jProfiler - need to deploy linux agent via UCD - deployment

I need to deploy the agent using puppet or UCD.
We are using jProfiler Version 11.0.1.
I've tried to get the download path for that version, but all I can get via Documentation is the version for jProfiler 12.0.
Is there any way to get the download link for older versions of jDownloader Agent?

JProfiler 11.1 can be downloaded at:
Agent-only downloads are only available starting with JProfiler 12. In previous versions you can use the remote integration wizard (Session->Integration Wizards->New Remote Integration) to create archives that only contain the agent files.


How to upgrade Self-hosted action runner?

Self-hosted GitHub actions runner installed on Linux, Windows and Mac systems.
I need to upgrade the runner version to latest on Linux, Windows and MacOS.
How to check the currently installed Runner version?
In runner log and service status side, I can't find the information.
How to upgrade the runner to latest version?
Please help me with information. Thanks in advance.
Go to the self hosted runner directory, list folders, you should see the bin and externals directory with the version suffix bin.2.288.1, externals.2.288.1 - most current should have symlink with full directory. Also you can check version of each component listener, plugin-host,worker in /bin directory json files. There's no need to force updating self hosted runner - it should update automatically to the latest. One scenario in which you will need to update the runners manually is inside docker container - you can use this script:

Is the NuGetToolInstaller task supposed to require .Net 4.7.2 and should using the task add .Net framework 4.7.2 as a demand?

We have a build VM that's on an older version of Windows 10 because we have a 3rd party component that can't be installed on newer versions. That version of Windows 10 doesn't support installing .Net Framework 4.7.2, and this appears to be required for the NuGetToolInstaller to work. Is there anyway to get NuGet working in a build that will work with all Windows 10 builds (or even Windows 7)?
I can force it to only choose to build on a VM with a later build of Windows 10 by manually adding a demand for .Net Framework 4.7.2, but shouldn't the NuGetToolInstaller task already include that demand (in the same way that the Visual Studio Build task does)?
and this appears to be required for the NuGetToolInstaller to work.
Check this json file, it shows all the supported versions in task NuGettoolinstaller, we can see that it can be installed from version 2.8.6, I try to install it with the version 2.8.6 and it works, check the pic below.
According to the description, it seems that you are using self-hosted agent, it will check the configuration of the local machine. If you have another version installed on your local agent machine, we can also use the NuGet version.

IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 Server installation issue on DEV enviroment

I'm installing IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 on DEV enviroment.
I followed steps available in IBM portal as below.
However i installed IBM Mobilefirst Installation Manager and WebSphere Liberty Core on DEV enviroment.
While installing MFP server we are getting below error:
./imcl install -repositories /data3/opt/IBM/MFP_Server/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1 -properties user.appserver.selection2=none,user.database.selection2=none,user.database.preinstalled=false,,user.use.ios.edition=false -acceptLicense
Before you start using the product, you must deploy a MobileFirst Server to your application server.
For more information about deploying projects with the Server Configuration Tool or command line tools, see
the documentation at
ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
CRIMA1161E ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
Explanation: Installation Manager did not find required installation files from the repository. An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager.
User Action: If the repository files were transferred from a different location before the installation, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location. If the repository files were not transferred note the package name and version number and contact customer support.
ERROR: 'zip 1.9.4' not found in /data3/opt/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1.
server details:
JAVA 1.7
Linux Redhat 6.8
Websphere Liberty core and IBM Installation Manager
ant 1.9.4
is there anything which i m missing?
As specified in the comments, the issue was possible corruption of the binary downloaded the first time - during download or transfer.
Downloading the same repository again and trying resolves the issue.

wso2iot 3.1.0 install problems

Clean install:
Downloaded wso2iot 3.1.0 from GitHub
Downloaded yajsw-stable-12.09
Put them in one file (wso):
Pointed jdk1.7.0_75 for JAVA_HOME
Pointed CARBON_HOME to my wso/wso2iot 3.1.0
This is what I downloaded only.
Run iot-server in folder bin.
After that nothing the system don't give me localhost why?
Is this installation correct for running wso2iot?
If not please advise me. Do I need to install something else?
First, you need to have java 8 on your system in order to run the WSO2 IoT 3.1.0. Secondly, if you need to run the WSO2 IoT 3.1.0 as a windows services, you need to have jajws 11.03.
Please refer the following document for more information
You can download the latest release candidate for WSO2 IoT 3.1.0 from here unzip it and start the pack in the following order.
Navigate to <IOTS_HOME>/bin and run ./
./ &
Then you can login to the console from - https://localhost:9443/devicemgt
Additionally, to the above reply by jdk7. Make sure that you have JAVA 8. WSO2 IoT Server needs JAVA 8.

How to install older version of azure service fabric SDK (after uninstalling latest version)?

I recently upgraded to 5.3.301 version of azure service fabric runtime on my local developer machine. Then I uninstalled it and tried to go back to previous version of 5.1.163. It seems that I can not go back because the web platform invoker no longer has the previous version (5.1.163) listed as one of the options.
Is there a way to go back to previous version of service fabric runtime? If so, how?
These are the links. Install in this order:
VS Tools:
"I need this for version 2.4.164"
I don't have direct link for 2.4.164 but the web installer seems to have it:
Go to products tab then search for "fabric" query and you will get a choice between 2.4.164 and 2.5.216