I am in the office with my computer ( Linux tumbleweed), and my kid of 3 years old iw in another computer showing videos.
Some videos are quieter and another are very loudness. With my first kid i do:
1)SSH as root
2)amixer and upper or lower the volume.
Now i cant a way to do with pulseaudio. I do
1)I do ssh as root successfully
# amixer
ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
# alsamixer
ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Conexión negada (Connection refused in spanish)
How i can control the sound volume? Thanks All
if i do sudo to the same linux user that is showing the video:
user #computer> amixer
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (/run/user/0) is not owned by us (uid 1001), but by uid 0! (This could e.g. happen if you try to connect to a non-root PulseAudio as a root user, over the native protocol. Don't do that.)
ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
Thanks all
After post on pulseaudio mailing list i found a cheaper way to do: Using PACTL tool.
Set to 50%
pactl set-sink-volume 0 32768
Can use +10%
pactl set-sink-volume 0 +10%
Thanks to all.
I'm going mad with a stupid issue I can't solve.
During the testing of my Yocto project I always used connmactl in order to connect my board to the internet.
Now I am going to release the product but before releasing I am working on an “internet connection manager”
I guess I can’t use connmanctl anymore since it consist in an interactive command (isn’t it?) so I’m going to use directly wpa_supplicant.
In my script I edit wpa_supplicant.conf as follow:
root#localhost:~# cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
After that I try to start wpa_supplicant with this command:
wpa_supplicant -B -i mlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf wext
as result of this command I get:
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
But if I try to ping google.com (or any other website) i seet that the network doesn’t work, In particular I get this message: ping: sendto: Network is unreachable
Everything is working under connmanctl, but not under wpa_supplicant.
The strange thing is that running iw command everything seems to be configurated in the right way:
root#localhost:~# iw dev mlan0 link
Connected to 56:0c:ff:37:1a:69 (on mlan0)
SSID: Obi_Lan_Kenobi
freq: 2412
RX: 32154 bytes (310 packets)
TX: 19436 bytes (128 packets)
signal: -38 dBm
rx bitrate: 1.0 MBit/s
tx bitrate: 72.2 MBit/s MCS 7 short GI
bss flags: short-preamble short-slot-time
dtim period: 2
beacon int: 100
I honestly can’t understand why.
Does anybody have a suggestion about that?
I'm using the Raspberry Pi 4 and trying to have an Internet access using the A9G GSM/GPRS+GPS Module.
At first I have install ppp with sudo apt-get install ppp screen elinks
I have create a file with name rnet in path /etc/ppp/peers/rnet:
# My APN internet.vodafone.gr
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T internet.vodafone.gr"
# Communication port:
# Baudrate
# Assumes that your IP address is allocated dynamically by the ISP.
# Try to get the name server addresses from the ISP.
# Use this connection as the default route to the internet.
# Makes PPPD "dial again" when the connection is lost.
# Do not ask the remote to authenticate.
# No hardware flow control on the serial link with GSM Modem
# No modem control lines with GSM Modem
In file gprs in path /etc/chatscripts/gprs I have add the line that need my "MY_4_DIGIT_PIN":
# cease if the modem is not attached to the network yet
"" AT
# +CPIN provides the SIM card PIN
# +CFUN may allow to configure the handset to limit operations to
# GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/etc to save power, but the arguments are not standard
# except for 1 which means "full functionality".
OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","\T","",0,0
OK ATD*99#
So when I'am trying to starts up the rnet file:
sudo pon rnet
I get this error message in syslog (cat /var/log/syslog | grep pppd):
Oct 14 18:14:22 raspberrypi pppd[3063]: pppd 2.4.7 started by pi, uid 0
Oct 14 18:14:35 raspberrypi pppd[3063]: Connect script failed
Oct 14 18:15:06 raspberrypi pppd[3063]: Connect script failed
Oct 14 18:15:37 raspberrypi pppd[3063]: Connect script failed
When I am trying to run the below AT commands, the module seems to be work fine and be able to connected to network:
+CREG: 1,1
+COPS: 0,2,"20205"
+CGACT: 1, 1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So I can't understand if I have have writing something wrong in file rnet or is something else that I am not doing it right. If you have any idea please help me.
The problem was that my A9G Module, was not getting enough power.
Therefore, check if your A9G Module is turned on, before starting the process
and make sure that you have disabled login shell to be accessible over serial,
and also you have enabled the serial interface.
I have written a program in golang to make request about 2000qps to different remote ip with local port randomly selected by linux, and close request immediately after connection established, but still encounter bind: address already in use error periodically
what I have done:
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range is 15000-65535
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=30
above is sockstat:
sockets: used 1200 TCP: inuse 2302 orphan 1603 tw 40940 alloc 2325 mem 201
I don't figure it out why this error still there with kernel selecting available local port,will kernel return a port in use ?
This is a good answer from 2012:
As of 2018, tcp_tw_recycle exists only in the sysctl binary, is otherwise gone from the kernel:
tcp_tw_reuse is still in use as described in the above answer:
However, while a TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN is in use:
the value is hardcoded:
and tcp_fin_timeout refers to a different state:
One can relatively safely change the local port range to 1025-65535.
For kicks, if there were a situation where this client was talking to servers and network under my control, I would build a new kernel with a not-to-spec TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN, and perhaps also fiddle with tcp_max_tw_buckets:
But doing so in other circumstances- if this client is behind a NAT and talking to common public servers- will likely be disruptive.
PhpStorm FTP upload failed.
[17-1-16 下午5:17] Failed to transfer file '/a': cant open output connection for file "". Reason: "425 Unable to build data connection: Cannot assign requested address".
[17-1-16 下午5:17] Upload to server completed in less than a minute: 108 files transferred, 3 items failed (541.1 Kb/s)
My PhpStorm running on deepin system (Linux)
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65000
I tried to change the number of ports, but still failed to upload.
Who can help me ?
I got the same problem in IntelliJ IDEA.
Changing the connection type from FTP to SFTP helped. I hope it's also possible for you.
I'm using python. I did a yum install memcached followed by a easy_install python-memcached
I used the simple test program from the Help(memcache). When I wasn't getting the proper answers I threw in some print statements:
[~/test]$ cat m2.py
import memcache
mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0)
x = mc.set("some_key", "Some value")
print 'Just set a key and value into the cache (suposedly)'
value = mc.get("some_key")
print 'Just retrieved that value from the cache using the key'
print 'X %s' % x
print 'Value %s' % value
[~/test]$ python m2.py
Just set a key and value into the cache (suposedly)
Just retrieved that value from the cache using the key
X 0
Value None
The question now is, what have I failed to do in my installation? It appears to be working from an API perspective but it fails to put anything into the memcache share area.
I'm using a virtualbox vm running centos
[~]# cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.i686 (mockbuild#c6b8.bsys.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Thu May 16 18:12:13 UTC 2013
Is there a daemon that is supposed to be running? I don't see an obvious named one when I do a ps.
I tried to get pylibmc installed on my vm but was unable to find a working installation so for now will see if I can get the above stuff working first.
I discovered if i ran straight from the python console GUI i get a bit more output if I set debug=1
>>> mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=1)
>>> mc.stats
>>> mc.set('test','value')
MemCached: MemCache: inet: connect: Connection refused. Marking dead.
>>> mc.get('test')
MemCached: MemCache: inet: connect: Connection refused. Marking dead.
When I try to use per the example telnet to connect to the port i get a connection refused:
[root#~]# telnet 11211
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
I tried the instructions I found on the net for configuring telnet so localhost wouldn't be disabled:
vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
service telnet
flags = REUSE
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
log_on_failure += USERID
disable = no
And then ran the commands to restart the service(s):
service iptables stop
service xinetd stop
service iptables start
service xinetd start
service iptables stop
I ran with both cases (iptables started and stopped) but it has no effect. So I am out of ideas. What do I need to do to make it so the PORT will be allowed? if that is the problem?
Or is there a memcached service that needs to be running that needs to open up the port ?
well this is what it took to get it working: ( a series of manual steps )
1) su -
cd /var/run
mkdir memcached # this was missing
In the memcached file I added "-l" to the OPTIONS statement. It's apparently a listen option. Do this for steps 2 & 3. I'm not certain which file is actually used at runtime.
2) cd /etc/sysconfig
cp memcached memcached.old
vi memcached
3) cd /etc/init.d
cp memcached memcached.old
vi memcached
4) Try some commands to see if the server starts now
/etc/init.d/memcached start
/etc/init.d/memcached status
/etc/init.d/memcached stop
/etc/init.d/memcached restart
I tried opening a browser, but it never seemed to actually display anything so I don't really know how valid this approach is. I'm not running apache or anything like this so perhaps its not relevant to my cause. Perhaps I would have to supply a ?key=blah or something.
6) Now it should be ready to go. If one runs the test shown with the following it should work. At least it did for me. doing the help(memcache) will display a simple program. just paste that in and it should work just fine.
[~]$ python
>>> import memcache
>>> help(memcache)