it should be:
kubectl get pod -n <namespace> --no-headers | grep -i crash | awk '{print $1}' | while read line; do; kubectl delete pod -n <namespace> $line; done

Reload Kubernetes ReplicationController to get newly created Service

Is there a way to reload currently running pods created by replicationcontroller to reapply newly created services?
I have a running pods created by ReplicationController config file. I have deleted a service called mongo-svc and recreated it again using different port. Is there a way for the pod's env file to be updated with the new IP and ports from the new mongo-svc?
You can restart pods by simply deleting them: if they are linked to a Replication controller, the RC will take care of restarting them
kubectl delete pod <your-pod-name>
if you have a couple pods, it's easy enougth to copy/paste the pod names, but if you have many pods it can become cumbersome.
So another way to delete pods and restart them is to scale the RC down to 0 instances and back up to the number you need.
kubectl scale --replicas=0 rc <your-rc>
kubectl scale --replicas=<n> rc <your-rc>
By-the-way, you may also want to look at 'rolling-updates' to do this in a more production friendly manner, but that implies updating the RC config.
If you want the same pod to have the new service, the clean answer is no. You could (I strongly suggest not to do this) run kubectl exec <pod-name> -c <containers> -- export <service env var name>=<service env var value>. But your best bet is to run kubectl delete <pod-name> and let your replication controller handle the work.
I've ran into a similar issue for services being ran outside of kubernetes, say a DB for instance, to address this I've been creating this https://github.com/cpg1111/kubongo which updates the service's endpoint without deleting the pods. That same idea can also be applied to other pods in kubernetes to automate the service update. Basically it watches a specific service, and when it's IP changes for whatever reason it updates all the pods without deleting them. This does use the same code as kubectl exec however it is automated, sanitizes input and ensures the export is executed on all pods.
What do you mean with 'reapply'?
The pods to which the services point are generally selected based on labels.In other words, you can add / remove labels from the pods to include / exclude them from a service.
Read here for more information about defining services: http://kubernetes.io/v1.1/docs/user-guide/services.html#defining-a-service
And here for more information about labels: http://kubernetes.io/v1.1/docs/user-guide/labels.html
Hope it helps!