Spark Scala: functional difference in notation using $? - scala

Is there a functional difference between the following two expressions? The result looks the same to me but curious if there's an unknown unknown. What does the $ symbol indicate/how is it read?
df1.orderBy($"reasonCode".asc).show(10, false)
df1.orderBy(asc("reasonCode")).show(10, false)

Those two statements are equivalent and will lead to the identical result.
The $ notation is special for Scala Spark and is referring to an implicit StringToColumn method which interprets the subsequent string "reasonCode" as a Column
implicit class StringToColumn(val sc: StringContext) {
def $(args: Any*): ColumnName = {
new ColumnName(sc.s(args: _*))
In Scala Spark you have many ways to select a column. I have written down a full list of syntax varieties in another answer on select specific columns from spark dataframe.
Using different notations do not have any impact on the performance as they all get translated to the same set of RDD instructions through Spark's Catalyst optimizer.


What are Untyped Scala UDF and Typed Scala UDF? What are their differences?

I've been using Spark 2.4 for a while and just started switching to Spark 3.0 in these last few days. I got this error after switching to Spark 3.0 for running udf((x: Int) => x, IntegerType):
Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: You're using untyped Scala UDF, which does not have the input type information. Spark may blindly pass null to the Scala closure with primitive-type argument, and the closure will see the default value of the Java type for the null argument, e.g. `udf((x: Int) => x, IntegerType)`, the result is 0 for null input. To get rid of this error, you could:
1. use typed Scala UDF APIs(without return type parameter), e.g. `udf((x: Int) => x)`
2. use Java UDF APIs, e.g. `udf(new UDF1[String, Integer] { override def call(s: String): Integer = s.length() }, IntegerType)`, if input types are all non primitive
3. set spark.sql.legacy.allowUntypedScalaUDF to true and use this API with caution;
The solutions are proposed by Spark itself and after googling for a while I got to Spark Migration guide page:
In Spark 3.0, using org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf(AnyRef, DataType) is not allowed by default. Remove the return type parameter to automatically switch to typed Scala udf is recommended, or set spark.sql.legacy.allowUntypedScalaUDF to true to keep using it. In Spark version 2.4 and below, if org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf(AnyRef, DataType) gets a Scala closure with primitive-type argument, the returned UDF returns null if the input values is null. However, in Spark 3.0, the UDF returns the default value of the Java type if the input value is null. For example, val f = udf((x: Int) => x, IntegerType), f($"x") returns null in Spark 2.4 and below if column x is null, and return 0 in Spark 3.0. This behavior change is introduced because Spark 3.0 is built with Scala 2.12 by default.
source: Spark Migration Guide
I notice that my usual way of using function.udf API, which is udf(AnyRef, DataType), is called UnTyped Scala UDF and the proposed solution, which is udf(AnyRef), is called Typed Scala UDF.
To my understanding, the first one looks more strictly typed than the second one where the first one has its output type explicitly defined and the second one does not, hence my confusion on why it's called UnTyped.
Also the function got passed to udf, which is (x:Int) => x, clearly has its input type defined but Spark claiming You're using untyped Scala UDF, which does not have the input type information?
Is my understanding correct? Even after more intensive searching I still can't find any material explaining what is UnTyped Scala UDF and what is Typed Scala UDF.
So my questions are: What are they? What are their differences?
In typed scala UDF, UDF knows the types of the columns passed as argument, whereas in untyped scala UDF, UDF doesn't know the types of the columns passed as argument
When creating typed scala UDF, the types of columns passed as argument and output of the UDF are inferred from the function arguments and output types whereas when creating untyped scala UDF, there is not type inference at all, either for arguments or output.
What can be confusing is that when creating typed UDF the types are inferred from function and not explicitly passed as argument. To be more explicit, you can write typed UDF creation as follow:
val my_typed_udf = udf[Int, Int]((x: Int) => Int)
Now, let's look at the two points you raised.
To my understanding, the first one (eg udf(AnyRef, DataType)) looks more strictly typed than the second one (eg udf(AnyRef)) where the first one has its output type explicitly defined and the second one does not, hence my confusion on why it's called UnTyped.
According to spark functions scaladoc, signatures of the udf functions that transform a function to an UDF are actually, for the first one:
def udf(f: AnyRef, dataType: DataType): UserDefinedFunction
And for the second one:
def udf[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag](f: Function1[A1, RT]): UserDefinedFunction
So the second one is actually more typed than the first one, as the second one takes into account the type of the function passed as argument, whereas the first one erases the type of the function.
That's why on the first one you need to define return type, because spark needs this information but can't infer it from function passed as argument as its return type is erased, whereas in the second one the return type is inferred from function passed as argument.
Also the function got passed to udf, which is (x:Int) => x, clearly has its input type defined but Spark claiming You're using untyped Scala UDF, which does not have the input type information?
What is important here is not the function, but how Spark creates an UDF from this function.
In both cases, the function to be transformed to UDF has its input and return types defined, but those types are erased and not taken into account when creating UDF using udf(AnyRef, DataType).
This doesn't answer your original question about what the different UDFs are, but if you want to get rid of the error, in Python you can include this line in your script: spark.sql("set spark.sql.legacy.allowUntypedScalaUDF=true").

Spark SQL UDF from a string which represents scala code at runtime

I need to be able to register a udf from a string which I will get from a web service, i.e at run time I call a web service to get the scala code which constitutes the udf, compile it and register it as an udf in the spark context. As as example let's say my web service return the following scala code in a json response -
(row: Row, field:String) => {
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
val index: Int = Try(row.fieldIndex(field)) match {
case Success(_) => 1
case Failure(_) => 0
I want to compile this code on the fly and then register it as an udf. I have already multiple options such as using toolbox, twitter eval util etc. but found that I need to explicity specify the arguments types of the method while creating an instance for ex -
val code =
(a:String, b:String) => {
val compiledCode = toolBox.compile(code)
val compiledFunc = compiledCode().asInstanceOf[(String, String) => Option[Any]]
This udf takes two strings as arguments hence I need to specify the types while creating the object like
compiledCode().asInstanceOf[(String, String) => Option[Any]]
The other option I explored is
In both the cases I have to know the no of arguments, argument types and the return type before hand to instantiate the code as a method. But in my case as the udfs are created my users, I have no control over the no of arguments and thier types, so I would like to know if there any way I can register the UDF by compiling the scala code with out knowing the argument number and type information.
In a nut shell, I get the code as string, compile it and register it as udf without knowing the type information.
I think you'd be much better off by not trying to generate/execute code directly but defining a different kind of expression language and executing that. Something like ANTLR could help you with writing the grammar of that expression language and generating the parser and the Abstract Syntax Trees. Or even scala's parser combinators. It's of course more work but also a far less risky and error-prone way of allowing custom function execution.

Sort by dateTime in scala

I have an RDD[org.joda.time.DateTime]. I would like to sort records by date in scala.
Input - sample data after applying collect() below -
res41: Array[org.joda.time.DateTime] = Array(2016-10-19T05:19:07.572Z, 2016-10-12T00:31:07.572Z, 2016-10-18T19:43:07.572Z)
Expected Output
I have googled and checked following link but could not understand it -
How to define an Ordering in Scala?
Any help?
If you collect the records of your RDD, then you can apply the following sorting:
On the contrary, if your RDD is big and you do not want to collect it to the driver, you should consider:
You can define an implicit ordering for org.joda.time.DateTime like so;
implicit def ord: Ordering[DateTime] =
Which looks at the milliseconds of a DateTime and sorts based on that.
You can then either ensure that the implicit is in your scope or just use it more explicitly:

Register UDF to SqlContext from Scala to use in PySpark

Is it possible to register a UDF (or function) written in Scala to use in PySpark ?
val mytable = sc.parallelize(1 to 2).toDF("spam")
def addOne(m: Integer): Integer = m + 1
// Spam: 1, 2
In Scala, the following is now possible:
val UDFaddOne = sqlContext.udf.register("UDFaddOne", addOne _)
val mybiggertable = mytable.withColumn("moreSpam", UDFaddOne(mytable("spam")))
// Spam: 1, 2
// moreSpam: 2, 3
I would like to use "UDFaddOne" in PySpark like
mytable = sqlContext.table("mytable")
UDFaddOne = sqlContext.udf("UDFaddOne") # does not work
mybiggertable = mytable.withColumn("+1", UDFaddOne(mytable("spam"))) # does not work
Background: We are a team of developpers, some coding in Scala and some in Python, and would like to share already written functions. It would also be possible to save it into a library and import it.
As far as I know PySpark doesn't provide any equivalent of the callUDF function and because of that it is not possible to access registered UDF directly.
The simplest solution here is to use raw SQL expression:
mytable.withColumn("moreSpam", expr("UDFaddOne({})".format("spam")))
## OR
sqlContext.sql("SELECT *, UDFaddOne(spam) AS moreSpam FROM mytable")
## OR
mytable.selectExpr("*", "UDFaddOne(spam) AS moreSpam")
This approach is rather limited so if you need to support more complex workflows you should build a package and provide complete Python wrappers. You'll find and example UDAF wrapper in my answer to Spark: How to map Python with Scala or Java User Defined Functions?
The following worked for me (basically a summary of multiple places including the link provided by zero323):
In scala:
package com.example
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
object udfObj extends Serializable {
def createUDF = {
udf((x: Int) => x + 1)
in python (assume sc is the spark context. If you are using spark 2.0 you can get it from the spark session):
from py4j.java_gateway import java_import
from pyspark.sql.column import Column
jvm = sc._gateway.jvm
java_import(jvm, "com.example")
def udf_f(col):
return Column(
And of course make sure the jar created in scala is added using --jars and --driver-class-path
So what happens here:
We create a function inside a serializable object which returns the udf in scala (I am not 100% sure Serializable is required, it was required for me for more complex UDF so it could be because it needed to pass java objects).
In python we use access the internal jvm (this is a private member so it could be changed in the future but I see no way around it) and import our package using java_import.
We access the createUDF function and call it. This creates an object which has the apply method (functions in scala are actually java objects with the apply method). The input to the apply method is a column. The result of applying the column is a new column so we need to wrap it with the Column method to make it available to withColumn.

scala DataFrame selectExpr accepting one parameter or two?

I am trying to understand someone's scala code (which was built and running fine) has:
// df is of type DataFrame
df.selectExpr("*", clause)
While looking at this link for DataFrame:,
the syntax for the selectExpr has this signature below which seems accepting only one parameter:
def selectExpr(exprs: String*): DataFrame
So why the code I mentioned above passed in two parameters instead of one?
And what is "String*"? It shows it is of type "scala.Predef.String", but hard to find a clear example online talking about the use of "String* as a type.
Thanks for the help.
An asterisk after type name is just a Scala way to define repeated parameters (see SLS ยง4.6.3), that are very similar to varargs in Java.
So method declaration
def selectExpr(exprs: String*): DataFrame = { /*...*/ }
is roughly equivalent to Java version
public DataFrame selectExpr(String... exprs) { /*...*/ }
and creates a method that accepts from zero to probably-as-many-as-you'll-ever-want String arguments.