iCalendar: How to exclude a time range from a RRULE? - icalendar

I would like to exclude a time range from a RRULE.
For example the RRULE:
will create a recurrent event every two hours, but I would like to exclude a period of time during the night, for example from 22:00 to 6:00.
I have read how to exclude dates using the EXDATE property, but I have not found information in the RFC about how to exclude a period of time. Is this documented somewhere or is there a recommended way of doing this?

I suggest try
and test in all the applications you expect to deal with this. Some calendar applications don't do FREQ=HOURLY. EG:Last I looked, google didn't do FREQ=HOURLY. I don't know about BYHOUR. Test whether the applications will do BYHOUR?
This https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-3-10-recurrence-rule.html explains the limiting or expanding of the number of recurrences.
If those are not accepted by your intended receiving applications, then another approach may be to generate multiple VEVENTS for each hour, all using FREQ=DAILY.


How to stop timeout in service block

I am modeling ticket system with various SLA. The model must contain several service blocks with different reaction time ( from 2 to 32 hours). In the service block only working hours should be taken into account. So in the service block timeout should stop when non-workong hours and on the weekend. Could you please kindly tell me how i can realize it?
Thank you very much in advance!
I can think of two answers, one simplified but works in many cases, the other more advanced and probably more accurate:
Simplified approach: I would set the model in hours and keep everything running as is without any stop. So, at the end of the simulation, if the total time is 100 hours and you know that you have 8 hours/day with 5 days/week, then you'd know the total duration is 2.5 weeks. Of course, this might have limitations or might become more complex later on if you want day-specific actions (e.g. you want to differentiate between Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
Advanced more accurate approach: Create resources whose capacities are defined by schedule and assigned them to your services. Create a schedule and specify the working hours in that schedule. Check the below link to learn more about schedules. I call this the more advanced approach because you need to make sure the schedule is defined correctly and make sure all elements in the model are properly controlled (e.g. non-service blocks such as source, delays, etc.).
I personally would use the first approach if the model is rather simple and modeling working hours is enough for analysis. Otherwise, I'd go for option 2.
Finally, another option I'd like to highlight is the "suspend/resume" functions. I am only adding this because you asked "how to stop timeout". So these functions specifically stop and resume timeout. But you'll need to define the times at which they are executed (through an event for example).

Using a holiday calendar in kdb?

has anyone ever implemented a holiday calendar in kdb?
it's pretty easy to exclude weekends or to create a function to get nextweekday or previous weekday, but what if you want to also take into account public holidays / bank holidays?
What have people done in order to account for this?
A rudimentary way is to create a file with known bank holidays across LDN & NY let's say - but is there a more automated way?
You may want to take a look at holiday.q on Github. Note that NYSE rules change from time to time so you may need to make some adjustments to bring that code up to date.
Most places will have purchased some form of calendar data product (.e.g Copp Clark). From that you'd build a suite of functions for getPrevBizDay etc, and you'd do it for all regions. It will also have future holidays.
Alternatively I'm sure there are some open source holiday data downloads you could scrape from the web and from them you could manually put together a table (perhaps it would be an annual once-off process to update it for the next year).

Recurring exceptions in ICal

Some reoccurring events, that don't really end at some point (like club meetings?), depend on other conditions (like holiday season). However, manually adding these exceptions would be necessary every year, as the dates might differ.
I have found out about exdate (see the image of "iCalendar components and their properties" on Wikipedia (2))
Also found some possible workaround: 'just writing a script to do process such events'. This would still mean I need to process a .ics manually and import it into my calendar, which implies some limitations:
can not be determined for all time spans (e.g. holidays not fixed for more than three years)
these events would probably be separate and not reoccurring/'grouped', which makes further edits harder
Is there a way to specify recurring exceptions in iCal ?
To clarify, I have a recurring event and recurring exceptions.
So for instance I have a infinitely reoccurring weekly event, that depends on the month; where it might only take place if it's not e.g. January, August, or December.
Is there a way to use another event (/calendar) to filter events by boolean logic ?
If one could use a second event (or several) to plug into exdate this would solve the first problem and add some more possibilities.
if this question is too specific and the original problem could be solved by other means (other calendar-formats), feel free to comment/edit/answer
RFC2445 defines an EXRULE (exception rule) property. You can use that in addition to the RRULE to define recurring exceptions.
However, RFC2445 was superseded by RFC5545, which unfortunately deprecates the EXRULE property. So, client support is questionable.
As you already proposed, automatically adding EXDATE properties is a possible solution.
BYMONTH would be another possibility, e.g. here's a rule for a club meeting that occurs the first Wednesday of every month except December (which is their Christmas party, so no business meeting)

iCalendar Spec RRULE Multiple Times?

I'm developing some software which interfaces with the Google Calendar API, and one feature my users will be able to take advantage of is setting multiple event times for a single "class" (i.e. the class is 2-5 on some days and 3-6 on others).
Is it possible for a recurrence rule to specify a different time for different days, allowing me to create one repeating event instead of multiple?
Thank you!
Is it possible for a recurrence rule to specify a different time for different days, allowing me to create one repeating event instead of multiple?
No, not really, but you can achieve this result with other methods.
If there is a pattern, you can combine multiple RRULE. For example one repeat every other days starting Monday at 2, the second one repeat every other days starting Tuesday at 3. So the combined result will be Mon at 2, Tue at 3, Wed at 2, and so on. Though note that according to the RFC you SHOULD NOT define more than one RRULE (see
it SHOULD NOT be specified more than once.
The recurrence set generated with multiple "RRULE" properties is
So the behavior depends on the actual implementation and I do not know about Google Calendar API. Most libraries I know of do support multiple RRULE though, so you should give it a try.
Again, if there is a pattern, you can also use BYSETPOS. It's a bit complicated to wrap your head around this one, but basically you need to generate a set of occurrences (for example, over a week) and then cherry pick the ones that are valid. Try something like this (multi-lines for clarity):
This will alternate Monday at 2, Tuesday at 3, Wednesday at 2, and so on. Again, you need a clear repetitive pattern for this one to work.
If there is no pattern and you just want to have some days with a different time, combine your RRULE with RDATE and EXDATE to add or remove special occurrences.
You can use multiple RRULE on Google Calendar but I do not recommend it. See the v3 API documentation -- recurrence[]. Pass an array of strings.
While Google Calendar will respect multiple RRULE, Apple Calendar currently will only use one. This means that anyone uses Apple Calendar on their laptop/phone (synced from Google Calendar) will not see all recurrences.
Also, even though Google Calendar will repeat the event correctly, the written description of repeats used in the UI only describes one RRULE.
eg. "Weekly on Thursday, until May 15, 2021", not "Weekly on Tuesday & Thursday, until May 15, 2021"

iCal rrule for two different lengths

I want to enter an event in my calendar that runs on Monday and Tuesdays from 8-3 and Saturdays from 8-12 every week. My app is supporting rrule's. Is it possible to pack that into a single rrule?
If it would be only the weekdays, then the rule would be simple and do look like:
Any hints are appreciated.
The duration of the event is not part of the rrule definition but is rather determined by the DTSTART/DTEND or DTSTART/DURATION combinations so there is no way to have one single event representing what you want (unless you create exceptions for every single instances on Saturday)
The best you can do is to use the RELATED-TO property (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545#section- to link the 2 events.