In Wildfly, what is the /subsystem? - wildfly

I have been reviewing documentation for Wildfly with the intention of adding LDAP security for a Drools Workbench application, more on that much later, and a notation that I see in many places is something like ...
What is this?
Is this a command to be entered at the command line in Linux or Windows?
Maybe an entry in a config file?
Perhaps something entered after starting the jboss-cli?
Many thanks in advance for your help.

That's a WildFly configuration operation on jboss-cli.


What is Jboss standalone.xml? what is the purpose of it?

I know to run the JBoss we need the standalone.xml, but I do not understand the content in the standalone.xml file.
Can someone explain to me what is defined in it with an example?
If you look in the $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema there are several schemas that make up the standalone.xml file.
standalone.xml file contains all the information regarding modules used by the JBOSS or wildfly. If you want to know about each and every module then read this
In addditon to this, if you want to learn about the attributes of the sub-systems then access

How to run multiple JBoss EAP 6.3 instances as Windows services

We are migrating our JBoss EAP 4.3 infrastructure to EAP 6.3 (standalone).
We currently run several instances on each machine by having different server folders:
and a different set of startup scripts for each instance:
JBOSS_HOME\bin\run_instance_1.bat ; JBOSS_HOME\bin\service_instance_1.bat
JBOSS_HOME\bin\run_instance_n.bat ; JBOSS_HOME\bin\service_instance_n.bat
This way you can define SERVERNAME and SERVERIP for each instance from service_instance_X.bat.
The problem I'm facing is that I cannot seem to find a similar mechanism on EAP6.3. The closest I got was this command:
JBOSS_HOME\bin\standalone.bat -Djboss.bind.address=%SERVERIP% -Djboss.server.base.dir
which does the job, but that does not help when running it as a service.
There is one promising option to prunsrv which is ++JvmOptions, where you can pass -D and -X options to JVM at service install time, but even when the install command runs successfully with the added options, it keeps starting up using JBOSS_HOME\standalone as jboss.server.base.dir.
Should I rather have custom service.bat, standalone.bat and standalone.conf.bat scripts? Looks like the best approach, but migrating or patching might become troublesome.
Any ideas would be welcome.
I had it working with the last option I mentioned: custom service_instancename.bat, standalone_instancename.bat and standalone_instancename.conf.bat.
But I had to edit several parts of the scripts. Definitely not ideal, but I see no other choice. If anyone came up with a better idea, please share.

mapreduce programs using eclipse in CDH4

I am very new to Java, eclipse and Hadoop things, so pardon my mistake if it my question seems too silly.
The question is:
I have 3 node CDH4 cluster of RHEL5 on cloud platform. CDH4 setup has been completed and now I want to write some sample mapreduce programs to learn about it.
Here is my understanding to how to do it:
To write Java mapreduce programs I will have to install Eclipse in my main server, right? Which version of eclipse should i go for.
And just installing eclipse will not be enough, I will have to do some setting changes so that it can use my CDH cluster, what are the things needed to do this?
and last but not least, could you guys please suggest some sites where i can get more info regarding same, remember i am just beginner in all these..:)
Thanks in advance...
Pankaj, you can always visit the official page. Apart from this you might find these links helpful :
It is not mandatory to have Eclipse on the main server(main server=master machine???). Any of the last 3 versions of eclipse work perfectly fine. Don't know about earlier versions. You can either run your job through Eclipse directly or you can write your job in Eclipse and export it as a jar. You can then copy this jar to your JT machine and execute it there through the shell using hadoop/jar command. If you are running your job directly through the eclipse you need to tell it the location of your NameNode and JobTracker machines though these properties :
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("", "hdfs://NN_HOST:9000");
conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "JT_HOST:9001");
(Change the hostnames and ports as per your configuration).
One quick suggestion though. You can always search for these kind of things before posting the question. A lot of info is available over the net and it is very easily accessible.

Jboss load system properties from file

Can I make jboss load system properties from a file without writing any explicit code for it?
Yes you can.
In JbossAS versions prior to 7.x there is PropertiesService. It's dead simple to use. I am using it with JBoss 5.1.0.GA, and it works like a charm.
Unfortunatelly PropertiesService mbean is absent in JBossAS 7.x, but there are other ways as described in official admin guide.
Here is another solution. Post author claims it's possible to list your properties files in command line while starting server instance:
and their contents should be added to System Properties.

Declaring a JNDI variable in JBoss 4.0.5

I want to declare a new JNDI variable in the JBoss 4.0.5 server. Can someone please explain how this can be done?
waiting for your replies.
Found these two links that can help...
create a file called filename-service.xml under $CATALINA_BASE$/deploy directory with contents as indicated in these links
check a jboss jira, JBPAPP-2809 for correction in xmlns:jndi
Have a look here and specifically here. You need to add an entry in the ejb-jar.xml file of your application.
I am facing this probelm too today. Looks like to add a simple jndi entry on the app server, in JBoss one will have to create a new file $CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml and invoke a MBean to add the variable and its value.
In server like websphere you can pass new values in, which jboss 5.0.0 upwards does not like.
Very Bad that there is absolutely NO DOCUMENTATION in jboss/docs that indicate anything on this topic.