Hand over multiline string as script Paramter in Powershell - powershell

The setup
In a powershell script I have written I use a Multiline string like the following:
- change1
- change2
- change1
- change2
- change1
- change2"
Since this string is saved as a variable I wanted to give the script that variable as parameter:
run the script
I am fairly new to powershell but feel quite well with bash scripts. I tested this script with multiple inputs. here are the results:
powershell .\test.ps1 -NORMAL_STRING "This is a Normal String!" -MULTILINE_STRING $MLINE_VARIABLE
The first run resultet in following long error Message (Error Message was in german and I translated the first occurance of an error):
powershell : In line:2 char:4
In line:1 char:1
+ powershell .\small_test.ps1 -NORMAL_STRING "THIS IS A NORMAL STRING!" ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (In line:2 char:4:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
+ - change1
+ ~
Missing expression after unary operator '-'.
In line:2 char:5
+ - change1
+ ~~~~~~~
Unexpected token "change1" in expression or statement.
In line:3 char:4
Not all analytical errors were reported. Correct the reported errors and try again.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpressionAfterOperator
The Next test I didn't used the multiline string for a sanity check:
powershell .\test.ps1 -NORMAL_STRING "This is a Normal String!"
I realized that the script is working, but only showing the first 2 entries of the normal string:
>> This
>> is
I assume that somehow the NORMAL_STRING was set to "This" and the missing parameter MULTILINE_STRING was set to "is".
So to test if the scripts works as intended I changed the Parameter -NORMAL_STRING "This_is_a_normal_Parameter" and instead of using the $MULTILINE_STRING as parameter I set it inside the script.
What I need
How could I successful hand over this Multiline Parameter without messing up all the variables?

Without using parameter -File, what follows after powershell.exe is regarded as if it were a -Command, which executes the specified commands (and any parameters) as though they were typed at the PowerShell command prompt.
In this case however, you want it to run another PowerShell script, stored in a file.
When used with -File <PathToTheScript>, the script runs in the local scope ("dot-sourced"), so that the functions and variables that the script creates are available in the current session.
All values typed after the File parameter are interpreted as the script file path and parameters passed to that script.
This means that changing your code to
powershell -File '.\test.ps1' -NORMAL_STRING "This is a Normal String!" -MULTILINE_STRING $MLINE_VARIABLE
would work as intended


PowerShell Error - Missing expression after unary operator '-'

I have two PowerShell scripts. One is for uninstalling and installing a SharePoint 2010 solution on the SharePoint server. The other calls this script with two commands, one for the uninstall and one for the install. These are not scripts I wrote, but I have inherited them.
Here is the script that calls the install / uninstall script (I've removed some parameters to simplify for troubleshooting):
& 'C:\Users\username\Documents\setup.ps1' -InstallOrUninstall '/UNINSTALL'
& 'C:\Users\username\Documents\setup.ps1' -InstallOrUninstall '/INSTALL'
Stripped down to almost nothing for the purpose of testing, here is the "setup.ps1" script:
param ($InstallOrUninstall,
[switch]$thisAppDomain )
if (-not $thisAppDomain)
Write-Host "Invoking script in a new app domain" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host $MyInvocation.Line
powershell.exe -Version 2 -Command $MyInvocation.Line -thisAppDomain
Write-Host "In Body"
Write-Host $MyInvocation.Line
Running the first script returns an error from the first command, but not from the second. The error is:
powershell.exe : - : Missing expression after unary operator '-'.
At C:\Users\username\Documents\setup.ps1:11 char:6
+ powershell.exe -Version 2 -Command $MyInvocation.Line -thisAppDo ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (- : Missing exp...y operator '-'.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (-:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpressionAfterOperator
I believe the reason the install / uninstall script is resending the command for "Version 2" is because of an issue with using PowerShell past Version 2 with SharePoint 2010 (as outlined here). However, I don't understand why only the first line fails. The second command also enters the if statement, but does not error.
If I remove the second line, and only call the setup.ps1 one time, the script that calls the install / uninstall script succeeds.
A nice little brain-teaser. Apparently, $MyInvocation.Line contains the full line, including the newline / linebreak at the end. So, -thisAppDomain is not interpreted as a parameter, but the beginning of a new expression starting with -. This is also, why it works if you remove the 2nd line, because then you do not have a line break at the end.
To reproduce this error, try:
powershell.exe -Version 2 -Command "`r`n-thisAppDomain"
Note that in newer versions the parsing algorithm was obviousy modified and the error message is different. Omit the -Version 2 switch and you likely get:
The term "-thisAppDomain" is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program...
One simple way to resolve this would be to .Trim() (or .TrimEnd()) the command:
powershell.exe -Version 2 -Command $MyInvocation.Line.Trim() -thisAppDomain
I need to add though, that you should reconsider what your actual problem is, and if your solution is actually the best way to solve it. Have a look at jobs for example.
As marsze said: It is not interpreted as a parameter, but the beginning of a new expression starting with -. This is also, why it works if you remove the 2nd line, because then you do not have a line break at the end.

Calling Powershell script from CMD with paths as parameters

I`m having trouble make this cmd command to run powershell script by passing two parameters (paths).
C:\WINDOWS\System32>powershell -command \"C:\Apps\Scripts\Test\testing.ps1" \"\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup\" \"\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup2\"
I`m getting the error below:
At line:1 char:36
+ ... ps\Scripts\Test\testing.ps1 "\\Data1\dataholder$\office\ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token '\\Data1\dataholder$\office' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:146
+ ... Smith\backup" "\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup2"
+ ~
The string is missing the terminator: ".
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
Any idea of why this is failing?
I had to modify the path leading to script. Now the command look like that:
C:\WINDOWS\System32>powershell -command \"C:\Apps\Scripts\Power test\testing.ps1" \"\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup\" \"\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup2\"
This is failing due to the space in the script path, any idea how to handle this?
You need to backslash escape quotes that you want to be sent from cmd shell to PowerShell:
powershell -command "& \"C:\Apps\Scripts\Power test\testing.ps1\" \"\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup\" \"\\Data1\dataholder$\office\J Smith\backup2\""
If your program or script file has spaces, you need to call it with a call operator (&) and include that in your string that is sent to -Command. Notice the double quotes around the entire value/string that maps to -Command.
Note: Inner double quotes work here because $ is succeeded by \. If you had dataholder$folder as an example, you would need single quotes or to escape the $ because PowerShell would try to interpret $folder as a variable.
Here's a backquoting the spaces approach.
type "my script.ps1"
echo $args[0]
powershell .\my` script.ps1 hi` there
hi there
Or strategic placement of single quotes. Something can be executed if the first character isn't a quote. The quote didn't work before the backslash.
powershell .\'my script.ps1' 'hi there'
hi there

How to use an environment variable in PowerShell console?

I have an environment variable named GOPATH. In old style command shell I could run the command %GOPATH%\bin\hello like this:
Is there an equivalently simple command in Windows PowerShell?
I am not trying to print the environment variable. I am trying to USE it.
The variable is set correctly:
C:\WINDOWS\system32> echo $env:gopath
Now I want to actually use this in a command line call, and it fails:
C:\WINDOWS\system32> $env:gopath\bin\hello
At line:1 char:12
+ $env:gopath\bin\hello
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token '\bin\hello' in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
Use $env:[Variablename]
For example:
using your example:
To use this to execute a script use
& "$env:GOPATH\bin\hello"
Using an environment variable in a path to invoke a command would require either dot notation or the call operator. The quotation marks expand the variable and the call operator invokes the path.
Dot Notation
. "$env:M2_Home\bin\mvn.cmd"
Call Operator
& "$env:M2_Home\bin\mvn.cmd"
One solution is to use start-process -NoNewWindow to run it.
C:\windows\system32> start-process -nonewwindow $env:gopath\bin\hello.exe
C:\windows\system32Hello, Go examples!
This is much more verbose obviously and puts the command prompt at an odd looking prompt: >. But it does work.

Call PowerShell Script from PowerShell Script with multiple arguments

I know, this has been asked a few times but I cannot seem to get it working. Basically, I am using multiple ps1 files so I don't have to have a very large script, in this case, its two files (so far):
I want to call Migration-Companies.ps1 from Migration-Main.ps1 using invoke expression but this seems to only work if there is only one parameter in the target script, in my case there are two:
param (
[parameter(mandatory=$false )]
[parameter(mandatory=$false )]
Write-Output $CompanyDateCull
So if I try to call the script like so:
Invoke-Expression "$Script_Companies -CompanyDateCull $CompanyDateCull -CompanyManagerCull "Fred""
I will get the following result:
Invoke-Expression : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Fred'.
At C:\Users\user\OneDrive\Scripts\Migrations\Imports\FastTrack-Migration-Main.ps1:282 char:1
+ Invoke-Expression "$Script_Companies -CompanyDateCull $CompanyDateCul ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-Expression], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeExpressionCommand
But if i remove the second parameter
Invoke-Expression "$Script_Companies -CompanyDateCull $CompanyDateCull"
it works:
Saturday, 21 September 2013 12:00:00 AM
I have tried running the file with other commands as well, such as simply calling PowerShell.exe:
PowerShell.exe -file $Script_Companies -CompanyDateCull $CompanyDateCull -CompanyManagerCull $CompanyManagerCull
But this stops any of my dot sourced functions from being accessible to the script being called, which is a requirement.
Any help would be much appreciated.
For the first query you need escape the double quotes with backtick(`) :
Invoke-Expression "$Script_Companies -CompanyDateCull $CompanyDateCull -CompanyManagerCull `"Fred`""

Environment variable, PowerShell session vs. started from CMD

I am trying to run a PowerShell command from within a command prompt window (run as Administrator), but it fails. Whereas when I run the same command from within a PowerShell window it runs fine.
Here is the command without error in a PowerShell window:
Powershell [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HostIPv4", "", "Machine")
In the command prompt window it fails:
C:\test>powershell [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HostIPv4", "", "Machine")
At line:1 char:39
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(HostIPv4,, Mach ...
+ ~
Missing ')' in method call.
At line:1 char:39
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(HostIPv4,, Mach ...
+ ~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token 'HostIPv4' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:47
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(HostIPv4,, Mach ...
+ ~
Missing argument in parameter list.
At line:1 char:73
+ ... ironment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(HostIPv4,, Machine)
+ ~
Unexpected token ')' in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndParenthesisInMethodCall
What could be the problem?
PowerShell's command-line parsing removes the double quotes, try using single quotes:
powershell [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('HostIPv4', '', 'Machine')
Also note that you have to reopen an new process window to see the results (this is a known behavior for the command shell, see also: C# set environment variable)
iRon's helpful answer explains the problem and works, but I suggest adopting a generally more robust approach to invoking PowerShell commands from cmd.exe:
Use -Command explicitly, because in PSv6 the default will change to -File, expecting a script filename rather than a command.
Use -NoProfile, to avoid unnecessary loading of the PowerShell profiles and for a more predictable execution environment.
Double-quote your entire PowerShell command to protect it from potentially unwanted up-front interpretation by cmd.exe.
powershell -NoProfile -Command "[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('HostIPv4', '', 'Machine')"
The use of ' instead of " inside the command string is an easy way to avoid having to escape embedded " characters, which works fine here, but in case you do need embedded " (for interpolating strings), escape them either as \" (sic) or """ (sic).