When creating entity with keyValue options, Orion auto data type detection does not infer location attribute correctly - fiware-orion

When creating an entity you could do it like this :
curl --location --request POST 'https://my.api/v2/entities/?options=keyValues' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
Or without the options=KeyValues parameter :
curl --location --request POST 'https://my.api/v2/entities/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"value": "lorry"
And in both case the entity is the same.
But I don't manage to create an entity with a options=keyValues parameter with an entity that has a 'location' attribute : when doing
curl --location --request POST 'https://my.api/v2/entities/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
In this case, the result from curl --location --request GET https://my.api/v2/entities/vehicle:WasteManagement:2'
Would be
"location": {
"type": "StructuredValue",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"metadata": {}
And the type of location is StructuredValue
My expectation would be geo:point or other geo:XXX depending of the type of the GeoJSON which allow the entity to be geolocalized and filter by location.

According to the NGSIv2 specification section "Partial Representations":
Attribute/metadata type may be omitted in requests. When omitted in attribute/metadata creation or in update operations, a default is used for the type depending on the value:
If value is an object or array, then StructuredValue is used.
In the case of request
curl --location --request POST 'https://my.api/v2/entities/?options=keyValue' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
the location attribute fulfills with the "when [attribute type] omitted in attribute/metadata creation or in update operations" of the NGSIv2 spec. In addition, value is an object so "If value is an object or array, then StructuredValue is used" applys. Thus, it is correct that the attribute is created/updated with type StructuredValue.
The workaround is pretty easy: don't use the keyValues mode if you need attributes with a special type (as the ones for a location or DateTime) and use the normalized mode instead.
Note that the keyValues mode has been designed as a helper not as a replacement of the normalized mode. The keyValues mode covers a great degree of the normalized mode functionality, but not fully.


Setting mirror maker 2 using kafka connect rest api put method not allowed

I am trying to do the setup for mirror maker 2 using my current connect cluster.
Based on this documentation it can be done via connect rest api.
I followed the sample sending this PUT request :
PUT /connectors/us-west-source/config HTTP/1.1
"name": "us-west-source",
"connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorSourceConnector",
"source.cluster.alias": "us-west",
"target.cluster.alias": "us-east",
"source.cluster.bootstrap.servers": "us-west-host1:9091",
"topics": ".*"
but i am getting a method not allowed response error response.
"error_code": 405,
"message": "HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed"
The api looks ok if I do a simple GET from the / , returning the version
"version": "2.1.0-cp1",
"commit": "bda8715f42a1a3db",
"kafka_cluster_id": "VBo-j1OAQZSN8tO4lMJ0Gg"
the PUT method doesnt work, using POST works as the api's documentation shows:
Remove the name of the connector from the url as #cricket_007 suggested, and wrap the config with new element like this:
curl --noproxy "*" -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8083/connectors -d'{
"name": "dc-west-source",
"config": {
"connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorSourceConnector",
"source.cluster.alias": "dc-west",
"target.cluster.alias": "dc-east",
"source.cluster.bootstrap.servers": "dc-west-cp-kafka-0.domain:32721,dc-west-cp-kafka-1.domain:32722,dc-west-cp-kafka-2.dc.domain:32723",
"topics": ".*"
' | jq .

How to add the column to Google Sheets using API and provide the name and type of the column in the same call?

So, what I could achieve using the Google Sheets API is being able to create a new column using the following curl based call
curl -v \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ya29.GlxUB9K_96tyQFyQ64eaYOeImtJt32213zjosf6LW1Inv6MOqQCCodA7CycvL5EFKIpeX4dVEebS4rUl24U1J7euhMjqBZq0QEU7ZK1B64THQXNwBpDvTzoUT9hTRg' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"requests": [
"insertDimension": {
"range": {
"sheetId": 2052094881,
"dimension": "COLUMNS",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 1
}' \
While this call is useful, it does not completely help. This is because the reason I wanted to add a column was to give a name and type (or format) the column values. But, as per this API, this is what see as an output
Is there a way to create and add name and type to the column in a single API call?
Thanks a lot!

What is the format of the JSON for a Jenkins REST buildWithParameters to override the default parameters values

I am able to build a Jenkins job with its parameters' default values by sending a POST call to
and I can override the default parameters "product", "suites" and "markers by sending to this URL:
But I saw examples were the parameters can be override by sending a JSON body with new values. I am trying to do that by sending the following json bodies. Neither of them works for me.
'product': 'ALL',
'suites': 'ALL',
'markers': 'ALL'
"parameter": [
"name": "product",
"value": "ALL"
"name": "suites",
"value": "ALL"
"name": "markers",
"value": "ALL"
What JSON to send if I want to override the values of parameters "product", "suites" & "markers"?
I'll leave the original question as is and elaborate here on the various API calls to trigger parameterized builds. These are the calls options that I used.
Additional documentation: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Remote+access+API
The job contains 3 parameters named: product, suites, markers
Send the parameters as URL query parameters to /buildWithParameters:
Send the parameters as JSON data\payload to /build:
The JSON data\payload is not sent as the call's json_body (which is what confused me), but rater in the data payload as:
"parameter": [
{"name":"product", "value":"123"},
{"name":"suites", "value":"high"},
{"name":"markers", "value":"Hello"}
And here are the CURL commands for each of the above calls:
curl -X POST -H "Jenkins-Crumb:2e11fc9...0ed4883a14a" http://jenkins:8080/view/Orion_phase_2/job/test_remote_api_triggerring/build --user "raameeil:228366f31...f655eb82058ad12d" --form json='{"parameter": [{"name":"product", "value":"123"}, {"name":"suites", "value":"high"}, {"name":"markers", "value":"Hello"}]}'
curl -X POST \
'http://jenkins:8080/view/Orion_phase_2/job/test_remote_api_triggerring/buildWithParameters?product=234&suites=333&markers=555' \
-H 'authorization: Basic c2hsb21pb...ODRlNjU1ZWI4MjAyOGFkMTJk' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'jenkins-crumb: 0bed4c7...9031c735a' \
-H 'postman-token: 0fb2ef51-...-...-...-6430e9263c3b'
What to send to Python's requests
In order to send the above calls in Python you will need to pass:
headers = jenkins-crumb
auth = tuple of your (user_name, user_auth_token)
data = dictionary type { 'json' : json string of {"parameter":[....]} }
curl -v POST http://user:token#host:port/job/my-job/build --data-urlencode json='{"parameter": [{"name":"xx", "value":"xxx"}]}
or use Python request:
import requests
import json
url = " http://user:token#host:port/job/my-job/build "
pyload = {"parameter": [
{"name":"xx", "value":"xxx"},
data = {'json': json.dumps(pyload)}
rep = requests.post(url, data)

Index parameterization in Cypher REST query

I have this query which works well but without parametrization in index. emp is an index, and NUM_OFC_CA is an emp number (key in emp index), to simplify i want to return NME_CA.
curl -X POST http://xyzhost:7474/db/data/ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary '{
"query": "START ca=node:emp(\"NUM_OFC_CA: 997015\") RETURN distinct ca.NME_CA as `CA Name`",
"params": {
How can i parametrize above REST query, i have tried something like this:
curl -X POST http://xyzhost:7474/db/data/ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary '{
"query": "START ca=node:emp(\"NUM_OFC_CA: {num_ofc_ca}\") RETURN distinct ca.NME_CA as `CAName`",
"params": {
"num_ofc_ca": "997015"
I am getting this error:
"message" : "org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Cannot parse 'NUM_OFC_CA: {num_ofc_ca}': Encountered \" \"}\" \"} \"\" at line 1, column 23.\nWas expecting one of:\n \"TO\" ...\n <RANGEEX_QUOTED> ...\n <RANGEEX_GOOP> ...\n ",
"exception" : "BadInputException",
"stacktrace" : [ "org.neo4j.server.plugin.cypher.CypherPlugin.executeScript(CypherPlugin.java:61)", "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)", "org.neo4j.server.plugins.PluginMethod.invoke(PluginMethod.java:57)", "org.neo4j.server.plugins.PluginManager.invoke(PluginManager.java:168)", "org.neo4j.server.rest.web.ExtensionService.invokeGraphDatabaseExtension(ExtensionService.java:300)", "org.neo4j.server.rest.web.ExtensionService.invokeGraphDatabaseExtension(ExtensionService.java:122)", "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)" ]
Need help to resolve this issue.
If you need a plain index query, the syntax is as follows:
curl -X POST http://<host>:7474/db/data/ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query -H "Content-Type: application/json" --databinary '{
"query": ca=node:emp(NUM_OFC_CA = {num_ofc_ca}) RETURN distinct ca.NME_CA as `CAName`",
"params": {
"num_ofc_ca": "997015"
For a general lucene index query, you need to parametrize the full query:
curl -X POST http://<host>:7474/db/data/ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query -H "Content-Type: application/json" --databinary '{
"query": ca=node:emp({num_ofc_ca_query}) RETURN distinct ca.NME_CA as `CAName`",
"params": {
"num_ofc_ca_query": "NUM_OFC_CA:997015"

Parameterize collection: IN Operator WHERE clause Cypher REST

How to specify parameters in something like this - WHERE a.name IN ["Peter", "Tobias"]. I am trying to pass the collection after IN operator as a parameter in Cypher. I am using Cypher through REST API.
This is my example:
curl -X POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query -H "Content-Type: applicatio/json" --data-binary '{
"query": "start ca=node:ca({search_ca_query}) MATCH ca_club-[:has]-ca WHERE (ca_club.CA_CLUB IN {CA_CLUB}) RETURN distinct ca.NUM_OFC_CA, ca.NME_CA, ca_club.CA_CLUB",
"params": {
"search_ca_query": "NUM_OFC_CA:(\"000333\", \"111033\", \"222197\")",
"CA_CLUB": "[\"Driad\", \"No-Club\"]"
I have also tried swapping square brackets in query, but even that didn't worked. (i.e. i am not getting any error but getting an empty list - "data" : [ ].
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Your in parameter needs to be a list:
curl -X POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/CypherPlugin/graphdb/execute_query -H "Content-Type: applicatio/json" --data-binary '{
"query": "start ca=node:ca({search_ca_query}) MATCH ca_club-[:has]-ca WHERE (ca_club.CA_CLUB IN {CA_CLUB}) RETURN distinct ca.NUM_OFC_CA, ca.NME_CA, ca_club.CA_CLUB",
"params": {
"search_ca_query": "NUM_OFC_CA:(\"000333\", \"111033\", \"222197\")",
"CA_CLUB": ["Driad", "No-Club"]