How to do a Mercurial merge in case multiple branches are active? - merge

I have following structure of branches in my Mercurial repository
\ \ /
\ \ /
I would like to do a merge of the default branch with the B branch (where the B branch is my "working" branch). My idea how to do that was to "switch" onto the default branch at first.
So I intended to do following steps
hg update default (for switching onto the default branch)
hg merge B (for "pulling" the changes on the B branch onto the default branch)
resolving the conflicts
hg commit (for making the merge persistent)
Please can anybody tell me whether the steps which I am going to use can work also in my situation i.e. in case I have default branch and two other active (open) branches from which only one of them is intended to be merged with the default?

The result of your proposed workflow would be this:
----------B------- - -
/ \
/ \
\ \ /
\ \ /
Where the (*) marks the current working directory immediately afterwards.
The fact that there is a branch C shouldn't cause any concern. There could be any # of other branches like C and until you merge with them individually, they would have no effect on your merge of B into default.
Assuming that A and B are no longer needed, you can close them. This just serves as a marker / reminder that work on them is finished but it doesn't have much other practical effect. For instance, you could resume work on a closed branch later and even re-merge it back to default if needed. (On the other hand you could also branch off from default again and do that work there.)


Using the Github API is it possible to determine if a branch is ahead of the default branch?

Using the Github API (no local git commands), is it possible to compare a branch to see if it has any changes ahead of the default branch?
I'm building an auditing tool, and would like to identify branches that are candidates to be closed, because all of their changes exist in the default branch.
I want the same information that drives the charts on the branches page:
Is it possible to do get this information purely with the Github API?
You can:
get the default branch using
compare the specified branch to the default branch using compare two commits API and extract ahead_by & behind_by fields.
In that case it would be :
Example using bash, curl & jq :
default_branch=$(curl -s "" | jq -r '.default_branch')
curl -s "$branch...$default_branch" | \
jq -r '.ahead_by, .behind_by'

Get all changelists (excluding user) between "mainline" and branch

I have a "mainline" depot and a "beta" branch in Perforce (using simple branches: no streams, etc).
I would like to merge the latest code from "mainline" to my "beta" branch. I have to do this about once every day, and there are about 100+ commits/submissions to the "mainline branch" every day.
Normally, I would do something like so:
p4 integ //prod/mainline/... //prod/beta/...
cd $(p4 where //prod/beta/... | cut -d ' ' -f3 | sed 's/\.\.\.$//g')
p4 resolve ./...
However, we have an annoying hourly build process that updates version numbers in various Makefiles, build scripts, etc; that updates version/branch numbers, and is checked in to Perforce using a "dummy" account (i.e. dummy_user) by our build servers. This is done across all branches, causing any merge operation to have arbitrary conflicts.
This version number submission now prevents my p4 integ/p4 resolve operation from completing cleanly, and I have to hand-merge all of these files affected by the "version number update operation". I would like to just have to hand-merge actual code changes, rather than this version number nonsense.
Is there a way to p4 integ a set of change-lists not yet present in the branch (but present in main/another-branch), excluding a user? I could always do something like:
for i in $(p4 changes //prod/mainline/... | grep -v dummy_user | cut -d ' ' -f2)
p4 integ //prod/mainline/...#${i},${i} //prod/beta/...
However, I don't have an automated way to get a list of all change-lists that:
Exist in mainline...
But haven't yet been merged/integrated into beta...
And aren't authored by dummy_user.
How can I accomplish this?
Sounds like you've found a solution that works for you, but FWIW here's what I'd do:
0) Make a branchspec since that makes this next part easier:
p4 --field "View=//prod/mainline/... //prod/beta/..." branch -o prod-main-beta | p4 branch -i
1) Ignore the robo-commits (I assume you want to just leave these things alone):
p4 -Ztag -F #=%change% ichanges -u dummy_user -b prod-main-beta | p4 -x - integ -b prod-main-beta
p4 resolve -ay
p4 submit -d "Begone, robo-cruft!"
2) Do the "real" integrate. If you find yourself still having to pick around the "dummy" changes, try the -Rs option -- that might give you more merges to do but it will bend over backwards to make sure those merges don't include anything you've already integrated.
p4 integ -b prod-main-beta [-Rs]
p4 resolve [-am]
p4 submit
Optional 3) Improve your build tooling so that the version info is located in a dedicated file, and other build files link to it. Then you can exclude your version file from your branch specs, or just always ignore changes to it without having to cherry-pick, or whatever. Here's a real-world example:

What happens to original changesets after an Hg "history rewrite" (histedit, commit --amend), and how can they be recovered?

In Git - with it's immutable changeset objects and mutable refs - I know that the original commits remain, which gives me a warm fuzzy feeling after an 'oops' "history rewriting" moment.
For example, after a "history rewriting" git rebase the original changesets (cbe7698, 09c6268) are still there and a new changeset (08832c0) was added. I can easily restore/access the other changesets until such a time as they are pruned.
$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate $(git rev-list -g --all)
* 08832c0 (HEAD -> master) Added bar and quxx to foo.txt
| * cbe7698 Added quxx to foo.txt
| * 09c6268 Added bar to foo.txt
* 895c9bb Added foo.txt
Likewise, even a git commit --amend preserves the original/amended commit (d58dabc) and adds a new changeset:
$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate $(git rev-list -g --all)
* d9bb795 (HEAD -> master) Added cats and dogs to pets.txt
| * d58dabc Added cats to pets.txt
* 08832c0 Added pets.txt
However, what happens in Hg after a "history rewriting" operation?
Do the original commits cease to exist? And if they still do exist, how can they be accessed and/or recovered?
It depends on whether you have the evolve extension installed or not. If you have the evolve extension installed, the only command that will actually remove revisions from the repository is hg strip; other commands leave the original commits in place, but hide them. You can see them with hg log --hidden (or other commands with the --hidden flag). If you want to get rid of them permanently, hg strip --hidden -r 'extinct()' can be used [1].
Most people, however, will just be using base Mercurial. In this case (and for hg strip even with evolve), the removed changesets will be stored as bundles in .hg/strip-backup. A Mercurial bundle is basically a read-only overlay repository; you can use hg log -R, hg tip -R, hg incoming, hg pull, etc. on it. This is all you need in principle, but it can be a bit cumbersome typing out the paths.
For convenience, Facebook has published a number of experimental extensions for Mercurial. Among them, the backups extension provides a convenience command (hg backups) that basically lists the commits in each bundle in .hg/strip-backup (similar to what hg incoming with an appropriate template would do) and hg backups --recover to pull in the changesets from the stripped commits (similar to what hg pull would do).
[1] Note that even then, a backup will be stored in .hg/strip-backup. If you want to get rid of them really permanently, you will also have to remove that backup.

Listing perforce changes in one branch, but not another; when there are deletions

When I want to compute a list of changes in one branch but not an older branch, I do something like this:
diff -u \
<( p4 changes -s submitted -i #OLD_BRANCH_LABEL ) \
<( p4 changes -s submitted -i #NEW_BRANCH_LABEL ) | grep ^+'
NOTE: These are automatic labels containing a view and a revision, but I can also put in the view paths #REVISION
which gives a good answer when both labels are actually in the same view, and good answers generally.
But I find that I get some poor results in this case:
If a commit #A adds a file to MAIN_BRANCH, and commit #D removes the file (and makes some other change), followed by commit #F which forks a NEW_BRANCH, I find that the MAIN_BRANCH contains both commits #A and #D, but NEW_BRANCH contains commits #D and #F
The NEW_BRANCH does not contain commit #A
So my p4 changes recipe above insists that the mainline contains #A which is not in the branch, or in other words was made since the branch, even though it is not in the mainline any more than it is in the branch.
An obvious but unwieldy fix would be to take another fork of MAIN_BRANCH at the point I want to compare, knowing that #A would be excluded again in the same way.
If this were git, I would use git-merge-base or something to find a common point and remove that from the changes of both branches, but perforce branching is too flexible, being just another integration.
Are there any ways that I can convince perforce that NEW_BRANCH does contain #A? (for the branch fork #F occurred after #A was committed).
Or to get perforce to ignore changes whose files are entirely deleted, that WOULD be ignored if a branch were made?
The command p4 interchanges does exactly what you are after, if I read your question correctly.
'p4 interchanges' lists changes that have not been integrated from
a set of source files to a set of target files.
Have a look at p4 help interchanges for the full description. The command does take indirect integrations into account, too.

mercurial hg partial checkin

It is a very simple and stupid question,
I am working on 2 tasks and modified 2 sets of files in the code.
Now when I type 'hg ci', it checks in all the files. Can I remove certain files from the checkin i.e. do checking for only one task?
If I remove the files in the 'check in message' will they be removed from the checkin
Thanks for all the answers
This seems like a big flaw, My use case is very simple and general. Most of the time dev are working on various tasks , some are ready , some are not, bug fixes etc.
Now the only simple solution seems to be multiple local repos or clones
Use hg ci <files>... to commit only certain files in your working directory.
If you want to pick file by file you can use the record command. It ships with mercurial, but you have to turn it on if you want to use it by putting: record= in the [extensions] section of your ~/.hgrc.
It goes hunk by hunk, but you can answer for a whole file:
y - record this change
n - skip this change
s - skip remaining changes to this file
f - record remaining changes to this file
d - done, skip remaining changes and files
a - record all changes to all remaining files
q - quit, recording no changes
? - display help
I'll point out that if you're committing some files but not others it's certain that you've not run your test suite on the one change without the other, but maybe that doesn't apply in your case.
This isn't possible with mercurial out of the box. As have been suggested there are several ways of selecting what files you want to commit. To get this function via the commit message template, you would need an extension or a shell script wrapping the commit command. Here's one way to do that:
ci = ! hg-partial-commit
# partial commit
edit=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
filelist=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
logmessage=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
cleanup="rm -f '$edit' '$filelist' '$logmessage'"
trap "$cleanup" 0 1 2 3 15
echo user: $(hg debugconfig ui.username)
echo branch: $(hg branch)
hg parents --template 'parent: {rev}:{node|short} {author} {date|isodate}\n'
echo 'Enter commit message. Select files to commit by deleting lines:'
hg status 'set:not unknown()' | sed -e 's/^/#/'
) | sed -e 's/^/HG: /' >"$edit"
${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} "$edit"
egrep -v '^HG:' "$edit" >"$logmessage"
egrep '^HG: #' "$edit" | cut -c8- >"$filelist"
hg commit -l "$logmessage" "listfile:$filelist"
The real problem here is the fact that you're doing changes related to different tasks jumbled together. Mercurial has a few ways you can keep things separate.
Task Branches
Suppose you've been working on a task and you've checked in a few times since you last pulled, but things aren't ready to share yet.
Here, B is the revision where you started your changes. What we do is (after making sure our current changes are checked in):
> hg update -r B
<do our work on the other task>
> hg commit
We've now created a new branch with the changes for this task separated from the changes for our original task.
We can do this for as many different tasks as we want. The only problem is that sometimes remembering which branch is which can be awkward. This is where features like bookmarks come in useful. A bookmark is a tag which moves forward as commits are made so that it always points at the head of a branch.
Mercurial Queues
MQ adds the ability to work on changes incrementally and move between them by pushing and poping then off a stack (or "Queue" I guess). So if I had a set of uncommitted changes that I needed to split up I'd:
> hg qrecord taska
> hg qrecord taskb
> hg qrecord taskc
I'd use the record extension (or more likely the crecord extension) to select which parts of files I want to select.
If I needed to go back to taska and make some changes:
> hg qpop; hg qpop # pop two off the queue to go back to task a
<Do changes>
> hg qrefresh # update task a with the new changes
When I want to turn the queue into normal changesets:
> hg qpush or hg qpop # get the changes I want converted onto the queue
> hg qfinish -a # converts mq changes to normal changesets
There's other methods too, but that will do for now.
You will unavoidably have to either specify the files that you want to add or the files you want to leave out. If you have a lot of files, as you indicate above, the following steps will simplify the procedure (I'm assuming a UNIX-ish system here, Windows would be slightly different).
First, generate a list of changed files:
hg status -mard -n >/tmp/changedlist.txt
The -mard options will list all files that were modified, added, removed, or delated. The -n option will list them without the status prefix so that all you have is a raw list of files.
Second, edit /tmp/changedlist.txt with your favorite text editor so that it contains only the files you wish to commit.
Third, commit these files:
hg commit `cat /tmp/changedlist.txt`
You will be able to review the files to be committed before actually performing the commit.
Alternatively, you can add more files to a commit incrementally by using
`hg commit --amend file...`
Here, hg commit --amend will not create a new commit, but add the new files to the existing commit. So, you start out with committing just a couple of files, then incrementally adding more until you are done. This still requires you to type all of them in.
For yet another alternative, you can use Mercurial Queues to split a commit in more sophisticated ways, but that's a bit more of an advanced topic.