Fastest way to share a flutter app with someone else - flutter

I have a very simple flutter app which wants to share with a non-tec friend: What is the fastest way to do that. At this moment it's just UI. In the second scenario: If I integrate Firebase. What's the fastest way. Thank you

If it's Android, just build the apk and WhatsApp it to them. To build a release apk for most Android phones :
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm64
If it's Apple, pay USD99 and follow the documentation. Then struggle. :-)
PS. Whether Firebase is integrated or not makes no difference in how you deploy the app to your users.

I'd recommend Firebase App Distribution. It doesn't require any special set up on the testers side.

It's relatively locked-down on the Apple side of things. You must be a paid developer, and submit your app into the Test Flight program, and then you can send your friend a URL to install it from Apple.
I think it's a bit easier on the Android side... something about getting an .apk from somewhere.


Can I make Roku app using flutter? if I Can how can I run

I want to make a Roku app using flutter but don't know how can i run Roku app in flutter using android studio
Unfortunately no.
The only similarity Roku has with Android is Linux in its roots :)
To make Flutter work for Roku, you will need at least to add the possibility to display Skia canvas on the platform. To do so, most likely you will need NDK because BrightScript is poor for such purposes.
When I was working with Roku, NDK was not in public access, you had to write them directly via email to ask for it. And if Flutter SDK for Roku exists, you will still need to ask Roku to use NDK in your app because you will need it at least to initialize the project.
So yes, if one day an initiative exists, both Flutter and Roku teams will need to make efforts to make this idea alive. Btw, there is a request for Roku support to the Flutter team created in 2019:

Flutter - Publish Privately

I am currently working on a mobile app using Flutter.
After finishing the project I would like to make it possible to publish it privately, which means that only specific users who, for example, received a link, are able to use the app.
I know there's already a similar question but I would like to know what's your experience with the topic.
What are the best solutions for this?
There are 2 ways you can do this that i know of
Firebase App Distribution
Internal Test(for android) and TestFlight(for iOS)
I don't know, if this will work out for you, but it is just a workaround, if the only the link is concerned. I know there are lot of things you can do, people will also advice you some best options, but this is something which I have used in my company, to be able to test and get feedback from certain people.
Publish your app for just in release mode. flutter clean will remove the cache, and helps you release the minimal sized app. After all when we publish we need the apk file only
flutter clean && flutter build apk --release
When you have the release-apk with you, just upload it on your Google Drive or your private server.
Get the sahrable link from the Google drive or YOUR PRIVATE SERVER, from where people can download, and then they will be able to test it and your task will be done.
PLEASE NOTE: This is just a work around, and can be followed, if you don't want to take too much of headache for just this task, that is testing and feedback privately. I have done this, and it is safe unless everyone has your link, which you won't do :)
Let me know how this goes for you, and if you have something for me, feel free to suggest. I will learn too :)

Compatibility of Flutter with Car Play and Android Auto

I developed an app on Flutter and I'm looking at a way to link it with Car Play and Android Auto. For my understanding Flutter is not compatible yet. Anyone know if it will be in the future (if yes, when we should expect this)? Is there any turnaround I can look into?
Flutter Apps are now compatible with Apple CarPlay!
flutter_carplay aims to make it safe to use apps made with Flutter in the car by integrating with CarPlay. CarPlay takes the things you want to do while driving and puts them on the car’s built-in display. Currently, it supports only iOS 14.0+.
Feel free to like, star, comment, share, and contribute to support more!
Flutter has yet to have Car Play and Android Auto support as of this writing. As previously mentioned in the comments, it's best to keep track for its updates in this GitHub thread.
I got audio app working on carplay easily enough. Based on
And then using my apple developer account, setting entitlements to allow carplay, basically. I cam add details if requested. Also, I used a mac/xcode to check things worked etc.
Android auto I can't yet get working.. funny that!

Want to develop mini program with Flutter

Can Flutter dev mini-app or not? Like Wechat mini-app. Cos I dont want dev Native app. Spend a lot time. Mini-app is easier to dev.printf("%d\n", 42);
Flutter is a totally different thing from a "mini-app". Flutter is mobile application development SDK for iOS and Android while the latter is just a tool/service (more like wordpress).
Mini-app sounds like a massive privacy invasion. You are asking users to join another application ecosystem to just use your app.
You should list all of your requirements to see whether or not you need it.
Developers are working to reduce build sizes for android instant.

Working with Titanium Appcelerator

I am using Titanium appcelerator for developing my android application, more over i am newbie to handle both of this together, even though i have made some digging to find some resources to start up with this, i am finding some difficulties in my first try.if anybody have resources that helps me move on further, please let me know...
Other one.. is it possible to run my android application that i have done using Titanium appcelerator in iPhone..if so please provide some resources...for doing the same...
Please let me know....
Thanks in advance...
Yes, titanium appcelerator apps can be packaged for the iPhone, and will work nearly the same as on android.
To do this, you need a Mac computer and the iPhone SDK (download from Apple). I believe you also need to pay Apple US$50 to deploy your own app to the phone.
If you want to put it on the App Store, you will need to submit it for Apple's approval.
The following link may help:
As far as general coding goes, I found the Twitter client example helpful.