architecture pattern for microservices - apache-kafka

I have a microservices architecture whose logs have to be sent to a remote Kafka topic.
Next to it, the consumer of this topic will send the logs to an ELK stack (an other team)
I want to have a dedicated microservice (fwk-proxy-elasticsearch) whose responsability is to collec the logs from the others one and send them to the remote kafka topic.
what's the best protocol to dispatch all the logs aggregated from my microservices to the fwk-proxy-elasticsearch microservice ?
I want this pattern to not duplicate the security configuration of the remote kafka topic. I want to centralize it in a single place.
May I use vertx event bus for that ? or kafka is beter ? or someother tool ?
May I use vertx to send message from jvm to jvm ?
Moreover, in a microservice architecture, is it a good pattern to centralize a use case in a dedicated microservice? (remote http connection for example)
On my point of view, it allows business microservices to focus on a business issue and not to worry over the protocol that the result has to be sent.

I believe you can use both Vert.x event bus and Kafka to propagate the logs, there are pros and cons on each approach.
While I understand the reasoning behind this decision, I would still consider a dedicated solution built for this purpose, like Fluentd, which is able to aggregate the logs and push them into multiple sources (including Kafka, via the dedicated plugin). I'm sure there are other similar solutions.
There are a couple of important benefits that I see if you use a dedicated solution, instead of building it yourself:
The level of configurability, which is definitely useful in the future (in a dedicated solution, you need to write code each time you want to build something new)
The number of destinations where you can export the logs
Support for a hybrid architecture - with a few config updates, you will be able to grab logs from non-JVM microservices


Should one service take care of both processing Kafka messages and API calls simultaneously?

We want to subscribe to a Kafka topic with a microservice. So that the service does not have to accept API calls from the surrounding systems and Kafka messages at the same time, we would like to interpose an 'importer service'. However, in the end we would have the same problem again because the importer service now has to process both the Kafka messages and the API calls from the aforementioned microservice. As a solution to this problem, we considered giving both services access to the same database. The importer service could then receive the Kafka message, process it and write it to the database. The original microservice would then not go to the importer service, but would get the data directly from the DB. However, the approach seems a bit dirty, since you shouldn't share databases between services. Do you have any ideas how to solve this more elegantly? And if there isn't a better approach, should one service really take care of processing Kafka messages and API calls simultaneously?
One service should not process both kafka and api messages.
You can make a service that wraps the database and both services will communicate with it.

Kafka producer code will be handled by which team when an event is generated

I have a basic knowledge of kafka topic/producer/consumer and broker.
I would like to understand how this works in realworld.
For example Consider below usecase .
User interacts with Web application
when user clicks on something an event is generated
So there will be one kafka producer running which writes messages to atopic when an event is generated
Then Consumer(for Ex: spark application reads from topic and process the data)
Whose responsibility it is to take care of the producer code? A frond end java/Web developer's? Because web developers are familiar with events and tomcat server logs.
Can anyone explain interms of developer and responsibility of taking care of each section.
In a "standard" scenario, following people/roles are involved:
Infrastructure Dev: Setup Kafka Instance (f.e. openshift/strimzi)
manage topics, users
Frontend Dev: Creating the frontend (f.e. react)
Backend Dev: Implementing backendsystem (f.e. asp .net core)
handle DB Connections, logging, monitoring, IAM, business logic, handling Events, Produce kafka Events, ...)
App Dev anyone writing or managing the "other apps" (f.e.spark application). Consumes (commit) the kafka Events
Since there are plenty implementations of the producer/consumer kafka API it's kind of language agnostic, (see some libs). But you are right the dev implementing the features regarding kafka should at least be familiar with pub-sub.
Be aware we are talking about roles, so there are not necessarily four people involved, it could also just be one person doing the whole job. Also this is just a generic real world scenario and can be completely different in your specific usecase/environment.

can vert.x event bus replace the need for Kafka?

I am evaluating the vert.x framework to see if I can reduce the Kafka based communications between my microservices developed using spring boot.
The question is:
Can I replace
Kafka with vert.x event bus and
spring boot microservices with vert.x based verticles
To answer quickly, I would say it depends on your needs.
Yes, the eventbus can be a good way to handle natively communication between microservices verticles using an asynchronous and non-blocking paradigm.
But in some cases you could need:
to handle some common enterprises patterns like replay mechanisms, persistence of messages, transactional reading
to be able to process some kind of messages in a chronological order
to handle communication between multiples kind of microservices that aren't all written with the same framework/toolkit or even programming language
to handle reliability, resilience and
failure recovery when all your consumers/microservices/verticles are died
to handle dynamic horizontal scalability and monitoring of your consumers/microservices/verticles
to be able to work with a single cluster deployed in multi-datacenters and multi-regions
In those cases I'd prefer to choose Apache Kafka over the native eventbus or an old fascioned JMS compliant system.
It's not forbidden to use both eventbus and kafka in the same microservices architecture according to your real needs. For example, you could have one kafka consumers group reading a kafka topic to handle scaling, monitoring, failure recovery and reply mechanism and then handle communication between your sub-verticles through the eventbus.
I'll clarify a little bit for the scalability and monitoring part and explain why I think it's more simple to handle that with Kafka over the native eventbus and cluster mode with vert.x : Kafka allow us to know in real time (through JMX metrics and the describe command):
the "lag" of a topic which corresponds to
the number of unread messages
the number of consumers of each group that are listening a topic
the number of partitions of a topic affected of each consumers
i/o metrics
So it's possible to use an ElasticStack or Prometheus+Grafana solution to monitor those metrics and use them to handle a dynamic scalability (when you know that there's a need to increase temporarily the number of consumers for example according to the lag metric and the number of partitions and the cpu/ram/swap metrics of your hosts).
To answer the second question vert.x or SpringBoot my answer will be not very objective but I'd vote for vert.x for its performances on the JVM and especially for its simplicity. I'm a little tired of the Spring factory and its big layers of abstraction that hides a lot of issues under a mountain of annotations triggering a mountain of AOP.
Moreover, In the Java world of microservices, there's other alternatives to SpringBoot like the different implementations of Microprofile (thorntail project for example).
The event-bus is not persistent. You should use it for fast verticle-to-verticle communications, and more generally to dispatch events where you know that you can loose them if you have some crash.
Kafka streams are persistent, and you should send events there because either you want other (possibly non-Vert.x) applications to consume them, and/or because you want to ensure that these events are not being lost in case of failure.
A reactive (read "scalable and fault-tolerant") Vert.x application typically uses a combination of both the event-bus and some replicable messaging systems like AMQP / Kafka / etc.
On the question:
Can I replace spring boot microservices with vert.x based verticles?
Yes, definitely, although the 2 have different programming models.
If you want a more progressive approach and use Spring for structuring your application while using Vert.x for resource efficiency over your I/O and event processing then you can mix them, see for examples.
Take a look at the Quarkus framework: in the workshop section you'll find Vert.x and Apache Kafka combined!

Kafka user - project design advise

I am new to Kafka and data streaming and need some advice for the following requirement,
Our system is expecting close to 1 million incoming messages per day. The message carries a project identifier. The message should be pushed to users of only that project. For our case, lets say we have projects A, B and C. Users who opens project A's dashboard only sees / receives messages of project A.
This is my idea so far on implementing solution for the requirement,
The messages should be pushed to a Kafka Topic as they arrive, lets call this topic as Root Topic. The messages once pushed to the Root Topic, can be read by a Kafka Consumer/Listener and based on the project identifier in the message can push that message to a project specific Topic. So any message can end up at Topic A or B or C. Thinking of using websockets to update the message as they arrive on the project users' dashboards. There will be N Consumers/Listeners for the N project Topics. These consumers will push the project specific message to the project specifc websocket endpoints.
Please advise if I can make any improvements to the above design.
Chose Kafka as the messaging system here as it is highly scalable and fault tolerant.
There is no complex transformation or data enrichment before it gets sent to the client. Will it makes sense to use Apache Flink or Hazelcast Jet for the streaming or Kafka streaming is good enough for this simple requirement.
Also, when should I consider using Hazelcast Jet or Apache Flink in my project.
Should i use Flink say when I have to update few properties in the message based on a web service call or database lookup before sending it to the users?
Should I use Hazelcast Jet only when I need the entire dataset in memory to arrive at a property value? or will using Jet bring some benefits even for my simple use case specified above. Please advise.
Kafka Streams are a great tool to convert one Kafka topic to another Kafka topic.
What you need is a tool to move data from a Kafka topic to another system via web sockets.
Stream processor gives you a convenient tooling to build this data pipeline (among others connectors to Kafka and web sockets and scalable, fault-tolerant execution environment). So you might want use stream processor even if you don't transform the data.
The benefit of Hazelcast Jet is it's embedded scalable caching layer. You might want to cache your database/web service calls so that the enrichment is performed locally, reducing remote service calls.
See how to use Jet to read from Kafka and how to write data to a TCP socket (not websocket).
I would like to give you another option. I'm not Spark/Jet expert at all, but I've studying them for a few weeks.
I would use Pentaho Data Integration(kettle) to consume from the Kafka and I would write a kettle step (or User Defined Java Class step) to write the messages to a Hazelcast IMAP.
Then, would use this approach to provided the Websockets for the end-users.

Spring Cloud Stream flow as one application

As far as I know there is an option to use couple components of Spring Cloud Stream as one application by using AggregateApplication or AggregateApplicationBuilder.
From what I understood, spring will not use broker (Rabbit or Kafka) for communication between steps in this situation it will just pass result from previous step as an argument to the next almost directly, am I right?
If I am, is there another way to have running more components in one instance of an application with usage of a broker? I'm aware that this is not an architecture which is great for Cloud Stream, but now I don't have an infrastructure in which I can run Dataflow and also I would like to use durability of a brokers.
In general, aggregation has been designed as a replacement for communication over a message broker - to reduce the latency by avoiding to go over a hop. That being said, it may make sense to add an option of have the channels bound for use cases like yours. Can you open a feature request in GitHub, please?