NoSQL database that is with ACID properties and support transaction management - nosql

I am new to NoSQL and want to find a NoSQL database that is with ACID properties and support transaction management for a payment service. Is there any NoSQL database which supports these requirements?

From a recent MongoDB blog post, we can see that MongoDB as of major release 4.0 supports ACID:
MongoDB 4.0 will add support for multi-document transactions, making it the only database to combine the speed, flexibility, and power of the document model with ACID data integrity guarantees. Through snapshot isolation, transactions provide a globally consistent view of data, and enforce all-or-nothing execution to maintain data integrity.
If you happen to be using Spring, all you would have to do to make a method ACID compliant would be to annotate it with #Transactional. The framework and Mongo would automatically handle the rest.


MongoDB rich queries and isolation guarantees

Asking for a friend.
Can we write ACID transactions that contain rich queries with MongoDB version 4?
If so - can I have an example or a pointer to an API?
Thanks in advance.
It seems like we can do it with MongoDB 4.0:
MongoDB provides the ability to perform multi-document transactions against replica sets. Multi-document transactions can be used across multiple operations, collections, databases, and documents. Multi-document transactions provide an “all-or-nothing” proposition. When a transaction commits, all data changes made in the transaction are saved. If any operation in the transaction fails, the transaction aborts and all data changes made in the transaction are discarded without ever becoming visible. Until a transaction commits, no write operations in the transaction are visible outside the transaction.
Some examples in Java:
It seems like in java you can even set it up to manage transactions using the #Transactional annotation, like in Hibernate.
Just be aware that normally the usage of transactions bring an additional performance cost.
In most cases, multi-document transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of multi-document transaction should not be a replacement for effective schema design.
In my personal point of view, I would not go for mongo if you need to rely into transactions a lot.

How to maintain ACID transaction in mongodb documents connected by ref schema

I was going through the document given here . In this document it is clearly mentioned that MongoDB supports ACID property at particular document level, it does not give the same for interconnected documents. So suppose, if I am building my application with MEAN stack then how to make my transaction ACID which has schema interconnected via references?
Not sure what you are asking, but, as stated in the documentation, there are no multi-document transactions in mongodb. So the answer is: "you can't do any multi-document transactions". Your client technology is irrelevant.

How to live without transactions?

Most of the popular NoSQL databases (MongoDB, RethinkDB) do not support ACID transactions. They are very popular today within developers of different systems.
The problem is: how to guarantee data consistency without transactions?
I thought that data consistency is one of the main things in production. Am I wrong?
Maybe there is some technics to restore data consistency?
I would like to use RethinkDB for my project, but I'm scare about missed transactions.
I do not know much about RethinkDB, so this answer is primarily based on MongoDB.
while MongoDB can not provide atomic operations on multiple documents at the same time, it does guarantee atomicity for a single operation which affects one document. That means when one query changes multiple fields of the same document, you can be sure that all these changes will be performed at the same time. Combined with the MongoDB philosophy of keeping a consistent dataset in one document instead of spreading it over many rows of different related tables, this removes many situations where you would need transactions in a relational database.
not every project needs complex transactions. Sure, there are some domains where it is essential (like most situations where you deal with money), but in other cases it isn't actually that big of a deal when some data is inconsistent for a few milliseconds. You need to consider how important data consistency is for your project. When you come to the conclusion that there are many situations where you do need transactions, then by all means, stick to SQL.
In a pinch, MongoDB can simulate multi-document transactions by using the two-phase commit model. It's not easy to implement, it's not easy to work with, it does not result in a pretty data model, but it is a valid workaround when you have a project which would be perfect for MongoDB in all regards except for that one use-case which just can't do without transactions.
A lot of popular NoSQL data stores don't support atomic multi-key updates (transactions) of the box but most of them provide primitives which allow you to build ACID transactions on the application level.
If a data store supports per key linearizability and compare-and-set operation (atomic document updates) then it's enough to implement serializable client-side transactions. For example, this approach is used in Google's Percolator and in CockroachDB database.
In my blog I created step-by-step visualization of serializable cross shard client-side transactions, described the major use cases and provided links to the variants of the algorithm. I hope it will help you to understand how to work with transactions with NoSQL data stores.
Among the data stores which support per key linearizability and CAS are:
Cassandra with lightweight transactions
Riak with consistent buckets
By the way, if you're fine with Read Committed isolation level then it makes sense to take a look on RAMP transactions by Peter Bailis. They can be also implemented with the same set of primitives.
In RethinkDB, you have some guanrantee for atomicity. According to the document
Write atomicity is supported on a per-document basis – updates to a
single JSON document are guaranteed to be atomic. RethinkDB is
different from other NoSQL systems in that atomic document updates
aren’t limited to a small subset of possible operations – any
combination of operations that can be performed on a single document
is guaranteed to update the document atomically
When you want to run a non-atomic update, you have to explicitly opt in for it, according to
nonAtomic: if set to true, executes the update and distributes the
result to replicas in a non-atomic fashion. This flag is required to
perform non-deterministic updates, such as those that require reading
data from another table.
It has an issue to track some Transaction support for RethinkDB here:
Anyway, you don't have good transaction but you have some basic guarantee that is enough for you. And try to design your operation around those basic thing.

Transaction support in MongoDB

I am new to MongoDB. I read that MongoDB does not support multi-document transactionshere
If I want to save data in two collections(A and B) atomically, then i can't do that using MongoDB i.e. if save fails in case of B, still A will have the data. Isn't it a big disadvantage?
Still, people are using MongoDB rather than RDBMS. Why?
MongoDB 4.0 adds support for multi-document ACID transactions now.
For reference
See Refrence
MongoDB have already started to support multi-document transactions.
MongoDB does not support multi-document transactions.
However, MongoDB does provide atomic operations on a single document. Often these document-level atomic operations are sufficient to solve problems that would require ACID transactions in a relational database.
For example, in MongoDB, you can embed related data in nested arrays or nested documents within a single document and update the entire document in a single atomic operation. Relational databases might represent the same kind of data with multiple tables and rows, which would require transaction support to update the data atomically.
MongoDB doesn't support transactions, but saving one document is atomic.
So, it is better to design you database schema in such a way, that all the data needed to be saved atomically will be placed in one document.
MongoDB does not support transactions as in Relational DB. ACID postulates in transactions is a complete different functionality provided by storage engines in MySQL
Some of the features of InnoDB engine in MySQL:
Crash Recovery
Double write buffer
Auto commit settings
Isolation Level
This is what MongoDB community has to say:
MongoDB does not have support for traditional locking or complex transactions with rollback.
MongoDB aims to be lightweight, fast, and predictable in its performance. By keeping transaction support extremely simple, MongoDB can provide greater performance especially for partitioned or replicated systems with a number of database server processes.
The purpose of a transaction is to make sure that the whole database stays consistent while multiple operations take place.
But in contrary to most relational databases, MongoDB isn't designed to run on a single host. It is designed to be set up as a cluster of multiple shards where each shard is a replica-sets of multiple servers (optionally at different geographical locations).
But if you are still looking for way to make transactions possible:
Try using document level atomicity provided by mongo
two phase commit in Mongo provides simple transaction mechanism for basic operations
mongomvcc is built on the top of mongo and also supports transaction as they say
Hybrid of MySQL and Mongo
Multi-document updates or “multi-document transactions” using a two-phase commit approac described here:
This question is quite old but for anyone who stumbles upon this page, you could use fawn. It's an npm package that solves this exact problem. Disclosure: I wrote it
Say you have two bank accounts, one belongs to John Smith and the other belongs to Broke Individual. You would like to transfer $20 from John Smith to Broke Individual. Assuming all first name and last name pairs are unique, this might look like:
var Fawn = require("fawn");
var task = Fawn.Task()
//assuming "Accounts" is the Accounts collection
task.update("Accounts", {firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith"}, {$inc: {balance: -20}})
.update("Accounts", {firstName: "Broke", lastName: "Individual"}, {$inc: {balance: 20}})
//update is complete
// Everything has been rolled back.
//log the error which caused the failure
tasks are currently not isolated(working on that) so, technically, it's possible for two tasks to retrieve and edit the same document just because that's how MongoDB works.
It's really just a generic implementation of the two phase commit example on the tutorial site:
Starting from version 4.0 MongoDB will add support for multi-document transactions. So you will have the power of the document model with ACID guarantees in MongoDB.
Transactions in MongoDB will be like transactions in relational databases.
For details visit this link:
Only support Single Document Transaction.
You can see it at:

Why doesn't MongoDB use fsync()?

So I have done some research and found out that MongoDB doesn't do fsync(), which means that when you tell the database to write something, the database might tell you it's written, although it's not. Isn't this going against CRUD?
If I'm correct, are there any good reasons for this?
The reason is performance. Without having to write to disk on each change, MongoDB can handle updates faster.
MongoDB tells you when updates have been delivered to the server, not when the updates have been written, as you can read in the documentation on Verifying Propagation of Writes with getLastError:
Note: the current implementation returns when the data has been delivered to [the] servers. Future versions will provide more options for delivery vs. say, physical fsync at the server.
This is going against ACID, more specifically against the D, which stands for durability:
Durability [guarantees] that once the user has been notified of a transaction's success the transaction will not be lost, the transaction's data changes will survive system failure, and that all integrity constraints have been satisfied, so the DBMS won't need to reverse the transaction.
ACID properties mostly apply to traditional RDBMS systems. NoSQL systems, which includes MongoDB, give up on one or more of the ACID properties in order to achieve better scalability. In MongoDB's case durability has been sacrificed for better performance when handling large amounts of updates.
MongoDB and ACID
Most ACID properties are guarantees at transaction level. A transaction is usually a group of queries that should be treated as a single unit. MongoDB has no concept of transactions, again for performance reasons. Therefore most ACID properties don't apply to MongoDB.
A — Atomicity states that a transaction should either succeed or fail. It is not allowed to partially succeed; if part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction should be rolled back. MongoDB supports atomic operations on a document level, but not on a 'transaction' level.
C — Consistency partially refers to atomicity, but also includes referential integrity. A relational database is responsible for making sure that all foreign key references are valid. MongoDB has no concept of foreign keys, so this ACID property doesn't apply.
I — Isolation states that two concurrent transactions are not allowed to interfere with each other; if two transactions try to modify the same data, the second transaction has to wait for the first one to complete. To achieve this, the database will lock the data. MongoDB has no concept of locking, so it doesn't support isolation for multiple operations1). Single operations are isolated.
D — Durability is described above. MongoDB doesn't support true durability (yet), in terms of ACID-ic durability.
Now, you may think that MongoDB is useless compared to RDBMS systems because it lacks transactions and most ACID guarantees. However, part of the reason that transactions exist is that relational databases need to treat certain data as a single entity, but this data has been normalized into multiple tables.
MongoDB allows you to store your data as a single entity. This removes the need for foreign keys and referential integrity in most cases. You also don't need multi-query transactions, because you don't need multiple tables to update a single entity. Most of the times you only have to update a single document, and these operations are atomic in MongoDB.
1) According to the first comment on this page, db.eval() provides isolation for multiple operations. However, according to the documentation you usually want to avoid the use of db.eval().
Is this relevant?
durability: added occasinal file sync
default: sync every 60 seconds, confiruable with syncdelay