ag-Grid lockPosition bug - ag-grid

Supposedly you should not be able to impact the position of a column with lockPosition set to true. However, if you are persistent and drag a different column in front of it and just hover there for a bit before stopping the drag, it lets you place the unlocked column in front of the locked column. This can be recreated in their demo:

Yes I have also faced this issue. I resolved this by adding lockPinned:true property in defaultColDef


AG-Grid Column Overlapping

I'm having a spot of trouble with ag-grid enterprise. I have a grid with groups that function sort of like a folder tree. However, the name column overlaps with the rest of the columns. This is especially apparent when resizing the columns. No other column overlaps like this. What could be causing this?
I had a similar issue. Double check your ColDefs.
Someone had accidently set the width:0 to the first column and were seeing this.
Not sure about col resize as we didn't have that enabled. Still if minWidth is set (which someone could have for mobile users), it could cause this.
ColDef params:
The issue fixed itself when we pinned the column to the left using pinned: left. Doesn't make much sense to me personally but that is how we got around it.
EDIT: Further looked into it. It was a styling issue. We were setting display to flex.

Grafana 7: How to hide table column but still use its value in a data link

Please note this is for Grafana 7
Just upgraded to version 7 and now I can not work out how to hide a column in a Table Panel but still use its value in a Data Link.
I select 3 columns, the first being ID that I do not want to display but instead use its value in a link on one of the displayed columns. For the data link I use the following '/d/ddsds/dashboard-name?var-id=${__data.fields[id]}' which works when the ID field is displayed. If I use a Transform rule to hide the column then the link no longer works as the ID value does not get placed in the URL.
Also tried using '${__data.fields[id]:raw}'
It seems that the fix or functionality may be delayed until version 8.0.0:
#torkelo torkelo modified the milestones: 7.4.0, 8.0.0 on Jan 18.
Until then I use the following workaround; Basically what I do is set the width to 1.:
Even using this workaround, the column will still look a minimum of pixels. You can reduce the visibility of this by moving the column you want to hide to the last position:
This is already solved but will be released in 7.2.
You can do this by add Organize felds in Transform, which only support one single frame so if you have two query, you should join them first.
try to use ${__data.fields[id]} insted of ${__data.fields[id]:raw}

Display two fields in one line and one just if necessary

I created a standard report with jaspersoft studio.
I want to display two fields in one column (which works already). The second field in the column should just be displayed if it has data (which works too). But It seems that if the second field is not displayed it still takes up space. Or at least the first field isn't vertically aligned in the middle.
I put both in a frame and made them float. Any ideas how to make it align in the middle in the third screenshot?
As Alex K pointed out I just copied the first textfield again and put It over the old frame. When there is no data in the second field I hide the frame and show the textfield. When there is data in the second field I hide the textfield and show the frame.

Dynamically resize if hiding rows conditional in SSRS report

I'm working on a report which displays a configuration for a product, which depending on the product choosen has specific properties. I thought it would be handy to have one rectangle with a table on the left (tblDetailsB) and one on the right side of the report (tblDetailsA) (don't mind the order of A and B here...).
Under the rectangle I have another table which shows a list of drawers (if they're part of the configuration), this list comes from another dataset.
My problem is the size of the rectangle which holds tblDetailA and tlbDetailB is fixed (that's usually why one chooses a rectangle to hold..) and my tlbLade subreport for the drawers is under a lot of whitespace..
I could use subreports for tblDetailsA and tblDetailsB but I don't want to have too many of them..
I got myself into this mess, maybe someone knows a much better idea to solve this?
Thanks to
I found out I have to suppress / hide the rows in the static row group under the details group (switch to advanced mode first..).
When I did that the size of the Rectangle (container) was ignored when the rows where hidden :)

How to move all the selected element n rows down in expression blend?

Designing forms in silverlight is a PAIN.
The grid does make it easy to align stuff right or left, but when you start building more complex forms, It quickly becomes a hell.
(Think multicolumns forms, separating parts of the form in sub-usercontrol, with Localized labels so that you need the label column to be set to Auto...)
One particular problem I face is when I need to insert a new row in a form.
Is there any way to select all the
controls on multiple lines and move
them all 1 row down?
Right now, I have to go through every line and move them down, one by one.
How do you effectively build complex forms? I know about the DataForm control from the toolkit, but it is in "preview" quality and from what I have read, it is too inflexible when you need to customize and build multiple-columns forms.
Yes, complex Grid's can be annoying to change. Here are a few thoughts and ideas for you.
If you use Expression Blend and insert the Row or Column using the Blue Bars in the Artboard, Blend will attempt to do this for you. It works with varying degrees of success, largely based on the amount of the control the new row or column snap lines overlaps. For the best results, zoom into the Artboard and add the new snap line very close to the row above or column to the left.
At this point you'll still have a lot of cleanup to do, but the Grid.Row and Grid.Column properties will be correctly adjusted. Correcting the row and column sizes is one of the few times I choose to manually edit the XAML, so you'll probably be faster fixing those values manually.
If odd Margins are created (as they often are) you can select all the affected properties at once and reset the Margins en masse.
Probably the best advice would be to consider using a different control. If you find yourself constantly rearranging the contents of a Grid, perhaps you would be better off with a DockPanel. You can achieve a Grid-like result by adding elements (Grids) docked to the Top and binding the row or column height's to a Resource:
<GridLength x:Key="StandardColumnHeight">32</GridLength>
Now you can bind the ColumnDefinition Width to the static resource ensuring they all have the same width (of course this could also work with column widths).
<ColumnDefinition Width="{StaticResource StandardColumnHeight}"/>
If you define each of the subsequent Grid's using the same set of ColumnDefinitions (another quick XAML copy-n-paste job).
This may be a little extra work to set up initially, but inserting a new row in your DockPanel is a simple matter of XAML order and would not require as much work.