Is the actual source code for GitHub on GitHub? - github

Is the code for the actual GitHub website/application hosted on GitHub?

Yes, GitHub is developed on GitHub, using a variety of repositories. Most of the code is private, but some tools are open source and in public repositories. This is not in any way a secret, and multiple talks have been given about the way GitHub builds GitHub and the way the company uses it, which is relatively nontraditional.
This allows employees to test new features in their everyday work to make sure that they're functional and of excellent quality before release, and to think of new useful functionality to add.


Can i fork this code from gist and using it for my own projects?

Hello I'm new to Github/Gist and I want to use this code, but I need to modify it a little bit. Can i just fork this code and modify it to use it for my own projects? Or do i have to link to the author etc.? Here is the link:
Thank you!
Github repositories are meant to be forked. You don't have to ask an author for permission. Anyway, the gist you linked to has already been forked 30 times.
When you are using a forked repository.It shows up as "forked from xyz". So attribution is automatic. But if you want to, you can always give an extra credit to the author by mentioning it specifically.
Forking a repository on Github, creates an individual copy of the code. This feature is meant to encourage collaboration as well as allow you to experiment with the repositories code. Forking can be used to propose new changes to someone else's code or jumpstart an idea or a new project. As the repository was created by someone else, it is always important to understand the limitations of using their code for your own projects (especially if you plan on selling this product). Every repository created on Github has the chance to create a license file. This file will tell you what you can or cannot do with the forked code. Often open source code is meant to be used and shared with everyone, but it is still good to check. Here is Githubs documentation on forking repositories: For more information on licensing files see Github gists follow the same standard. If you are still worried, it does not hurt to contact the owner of the repository and verify that you can use it for your own projects.
The point of open sourcing code on GitHub is for others to take and use for themselves and learn from it. Also, like fuchsteufelswild said, when forking on GitHub it automatically gives credit to the author so you should be good.

How do I migrate a Launchpad project to GitHub including the Bug/Issues?

Migrating the code from Launchpad (bzr) to GitHub (git) is not the big problem.
But is there a way to migrate the bugs/tickets from a Launchpad project to a GitHub one?
There is a project called LP2GH ("Launchpad to GitHub"), which can do that. The link above leads you to a documentation about moving your issues.
This document will give you a detailed account of how to transfer your bugs, blueprints and milestones from Launchpad to GitHub and explain what to do once you’ve moved.
There is another project called github-issue-importer, which is aimed exactly at this task. It seems easier to use then the first one.
Github Issue Importer imports bugs into github issues. Currently it only supports Launchpad. It is hoped it will support other bug trackers in the future.
The importer will import each bug and it's comments into github.

Change the author of an issue in GitHub

We are migrating the issues of a project from Google Code to GitHub. Google's migration tool assigns all the issues in GitHub to the user GoogleCodeExporter. How can I change issue's author in GitHub?
The GitHub API has a function to edit issues that will allow you to change the assignee (not creator) of the issue. As far as I know, there is no functionality within GitHub to change the creator.
I'm sorry that this doesn't accomplish exactly what you want to do, but it might be the closest alternative (depending on what your project uses issue creator for).

Directly open issue tab in github repository because this repo is just for issues

I want to open the issues tab when I open repository because I made a repository just for collecting the tasks for all my project , How can we do that ?
As #VonC has said, this is NOT configurable. It seems that what you require is an issue tracker and not specifically a repository. This articles may help you find an issue tracker that fits your purpose:
Github's feature for referencing issues in commits automatically just by using the # and referencing commits in issues using the commit hash id is powerful. But is it a maintainable or scalable approach to handle issues from different repositories in one central repository? I do not think so. Issues are important in project development and should be kept organised the same way we keep code clean and organised.
However, this does not mean that it is not possible to maintain your issues in a single github repository. Instead of trying to have the issues tab open automatically, you may create a manual, as a README, for instructions on utilizing the reported issues. This manual will be shown to users visiting the repo. See as an example. You may find this github article useful in referencing issues.
This doesn't seem to be configurable.
That means you need to open your repo directly at the "Issues" page:<username>/<reponame>/issues

Is it possible to somehow migrate from Google Code to Github?

We have a fairly large project, and I've decided that Google Code is not quite living up to expectations. Github looks like a much more suitable platform -- but I feel like there's no escape for us. Is it a case of migrating stuff over manually? We're using svn currently, so I understand that we'll need to move to git somehow - is this going to be possible considering that I don't have admin access to our repository? Also, I know this is subjective and I don't want to start a holy war, but please also comment on your feelings about Google Code vs Github. Should we also be considering SourceForge?
I've used all, and now I am using github and I am completely satisfied. Sourceforge had annoying ads and was slow, google code didn't have the features I wanted/needed.
As for moving to github, they have a guide here, the process should be quite simple:
We're using svn currently, so I understand that we'll need to move to git somehow - is this going to be possible considering that I don't have admin access to our repository?
Nope, you can use git svn to convert a repo, even if you don't have admin access. Here's a good tutorial (from one of the GitHub guys, no doubt) that explains how to convert an SVN repo to Git (including how to migrate tags and branches properly, which git-svn doesn't do very well).
but please also comment on your feelings about Google Code vs Github.
I've never used Google Code for personal projects. I know from a visitor's standpoint, I like the interface and tools used by GitHub a lot better.
Should we also be considering SourceForge?
Ugh... I personally think SourceForge is probably the worst of the free source code hosting facilities nowadays.
I think before you go through all the work to migrate to github (which is great yes) I would consider what your problem actually is. If it is just that you are using svn and that is not a distributed version control system you could just migrate your google code repository to be HG (Mercurial) based and you would get all the benefits of a distributed version control system but could otherwise stay at google code (which has great features that github does not have as well..)
Google announced today that they're closing Google Code. They added a migration tool to export projects to GitHub, it just takes one click.