I am new to powershell but I am trying to learn.
Right now, I need to set a scheduled script to run every 10 minutes and ping on of our servers while saving that information to a log file. I have a script that does this but the issue I am facing is with the log.txt
Every time the script runs it overwrites the log file.
My questions is: how can I tell powershell to update the log file and not overwrite the contents of it when it is run?
My script: Ping.exe <HOSTNAME> | ForEach {"{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date),$_} > D:\ping.txt
I believe > D:\ping.txt is telling Powershell to overwrite your log file. Have you tried >> D:\ping.txt instead?
EDIT: For future reference, Microsoft can explain this better than I can:
I am facing an issue with logs when using PowerShell Transcript.
I have to run a script in multiple instances and it all needs to append logs into the same log file but what happens is that when multiple instances of the scripts are running first started instance logs are only written to the log file.
Is there a feature in PowerShell that I have missed? How can I get logs of each instance onto the same Log file?
I can only use a single log file and all the instances should write logs to that file
Sample Code
Start-Transcript -Append $logDirectory
I am fairly new to writing code in Powershell. For my job I have to write multiple Powershell scripts to make changes in the Hardware and Software settings as well as the Registry and Group Policy Editor to get these applications to run. These applications are a little older. Upgrading these software applications or the hardware then run on is NOT an option. as an example, when Microsoft releases the new patches on like Patch Tuesday...when those patches are applied there is a high probability that something will be changed which is where I come in to write a script to fix the issue. I have multiple scripts that I run. When those scripts are ran they may end up terminating because of an Error Code or an Exit Code. A large part of the time I do not that the script has failed immediately.
I am trying to figure out a script that I can run in a 2nd PowerShell Console Window. I am thinking that the only purpose of this script is to just sit there on the screen and wait and monitor. Then when I execute a script or Application (the only file extensions that I am worried about are: EXE, BAT, CMD, PS1) if the script/application that I just ran ends with an exit code or an error code....then output that to the screen...in REAL TIME.
Below, I have a small piece of code that kind of works, but it is not what I am wanting.
I have researched online and read and read tons of stuff. But I just can't seem to find what I am looking for.
Could someone please help me with getting a script that will do what I am wanting.
Thank you for your help!!!!
$ExitErrorCode =
"C:\ThisFolder\ThatFolder\AnotherFolder\SomeApplication.EXE # (this
# either be an EXE or CMD or BAT or PS1)"
$proc = Start-Process $ExitErrorCode -PassThru
$handle = $proc.Handle # cache proc.Handle
if ($proc.ExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-Warning "$_ exited with status code $($proc.ExitCode)"
Possible duplicate of the approaches shown here:
Monitoring jobs in a PowerShell session from another PowerShell session
Monitoring jobs in a PowerShell session from another PowerShell session
PowerShell script to monitor a log and output progress to another
PowerShell script to monitor a log and output progress to another
Welcome i have ran into a small issue. So basically i have been coding a program to open up power-shell and run proc dump and dump a process. Using Proc Dump. I keep getting multiple processes running. And there is no way i can get the PID, So its useless. Is there another third party tool that i can use without getting this issue? or can i just do this via CMD or power-shell without using other software's? Thanks!
Error im receiving
Multiple processes match the specified name.
I have used following powershell command in the past to create a procdump of multiple processes with an identical name
gps notepad* | %{
$argumentList = "-accepteula -ma -n 1000 -e 1 $($_.Id) "
start-process C:\My\SysInternals\procdump -argumentList $argumentList
The gist of this is to get a list op PID's to pass to procdump. Mind you that when you have dozens of notepads running, you'll create dozens of dumps.
I have batch script file, which should encrypt a file with pgp. I have defined a task in task scheduler to do this, but I am keep receiving the error"The system cannot find the file specified".
Interestingly, when I run the same line of script in my powershell , the encrypted file is successfully generated.
I was wondering if anyone knows what can possibly be wrong here?
I tried to give the full path in my batch script , and also added the pass in start in part, when defining the action.
the batch scrip code is here::
rem #echo off
#set path=c:\test;%path%
#set d=%date:~-4,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~-7,2%
#set d=%d: =_%
#set t=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2% #set t=%t: =0%
Rem Generate PGP encrypted file
#echo Starting PGP... >> c:\apps\ftpLogs\test.log
gpg2 --batch --yes -r testkey --output c:\test\foo\test_20150505.pgp --encrypt c:\test\foo\test_20150505.txt >> c:\apps\ftpLogs\test.log
and the script that I ran in my powershell, which works fine, is this line:
gpg2 --batch --yes -r testkey --output c:\test\foo\test_20150505.pgp --encrypt c:\test\foo\test_20150505.txt >> c:\apps\ftpLogs\test.log
Finally I was able to resolve the issue. The problem was with the user authority. The batch script was suppose to encrypt a file and then ftp the encrypted file to the vendor's ftp server.
Apparently in Windows Server 2012 , the ADMINISTRATORS have the permission to create a file (here the encrypted file) while this user does not have the permission to send it. and SYSTEM user has the permission to send but not to create. (Both of them had this authority back in Win Server 2012).
So what did I do at the end, was to make two different batch script tasks and schedule them with 10 mins time distance. The first one was running the above code with ADMINISTRATOR privileges and the second one was sending it out with SYSTEMS.
If your batch file doesn't work, but the PowerShell script does, just run the PowerShell script from your scheduled task instead.
From the Scheduled Task, instead of entering the path to your batch file specify PowerShell.exe (or more likely C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe). Then in the Arguments box specify your parameters. You probably want to hide the window, so we'll include that in the arguments, and for this you can probably skip loading a profile, so we'll add that too. Then just use the -Command parameter to specify your code that you have in the question.
So your Program to run box should show:
Then the box that says "Add Arguments (optional)" should have:
-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "gpg2 --batch --yes -r testkey --output c:\test\foo\test_$((get-date).ToString(yyyyMMdd)).pgp --encrypt c:\test\foo\test_$((get-date).ToString(yyyyMMdd)).txt >> c:\apps\ftpLogs\test.log"
On a side note, should that be gpg2 or pgp2? I just copied your command, but it seemed odd to me that they would name it like that.
I am writing a batch for a new deployment of my company's software.. Here is what I have so far...
wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "apache_start.bat" /wait
wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "mysql_start.bat" /wait
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://localhost
So as you can see, this script should start apache, then start mysql and then open the default page with IE.
The problem is if the user runs this script twice, it runs apache and mysql twice and loads two seperate instances. The solution I need is a way to check to see if the processes are already running and, if not, run the two wscript commands. I am absolutely horrible with shell, so please try to give specific responses! I am a software engineer, not a sysadmin. Thanks for the help!
As a software engineer I think you have a leg up on scripting over some sysadmins...
Using PowerShell would make this easy. Use the following template to execute the services - you'll need to use it twice, and follow up with launching IE as above.
If ((Get-Process mysqlprocessname.exe)) {Write-Host Skipping MySQL}
Else { Start-Process ...}
This is going to take a few minutes for you to research the best way of starting a process with PowerShell. Also, you might want to pipe Start-Process to Out-Null so the script waits to start IE and Apache.
Others may want to chime in with a simpler way from a batch file.
For XAMPP, there is a pv.exe file in the apache/bin folder that XAMPP uses to see if a service is running. Look at WorldDrknss' answer in this thread for some great info: http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?p=80047
The code to solve your problem is to modify your mysql_start.bat file to this:
#echo off
apache\bin\pv mysqld.exe %1 >nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Process_NotFound
echo MySQL is running
goto END
echo Process %1 is not running
mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=mysql\bin\my.ini --standalone --console
goto finish
That will check if mysqld.exe is running. If it is, it just echos that out. If not, it starts the service.