AKS Kubernetes questions - kubernetes

Can someone please explain how POD to POD works in AKS?
from the docs, I can see it uses kube proxy component to send the traffic to the desired POD.
But I have been told that I must use clusterIP service and bind all the relevant POD's together.
So what is real flow? Or I missed something. below a couple of questions to be more clear.
how POD to POD inside one node can talk to each other? what is the flow?
how POD to POD inside a cluster (different nodes) can talk to each other? what is the flow?
if it's possible it will be highly appreciated if you can describe the flows for #1 and #2 in the deployment of kubenet and CNI.
Thanks a lot!

for pod to pod communication we use services. so first we need to understand,
why we need service: what actually do service for us that, they resolve the dns name and give us the the exact ip that we need to connect a specific pod. now as you want to communicate with pod to pod you need to create a ClusterIP service.
ClusterIP: Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster. This is the default ServiceType. with ClusterIP service you can't access a pod from outside the cluster for this reason we use clusterip service if we want the communication between pod to pod only.
kube-proxy is the network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster.
it maintains network rules on nodes. These network rules allow network communication to your Pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.
every service maintain iptables.And kube-proxy handled these ip tables for every service. so yes, kube-proxy is the most vital point for network setup in our k8s cluster.
how the network policy works in kubernetes:
all Pods can communicate with all other Pods without using network address translation (NAT).
all Nodes can communicate with all Pods without NAT.
the IP that a Pod sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as.
with those point:
Container-to-Container networking
Pod-to-Pod networking
Pod-to-Service networking
Internet-to-Service networking
It handles transmission of packets between pod to pods, and also with the outside world. It acts like a network proxy and load balancer for pods running on the node by implementing load-balancing using NAT in iptables.
The kube-proxy process stands in between the Kubernetes network and the pods that are running on that particular node. It is responsible for ensuring that communication is maintained efficiently across all elements of the cluster. When a user creates a Kubernetes service object, the kube-proxy instance is responsible to translate that object into meaningful rules in the local iptables rule set on the worker node. iptables is used to translate the virtual IP assigned to the service object to all of the pod IPs mapped by the service.
i hope it's clear your idea about kube proxy.
lets see a example how it's works.
here i used headless service so that i can connect a specific pod.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
namespace: default
clusterIP: None
app: my-test
- port: 80
name: rest
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: my-sts
serviceName: my-service
replicas: 3
app: my-test
app: my-test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
name: web
this will create 3 pods. as : my-sts-0, my-sts-1, my-sts-2. now if we want to connect to the pod my-sts-0 just use this dns name my-sts-0.my-service.default.svc:80 . and the service will resolve the dns name and will provide the exact podip of my-sts-0. now if you need to comminucate from my-sts-1 to my-sts-0, you can just use this dns name.
The template is like my_pod_name.my_Service_Name.my_Namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example , but you can skip the cluster-domain.example part. Only Service_Name.Namespace.svc will work fine.


What is the purpose of headless service in Kubernetes?

I am naive in Kubernetes world. I was going through a interesting concept called headless service.
I have read it, understand it, and I can create headless service. But I am still not convinced about use cases. Like why do we need it. There are already three types of service clusterIP, NodePort and loadbalancer service with their separate use cases.
Could you please tell me what is exactly which headless service solve and all those other three services could not solve it.
I have read it that headless is mainly used with the application which is stateful like dB based pod for example cassandra, MongoDB etc. But my question is why?
A headless service doesn't provide any sort of proxy or load balancing -- it simply provides a mechanism by which clients can look up the ip address of pods. This means that when they connect to your service, they're connecting directly to the pods; there's no intervening proxy.
Consider a situation in which you have a service that matches three pods; e.g., I have this Deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: example
name: example
replicas: 3
app: example
app: example
- image: docker.io/traefik/whoami:latest
name: whoami
- containerPort: 80
name: http
If I'm using a typical ClusterIP type service, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: example
name: example
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
app: example
Then when I look up the service in a client pod, I will see the ip address of the service proxy:
/ # host example
example.default.svc.cluster.local has address
However, when using a headless service, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: example
name: example-headless
clusterIP: None
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
app: example
I will instead see the addresses of the pods:
/ # host example-headless
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
By removing the proxy from the equation, clients are aware of the actual pod ips, which may be important for some applications. This also simplifies the path between clients and the service, which may have performance benefits.
Kubernetes Services of type ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer have one thing in common: They loadbalance between all pods that match the service's selector, so you can talk to all pods via a virtual ip.
That's nice because you can have multiple pods of the same application and all requests will be spread between those, avoiding overloading one pod while others are still idle.
For some applications you might require to talk to the pods directly instead of over an virtual ip. Still you'll want a stable hostname that points to the same pod, even if the pod's ip changes, e.g. because it needs to be rescheduled on a different host.
Use cases are mostly databases where applications should always connect to the same instance for data and session consistency.
A headless service does not provide a virtual IP covering all the endpoints in its endpoint slice. If you query that service DNS, you will get all the endpoint IP addresses back. A regular service on the other hand will have sort of a virtual IP, so clients connecting to it are not aware of the underlying endpoints.
To answer your question, why this is important for a stateful. Usually, members of a statefulset need to be aware of each other. Let's say you want to run a distributed database in something like a cluster formation. The members of this cluster need to have a way to discover each other. This is where the headless service comes into play. Because the individual database pods can get the address of the other database pods by using the headless service.
The headless service also provides a stable network identify for each member of the statefulset. You can read about that here. This is, again, useful as the members of the statefulset need to coordinate with each other in some way. Let's say the pod-0 will always take the initial leader role, and every other member knows it should report itself to pod-0 to form a cluster like configuration.

How to get ip/address of service in k8s

I would like to create service A (redis instance) and service B (application).
Application would like to use service A (redis).
How can I get some automaticaly address/url of service A inside k8s cluster without expose to internet?
Something like:
I don't know which technic of k8s should I use.
So for example your redis service should look like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: redis
run: redis
- port: 6379
targetPort: 6379
protocol: TCP
run: redis
The service is type ClusterIP (because if you will not specify service type in yaml file by default it will be ClusterIP type) that you don't have to access service from the outside the cluster. There are more types of service - find information here: services-kubernetes.
Take a look: connecting-app-service, app-service-redis.
Kubernetes supports two modes of finding a Service - environment variables and DNS.
Kubernetes has a specific DNS cluster addon Service that automatically assigns DNS names to other Services.
Every single Service created in the cluster has its own assigned DNS name. A client Pod's DNS search list will include the Pod's own namespace and the cluster's default domain by default. This is best illustrated by example:
Assume a Service named example in the Kubernetes namespace ns. A Pod running in namespace ns can look up this service by simply doing a DNS query for example. A Pod running in namespace test can look up this service by doing a DNS query for example.ns.
Find more here: Kubernetes DNS-Based Service Discovery, dns-name-service.
You will be able to access your service within the cluster using following record:
<service>.<ns>.svc.<zone>. <ttl>
For example: redis.default.svc.cluster.local

Map node port directly into pod, bypassing services and ingress

Is there a way to map a port directly from the node to a pod running on the same node, bypassing services, loadbalancers and ingress. So basically if a pod is deployed on node X, then node X needs to listen on port 1234 and map that port directly into a pod also running on node X on port 1234. So basically there would be no cross node connections. And whatever node Kubernetes decides to deploy the POD on, that node is now the new host for the external connections.
I am fully aware that this goes against all design principles of a Kubernetes cluster. But I am trying to host an old custom build cloud app that was built for a once only custom cloud solution, and see if I can host it on Kubernetes, but each POD in the stateful set needs a dedicated public IP assigned to it as the public IP get's sent to external devices to redirect them to the correct POD. And the protocol is also custom so there doesn't exist an Level 7 loadbalancer for this. So the only solution I can come up with is a direct port mapping from the node into the POD.
You can use hostNetwork: true and dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet in the pod spec
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
hostNetwork: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 8080
This means the pod will listen on the port 8080 directly using the host's network and can be accessed via nodeip:8080 without creating a service or ingress.
Have you considered using a Service with a NodePort type? This will give you a "static" port on each node to which the pod is deployed. The port number will be high (30000+) but reliable. This is described in the narrative documentation.

Is it possible to serve up applications through a Kubernetes controller node?

I have built a K3s (https://k3s.io) cluster on a set of Raspberry Pi4 computers.
The controller (ctrl-1) node is a gateway in that it has 2 network interfaces. One is connected to my LAN and the other is connected to a network that it creates, e.g. K3S-LAN. The two nodes (node-1 and node-2) are deployed to the K3S-LAN.
I want to be able to access the applications running on the nodes through ctrl-1, e.g. from the LAN. This is because this cluster is meant to be portable so only the ctrl-1 node needs to be connected to the guest LAN. (Yes there are issues with DNS names etc to be sorted out, but I want to get the basics running first).
This means that I need to be able to "proxy" the ingress through ctrl-1. I thought I had the right idea for this in that I deployed "nginx-ingress" to the master, using Helm. However I forgot about the service for this - this has been scheduled on the nodes, whereas it needs to be on the controller so that the ports are opened up (I think). However I cannot find how to make the service run on the controller.
At the moment I have the service running with a type of NodePort. I could install MetalLB so that I have LoadBalancer capabilities. However with what I have seen I am not sure if this would help or not.
ctrl-1 does not have any taints setup on it, just the role of master.
Am I barking up the wrong tree here? I guess this might not be the intended use case of Kubernetes, but I am playing around with an idea. Thanks for any ideas that people have.
I have just thought that the way around this might be to run HAProxy on ctrl-1 (as another service on the host) and setup rules to proxy to the necessary services within the cluster. That would act as the bridge between the networks.
You just need to expose your pod via a Nodeport type service and it can be accessed via http://master-node-ip:nodeport. Make sure that kube-proxy is running on all master and worker nodes.
The ingress approach also should work as long as you have kube-proxy running on your master. You deploy nginx ingress on your cluster and it will get deployed into a worker node. Then you can expose nginx ingress controller itself using a NodePort service. After this you can create ingress resource for configuring the nginx ingress controller to route traffic to your backend pods and services running on worker nodes. The services for backend pods should be of type ClusterIP.
Deploy nginx ingress controller and expose it via NodePort service using kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/nginx-0.27.1/deploy/static/provider/baremetal/service-nodeport.yaml
Deploy nginx pod(nginx is an example..this should be your pod) kubectl run nginx --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx
Expose nginx pod via ClusterIP service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
run: nginx
name: nginx-service
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
run: nginx
Create ingress resource
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: mycha-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
- http:
- path: /
serviceName: nginx-service
servicePort: 80
With above setup I can now access nginx and get "Welcome to nginx! " via http://master-node-ip:NodePort of nginx ingress controller

Assign public ip to the service which is running on Kubernetes

i have a application ( Let's say Integration-protocol-api)
and this application want to talk to other application, but this application located on another Network (Let's call it Another-Integration-Protocol)
And problem is, on another-integration-protocol side the whitelist exist, which allow to connect to it, only from selected ip addresses.
But my integration-protocol-api is Dockerized and running on Kubernetes cluster, so ip address is changing everyime when i restart my pod.
how can i assign the Public and Static ip to my Kubernetes Pod?
But my integration-protocol-api is Dockerized and running on Kubernetes cluster, so ip address is changing everyime when i restart my pod. how can i assign the Public and Static ip to my Kubernetes Pod
There are several approaches, depending on your actual setup/needs and I'll try to give some options here:
Tie pod to specific node and expose that node's IP address through service. This would be something along those lines:
# Quick deployment/pod manifest node selector (affinity is better)
kubernetes.io/hostname: my-node-name
# Service manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: svc-myservice
app: myapp
tier: frontend
app: myapp
tier: frontend
- name: tcpserviceport
protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 80
Pod should be in same namespace, tied to that node via either node selector or affinity rules and have same labels as in selector for service to pick it up. IP address of cluster node with name my-node-name should be in this example, and it would be accessible through port 8080 and that ip address.
If applicable, expose service through ingress and whitelist ingress public ip only. Depending on your namespace separation you'll reference your pod (wherever it might run) in ingress through corresponding service using either service name (in namespace scope) or FQDN such as:
Here is good overview of some methods to make it more illustrative from kubernetes docs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose-intro/
A pod makes any request with it's node IP address as source. So you could whitelist your cluster nodes' IP addresses, and it should work.